Kontaktid XML

Allikas: Excellent || Opendoc
Redaktsioon seisuga 11. juuni 2024, kell 08:16 kasutajalt Kaupo (arutelu | kaastöö)
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Kood Kirjeldus Description in ENG Pikkus, tüüp Kohustuslik / Mandatory
Code Kontakti kood HansaWorldi tarkvaras. Unikaalne per kontakt Contact code 20, code Yes (Auto = last code +1)
Name Kontakti nimi Contact name 200, string Yes (Manual, at least 1 character)
Person Peamine kontaktisik Primary contact 60, string
WarnText1 Hoiatus müügil. Kuvatakse ekraanile Arve või tellimuse tegemisel Waring on Sales 255, string
InvAddr0 Arve aadressi esimene rida (NB: jälgida numeratsiooni!). Invoice address line 1 60, string Highly recommended
InvAddr1 Arve aadressi teine rida Invoice address line 2 60, string
InvAddr2 Arve aadressi kolmas rida Invoice address line 3 60, string
InvAddr3 Arve aadressi neljas rida Invoice address line 4 60, string
InvAddr4 Arve aadressi viies rida Invoice address line 5 60, string
InvoiceToCode Arve saaja kontakti kood. Peab andmebaasis eksisteerima, mõni muu klient Invoce to 20, code
DelAddr0 Lähetusaadressi esimene rida. (NB: jälgida numeratsiooni!) Delivery address line 1 60, string
DelAddr1 Lähetusaadressi teine rida Delivery address line 2 60, string
DelAddr2 Lähetusaadressi kolmas rida Delivery address line 3 60, string
DelAddr3 Lähetusaadressi neljas rida Delivery address line 4 60, string
DelAddr4 Lähetusaadressi viies rida Delivery address line 5 60, string
Phone Kontakti telefoninumber Telephone number 20, string
Fax Kontakti faksi number Fax number 20, string
CustCat Kliendiklass. Vastava koodiga kaart peab eksisteerima Customer category 5, code
Comment kommentaar. Informatiivse sisuga väli, mida saab täita kliendi kaardil. EI kuvata arvetel ega muudel dokumentidel Comment 60, string 
PayDeal Vaikimisi müügi tasumistingimus. Kasutatakse vaikimisi väärtusena näiteks arvetel ja tellimustel. Kood peab eksisteerima. (Näiteks: 1, 7, 14 jne) Sales ppay terms 2, code 
ExportFlag Käibemaksutsoon (NB! Järjekord erineb GUI omast!)

0 = „Eesti“

1 = „EL“,

2 = „Mitte EL"

3 = „EL (konteeri KM)“,

4 = „Mitte EL (konteeri KM)

VAT zone

0 = „Domestic“

1 = „Inside EU“,

2 = „Outside EU“

3 = „Inside EU (Post VAT)“,

4 = „Outside EU (Post VAT)

