
Allikas: Excellent || Opendoc
Redaktsioon seisuga 1. juuni 2023, kell 10:40 kasutajalt Kaupo (arutelu | kaastöö)
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Ühe täidetud müügitellimuse saab pärida siit:


window ORDClass:2

Väljade loetelu

Kood Kirjeldus Description in ENG Max pikkus, andme tüüp
UUID Tehnilised väljad Technical fields, not available in GUI 0, Universally unique identifier
ServerSequence 0, Unsigned 64-bit value
SyncFlags 0, Value with No Decimals
SerNr Tellimuse nr Order no 0, Value with No Decimals
OrdDate Tellimuse kuupäev Order date 0, In Dataformat Order
CustCode Kliendi kood Customer code 20, Code String
Addr0 Kliendi arveaadressi 1. rida Invoice address line 1 60, String
Addr1 Kliendi arveaadressi 2. rida Invoice address line 2 60, String
Addr2 Kliendi arveaadressi 3. rida Invoice address line 3 60, String
Addr3 Kliendi arveaadressi 4. rida Invoice address line 4 60, String
OurContact Meie esindaja Our reference 20, String
CustContact Kliendi esindaja Attention (Customer reference) 60, String
ExportFlag Käibemaksutsoon

0 = „Eesti“

1 = „EL“,

2 = „EL (konteeri KM)“,

3 = „Mitte EL“

4 = „Mitte EL (konteeri KM)

