Kontaktid XML
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Kood | Kirjeldus | Description in ENG | Pikkus, tüüp | Kohustuslik / Mandatory |
Code | Kontakti kood HansaWorldi tarkvaras. Unikaalne per kontakt | Contact code | 20, code | Yes (Auto = last code +1) |
Name | Kontakti nimi | Contact name | 200, string | Yes (Manual, at least 1 character) |
Person | Peamine kontaktisik | Primary contact | 60, string | |
WarnText1 | Hoiatus müügil. Kuvatakse ekraanile Arve või tellimuse tegemisel | Waring on Sales | 255, string | |
InvAddr0 | Arve aadressi esimene rida (NB: jälgida numeratsiooni!). | Invoice address line 1 | 60, string | Highly recommended |
InvAddr1 | Arve aadressi teine rida | Invoice address line 2 | 60, string | |
InvAddr2 | Arve aadressi kolmas rida | Invoice address line 3 | 60, string | |
InvAddr3 | Arve aadressi neljas rida | Invoice address line 4 | 60, string | |
InvAddr4 | Arve aadressi viies rida | Invoice address line 5 | 60, string | |
InvoiceToCode | Arve saaja kontakti kood. Peab andmebaasis eksisteerima, mõni muu klient | Invoce to | 20, code | |
DelAddr0 | Lähetusaadressi esimene rida. (NB: jälgida numeratsiooni!) | Delivery address line 1 | 60, string | |
DelAddr1 | Lähetusaadressi teine rida | Delivery address line 2 | 60, string | |
DelAddr2 | Lähetusaadressi kolmas rida | Delivery address line 3 | 60, string | |
DelAddr3 | Lähetusaadressi neljas rida | Delivery address line 4 | 60, string | |
DelAddr4 | Lähetusaadressi viies rida | Delivery address line 5 | 60, string | |
Phone | Kontakti telefoninumber | Telephone number | 20, string | |
Fax | Kontakti faksi number | Fax number | 20, string | |
CustCat | Kliendiklass. Vastava koodiga kaart peab eksisteerima | Customer category | 5, code | |
Comment | kommentaar. Informatiivse sisuga väli, mida saab täita kliendi kaardil. EI kuvata arvetel ega muudel dokumentidel | Comment | 60, string | |
PayDeal | Vaikimisi müügi tasumistingimus. Kasutatakse vaikimisi väärtusena näiteks arvetel ja tellimustel. Kood peab eksisteerima. (Näiteks: 1, 7, 14 jne) | Sales ppay terms | 2, code | |
ExportFlag | Käibemaksutsoon (NB! Järjekord erineb GUI omast!)
0 = „Eesti“ 1 = „EL“, 2 = „Mitte EL" 3 = „EL (konteeri KM)“, 4 = „Mitte EL (konteeri KM) |
VAT zone
0 = „Domestic“ 1 = „Inside EU“, 2 = „Outside EU“ 3 = „Inside EU (Post VAT)“, 4 = „Outside EU (Post VAT) |
1, code | Highly recommended, default = 0 |
AccFlag | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
Objects | Kontakti objektid. Kantakse ka arvete, ostuarvete ja muude dokumentide päisesse | Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
InterestFlag | Viivis. Kas arvutatakse või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah | Interest flag | 0, flag | |
VATNr | Käibemaksukohuslase number (KMKR) | VAT Reg no | 20, string | |
CountryCode | Kahekohaline riigi kood (EE, LV, LT, RU, FI jne) | Country code (2 letter format) | 2, code | Highly recommended |
SearchKey | Lühikood kontakti otsimise kergendamiseks. | Short (code) | 10, Capital Characters Only | |
RemndrFlag | Kas saadetakse märgukirju või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah | Reminders (flag) | 0, flag | |
LangCode | Keele kood. Keele kood kantakse edasi dokumentidele (EST, ENG, RUS jne) | Language (code) | 5, code | |
CurncyCode | Müügivaluuta kood. Kantakse edasi dokumentidele. EUR, RUB, USD jne | Currency (code) | 5, code | |
OnAccount | Ettemaks. Kas lubatakse koostada ettemakse või ei. 0=ei, 1=jah | On account (flag) | 0, flag | |
SalesMan | Müügimehe kood. HansaWorldi tarkvara kasutajanimi | Salesman (person code) | 10, code | |
CreditLimit | Krediidilimiit müügil. Mis summa eest tohib Klient korraga võlgu olla. (Näiteks „10000,00“) | Sales credit limit | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