1, code  Highly recommended, default = 0
AccFlag N/A N/A 0, flag
Objects Kontakti objektid. Kantakse ka arvete, ostuarvete ja muude dokumentide päisesse Objects 60, Capital Characters Only
InterestFlag Viivis. Kas arvutatakse või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah Interest flag 0, flag
VATNr Käibemaksukohuslase number (KMKR) VAT Reg no 20, string
CountryCode Kahekohaline riigi kood (EE, LV, LT, RU, FI jne) Country code (2 letter format) 2, code Highly recommended
SearchKey Lühikood kontakti otsimise kergendamiseks. Short (code) 10, Capital Characters Only
RemndrFlag Kas saadetakse märgukirju või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah Reminders (flag) 0, flag
LangCode Keele kood. Keele kood kantakse edasi dokumentidele (EST, ENG, RUS jne) Language (code) 5, code 
CurncyCode Müügivaluuta kood. Kantakse edasi dokumentidele. EUR, RUB, USD jne Currency (code) 5, code
OnAccount Ettemaks. Kas lubatakse koostada ettemakse või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah On account (flag) 0, flag
SalesMan Müügimehe kood. HansaWorldi tarkvara kasutajanimi Salesman (person code) 10, code 
CreditLimit Krediidilimiit müügil. Mis summa eest tohib Klient korraga võlgu olla. (Näiteks „10000,00“) Sales credit limit 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
ShipDeal Lähetustingimus (Näiteks CFR, CIF, DDU, DDP jne). Sales Del. terms 5, code
ShipMode Lähetusiviis (Näiteks 16 - Mootorsõiduk merelaeval, 23 – Sõiduk raudteevagunil jne) Sales Del. modes 5, code 
VATCode Käibemaksukood. (Näiteks 1 – 20% müügil, 2 – käibemaksuta jne) Sales VAT code 10, code
Department Osakond. Kasutatakse enamasti kontaktisiku staatuse täpsustuseks Department 60, string 
OrderComment Tellimuse kommentaar. Kantakse sellele kontaktile loodud tellimusele Order comment 60, string
FreightNr Transpordi number Freight No. 20, string
PLCode Hinnakirja kood Price List (code) 5, code
RebCode Hinnaalandusmaatriksi kood Discount matrix (code) 5, code
Classification Klassifikaatorid kontaktil Classification 200, Comma separated List
blockedFlag Suletud CheckBox. 0 = ei ole. 1 = kontakt on suletud Closed (flag) 0, flag
DateChanged Kontaktikaardi muutmise kuupäev. Näiteks „12.09.2014“ Last changed date 0, In Dataformat Order
AccOperator Pangakood Bank code 60, string
SecAccount N/A N/A 20, code
BankAccount Pangaarve number lahtrist „A/a | IBAN“ Bank account (IBAN) 60, string
JobDesc Ametinimetus. Kasutatakse enamasti kontaktisiku staatuse täpsustuseks Job description 60, string
CustType Kontakti tüüp. 0 = Ettevõte. 1 = Eraisik Contact type. 0=Company; 1=Person) 0, flag
ComCode N/A N/A 5, code
Sorting Teekond. Määratakse kontakti kaardil, kantakse uutele tootmise ja logistika kaartidele. Sorting 20, string
RegNr1 Registreerimisnumber 1. Eestis Äriregistri kood Reg no. 1 20, string
RegNr2 Registreerimisnumber 2 Reg no. 2 20, string
CPRNr N/A N/A 20, string
wwwAddr Veebileht Web Site 60, string
CompItemCode Vaikimis artikkel Default Items 10, string
ANACode N/A N/A 60, string
EDIFlag EDI Klient CheckBox. 0 = ei ole, 1 = on. EDI customer (flag) 0, flag
eMail e-maili aadress Email 100, string
IntRate Viivise protsent Interest rate 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
TheirCode Nende Tarnija Kood Their Customer Code 60, string
PriceBasedOn Hind Põhineb: 0 = Tellimuse kp; 1= Planeeritud lähetuse kp; 2 = Saatmise kp Price based on

(0=order date; 1=Planned del. date;

2= Dispatch date)

0, flag
DeliveryBasedOn Lähetuse kp Põhineb: 0 = hetke kp; 1 = Planeeritud lähetuse kp Delivery Date Based On

(0=Current date; 1= Planned

Delivert Date)