VAT zone 0, Small Value with No Decimals
InvFlag Arve tehtud? Linnuke sirvi aknas Invoice created (visible in browse window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ShipFlag Lähetus tehtud? Linnuke sirvi aknas Delivery created (visible in browse window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
Prntdf Saadetud? Peidetud väli Sent? (Hidden field) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PayDeal Tasumistingimus Pyment term 2, Code String
CustCat Kliendiklass Customer category code 5, Code String
InvMark Arve Invoice created (hidden field) 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox
ShipMark Lähetus Delivery created (hidden field) 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox
Objects Objektid Objects 60, Capital Characters Only
ShipMode Lähetusviis Delivery mode 5, Code String
OrderStatus Eksporditud linnuke (0=ei; 1=jah) Exported flag (0=no; 1=yes) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PlanShip Planeeritud lähetus Planned delivery 10, String
SalesMan Müügimees Salesman 60, Capital Characters Only
Sign Tellimuse koostaja (peidetud väli, programmi sisse logitud kasutaja, kes tellimuse koostas) Order creator (Hidden field, username who created order) 10, Code String
ShipDeal Lähtustingimus Delivery terms 5, Code String
ShipAddr0 Lähetusaadressi 1. rida Delivery address line 1 60, String
ShipAddr1 Lähetusaadressi 2. rida Delivery address line 2 60, String
ShipAddr2 Lähetusaadressi 3. rida Delivery address line 3 60, String
ShipAddr3 Lähetusaadressi 4. rida Delivery address line 4 60, String
CurncyCode Valuuta Currency code 5, Code String
LangCode Keele Language 5, Code String
InvoiceToCode Arve saaja Invoice to 20, Code String
Closed Suletud Closed flag ((0=no; 1=yes) 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox
ToRateB1 Baasvaluuta 1 (kurss) Base currency 1 0, Value with 6 Decimals
BuildOn N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PRCode Projekti kood Project 20, Code String
Comment Kommentaar Comment 60, String
InvOnlyOnFull N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
DownPaySent Ettemakstud (Aknas peidetud) Prepayment sent (Hidden in GUI) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
DownPayRedcd Ettemaks laekunud (Aknas peidetud) Prepayment recieved (Hidden in GUI) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
OrderClass Tellimuse klass Order class 5, Code String
CustOrdNr Kliendi tellimuse number Customer order no 60, String
PriceList Hinnakiri Price list 5, Code String
InclVAT K.a. käibemaks (Aknas peidetud) Includes VAT (Hidden in GUI) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
Sum0 Ümardus (Aknas peidetud) Rounding (Hidden in GUI) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Sum1 Vahesumma Subtotal 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Sum2 (Aknas peidetud) (Hidden in GUI) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Sum3 KM summa VAT 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Sum4 Kokku TOTAL 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Reserved Reserveeritud linnuke Reserveed flag 0, Small Value with No Decimals
OSFlag N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
Location Ladu Location 10, Code String
CustVATCode Kliendi müügi KM kood (Aknas peidetud, tuleb kontaktikaardilt) Customer VAT code (hidden in GUI) 10, Code String
RebCode Hinnaalandusmaatriks Discount matrix 5, Code String
VATNr N/A N/A 20, String
Phone Kliendi telefon Customer phone 20, String with phone-number
Fax Kliendi faks Customer fax 20, String
ExportedFlag N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BaseSum4 Kokku (Baasvaluutas) TOTAL in Base 1 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
FrRate Kurss Rate 0, Value with 6 Decimals
ToRateB2 Baasvaluuta 2 Base currency 2 0, Value with 6 Decimals
BaseRate1 Baasvaluuta 1 Base currency 1 0, Value with 6 Decimals
BaseRate2 Baasvaluuta 2 Base currency 2 0, Value with 6 Decimals
DiscPerc Allahindlusprotsent (aknas peidetud. NB: päise väli) Discount % (hidden in GUI) 0, Value with minimum Decimals
DiscSum Allahindluse summa (aknas peidetud. NB: päise väli) Discount sum (hidden in GUI) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
TotGP Kokku müügikatte summa Total GP 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Probability Tõnäosuse protsent (aknas peidetud, seotud pakkumisega) Probability (Hidden in GUI, comes from Quotation) 0, Value with One Decimal
CreditCard Krediitkaardi kood Credi Card code 20, Capital Characters Only
AuthorizationCode Isikutuvastus Authorization Code 10, Capital Characters Only
GPProc Müügikate % GP % 0, Value with One Decimal
DespatchDate Saatmise kuupäev Dispatch date 0, In Dataformat Order
DespatchTime Saatmise aeg (kellaaeg) Dispatch time 0, Hour:Min:Secs
SalesGroup Müügigrupp Sales Group 30, Capital Characters Only
Sorting Teekond Route 20, String
TotQty Kogus kokku Total quantity 0, Value with minimum Decimals
TotWeight Kaal kokku Total weight 0, Value with minimum Decimals
TotVolume Maht kokku Total volume 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Commision Komisjonitasu Comission 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
SumIncCom Kokku koos teenustasuga Total Incl. Com. 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
FrPrice Transpordi hind Freight 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
FrBase N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
FrItem Transpordi artiklikood Freight item code 20, Code String
FrVATCode Transpordi KM kood Freight VAT code 10, Code String
FrObjects Transpordi objektid (aknas peidetud) Freight objects (hidden in window) 60, Capital Characters Only
InvAddr3 Arve aadress rida 4 Invoice address line 4 60, String
InvAddr4 Arve aadress rida 5 Invoice address line 5 60, String
DelAddr3 Lähetusaadress rida 4 Delivery address line 4 60, String
DelAddr4 Lähetusaadress rida 5 Delivery address line 5 60, String
DelAddrCode Lähetusaadresssi kood Delivery address code 20, Code String
TAX1Sum Lisamaks Ext. Tax 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
QuoteNr N/A N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
InvBeforeShip Arve enne lähetus linnuke Invoice Before Delivery flag 0, Small Value with No Decimals
colnr N/A N/A 46, Int represented by a Set of String
OKFlag Kinnita linnuke OK (flag) 0, As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox
PlanShipDate Planeeritud lähetuse kuupäev Planned Delivery 0, In Dataformat Order
PrepaidAmount Ettemakstud summa Prepaid Amount 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Region Regioon Region 20, Code String
RefStr Viide Reference 60, String
GroupOrdNr N/A N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
NoDelivery N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
NoInvoice N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
TAX2Sum Maks 2 Tax2 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
