Tekstide ja Teadete koodid

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Siin on toodud Standard Booksi teated ja tõlketekstid. Teksti kood on tihti leitav serveri logides ning API veateadetes ja hoiatustes.

Teksti/teate kood EST ENG
1001 Ei leidnud ressurssfaili Couldn´t find resource
1002 Mälu ei jätku Not enough memory
1003 Ill first arg AddComp Ill first arg AddComp
1004 Ill scnd arg AddComp Ill scnd arg AddComp
1005 Puudub konto Account not specified
1006 Tühjad read ei ole lubatud Empty lines are not allowed
1007 Kontot ei ole: Account not registered:
1008 Vale väärtus Invalid value
1009 Puudub väärtus Value missing
1010 Lausend ilma kontota Account missing
1011 Kandes on vahe Transaction out of Balance
1012 Printeri viga nr. Printer Error #
1013 Liiga vähe mälu, vaja : Out of memory, needed :
1014 Vaata Inspect
1015 Uus New
1016 Muuda Update
1017 Kustuta Deleting
1018 Otsi Search
1019 Protsent lubatust suurem Percent greater than allowed
1020 Tühista Invalidating
1022 Sirvi Browse
1023 (Kontot ei ole) (account missing)
1024 Sisesta kuupäev Enter date
1025 Sisesta allkiri Enter signature
1026 Sellise numbriga kannet ei ole No transaction with this number
1027 Seda aruannet ei kirjeldata No definition for this report
1028 Kasutaja ei ole registreeritud User not registered
1029 Vale salasõna Invalid password.
1030 Täitmata kanded ei ole lubatud Empty transactions not allowed
1031 Kontonumber peab olema vähemalt kahekohaline 2 digits minimum in Account numbers
1032 Selle numbriga kanne on juba olemas Transaction with this number already exists
1033 Ei ole määratud numbriseerias Not a defined serial number
1034 Kandenumber ei ole järgmine vaba number seerias Transaction number should be next free number in series
1035 Eelmine sessioon lõpetati valesti Last session was not properly terminated
1036 Kustutada saab ainult simulatsioone Only simulations may be removed
1037 Ei ole lubatud. Toimub saldomuutus Not allowed. Balance entry in progress
1038 Ei ole lubatud. Toimub kande sisestus Not allowed. Transaction entry in progress
1039 Seda kontot ei saa kustutada This account may not be removed
1040 Seda objekti ei saa kustutada This tag/object may not be removed
1041 Ei saa muuta, kui on loodud saldokaart May not be updated when Balance Records exists
1042 Seda objektitüüpi ei saa kustutada This tag/object type may not be removed
1043 Objekt puudub Tag/Object missing
1044 Sellel kontol summa tavaliselt teises veerus Not a normal amount for this account
1045 Kuu kontrollitud Month checked
1046 Kuu lukustatud Month locked
1047 Kande kuupäev väljaspool arvestusaastat Transaction Date not in current year
1048 Kanded saadetakse ainult printerile Transactions may only be sent to printer
1049 Ei ole lubatud simulatsioonides Not on simulations
1050 Tee enne parandus Make an update/correction mark first
1051 Seda rida ei tohi kustutada This row may not be deleted
1052 Kommunikatsiooniviga (AESend) Communications error (AESend)
1053 Sisesta kuupäev Enter date
1054 Viimane lk. Last Page
1055 Ei ole lubatud simulatsioonidele Not to simulations
1056 Ei saa muuta, kui kanne on registreeritud May not be changed when transactions are registered
1057 Ei saa muuta, kui kanne on registreeritud seerias May not be changed when transactions are registered in series
1058 Ei tohi olla tühi May not be blank
1059 Kood sisaldab keelatud märke Invalid character in code
1060 Objektitüüp on juba registreeritud Tag/Object Type is already registered
1061 Objekt on juba registreeritud Tag/Object is already registered
1062 Konto on juba registreeritud Account is already registered
1063 Kaart on juba registreeritud Record is already registered
1064 Kontot ei ole Account missing
1065 Objekti ei ole Tag/Object missing
1066 Kontonumbris lubatud ainult numbrid Only digits in account numbers
1067 Ei tohi muuta May not be changed
1068 Vale kuupäevaga kanded jäeti vahele Transactions with Invalid date have been skipped
1069 Tundmatud kontod impordis on lisatud kontoplaani Unknown accounts in import has been added to chart of accounts
1070 Vale kuupäevaga kanded paigutati viimase avatud kuu lõppu Transactions dated outside year has been put in last month
1071 Korraga mitu samasse tüüpi kuuluvat objekti: Multiple tag/object of the same type:
1072 Objektitüüpi ei tohi määrata koos valikuga 'Ainult grupid' Tag/Object Type may not be specified with Groups Only
1073 Ei ole lubatud. Sule esmalt numbriseeriate aken Not allowed while 'Number Series' window is open
1074 Ei ole lubatud. Sule esmalt arvestusaastate aken Not allowed while 'Fiscal Year' window is open
1075 Kanne ei ole arvestusaastas. Kontrolli Arvestusaastate seadistust Finants moodulis. Transaction not in any Fiscal Year. Check Fiscal Years Setting in #Nominal Ledger#.
