GET päring (registrid): erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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(Uus lehekülg: '== GET Registers (standard) == Requests specify the company and resource to read, in the most basic format: <nowiki></nowiki> where: * "api...')
(Erinevus puudub)

Redaktsioon: 6. august 2018, kell 08:39

GET Registers (standard)

Requests specify the company and resource to read, in the most basic format:


  • "api" is a mandatory hardcoded string
  • "1" is the company code from the companies setting (1st column)
  • "IVVc" is the name of the register

This would fetch all invoices in company 1.

To retrieve information about base currencies, you similarly use:


Data Format

The data format for request and returned data is the same and hardcoded.

  • The decimal point is "." (period)
  • There is no thousand separator
  • Dates are in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD


The actual parameter values used for results such as key and range used, version of the server etc. are returned as attributes of the data tag.


The sort parameter will sort the retrieved records on the specified field. The name of the index that was used will be returned in the result. Only one field can be sorted on, and only if there is a suitable index, if there is no suitable index the request will fail. The field name is case sensitive.



Requires the use of the sort parameter.

Retrieve only records where the sorted-on field is inside the specified range. The range is inclusive (values matching the start and end values are inside the range). The first and last value of the range are separated with the ":" (colon character). Open ranges where only the 1st or last value is specified are allowed, and will return all records before or after the specified value. If only a singular value is specified (no colon) only records matching that value will be retrieved.


Will return invoices with customers from 10101 to 10104 

Will return invoices with customers from 10104 until the last customer

Will return invoices only for customer 10104

the range parameter is fast to use because it uses an index.


The fields parameter specifies which fields are to be retrieved. The fields are specified comma separated. If the parameter is not present all fields are retrieved. If a field in the matrix and a field in the header has the same name, both will be retrieved. If no field in the matrix are retrieved then the matrix itself (number of rows etc.) will not be present in the result.



The data can be filtered with the filter parameter. it is specified like this:

The filter is significantly slower than range, as it will not use an index and scan all records. If you use a range the filter will only scan the records in the range, so try to use the most selective condition possible in the range and all other conditions in filters.

  • There can only be one filter per field
  • There can be multiple filters on different fields
  • Filters can handle ranges of values, with the same syntax as range, including open ranges
  • Filters work only on header fields
  • Filtering on list fields such as Objects is done by the whole string. a filter.Objects=AB will not match "AB,D10101"


Will retrieve invoices with a total sum of 100 to 1000 for customers in the range 10100 to 10200.

offset and limit

If the result is larger than the api user can handle in one request, the result can be retrieved in smaller pieces.

The offset will skip the specified number of records before producing output and the limit will restrict the number of records retrieved.





will retrieve the 15 first invoices in 3 separate requests.

offset and limit works together will all other parameters


returns all records that were updated after a given sequence number.

the sequence number is returned in each request and can be saved for later use with updates_after




returns all record that were deleted after a given sequence number.

the sequence number is returned in each request and can be saved for later use with deletes_after