ShipDeal | Lähetustingimus (Näiteks CFR, CIF, DDU, DDP jne). | Sales Del. terms | 5, code | |
ShipMode | Lähetusiviis (Näiteks 16 - Mootorsõiduk merelaeval, 23 – Sõiduk raudteevagunil jne) | Sales Del. modes | 5, code | |
VATCode | Käibemaksukood. (Näiteks 1 – 20% müügil, 2 – käibemaksuta jne) | Sales VAT code | 10, code | |
Department | Osakond. Kasutatakse enamasti kontaktisiku staatuse täpsustuseks | Department | 60, string | |
OrderComment | Tellimuse kommentaar. Kantakse sellele kontaktile loodud tellimusele | Order comment | 60, string | |
FreightNr | Transpordi number | Freight No. | 20, string | |
PLCode | Hinnakirja kood | Price List (code) | 5, code | |
RebCode | Hinnaalandusmaatriksi kood | Discount matrix (code) | 5, code | |
Classification | Klassifikaatorid kontaktil | Classification | 200, Comma separated List | |
blockedFlag | Suletud CheckBox. 0 = ei ole. 1 = kontakt on suletud | Closed (flag) | 0, flag | |
DateChanged | Kontaktikaardi muutmise kuupäev. Näiteks „12.09.2014“ | Last changed date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
AccOperator | Pangakood | Bank code | 60, string | |
SecAccount | N/A | N/A | 20, code | |
BankAccount | Pangaarve number lahtrist „A/a | IBAN“ | Bank account (IBAN) | 60, string | |
JobDesc | Ametinimetus. Kasutatakse enamasti kontaktisiku staatuse täpsustuseks | Job description | 60, string | |
CustType | Kontakti tüüp. 0 = Ettevõte. 1 = Eraisik | Contact type. 0=Company; 1=Person) | 0, flag | |
ComCode | N/A | N/A | 5, code | |
Sorting | Teekond. Määratakse kontakti kaardil, kantakse uutele tootmise ja logistika kaartidele. | Sorting | 20, string | |
RegNr1 | Registreerimisnumber 1. Eestis Äriregistri kood | Reg no. 1 | 20, string | |
RegNr2 | Registreerimisnumber 2 | Reg no. 2 | 20, string | |
CPRNr | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
wwwAddr | Veebileht | Web Site | 60, string | |
CompItemCode | Vaikimis artikkel | Default Items | 10, string | |
ANACode | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
EDIFlag | EDI Klient CheckBox. 0 = ei ole, 1 = on. | EDI customer (flag) | 0, flag | |
e-maili aadress | 100, string | |||
IntRate | Viivise protsent | Interest rate | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
TheirCode | Nende Tarnija Kood | Their Customer Code | 60, string | |
PriceBasedOn | Hind Põhineb: 0 = Tellimuse kp; 1= Planeeritud lähetuse kp; 2 = Saatmise kp | Price based on
(0=order date; 1=Planned del. date; 2= Dispatch date) |
0, flag | |
DeliveryBasedOn | Lähetuse kp Põhineb: 0 = hetke kp; 1 = Planeeritud lähetuse kp | Delivery Date Based On
(0=Current date; 1= Planned Delivert Date) |
0, flag | |
SalesGroup | Müügigrupp | Sales Group | 5, code | |
SortCode | Sorting | Sorting | 10, string | |
AllowLogin | Sisenemine lubatud (HansaWorldi veebikeskkonda). 0 = ei; 1= jah | Allow Login (Standard Books Web-page) | 0, flag | |
Password | Kasutab salasõna. 0 = ei, 1 = jah | Customer password (for Standard Books Web-page | 0, flag | |
FTPLogin | FTP sisenemine lubatud. 0 = ei, 1 = jah | FTP login allowed | 0, flag | |
DateCreated | Kontakti loomis kuupäev | Contact card creation date | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
EGOFlag | EGO Klient. 0 = ei ole. 1 = on. | EGO customer | 0, flag | |
xArea | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
xAreaName | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
WebConf | Veebikonverents | Web Conference code | 20, code | |
WebStartPage | Veebi alglehekülg | Web front page | 60, string | |
FreightCode | Transpordi kood | Freight code | 5, code | |
MainDispGroup | Peaklassifikaator | Parent Product Category | 5, code | |
AutoGiro | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
OnHoldFlag | Ootel CheckBox. 0 = ei ole Ootel. 1 = on ootel | On hold | 0, flag | |
ColectionFlag | Kogumisega CheckBox. Eestis ei kasutata | Collection flag (N/A) | 0, flag | |