1076 Arvestusaasta keelatud Fiscal year not allowed
1077 E D
1078 K C
1079 V I
1079 Kassaraamat on korras I
1080 Redigeerimine Editing
1080 Registreerimata kassaraamatu kanne Editing
1082 Konto on kaitstud allsüsteemi kontrolliga: Account is protected by sub-ledger control:
1083 Nõutav kindlat tüüpi objekt: Tag/Object of certain type required:
1084 Ei tohi kasutada: May not be used:
1085 Kannet ei saanud koostada. Kontrolli seadistust Transaction could not be generated. Check settings
1086 Järgnev loodi impordi käigus: The following were created during import:
1087 Kliendid Customers
1088 Artiklid Items
1089 Printeri draiver määramata Can't find printer drivers
1090 Printer ei vasta Printer not responding
1091 Min. tellitav kogus peab olema väiksem kui Tav. tellitav Min Order Qty must be less than Norm Order Qty
1092 Selle rea kohta on arve koostatud, seda ei saa muuta. This row has been invoiced already, it cannot be changed.
1093 Andmebaas: Database Size
1094 MB MB
1095 Vaba ruumi: Free Disk Space
1096 Tellimus kuulub projekti alla This order belongs to a project
1097 Ei ole aktiivset ettevõtet No Active Company
1098 Viga Kontrollkoodis 1 Error in Control String
1099 See ei ole kontrollkonto This is not a Control Account
1100 Palun kasuta selle dokumendi jaoks Lk.seadistust Fail menüüst Please, use Page Setup from File Menu for this Document
1101 Sisesta tasumisviis Payment Mode missing
1102 Ei tohi muuta May not be changed
1103 Selle numbriga laekumine on juba registreeritud Receipt with this number already registered
1104 Kõik kliendid All Customers
1105 Kliendid Customers
1106 Kõik artiklid All Items
1107 Artiklid Items
1108 Aasta   Year  
1109 Kuu   Month  
1110 Periood   Period  
1111 Kõik arved All Invoices
1112 Arved Invoices  
1113 Ainult klient   Only Customer  
1114 Kliendiklass:   Customer Category:  
1115 Selle numbriga arve on juba registreeritud Invoice with this number is already registered
1116 Sisesta arve number Enter invoice number
1117 Proovitrükk Test Printout
1118 Koopia Copy
1119 Sisesta krediteeritava arve number Enter number of invoice to be credited
1120 Kood ei ole kasutusel: Code not registered:
1121 Seda klienti ei tohi kustutada This Customer cannot be removed
1122 Seda artiklit ei tohi kustutada This Item cannot be removed
1123 Kreedit arvele Regarding Invoice
1124 Sisesta tasumise kuupäev Enter Payment Date
1125 Sisesta kliendikood Enter Customer Code
1126 Sisesta kande kuupäev Enter Transaction Date
1127 Viivitatud päevi:   Days late:  
1128 Viivise %:   Int Rate:  
1129 Tasumise kp:   Pay Date:  
1130 Sisesta artiklinumber Enter item number
1131 Sisesta arve number Enter invoice number
1132 Sisesta seerianumber Enter serial number
1133 Märgitud arve ei ole registreeritud Specified invoice not registered
1134 Sisesta KM-kood Enter #VAT Code#
1135 Artikliklass:   Item Group:  
1136 Mitte ühtegi None
1137 Ainult kinnitamata UnOKed Only
1138 Ainult kinnitatud OKed Only
1139 Nii kinnitatud kui ka kinnitamata Both OKed and not OKed
1140 Tasumisviis:   Payment mode:  
1141 Seerianumber:   Serial number:  
1142 Vale kuupäev Erroneous date
1143 Nr ja tasumispäev: No and Due Date:
1144 Periood: Period:
1145 Viivis arvutatud Interest is calculated
1146 Ainult trükkimata Not Printed Only
1147 Ainult trükitud Printed Only
1148 Ei trükitud ega trükkimata Neither Printed Nor Not Printed
1149 Selle seerianumbriga peab kuupäev olema eelmisest arvestusaastast Date has to be before fiscal year with this serialnumber