0, flag
SalesGroup Müügigrupp Sales Group 5, code
SortCode Sorting Sorting 10, string
AllowLogin Sisenemine lubatud (HansaWorldi veebikeskkonda). 0 = ei; 1= jah Allow Login (Standard Books Web-page) 0, flag
Password Kasutab salasõna. 0 = ei, 1 = jah Customer password (for Standard Books Web-page 0, flag
FTPLogin FTP sisenemine lubatud. 0 = ei, 1 = jah FTP login allowed 0, flag
DateCreated Kontakti loomis kuupäev Contact card creation date 0, In Dataformat Order
EGOFlag  EGO Klient. 0 = ei ole. 1 = on. EGO customer 0, flag
xArea  N/A N/A 20, string
xAreaName  N/A N/A 60, string
WebConf Veebikonverents Web Conference code 20, code
WebStartPage Veebi alglehekülg Web front page 60, string
FreightCode Transpordi kood Freight code 5, code
MainDispGroup Peaklassifikaator Parent Product Category 5, code
AutoGiro N/A N/A 0, flag
OnHoldFlag Ootel CheckBox. 0 = ei ole Ootel. 1 = on ootel On hold 0, flag
ColectionFlag Kogumisega CheckBox. Eestis ei kasutata Collection flag (N/A) 0, flag
LocationCode N/A N/A 10, string
WebDisplays Näita Veebis kood. Veebi esituse kood. Web Display code 5, code
Mobile Mobiiltelefoni number Mobile 20, string
NoLetterPosting Ära Koosta Masskirju CheckBox No Mass Letters 0, flag
FiscalFlag Ainult Fiskaalarved CheckBox Fiscal Invoices Only 0, flag
UserStr1 Omakirjeldatud tekst 1 Text 1 255, string
UserStr2 Omakirjeldatud tekst 2 Text 2 255, string
UserStr3 Omakirjeldatud tekst 3 Text 3 255, string
UserStr4 Omakirjeldatud tekst 4 Text 4 255, string
UserStr5 Omakirjeldatud tekst 5 Text 5 255, string
UserVal1 Omakirjeldatud väärtus 1 Value 1 Value with minimum Decimals
UserVal2 Omakirjeldatud väärtus 2 Value 2 Value with minimum Decimals
UserVal3 Omakirjeldatud väärtus 3 Value 3 Value with minimum Decimals
UserDate1 Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 1 Date 1 In Dataformat Order
UserDate2 Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 2 Date 2 In Dataformat Order
UserDate3 Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 3 Date 3 In Dataformat Order
AccAP Ostuvõlakonto. Finantskonto Creditor AC 10, code
AccCost Kulukonto. Finantskonto Cost AC 10, code
Bank Pangaarve number lahtrist „A/a | IBAN 2“ Bank Account 2 60, string
OnAccAccAP Ostu ettemaksukonto Cred. On Acc. AC 10, code
MinOrdSum Min. tell. summa Min order sum 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
PurchAcc N/A N/A 10, code
RefStr Ostu viide (Purchase) Reference 60, string
WithPayMode N/A N/A 20, Capital Characters Only
RetainPrc N/A N/A 20, string
NoMailPosting Ära koosta massmaile CheckBox No Mass Emailing 0, flag
VEType Hankija CheckBox. 0 = ei ole; 1 = on Supplier flag 0, flag
CUType Kliendi CheckBox. 0 = ei ole; 1 = on Customer flag 0, flag
VEPayDeal Ostu tasumistingimus Purch. Pay. Terms 2, code
VEShipDeal Ostu lähetustingimus Purch. Ship Term 5, code
VEShipMode Ostu lähetusviis Purch. Ship Mode 5, code
VECreditLimit Ostu krediidilimiit Purch. credit limit Value 2 or 3 Decimals
VEObjects Ostu objektid Purch. Objects 60, Capital Characters Only
VEWarnText1 Hoiatus ostul Purch. Warning 255, string
VEFactoring Faktooring (hankija kood, kellele arve makstakse) Purch. Factoring 20, code
VECurncyCode Ostu valuuta Purch. Currency 5, code
VECustID Nende kliendikood Their customer code 20, string
VEVATCode Ostu KM kood Purch. VAT code 10, code
NoFactoringFlag Faktooringuta CheckBox No Factoring 0, flag
NoRepa N/A N/A 0, flag
VECat Tarnijaklass Supplier Category 5, code
IBANCode Pangaarve number lahtrist „IBAN Kood“ IBAN code 60, Capital Characters Only
xEInvAddr N/A N/A 60, Capital Characters Only
xEInvFunc N/A N/A 0, flag
xAcceptanceGroup N/A N/A 20, string
WebServiceChannel N/A N/A 120, Int represented by a Set of String
SkypeName Skype kasutajanimi Skype username 60, string
Region Regioon Region 20, code
NoTax1 Lisamaksuta CheckBox No extra tax 0, flag
NoTax2 Region. lisamaksudeta CheckBox No region Preceptions 0, flag
GuestType N/A N/A 0, flag
PassportNr ID (dokumendi) ID (Document) 20, string
Profesion Amet Profession 60, string
Nationality Rahvus Nationality 20, string
BirthDate Sünnipäev Birthday 0, In Dataformat Order
Gender Sugu gender 0, flag
Newspaper Ajaleht Newspaper 10, code
Smoking Suitsetaja Smoker 0, flag
DocType Dok tüüp Doc Type 20, string
Blacklist Blacklisted Mustas nimekirjas 0, flag