LocationCode | N/A | N/A | 10, string | |
WebDisplays | Näita Veebis kood. Veebi esituse kood. | Web Display code | 5, code | |
Mobile | Mobiiltelefoni number | Mobile | 20, string | |
NoLetterPosting | Ära Koosta Masskirju CheckBox | No Mass Letters | 0, flag | |
FiscalFlag | Ainult Fiskaalarved CheckBox | Fiscal Invoices Only | 0, flag | |
UserStr1 | Omakirjeldatud tekst 1 | Text 1 | 255, string | |
UserStr2 | Omakirjeldatud tekst 2 | Text 2 | 255, string | |
UserStr3 | Omakirjeldatud tekst 3 | Text 3 | 255, string | |
UserStr4 | Omakirjeldatud tekst 4 | Text 4 | 255, string | |
UserStr5 | Omakirjeldatud tekst 5 | Text 5 | 255, string | |
UserVal1 | Omakirjeldatud väärtus 1 | Value 1 | Value with minimum Decimals | |
UserVal2 | Omakirjeldatud väärtus 2 | Value 2 | Value with minimum Decimals | |
UserVal3 | Omakirjeldatud väärtus 3 | Value 3 | Value with minimum Decimals | |
UserDate1 | Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 1 | Date 1 | In Dataformat Order | |
UserDate2 | Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 2 | Date 2 | In Dataformat Order | |
UserDate3 | Omakirjeldatud kuupäev 3 | Date 3 | In Dataformat Order | |
AccAP | Ostuvõlakonto. Finantskonto | Creditor AC | 10, code | |
AccCost | Kulukonto. Finantskonto | Cost AC | 10, code | |
Bank | Pangaarve number lahtrist „A/a | IBAN 2“ | Bank Account 2 | 60, string | |
OnAccAccAP | Ostu ettemaksukonto | Cred. On Acc. AC | 10, code | |
MinOrdSum | Min. tell. summa | Min order sum | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
PurchAcc | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
RefStr | Ostu viide | (Purchase) Reference | 60, string | |
WithPayMode | N/A | N/A | 20, Capital Characters Only | |
RetainPrc | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
NoMailPosting | Ära koosta massmaile CheckBox | No Mass Emailing | 0, flag | |
VEType | Hankija CheckBox. 0 = ei ole; 1 = on | Supplier flag | 0, flag | |
CUType | Kliendi CheckBox. 0 = ei ole; 1 = on | Customer flag | 0, flag | |
VEPayDeal | Ostu tasumistingimus | Purch. Pay. Terms | 2, code | |
VEShipDeal | Ostu lähetustingimus | Purch. Ship Term | 5, code | |
VEShipMode | Ostu lähetusviis | Purch. Ship Mode | 5, code | |
VECreditLimit | Ostu krediidilimiit | Purch. credit limit | Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
VEObjects | Ostu objektid | Purch. Objects | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
VEWarnText1 | Hoiatus ostul | Purch. Warning | 255, string | |
VEFactoring | Faktooring (hankija kood, kellele arve makstakse) | Purch. Factoring | 20, code | |
VECurncyCode | Ostu valuuta | Purch. Currency | 5, code | |
VECustID | Nende kliendikood | Their customer code | 20, string | |
VEVATCode | Ostu KM kood | Purch. VAT code | 10, code | |
NoFactoringFlag | Faktooringuta CheckBox | No Factoring | 0, flag | |
NoRepa | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
VECat | Tarnijaklass | Supplier Category | 5, code | |
IBANCode | Pangaarve number lahtrist „IBAN Kood“ | IBAN code | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
xEInvAddr | N/A | N/A | 60, Capital Characters Only | |
xEInvFunc | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
xAcceptanceGroup | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
WebServiceChannel | N/A | N/A | 120, Int represented by a Set of String | |
SkypeName | Skype kasutajanimi | Skype username | 60, string | |
Region | Regioon | Region | 20, code | |
NoTax1 | Lisamaksuta CheckBox | No extra tax | 0, flag | |
NoTax2 | Region. lisamaksudeta CheckBox | No region Preceptions | 0, flag | |
GuestType | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
PassportNr | ID (dokumendi) | ID (Document) | 20, string | |
Profesion | Amet | Profession | 60, string | |
Nationality | Rahvus | Nationality | 20, string | |