1152 OST P/INV
1154 SIM SIM
1155 AS FB
1156 Osakond Department
1158 L€H DELIV
1159 Kokkuvõte Overview
1160 Detailne Detailed
1161 Ajalugu History
1163 Nõutavad täis kuud Full months required
1164 Klient on ületanud krediidilimiidi Customer owes more than his credit limit specifies
1165 F1 - Abi Press F1 for help
1166 Ei saa kombineerida KM-koodi ja objekti #VAT Code# and tag/object may not be combined
1167 Lukustamise kp. ei saa viia ajas tagasi Locks cannot be moved backwards
1168 Lepingu nr: Contract No:
1169 Periood: Period:
1175 viimati tasutud Last Paid
1176 Kogus sisse In Quantity
1177 Summa sisse In Amount
1178 Järjestatud projekti järgi Sorted by Project
1179 Järjestatud projektijuhi järgi Sorted by Pr Leader
1180 Järjestatud kliendikoodi järgi Sorted by Customer No.
1181 Aegunud Aged
1182 Saldo Balance
1183 Kursivahe Rate diff.
1184 Baasvaluuta #N/L# Base Currency
1185 Valuuta Currency
1186 alates from
1187 Järjestatud numbri järgi Sorted by Number
1188 Järjestatud klassi järgi Sorted by Group
1189 Järjestatud nime järgi Sorted by Name
1190 Järjestatud klassi järgi Sorted by Category
1191 Järjestatud lao järgi Sorted by Location
1192 Järjestatud tarnija järgi Sorted by #Supplier#
1196 Järjestatud kliendi nime järgi Sorted by Customer Name
1197 Järjestatud projekti nime järgi Sorted by Project Name
1198 Projektiklass Project Class
1199 Pakkumine nr.: Quotation No:
1200 Ettemaksud sellele kontaktile ei ole lubatud On Account Payments for this Contact not allowed
1201 Tundmatu viide Unknown reference
1202 Tasumine tuleb enne kinnitamist tellida Payment must be ordered before it can be reconciled
1203 Sisesta kinnitaja Enter signer
1204 Sisesta seerianumber Enter serial number
1205 Sisesta tarnija number Enter #Supplier# number
1206 Sisesta kande kp. Enter transaction date
1207 Sisesta tasumisviis Enter payment mode
1208 Sisesta tarnija arve number Enter #Supplier#'s invoice number
1209 Tundmatu seerianumber Unknown serial number
1210 Sisesta summa Enter amount
1211 Alates Form
1212 Kõik tarnijad All #suppliers#
1213 Tarnijad #Suppliers#
1214 Seda tüüpi arvet ei tohi krediteerida Invoice of this type may not be credited
1215 Ei ole sama tarnija Not the same #Supplier#
1216 Tühistatud Void
1217 Ei ole sama valuuta Not the same currency
1218 Ei ole sama klient Not the same customer
1219 Tühi ainult ettemaksuga klientide puhul Only blank for On Account customers
1220 Ettemaksu laekumine ei tohi olla negatiivne On Account receipt may not be negative
1221 Topelt ettemaks On Account duplicate error (1221)
1222 Sellele arvele ei saa teha kreeditarvet This invoice may not be credited
1223 KM ei ole tasakaalus #VAT# not matching
1224 Arve tasumine on keelatud, arve on ootel Can't be paid, Invoice is on hold
1225 (*) Arve on ootel (*) Invoice is on hold
1226 Tarnijaklass: #Supplier# category:
1227 Tellimust ei saa krediteerida Order can't be Credit
1228 Arve väljastatakse tavaliselt kliendile Invoice Usually to Customer
1229 Maksimaalne kasutajate arv on juba sisenenud. Kasutajate soetamiseks võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. Maximum number of users already logged in. Please contact  & ProductName & " to purchase more users."
1230 Järjestatud projekti klassi järgi Sorted by Project Class
1231 Täätajat pole registreeritud Employee is not registered
1232 Seda projekti numbrit pole registreeritud This project number is not registered
1233 See artiklikood ei ole registreeritud This item code is not registered
1234 Selle projektialla ei kuulu ühtegi tellimust No orders belong to this project
1235 Arve kogus suurem kui lähetatud kogus Invoiced Quantity greater than delivered
1236 Sellele projektile ei ole kanded lubatud Transactions not allowed for this Project
1237 Seda projekti ei ole lubatud sellel täätajal kasutada This project may not be used with this employee
1238 Seda artiklit ei ole lubatud sellel täätajal kasutada This item may not be used with this employee
1239 Sisesta seerianumber Enter serial number
1240 Seerianumber pole selles laos registreeritud Serial Number not registered in this Location
1241 Seerianumber on selles laos juba registreeritud Serial Number already registered in that Location
1242 Sama seerianumbrit on lubatud ainult üks ühik Allowed one unit of the same Serial Number
1243 Seerianumber on juba registreeritud Serial Number already registered
1244 KM puudub No #VAT#
1245 KM-kood ei ole sama, mis müügikontol Not the same #VAT Code# as on Sales A/C
1247 Rohkem, kui on laos More than in stock
1248 Eelkonteerimine ja kinnitamine ei ole samaaegselt lubatud Prel booking and OKing simultaneously not allowed
1249 Peab seda tüüpi kandel tühi olema Has to be blank with this transaction type
1250 Peab olema klient: Should be Customer:
1251 Tellimusel ja lähetusel on erinevad kliendid Not the same Customer on Delivery and Order
1252 Tellimust ei eksisteeri Order does not exist
1253 Ettemaks ei ole registreeritud Prepayment is not registered
1254 Summa on suurem ettemaksust Higher sum than Prepayment
1255 Ettemaksu summa arve summast suurem Prepayment value is higher than Invoice sum
1256 Sisesta tasumistingimus Enter payment term
1257 Seda artiklit on juba kasutatud, tüübi muutmine ei ole soovitatav This Item has already been used, changing the type is not recommended!