MarStatus Perekonnaseis Marital Status 0, flag
Passphrase Salasõna Passphrase 20, string
SIPCode SIP SIP 60, string
AltPhone Muu telefon Alt Phone 20, string
Comment0 Kommentaari rida 1 vahelehelt Komm. Comment line 1 60, string
Comment1 Kommentaari rida 2 vahelehelt Komm. Comment line 2 60, string
Comment2 Kommentaari rida 3 vahelehelt Komm. Comment line 3 60, string
Title Viisakustiitel Courtesy Title 60, string
Salutation1 Tervitus 1 Salutation 1 60, string
Salutation2 Tervitus 2 Salutation 2 60, string
Salutation3 Tervitus 3 Salutation 3 60, string
xUserCode N/A N/A Empty Field
DealerType N/A N/A 0, flag
GroupInv N/A N/A 0, flag
AddressBooks Aadressiraamatud Address Books 255, Capital Characters Only
Extension Lühikood vahelehelt Kontakt, mitte päisest Extension 20, string
TourOperator N/A N/A 20, string
Agent Agent Agent 20, string
DietRemarks Toitlustus Diet remarks 60, string
RequirementRemarks Nõudmised Req remarks 60, string
AgeStatus N/A 0, flag
Age N/A 0, Value with No Decimals
DefGuestPayMode Vaikimisi tasumisviis Def Pay Mode 2, Capital Characters Only
BookOrigin Vaikimisi Res. päritolu Def Booking Org 20, code
TaxTemplateCode N/A N/A 10, code
VETaxTemplateCode N/A N/A 10, code
EmployeeType N/A N/A 0, flag
Ethnicity Sünniriik Country of Birth 100, string
BirthPlace Sünnikoht Place of Birth 100, string
IDNr N/A N/A 60, string
VisaType N/A N/A 30, string
VisaNr N/A N/A 100, string
VisaExpiry N/A N/A 0, In Dataformat Order
MilitaryDocNr N/A N/A 60, string
SocialSecurityNr N/A N/A 100, string
DisabledStatus N/A N/A 0, flag
Disability N/A N/A 60, string
HealthStatus N/A N/A 60, string
HealthIssues N/A N/A 200, string
DriverLicenceCategory N/A N/A 100, string
SchoolName N/A N/A 100, string
EducationalDegree N/A N/A 60, string
EducationalMajor N/A N/A 60, string
EducationStatus N/A N/A 0, flag
PreviousEmployer N/A N/A 60, string
PreviousJobTitle N/A N/A 60, string
Birthday N/A N/A 5, string
VERebCode Hankija hinnaalandusmaatriks Supp Disc. Matrix 5, code
SelfBilling Isearveldamine CheckBox Self Billing Customer 0, flag
DelCountry Riik (2-kohaline kood, EE, LV, FI jne) Country (Delivery) 5, code
VEInvoiceToCode Arve saaja Purch invoice from 20, string
MainPartner Peamine partner Main Partner 20, string
CreditLimitDays Müügi krediidilimiit, päevade arv Sales credit limit, days 0, Value with No Decimals
VECreditLimitDays Ostu krediidilimiit, päevade arv Purchase credit limit, days 0, Value with No Decimals
BusinessEntity N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SuframaRegNr N/A N/A 9, string
DefMarkup N/A N/A 10, dummy
InvCountryName Arve riigi nimi (võetakse Ettevõtte andmetest) Shipment Country Code 100, string
DelCountryName Lähetusriigi nimi (võetakse Ettevõtte andmetest) Shipment Country Name 100, string
PaymentCode Tasumise kood Payment code 5, code
MarketUserName N/A N/A 60, string
RemoteBackupsPassword N/A N/A 40, string
RemoteBackupsAddress N/A N/A 255, string
RemoteBackupsPort N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BirthCountry N/A N/A 100, string
LegalForm N/A N/A 10, code
VATNrCheckDate KMKR kontrolli kp. N/A 0, In Dataformat Order
QQName N/A N/A 20, string
WeiboName N/A N/A 20, string
RecipientGLN GLN väärtus GLN 20, string
IPBookVAT N/A N/A 0, flag
OPBookVAT N/A N/A 0, flag
BillingTypePreference N/A N/A 578, Int represented by a Set of String
TaxCondition N/A N/A 0, flag
RecBillCustID N/A N/A 200, string
NameinDocument N/A N/A 200, string
LeadType Vihje CheckBox Lead 0, flag
Rating N/A N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
Partner N/A N/A 20, code
PartnerName N/A N/A 200, string
Source N/A N/A 10, code
SourceComment N/A N/A 60, string
Industry N/A N/A 10, code
IndustryComment N/A N/A 60, string
Status N/A N/A 10, code
StatusComment N/A N/A 60, string
Value N/A N/A 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
ItemClassification N/A N/A 10, code
ItemClassificationName N/A N/A 60, string
Sign N/A N/A 10, code
ModifiedSign Viimati kontaktikaarti muutnud kasutaja Last user, who changed this contact record 10, code
eInvRcvPref Riigi KMKR Number Country VAT Reg No 20, String
WebOTCode Veebi objektitüüp Web Object Type 5, Code String
eInvAlternativeAccount Alt. E-arve konto 60, String
eInvRcvPref (e.arve vahelehel) Vastuvõtu eelistus:


1 = E-arve

21 = internetipank

3 = Eelistus operaatori keskkonnast

20 = Email

2 = Paberarved

10 = Ei saada e-arveid

47 = Telema

0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvAltRcvPref (e.arve vahelehel) Pole kasutusel 0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvStop (e.arve vahelehel) Ära saada e-arveid 0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvPostage (e.arve vahelehel) Vaikimisi 0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvAttachPDF (e.arve vahelehel) E-arve pdf failiga 0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvShortNote (e.arve vahelehel) E-arve lühiformaat 0, Small Value with No Decimals
eInvRcvToCompanyCode (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, Ettevõtte kood 10, Code String
ePORcvPref (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, radiobutton 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ePORcvToCompanyCode (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, Ettevõtte kood, Ostutellimused 10, Code String
BranchType Filiaal 0, Small Value with No Decimals
RvrsVAT Tagatisraha 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BusinessNature Äritegevus 20, Code String
TaxExemption Maksuvaba 20, Code String
ChemicalStorageApproved Kinnitatud keemilise ladust. jaoks 0, Small Value with No Decimals
VATIndicator VAT indikaator 654, Int represented by a Set of String
PaymentNote Laek. kommentaar 255, String
ExpLatePayment Oodatav laekumine 0, Value with No Decimals
InvoiceWithKID N/A Invoice with KID 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ContractNr Leping Contract 255, String
DeliveryOption Lähetuse valik Delivery Option 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ConnectedCompType N/A Connected Company 0, Small Value with No Decimals
FarmerType N/A Farmer (POL) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PayLinkFlag Võimalda PayLink N/A 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ICMETaxPayer N/A ICME Tax Payer (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PayrollTaxRelief N/A Subject to Payroll Tax Relief (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PISOnPayroll N/A PIS on Payroll (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
TaxRelief N/A Apply tax relief for outbound to Free Zone (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
PurchPISCOFINSNonCumRate N/A Purchase on Free Zones PISCOFINS non cumulative rate (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
CalculateINSSCPRB N/A Calculate INSS CPRB (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
UseINSSCPRB N/A Use INSS CPRB to calculate gross value (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
WithholdPayments N/A Withhold Payments from Federal Public Agency (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ICMSTaxAmtReduction N/A Reduce the ICMS tax amount from PIS and COFINS (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsCOFINS N/A Support Buyer tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of COFINS (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsCSLL N/A Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of CSLL (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsPIS N/A Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of PIS (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsIRRF N/A Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of IRRF (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsINSS N/A Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of INSS (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
SBTXLFedWithholdingsISS N/A Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of ISS (BRA) 0, Small Value with No Decimals
ICMSRateSimplTaxRegime N/A ICMS Rate for Simplified Tax Regime (BRA) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
SimplRegimeRFRate N/A Simples Regime RF Rate (BRA) 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals
COFINS N/A COFINS (BRA) 699, Internal Set of Strings
CSLL N/A CSLL (BRA) 699, Internal Set of Strings
PIS N/A PIS (BRA) 699, Internal Set of Strings
BusinessType N/A N/A 563, Int represented by a Set of String
CNAE N/A CNAE (BRA) 15, String
CNAESegmentCode N/A CNAE Segment Code (BRA) 2, Code String
AvalaraCityCode N/A City Code (BRA) 15, String
AvalaraCountryCode N/A Country Code (BRA) 15, String
AdminProcessNo N/A Admin Process No (BRA) 30, String
CEICode N/A CEI Code (BRA) 15, String
ConstrRegNo N/A onstruction Reg. No. (BRA) 15, String
BusinessCode N/A Business Code (BRA) 15, String
TaxRegime N/A Tax Regime (BRA) 549, Int represented by a Set of String
TaxRegion N/A N/A 20, String
ActivitySector N/A Activity Sector Internal Set of Strings,711
EInvReceiverFlag E-arve vastuvõtja E-Invoice Receiver Flag Small Value with No Decimals,0
CandidacySource N/A N/A String,100
BusinessName N/A Business Name String,255
WithholdICMSOnTransport N/A Force Withholding of ICMS on Transport Amount Small Value with No Decimals,0
AvalaraStateCode N/A State code String,15
DelAvalaraCityCode N/A City Code String,15
DelAvalaraCountryCode N/A Country Code (BRA) String,15
DelAvalaraStateCode N/A State Code (BRA) String,15
DelPhone N/A Phone (BRA) String,255
DelEmail N/A Email (BRA) String,255
IsICMSSubstitute N/A Is ICMS St Substitute (BRA) Small Value with No Decimals,0
EntityICMSSubstitute N/A Entity ICMS St Substitute (BRA) Internal Set of Strings,722
PayChannel N/A Payment Channel (SWE):
  • Bankgiro
  • Plusgiro
  • Other Domestic
  • SEPA Foreign
  • Foreign