BirthDate | Sünnipäev | Birthday | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
Gender | Sugu | gender | 0, flag | |
Newspaper | Ajaleht | Newspaper | 10, code | |
Smoking | Suitsetaja | Smoker | 0, flag | |
DocType | Dok tüüp | Doc Type | 20, string | |
Blacklist | Blacklisted | Mustas nimekirjas | 0, flag | |
MarStatus | Perekonnaseis | Marital Status | 0, flag | |
Passphrase | Salasõna | Passphrase | 20, string | |
SIPCode | SIP | SIP | 60, string | |
AltPhone | Muu telefon | Alt Phone | 20, string | |
Comment0 | Kommentaari rida 1 vahelehelt Komm. | Comment line 1 | 60, string | |
Comment1 | Kommentaari rida 2 vahelehelt Komm. | Comment line 2 | 60, string | |
Comment2 | Kommentaari rida 3 vahelehelt Komm. | Comment line 3 | 60, string | |
Title | Viisakustiitel | Courtesy Title | 60, string | |
Salutation1 | Tervitus 1 | Salutation 1 | 60, string | |
Salutation2 | Tervitus 2 | Salutation 2 | 60, string | |
Salutation3 | Tervitus 3 | Salutation 3 | 60, string | |
xUserCode | N/A | N/A | Empty Field | |
DealerType | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
GroupInv | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
AddressBooks | Aadressiraamatud | Address Books | 255, Capital Characters Only | |
Extension | Lühikood vahelehelt Kontakt, mitte päisest | Extension | 20, string | |
TourOperator | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
Agent | Agent | Agent | 20, string | |
DietRemarks | Toitlustus | Diet remarks | 60, string | |
RequirementRemarks | Nõudmised | Req remarks | 60, string | |
AgeStatus | N/A | 0, flag | ||
Age | N/A | 0, Value with No Decimals | ||
DefGuestPayMode | Vaikimisi tasumisviis | Def Pay Mode | 2, Capital Characters Only | |
BookOrigin | Vaikimisi Res. päritolu | Def Booking Org | 20, code | |
TaxTemplateCode | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
VETaxTemplateCode | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
EmployeeType | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
Ethnicity | Sünniriik | Country of Birth | 100, string | |
BirthPlace | Sünnikoht | Place of Birth | 100, string | |
IDNr | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
VisaType | N/A | N/A | 30, string | |
VisaNr | N/A | N/A | 100, string | |
VisaExpiry | N/A | N/A | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
MilitaryDocNr | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
SocialSecurityNr | N/A | N/A | 100, string | |
DisabledStatus | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
Disability | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
HealthStatus | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
HealthIssues | N/A | N/A | 200, string | |
DriverLicenceCategory | N/A | N/A | 100, string | |
SchoolName | N/A | N/A | 100, string | |
EducationalDegree | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
EducationalMajor | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
EducationStatus | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
PreviousEmployer | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
PreviousJobTitle | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
Birthday | N/A | N/A | 5, string | |
VERebCode | Hankija hinnaalandusmaatriks | Supp Disc. Matrix | 5, code | |
SelfBilling | Isearveldamine CheckBox | Self Billing Customer | 0, flag | |
DelCountry | Riik (2-kohaline kood, EE, LV, FI jne) | Country (Delivery) | 5, code | |
VEInvoiceToCode | Arve saaja | Purch invoice from | 20, string | |
MainPartner | Peamine partner | Main Partner | 20, string | |
CreditLimitDays | Müügi krediidilimiit, päevade arv | Sales credit limit, days | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
VECreditLimitDays | Ostu krediidilimiit, päevade arv | Purchase credit limit, days | 0, Value with No Decimals | |