1258 Konto suletud: Account Closed:
1259 Kursse saab sisestada ainult ühe baasvaluuta suhtes Rates can only be calculated against one base currency
1260 Sellist valuutat ei ole Currency does not exist
1261 Liig kõrge kurss Too high rate
1262 Liig madal kurss Too low rate
1263 Sellel väljal ei ole kurss lubatud Rate not allowed in this field
1264 Mõlemad kursi väljad ei tohi olla tühjad Both Rate fields cannot be Empty
1265 Klient suletud: Customer Closed:
1266 Artikkel suletud: Item Closed:
1267 Lubatust rohkem ettevõtteid More Companies than Allowed
1268 Lubatust rohkem konverentse More Conferences than Allowed
1269 Lubatust rohkem lisapostkaste More Extra Mailboxes than Allowed
1270 Koodita kaart ei ole lubatud Record with Empty code not allowed
1271 Kõik klassid All Groups
1272 Kontakti ei ole Contact does not exist
1273 Ei tohi muuta ladu May Not Update #Stock#
1274 Tegevus on keelatud: You are not allowed to perform this action:
1275 Selle numbriga tsekk on juba registreeritud #Cheque# with this number already registered
1276 Vale või tühi tsekikonto Wrong or Empty Cheque Account
1277 Vale tasumisviis Wrong Payment Mode
1278 Kinnipidamised pole vajalikud No Withholdings necessary
1279 Selle seerianumbriga tsekki ei ole No Cheque with that Serial Number
1280 Tseki väärtus ei sobi The Cheque Value Doesn't Match
1281 Kaarti ei saanud koostada. Kontrolli seadistusi. Record could not be generated. Check settings
1282 Kaart tühistatud Record Invalidated
1283 See kulukonto ei ole projekti kontode kontrolli seadistusega vastavuses Not a valid WIP Account for this Project
1284 Selle konto kasutamisel on vaja määrata projekt Use of this Account requires a Project
1285 Projekti seadistustega on see artikkel keelatud: Item not allowed due to Project Item Handling:
1286 Ei ole sama KM-kood Not the same #VAT Code#
1287 Kui kasutad laekumisel KM, on lubatud ainult üks ettemaks laekumise kohta Only one Prepayment per Receipt allowed when using #VAT# on Receipts
1288 Ettemaks Prepayment Invoice
1289 Sisesta ettemaksu number Enter Prepayment Number
1290 Sellist kaarti ei ole registreeritud Record does not exist
1291 Kasuta ainult ühte keelt Can not handle more than one language
1292 Tsekk ei ole avatud #Cheque# is not in opened state
1293 Kulutus on allkirjastamata: You have not #authorised# it
1294 Täielikult lähetatud tellimust ei saa tagasi võtta Can not decline a fully delivered Order
1295 Seda tasumisviisi ei saa kasutada osaliste maksetega This Payment Type cannot be combined with #Instalments#
1296 Selle koodiga automaatlausend on juba olemas An Autotransaction with that code already exists
1297 Selle koodiga periodiseeritud kanne on juba olemas An #N/L# Accrual with that code already exists
1298 Faili saatmine serverisse ei õnnestunud, tee kindlaks, et serveris on 'Attach' kataloog Upload of file to the Server failed, make sure an Attach folder exists
1299 Autoriseerimata staatuse muutus Unauthorised state change
1300 Klient on ootel: Customer on hold:
1301 Artikkel ei ole laoartikli tüübis Item not stocked
1302 Koguse muutmine väiksemaks kui laosissetulekul ei ole lubatud Lowering quantity below delivered is not allowed
1303 Lähetada enam, kui tellitud, ei ole lubatud Delivering more than is ordered is not allowed
1304 Ei ole võimalik, kuna tellimusele on tehtud lähetus Not allowed when order is delivered
1305 Võrdlus: Comparison:
1306 Netomuutus Net Change
1307 Akumuleerunud Accumulated
1308 Eelmine aasta Previous Year
1309 Eelarve Budget
1310 Eelarveparandus Rev Budget
1311 % in %
1312 valuutas in currency
1313 Täpne noteering Exact Notation
1314 Tuhandetes In Thousands
1315 Miljonites In Millions
1316 % käibest % Turnover
1317 Peenrahata No Decimals
1318 Ilma Excluding
1319 ja and
1320 Koos Including
1321 Muu Other
1322 KM #VAT#
1323 Tavaline Normal
1324 Kreedit Credit
1325 Arved Invoices
1326 Tellimata Not Ordered
1327 , ,
1328 Tellitud Ordered
1329 Võrreldud Reconciled
1330 Arved Invoices