NoTax1 Lisamaksuta (aknas peidetud) Without extra tax (hidden in window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
NoTax2 Masuta 2 (aknas peidetud) Without tax2 (hidden in window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BranchID Filiaal Branch 20, Code String
NoTAXonVAT Arvuta lisamaks summast koos käibemaksuga (aknas peidetud) Calc extra tax on sum without VAT (flag, hidden in window) 0, Value with No Decimals
TotalwoTAX Kokku ei sisalda lisamaksu (aknas peidetud) Total does not incl extra tax (flag, hidden in window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
OrderType Tellimuse tüüp (aknas peidetud) Order type (flag, hidden in window) 433, Int represented by a Set of String
AcceptanceStatus Kinnitamise staatus (aknas peidetud) Acceptance status (hidden in window) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
CustTaxTemplateCode N/A N/A 10, Code String
TaxMatrix N/A N/A 0, Packed Matrix, base64 data
TerminalID Terminali ID (aknas peidetud) Terminal ID (hidden in window) 60, String
OfficialSerNr Ametlik seerianumber Official no. 100, String
Hash N/A N/A 255, String
HashKeyVersion N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
RegDate Kuupäev Reg date (hidden in window) 0, In Dataformat Order
RegTime Kellaaeg Reg time (hidden in window) 0, Hour:Min:Secs
LocalMachineCode Terminalikoha kood (aknas peidetud) Local machine Code (hidden in window) 20, Code String
InvCountry Arve saaja riigi kood 2kohaline Invice country ID (2-letter) 5, Code String
DelCountry Lähetuse saaja riigi kood 2kohaline Delivery country ID (2-letter) 5, Code String
TREONr TREO nr, Treo no 0, Value with No Decimals
TREOExpDate TREO kehtivuse kuupäev Treo date 0, In Dataformat Order
ORCONr Müügilepingu nr Sales Contract 0, Value with No Decimals
AcceptanceBy Kinnitaja(d) (aknas peidetud) Acceptance user list (hidden in window) 200, Comma separated List
AcceptanceFYI Infoks isikud (aknas peidetud) FYI user list (hidden in window) 200, Comma separated List
BankCode Pangakood (aknas peidetud) Bank code (hidden in window) 10, Code String
InvCountryName Arve saaja riigi nimi Invice country Name 100, String
DelCountryName Lähetuse saaja riigi nimi Delivery country Name 100, String
OfficialSerNrSerie Seeria (aknas peidetud) Official number series (hidden in window) 30, String
RecipientGLN Saaja GLN Invoice GLN 20, String
DelRecipientGLN Kauba Saaja GLN Delivery GLN 20, String
IntrastatTransCode Intrastati kandekood Intrastat code 20, Code String
Comment2 Kommentaar (rida 3) Comment line 3 100, String
Comment3 Kommentaar (rida 4) Comment line 4 100, String
Comment4 Kommentaar (rida 5) Comment line 5 100, String
PONr Ostutellimuse nr Purchase order no 0, Value with No Decimals
CompNr N/A N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
OYNr N/A N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
OYDescription N/A N/A 200, String
SHShipSetToZero Lähetatud kogus 0 Delivery quantity to 0 0, Small Value with No Decimals
RvrsVAT N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
PromotionCodes N/A N/A 200, Comma separated List
↓↓↓ Maatriksi read korduvad tühja reani ↓↓↓
stp Rea tüüp. Enamasti 1, aga on olemas STP koodide spec Mostly 1, but possible STP values are described 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ArtCode Artiklikood Item code 20, Code String
Quant Kogus Qty 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Price Ühikuhind Unit Price 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals
Sum Summa Sum 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
vRebate Allah % Discount % 0, Value with One Decimal
SalesAcc Müügikonto A/C 10, Code String
Shipd1 Läh. 1 Del 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Shipd2 Läh. 2 Del. Ok 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Invd Arveldatud Invoiced 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Objects Objektid Tag/Object 60, Capital Characters Only
BasePrice N/A N/A 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals
rowGP Rea müügikate GP 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Spec Kirjeldus Description 100, String
VATCode KM kood V-Cd 10, Code String
Recepy Retsept Recepy 20, Code String
SerialNr Seerianumber Serial No. 60, String
PriceFactor Hinnafaktor Price factor 0, Value with All Decimals
VARList N/A N/A 30, Capital Characters Only
Location Ladu Location 10, Code String
Source Allikas Source 10, Code String
PickingDate Rea noppe kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) Pick Date 0, In Dataformat Order
PickingTime Rea noppe aeg (HH:MM:SS) Pick Time 20, String
InloadingDate Rea laadimise kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) Inl Date 0, In Dataformat Order
InloadingTime Rea laadimise aeg (HH:MM:SS) Inl Time 20, String
DespatchRowDate Rea saatmise kuupäev (YYYY-MM-DD) Desp. Date 0, In Dataformat Order
DespatchRowTime Rea saatmise aeg (HH:MM:SS) Desp Time 20, String
PlanShipRow Rea planeeritud lähetus Plan Del 10, String
ShipNote Saateleht Delivery note 60, String
UnitCode Ühik Uni 5, Code String
UnitFactQuant Ühiku kogus Unit quantity 0, Value with minimum Decimals
UnitFactPrice Ühiku hind Unit price 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals
UnitXval Ühiku laius Wight 0, Value with minimum Decimals
UnitYval Ühiku kõrgus Hight 0, Value with minimum Decimals
UnitZval Ühiku sügavus Depth 0, Value with minimum Decimals
Coefficient Koefitsent Coefficent 0, Value with All Decimals
VECode Tarnija kood Cust item code 20, Code String
Production Tootmine (aknas peidetud) Production (hidden in window) 20, Code String
GroupOrdRow N/A N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
TAX2Code N/A N/A 5, Code String
TAX2Prc N/A N/A 0, Value with 2 or 3 Decimals
TAX2Reb N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
TAX1Reb N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
TAX2Acc N/A N/A 10, Code String
PlanShipRowDate N/A N/A 0, In Dataformat Order
CUServiceHistNr Kl.teen.lep.nr. Customer service contact no 0, Value with No Decimals
CUServiceUntilDate Kl.teen.lep. kehtivuse aeg Customer service contact end date 0, In Dataformat Order
Position Asukoht Position 20, Code String
RowOrderType N/A N/A 433, Int represented by a Set of String
TaxTemplateCode N/A N/A 60, Capital Characters Only
TaxMatrix N/A N/A 0, Packed Matrix, base64 data
SerNr Seerianumber Serial no 0, Value with No Decimals
RoundVal N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
Region Regioon Region 20, Code String
Perceptions N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
MotherArtCode N/A N/A 20, Code String
RecipeQuant Retsepti kogus Recepie quantity 0, Value with minimum Decimals
CustArtCode Kliendi artiklikood Customer item code 20, Code String
Salesmen Müügimees (real) Salesman 60, Capital Characters Only
OrderType Tellimuse tüüp (real) Order type 626, Int represented by a Set of String
UnitComment Ühiku kommentaar Unit comment 200, String
DiscApprovedBy N/A N/A 10, Code String
ServiceDelDate N/A N/A 0, In Dataformat Order
RvrsVATCode N/A N/A 10, Code String