BusinessEntity | N/A | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SuframaRegNr | N/A | N/A | 9, string | |
DefMarkup | N/A | N/A | 10, dummy | |
InvCountryName | Arve riigi nimi (võetakse Ettevõtte andmetest) | Shipment Country Code | 100, string | |
DelCountryName | Lähetusriigi nimi (võetakse Ettevõtte andmetest) | Shipment Country Name | 100, string | |
PaymentCode | Tasumise kood | Payment code | 5, code | |
MarketUserName | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
RemoteBackupsPassword | N/A | N/A | 40, string | |
RemoteBackupsAddress | N/A | N/A | 255, string | |
RemoteBackupsPort | N/A | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
BirthCountry | N/A | N/A | 100, string | |
LegalForm | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
VATNrCheckDate | KMKR kontrolli kp. | N/A | 0, In Dataformat Order | |
QQName | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
WeiboName | N/A | N/A | 20, string | |
RecipientGLN | GLN väärtus | GLN | 20, string | |
IPBookVAT | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
OPBookVAT | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
BillingTypePreference | N/A | N/A | 578, Int represented by a Set of String | |
TaxCondition | N/A | N/A | 0, flag | |
RecBillCustID | N/A | N/A | 200, string | |
NameinDocument | N/A | N/A | 200, string | |
LeadType | Vihje CheckBox | Lead | 0, flag | |
Rating | N/A | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
Partner | N/A | N/A | 20, code | |
PartnerName | N/A | N/A | 200, string | |
Source | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
SourceComment | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
Industry | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
IndustryComment | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
Status | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
StatusComment | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
Value | N/A | N/A | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
ItemClassification | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
ItemClassificationName | N/A | N/A | 60, string | |
Sign | N/A | N/A | 10, code | |
ModifiedSign | Viimati kontaktikaarti muutnud kasutaja | Last user, who changed this contact record | 10, code | |
CountryVATNr | Riigi KMKR Number | Country VAT Reg No | 20, String | |
WebOTCode | Veebi objektitüüp | Web Object Type | 5, Code String | |
eInvAlternativeAccount | Alt. E-arve konto | 60, String | ||
eInvRcvPref | (e.arve vahelehel) Vastuvõtu eelistus:
0=Vaikimisi 1 = E-arve 21 = internetipank 3 = Eelistus operaatori keskkonnast 20 = Email 2 = Paberarved 10 = Ei saada e-arveid 47 = Telema |
0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvAltRcvPref | (e.arve vahelehel) Pole kasutusel | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvStop | (e.arve vahelehel) Ära saada e-arveid | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvPostage | (e.arve vahelehel) Vaikimisi | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvAttachPDF | (e.arve vahelehel) E-arve pdf failiga | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvShortNote | (e.arve vahelehel) E-arve lühiformaat | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
eInvRcvToCompanyCode | (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, Ettevõtte kood | 10, Code String | ||
ePORcvPref | (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, radiobutton | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
ePORcvToCompanyCode | (e.arve vahelehel) Sisene ettevõte, Ettevõtte kood, Ostutellimused | 10, Code String | ||
BranchType | Filiaal | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
RvrsVAT | Tagatisraha | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
BusinessNature | Äritegevus | 20, Code String | ||
TaxExemption | Maksuvaba | 20, Code String | ||