1331 Sularahaarved Cash Notes
1332 Kreeditarved #Credit Notes#
1333 Viivisarved Interest Invoices
1334 Lähetused Deliveries
1335 Laosissetulekud Goods Receipts
1336 Laoliikumised #Stock# Movements
1337 Kontaktandmed Contact data
1338 Tootmised Productions
1339 Kõik väärtpaberid All Securities
1340 Kõik portfellid All Portfolios
1341 Väärtpaberid Securities
1342 Portfellid Portfolios
1343 Väärtpaberiklass Security Class
1345 Kõik Vp.tehingud All Sec.Transactions
1346 Tehingud Transactions
1347 Maksimum   Maximum  
1348 Miinimum   Minimum  
1349 Järjestatud sorteerimise indeksi järgi Sorted by Sort Key
1350 Järjestatud osakonna järgi Sorted by Department
1351 Järjestatud telefoni järgi Sorted by Telphone
1352 Puudub saatja e-mail From missing
1353 Ei ole lubatud postkast Not a valid mailbox
1354 See aadress on juba mailil Already in address list
1355 Ainult mitmekasutaja süsteemi puhul Only in multiuser mode
1356 Salvesta kõigepealt kaart Save record first
1357 Ei saa saata koos failidega Can't send with attached files
1358 Sellele mailile ei ole võimalik vastata Can't reply to this mail
1359 Maili saad kustutada ainult 'Sirvi' aknast Delete Mail from Browse
1360 Nädal Week
1361 Arvutamine Calculating
1363 Arhiiv Archive
1364 Program on piiratud kasutusega seisus, rohkem kaarte ei ole võimalik koostada, kui see on lahendatud. Program is in Restricted mode, you may not create more records until that has been resolved.
1365 Ei saa tühistada, projektikandest on juba müügiarve koostatud Can't Invalidate, Project Transactions have been invoiced.
1366 Ei ole sama valuuta. Ettevaatust selle kasutamisel Not the same currency. Use it with caution
1367 Tääkulu sisestatakse ainult Sisse-artiklitele Work Cost is intended for In-Items
1368 Rohkem kui üks arve, krediteeri need eraldi More than one Invoice, credit them manually
1369 Pole lubatud, kui Tääkäsk on tehtud Not allowed when there is Work Order
1370 Hansa kustutab vanu abiregistreid Deleting
1371 Hansa  arvutab uusi abiregistreid Rebuilding
1372 See rida võetakse Eelarvepakkumiselt, muutmine võib tekitada probleeme This row comes from Budget Quotation, if you change it you might get problems
1373 Sisesta projektiklass Project Class is demanded
1374 Programmis puudub selle akna kirjeldus Window definition missing:  
1375 Piiratud kasutuse moodul ei ole aktiivne Limited Access Module not active
1376 Viimane tekstikoopia ebaõnnestus Last backup failed
1376 See peaprojekt ei ole lubatud Last backup failed
1377 Tekstikoopia edukalt eksporditud Backup completed
1377 Alamprojekt ei ole lõpetatud: Backup completed
1378 Vigane andmebaas: Damaged database:
1378 Peaprojekt on lõpetatud: Damaged database:
1379 Kogus ei või olla suurem kui 1 teenindustellimuste registri uuendamisel Quantity may not be higher than 1 when updating Service Order Registers
1380 Hansa server lülitatakse välja 10 minuti pärast The system will restart in 3 minutes
1381 Saada teade: Sending message to:
1382 Teate saatja: Message from:
1383 Hansa server on välja lülitatud, sisenemine ei ole võimalik System is shutting down, login is not allowed
1384 Faili laadimine serverisse ebaõnnestus, fail juba olemas:   Upload of file to the Server failed, file already exists:  
1385 Uus New
1386 Objekt puudub No Objects
1387 Üks objekt One Object
1388 Objektid Objects
1389 Objektid Objects/*in other languages 2-4 has different conugation(?)*/
1390 Hoiatus, tseki tähtaeg on varasem kui kande kuupäev Warning, Cheque has due date before transaction date
1391 Juba kasutatud Already used
1393 Gateway suletakse, palun ooota, kuni järjekorrad tühjendatakse Gateway is shutting down, please wait while emptying the queues
1394 Laopiirkond puudub Location Area missing
1395 Aluse piirkond puudub Pallet Area missing
1396 Vaikimisi laopiirkond sellel artiklil on: Default Location Area for this Item is:
1397 Rohkem kui asukohas More than at position