Payment Channel (NOR)

  • Domestic
  • SEPA
  • Foreign
Small Value with No Decimals,0
SystaxReceiverProfile N/A Systax Services Receiver Profile (BRA) String,255
EInvoiceOperator N/A E-Invoice Operator (FIN) String,50
FirstName Eesnimi (Hotelli moodul) First name (Mod Hotel) String,255
Closed N/A N/A As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox,0
PrepayRegCheckDate N/A Prep. Reg. Check Date (FIN) String,255
SystaxSenderProfile N/A Systax Services Sender Profile (BRA) String,255
SenderAlias N/A Sender Alias (TUR) String,255
ReceiverAlias N/A Receiver Alias (TUR) String,255
StudentType N/A Õpilane (Moodul "Koolitustele registreerimine") Small Value with No Decimals,0
TeacherType N/A Õpetaja (Moodul "Koolitustele registreerimine") Small Value with No Decimals,0
EORINumber N/A EORI No. (POL) String,255
Recipient Arve tasuja Arve tasuja 20, Code String
BKEInvReceiverFlag E-arve vastuvõtja E-invoice reciever 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BKCompStatus Staatus äriregistris Status in Business Register 0, Small Value with No Decimals
BKEHAK EHAK kood EHAK code 20, String
NotVATRegistered Mittekäibemaksukohuslane Non-VAT liable 0, Small Value with No Decimals
VEItemAsOurItem Tarnija artikkel ostuarvele artiklina Supplier item to purchase invoice as item Small Value with No Decimals,0
VATInfFlag Ära näita KMD INF lisades Do not show KMD in INF annexes Small Value with No Decimals,0
ExcPeppolID Peppol ID Peppol ID String,40
ExcEDIGrpShipFlag EDI koondlähetus Consolidated invoice Small Value with No Decimals,0
ExcTelemaEDIFlag EDI Doc klient EDI Doc customer Small Value with No Decimals,0
ExcGLN GLN GLN String,20
UnifiedFlag N/A N/A Small Value with No Decimals,0
UnifiedGroupSHFlag N/A N/A Small Value with No Decimals,0
ExcNoBalOnEInv Ära näita e-arvel kliendi saldot Do not show the customer's balance on the e-invoice Small Value with No Decimals,0
EInvoiceSendAllPdfs E-arve PDF failiga E-invocie with PDF Small Value with No Decimals,0

XML näidis

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<data register='CUVc' sequence='124862' systemversion=''>
    <CUVc register='CUVc' sequence='124851' url='/api/1/CUVc/4897'>
        <Name>Kristiina Iluaed OÜ</Name>
        <Person>Aadu Pihlakas-Marabu</Person>
        <InvAddr0>Tartu tn 79b</InvAddr0>
        <InvAddr1>Valga linn</InvAddr1>
        <InvAddr2>Valga vald</InvAddr2>
        <InvAddr3>Valga maakond</InvAddr3>
        <BusinessEntity>Not Defined</BusinessEntity>
        <BillingTypePreference>Not Decided</BillingTypePreference>
        <VATIndicator>VAT paid at Invoicing</VATIndicator>

Uuendatud 11.06.2024