ChemicalStorageApproved | Kinnitatud keemilise ladust. jaoks | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | ||
VATIndicator | VAT indikaator | 654, Int represented by a Set of String | ||
PaymentNote | Laek. kommentaar | 255, String | ||
ExpLatePayment | Oodatav laekumine | 0, Value with No Decimals | ||
InvoiceWithKID | N/A | Invoice with KID | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ContractNr | Leping | Contract | 255, String | |
DeliveryOption | Lähetuse valik | Delivery Option | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ConnectedCompType | N/A | Connected Company | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
FarmerType | N/A | Farmer (POL) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PayLinkFlag | Võimalda PayLink | N/A | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ICMETaxPayer | N/A | ICME Tax Payer (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PayrollTaxRelief | N/A | Subject to Payroll Tax Relief (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PISOnPayroll | N/A | PIS on Payroll (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
TaxRelief | N/A | Apply tax relief for outbound to Free Zone (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
PurchPISCOFINSNonCumRate | N/A | Purchase on Free Zones PISCOFINS non cumulative rate (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
CalculateINSSCPRB | N/A | Calculate INSS CPRB (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
UseINSSCPRB | N/A | Use INSS CPRB to calculate gross value (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
WithholdPayments | N/A | Withhold Payments from Federal Public Agency (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ICMSTaxAmtReduction | N/A | Reduce the ICMS tax amount from PIS and COFINS (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsCOFINS | N/A | Support Buyer tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of COFINS (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsCSLL | N/A | Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of CSLL (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsPIS | N/A | Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of PIS (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsIRRF | N/A | Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of IRRF (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsINSS | N/A | Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of INSS (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
SBTXLFedWithholdingsISS | N/A | Support Buyer Tax Liability for Federal Withholdings of ISS (BRA) | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
ICMSRateSimplTaxRegime | N/A | ICMS Rate for Simplified Tax Regime (BRA) | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
SimplRegimeRFRate | N/A | Simples Regime RF Rate (BRA) | 0, Value 2 or 3 Decimals | |
COFINS | N/A | COFINS (BRA) | 699, Internal Set of Strings | |
CSLL | N/A | CSLL (BRA) | 699, Internal Set of Strings | |
PIS | N/A | PIS (BRA) | 699, Internal Set of Strings | |
BusinessType | N/A | N/A | 563, Int represented by a Set of String | |
CNAE | N/A | CNAE (BRA) | 15, String | |
CNAESegmentCode | N/A | CNAE Segment Code (BRA) | 2, Code String | |
AvalaraCityCode | N/A | City Code (BRA) | 15, String | |
AvalaraCountryCode | N/A | Country Code (BRA) | 15, String | |
AdminProcessNo | N/A | Admin Process No (BRA) | 30, String | |
CEICode | N/A | CEI Code (BRA) | 15, String | |
ConstrRegNo | N/A | onstruction Reg. No. (BRA) | 15, String | |
BusinessCode | N/A | Business Code (BRA) | 15, String | |
TaxRegime | N/A | Tax Regime (BRA) | 549, Int represented by a Set of String | |
TaxRegion | N/A | N/A | 20, String | |
ActivitySector | N/A | Activity Sector | Internal Set of Strings,711 | |
EInvReceiverFlag | E-arve vastuvõtja | E-Invoice Receiver Flag | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