1398 €ra muuda teisendite formaati artiklil, mida on juba kasutatud Do NOT change or add the mask for an item that has already been used
1399 Otsin faile, oota Scanning for Files, please wait
1400 Tühistatud Invalidated
1401 Liiga palju kasutajaid Too many users
1402 Seadistuse muutmiseks peavad teised kasutajad välja logima. May only be performed when only one user is connected
1403 Oota, server täätab Wait, the server is working
1404 Kaart on muutunud The record has been changed
1405 Klient ja server ei vasta teineteisele Client and server not compatible
1406 Liiga palju kaarte on kinni Too many records locked
1407 Liiga palju blokke on kinni Too many blocks locked
1408 Seadistust muudab Block locked by
1409 Ei leia printserverit: PrintServer not found:
1410 543671 543671
1411 Ei ole Serveri moodulis Not in the Server Module
1412 Klient   Client
1414 Esimene lk. First Page
1415 Tagastatud Rejected
1422 TL WS
1425 Erinev valuuta. Kontrolli kontokaarti Not the same currency. Check Account Record
1426 Liiga palju seda tüüpi kaarte Too many records of this type
1431 POS C/INV
1432 TS TS
1433 Ootan eelnevalt tellitud aruannet, uut ei võta Already Waiting for a report. This report will be ignored /* not used */
1434 Tarnija puudub, on suletud või ilma kulukontota #Supplier# is either missing, closed or without a Cost account
1435 Teise serveri e Companies from different servers not allowed, you need to restart to select this company
1436 POS POS
1438 AT TS
1439 TEG ACT
1440 Tagasi Up
1447 S I/INV
1448 L S/STMOV
1449 V V/PURCH
1450 Tehingu kogus on suurem kui korraldusel More on Transaction then is available on the Order
1451 Puudub tehingule vastav korraldus No Order is matching this Transaction
1452 Korraldus ei ole sama tüüpi Not the same type on Order
1453 Ost Buy
1454 Müük Sell
1455 Korraldusel on teine väärtpaber Not the same Security on Order
1456 Tehing ei ole vastav Transaction not Matched
1457 Kannet ei saanud koostada, kontrolli lausendamist ja portfelli Transaction could not be generated, please check Account usage and Portfolio
1458 Ei leia ostutellimust Purchase Order not Found
1459 See ei ole lubatud rida This Row is not Valid
1460 Maili saatmine ebaõnnestus. Failed to send Email
1461 Saaja aadress sisaldas keelatud tähesümboleid. The Recipient's address contained Invalid characters
1462 Alguskuupäeva väli võib tühjaks jääda ainult siis, kui vara võetakse kasutusele hiljem Start Date field can be empty if Asset will be put in use later
1463 Puudub saaja e-mailiaadress No Recipient with an Email address
1464 Sellel kasutajal on juba postkast User has a mailbox already
1465 Selle koodiga ettevõte serveris puudub That company doesn't exist on the Server
1466 Internetikasutajate arv serveris on täis Internet User Limit on Server reached
1467 Sa ei saa enne siseneda, kui üks litsentseerimata kasutaja on väljunud One unlicensed user is logged in. You may not log in until the unlicensed user has logged off
1468 Sinu kasutajanimele pole seadistatud postkasti, seetõttu ei saa teised siseneda seni, kuni sa pole väljunud. Klientprogramm suletakse automaatselt 1 minuti pärast. You have no mailbox. You are now preventing other users from logging on. Client will automatically quit in 1 minute
1469 Sa oled juba sisenenud, kas soovid lõpetada eelmise sessiooni? Already logged in, log out old session?
1470 Ühendus serveriga katkes, kas soovid väljuda? Lost connection with server, shut down?
1471 Ei saa serverilt vastust No response from network
1472 Sa ei tohi ise ühendust katkestada You may not disconnect yourself
1473 Sa saad valida ainult nähtavaid kaarte You may only select visible records
1474 Samaaegsete kasutajate valik ei ole kehtiv. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. Concurrent Users is not a valid option. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1475 Rohkem nimelisi 3. taseme kasutajaid kui lubatud. Kontrollige Süsteemi kasutamise seadistust. More Named Users of Level 3 than allowed. Check your Configuration.