XMLi näidis, Tellimus 4 reaga

<data register="ORVc" sequence="228949" sort="SerNr" key="SerNr" range="103:103" systemversion="">
		<Addr0>Creame Ltd.</Addr0>
		<Addr1>Dream Str. 55</Addr1>
		<Addr2>KL902 Chicago</Addr2>
		<Addr3>United States</Addr3>
		<OurContact>Grete Põdder</OurContact>
		<CustContact>Jim Cox</CustContact>
		<ShipAddr0>Läh 1</ShipAddr0>
		<ShipAddr1>Läh 2</ShipAddr1>
		<ShipAddr2>Läh 3</ShipAddr2>
		<ShipAddr3>Läh 4</ShipAddr3>
		<Comment>...avastasin, et mul on Tsukerbergi imelises delikaatsete an</Comment>
		<Phone>+190 234 4324</Phone>
		<Fax>+190 234 2133</Fax>
		<InvAddr3>Ellmviivmane rida</InvAddr3>
		<InvAddr4>Viimane rida</InvAddr4>
		<DelAddr3>Läh 5</DelAddr3>
		<DelAddr4>Läh 6</DelAddr4>
		<InvCountryName>Ameerika ?0?5hendriigid</InvCountryName>
		<Comment2>andmete kogumise puhvetis ehk Facebook'is 800+ rahuldamata sõbrataotlust.</Comment2>
		<Comment3>Ma päriselt ei kipu teadma, kes need inimesed on ja soovitan neile kõigile kasutada võimalust mind n</Comment3>
		<Comment4> mida tõkestamatult keskeale lähenev meesolevus piiratud infot ja piiramatuid emotsioone evides maai</Comment4>
			<row rownumber="0">
				<Spec>FT20 main module</Spec>
				<OrderType>Drop Ship</OrderType>
			<row rownumber="1">
				<Spec>680x1150 mm</Spec>
			<row rownumber="2">
				<Spec>"MP3-8 GB"</Spec>
			<row rownumber="3">