CandidacySource | N/A | N/A | String,100 | |
BusinessName | N/A | Business Name | String,255 | |
WithholdICMSOnTransport | N/A | Force Withholding of ICMS on Transport Amount | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
AvalaraStateCode | N/A | State code | String,15 | |
DelAvalaraCityCode | N/A | City Code | String,15 | |
DelAvalaraCountryCode | N/A | Country Code (BRA) | String,15 | |
DelAvalaraStateCode | N/A | State Code (BRA) | String,15 | |
DelPhone | N/A | Phone (BRA) | String,255 | |
DelEmail | N/A | Email (BRA) | String,255 | |
IsICMSSubstitute | N/A | Is ICMS St Substitute (BRA) | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
EntityICMSSubstitute | N/A | Entity ICMS St Substitute (BRA) | Internal Set of Strings,722 | |
PayChannel | N/A | Payment Channel (SWE):
Payment Channel (NOR)
Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
SWIFT | SWIFT | SWIFT | String,60 | |
SystaxReceiverProfile | N/A | Systax Services Receiver Profile (BRA) | String,255 | |
EInvoiceOperator | N/A | E-Invoice Operator (FIN) | String,50 | |
FirstName | Eesnimi (Hotelli moodul) | First name (Mod Hotel) | String,255 | |
Closed | N/A | N/A | As Bool but displayed as a Checkbox,0 | |
PrepayRegCheckDate | N/A | Prep. Reg. Check Date (FIN) | String,255 | |
SystaxSenderProfile | N/A | Systax Services Sender Profile (BRA) | String,255 | |
SenderAlias | N/A | Sender Alias (TUR) | String,255 | |
ReceiverAlias | N/A | Receiver Alias (TUR) | String,255 | |
StudentType | N/A | Õpilane (Moodul "Koolitustele registreerimine") | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
TeacherType | N/A | Õpetaja (Moodul "Koolitustele registreerimine") | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
EORINumber | N/A | EORI No. (POL) | String,255 | |
Recipient | Arve tasuja | Arve tasuja | 20, Code String | |
BKEInvReceiverFlag | E-arve vastuvõtja | E-invoice reciever | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
BKCompStatus | Staatus äriregistris | Status in Business Register | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
BKEHAK | EHAK kood | EHAK code | 20, String | |
BKADSID | ADS ID | ADS ID | 20, String | |
NotVATRegistered | Mittekäibemaksukohuslane | Non-VAT liable | 0, Small Value with No Decimals | |
VEItemAsOurItem | Tarnija artikkel ostuarvele artiklina | Supplier item to purchase invoice as item | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
VATInfFlag | Ära näita KMD INF lisades | Do not show KMD in INF annexes | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
ExcPeppolID | Peppol ID | Peppol ID | String,40 | |
ExcEDIGrpShipFlag | EDI koondlähetus | Consolidated invoice | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
ExcTelemaEDIFlag | EDI Doc klient | EDI Doc customer | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
ExcGLN | GLN | GLN | String,20 | |
UnifiedFlag | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
UnifiedGroupSHFlag | N/A | N/A | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
ExcNoBalOnEInv | Ära näita e-arvel kliendi saldot | Do not show the customer's balance on the e-invoice | Small Value with No Decimals,0 | |
EInvoiceSendAllPdfs | E-arve PDF failiga | E-invocie with PDF | Small Value with No Decimals,0 |
XML näidis
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<data register='CUVc' sequence='124862' systemversion=''>
<CUVc register='CUVc' sequence='124851' url='/api/1/CUVc/4897'>
<Name>Kristiina Iluaed OÜ</Name>
<Person>Aadu Pihlakas-Marabu</Person>
<InvAddr0>Tartu tn 79b</InvAddr0>
<InvAddr1>Valga linn</InvAddr1>
<InvAddr2>Valga vald</InvAddr2>
<InvAddr3>Valga maakond</InvAddr3>
<BusinessEntity>Not Defined</BusinessEntity>
<BillingTypePreference>Not Decided</BillingTypePreference>
<VATIndicator>VAT paid at Invoicing</VATIndicator>
Uuendatud 11.06.2024