1476 Rohkem nimelisi 1. taseme kasutajaid kui lubatud. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. More Named Users of Level 1 than allowed. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1477 Rohkem nimelisi 2. taseme kasutajaid kui lubatud. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. More Named Users of Level 2 than allowed. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1478 Üles laadimisel... Not Complete
1479 KB KB
1480 Artikli jaoks ebakorrektne suurus Invalid Size for the Item
1481 MB MB
1482 GB GB
1483 Rohkem ühe funktsiooni kasutajaid kui lubatud. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. More Single Functions in use than allowed. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1484 Üksiku funktsiooni kasutaja ei saa olla samaaegne kasutaja. Single Function Users may not be Concurrent Users.
1485 Süsteemi on loodud rohkem nimelisi kasutajaid kui on soetatud. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. More named users than purchased are created in your System. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1486 Seda klientprogrammi ei ole lubatud kasutada. Päärdu abi saamiseks süsteemiadministraatori poole. You are not allowed to use this client. Talk to your system administrator.
1487 Kommunikatsiooniprotokolli viga Communications Protocol Violation
1488 Klientprogrammis vigane või keelatud HAL- või HOB-fail. Bad or not allowed HAL or HOB file in client
1489 Mõned seadistused ei ole korrektsed, proovi kasutada veebivõtit, kui see täätab, kontrolli veebivõtmete seadistust. Some settings are not correct, try to use the Enabler on the Web, if that works check Internet Enablers setting
1490 Registreeritud postkaste Mailboxes Registered
1491 Registreeritud konverentse Conferences Registered
1492 Registreeritud nimelisi kasutajaid Named Users Registered
1493 Registreeritud üksikuid funktsioone Single Functions Registered
1494 & ProductName & "'i uuendused on serveris saadaval. Vajuta OK Updates to  & ProductName & " are available from the server
1495 Klientprogramm suletakse, palun logi uuenduste aktiveerimiseks uuesti sisse. Your client will now shut down. Please login again to complete the update
1496 Andmebaas on liiga suur, programm suletakse 2 minuti pärast Database too large, system will shut down in 2 minutes
1497 Sellest kaardist on koostatud periodiseerimise simulatsioon, paranda see käsitsi. An #N/L# Accrual was made for this record, please fix that manually.
1498 Kustutan kaardi: Delete
1499 ? ?
1500 Seda välja ei saa kasutada, edasise info saamiseks helistage konsultatsioonitelefonile This field has been deactivated, call support for further information
1501 Näita kaardirida Show Button
1502 Peida kaardirida Hide Button
1503 Näita registrit Show Register
1504 Peida register Hide Register
1505 Näita arhiivi Show File
1506 Peida arhiiv Hide File
1507 Näita tausta Show Deskpad
1508 Peida taust Hide Deskpad
1509 Trükkimisjärjekord täis Printqueue full
1510 Igast tüübist võib muuta Only one record of each kind may be updated or inserted
1511 Aruande jaoks ei ole piisavalt mälu Not enough memory for the entire report
1512 Seda välja tohib muuta ainult uuel kaardil This field may only be changed at insertion
1513 Tundmatu op.süsteemi versioon Unknown operating system version
1514 Failinimi Filename
1515 Anna ettevõtte failinimi: Company filename:
1516 Importi saab katkestada vajutades 'Íunaklahvi' ja 'Punkti' Cancel import with command-.
1516 Importi saab katkestada vajutades ESC Cancel import with command-.
1517 Import Import
1518 Kas registreerida? Insert record?
1519 Kas registreerida muutused? Update record?
1520 Kaarti kasutab Record locked by
1521 Info About
1522 Sa ei saa selle serveriga ühendust võtta You are not allowed to connect to this server
1523 Kirjale lisatud e-maili saatmine ebaõnnestus The attatched Email failed to be sent
1528 Versioon: Version:
1529 Litsentsi number: #Licence# No:
1530 Litsentsi omanik: #Licence# Holder:
1531 OK Post
1532 Kin. OK
1533 Lk.: Page:
1534 Eksport faili Export to file
1535 Saab katkestada vajutades 'Íunaklahvi' ja 'Punkti' Cancel with command-.
1535 Saab katkestada vajutades ESC Cancel with command-.
1536 Periood Period
1537 Kuu Month
1538 Aasta Year
1539 Ettevõtte loomine Creating company  
1540 Ettevõtte avamine Opening company  
1541 Saab katkestada vajutades 'Íunaklahvi' ja 'Punkti' May be cancelled with command-.
1541 Saab katkestada vajutades ESC May be cancelled with command-.
1541 Koostan...  palun oota May be cancelled with command-.
1542 Selle aruande jaoks ei ole piisavalt mälu Not enough memory for this report
1543 Seda tüüpi kaarte ei saa muuta Records of this type may not be updated
1544 Seda tüüpi kaarte ei saa kustutada Records of this type may not be removed
1545 Kood on juba kasutusel Code already registered
1546 Viga dokumendi kirjelduses Can't find document:
1547 On juba registreeritud Already registered
1548 Liiga palju faile on avatud Too many files open
1549 Andmebaasifaili avamine ebaõnnestus. Andmebaas võib olla juba avatud või puudub teil õigus seda faili avada. Failed to open the database file. The database might already be open or you might not have write-access to the file.
1550 Jjaa..ah Yy
1551 Ee... Nn
1552 Hmm..mm .BbWwCc
1553 On kasutajaid, kellel on salvestamata kaarte - importi ei teostata. Some records/blocks are locked
1554 Register on täis The register is full
1555 Kokkusobimatud versioonid: Incompatible version of database found. Can't proceed:
1556 Eelmine sessioon lõpetati valesti Last session was not properly terminated
1557 Ei ole määratud numbriseerias Not in any defined series
1558 Seda dokumenti ei tohi muuta This document cannot be changed
1559 Fail avatud, ei saa salvestada File already open, cannot be written
1560 Ei tohi kustutada May not be removed
1561 Näita moodulit Show Module
1562 Peida moodul Hide Module
1563 Salvestusviga, eksporti ei lõpetatud korrektselt Error while writing, the export could not be completed
1564 Numbriseeriad kattuvad Overlapping series
1565 Aruande määratluses ebasobiv kombinatsioon Invalid combination of report options
1566 Summa positiivne Amount positive
1567 Summa negatiivne Amount negative
1568 Kande kuupäev ja tasumise kuupäev peavad olema samas perioodis Transaction Date and Payment Date must be in the same period
1569 Kande kuupäev ja arve kuupäev peavad olema samas perioodis Transaction Date and Invoice Date must be in the same period
1570 Vali moodul... Select module..
1571 Operatsioonid Operations
1572 Moodulid Modules
1573 Re&gistrid Re&gisters
1573 Registrid Re&gisters
1574 Negatiivsed kogused keelatud Negative quantities not allowed
1575 Põhiaken Base Window
1576 On piiratud kasutuses. Süsteem pole täielikult kasutatav. Võtme saamiseks helista telefonil 669 1111. is running in Restricted Mode. The system is not fully functional. To receive an Enabler please contact your local & ProductName & " office or visit our website"
1577 Eksport ei ole võimalik (kõvaketas on täis) Error while writing file (Disk full)
1578 Faili nimes ebasobivad sümbolid Invalid characters in filename
1579 Andmebaas läheb piiratud kasutusega seisu Database goes to Restricted Mode in
1580 päeva pärast days.
1581 Piiratud kasutuses trükkimine pole lubatud. Palun uuenda andmebaasivõtit moodulis Üldine, Seadistused, Internetivõtmed - Võta uus andmebaasivõti. Can't print in Restricted Mode. Please purchase Base Package.
1581 Piiratud kasutuses trükkimine pole lubatud. Palun uuenda andmebaasivõtit moodulis Üldine, Seadistused, Internetivõtmed - Võta uus andmebaasivõti. Can't print in Restricted Mode. Please purchase Base Package.
1582 Vale valuuta Wrong currency
1583 Kanne ei ole vastavuses korrespondeeruvuse seadistusega Transaction does not comply with Corresponding A/C Rules
1584 Valuuta tasumised ei ole lubatud pangafaili. Vahele jäetud tasumised: Payment rows with different Sent Currencies not allowed
1585 Määra Ost või Müük Specify Buy or Sell
1586 See pakkumine ei kehti enam This Quotation is no longer valid
1587 Sellest pakkumisest on leping juba koostatud A Contract has already been created from this Quotation
1588 See on võimalik HAL versioonis Option only available in HAL version
1589 See aruanne on võimalik HAL'iga Report only available in HAL
1590 Ootan serverilt vastust, kas soovid programmist väljuda? Still waiting for message from Server, do you really want to quit?
1591 Kes on online Who Is Online
1592 Kes on online Who Is In This Chat
1593 Aktiivse kasutuse statistika Online Statistics
1594 Aktiivsed Online
1595 Kasutaja User
1596 Viimane HansaWorldi sisenemine Last Standard ERP Logon
1597 Viimane veebis sisenemine Last Web Logon
1598 Viimane IP aadress Last IP Adress
1599 Hal failid kasutusel. Puudub andmebaasivõti, abi saamiseks helistage telefonile 669 1111. HAL Files detected. Enabler missing, call support
1600 Massive Cache kasutusel. Puudub andmebaasivõti, abi saamiseks helistage telefonile 669 1111. Massive Cache detected. Enabler missing, call support
1601 &Info &Info
1602 &Abi... &Help...
1603 &Info &About
1604 Litsents on piiratud. Puudub andmebaasivõti, abi saamiseks helistage telefonile 669 1111. This license is restricted, please contact your nearest HansaWorld office for more information
1605 Litsents on peatatud. Puudub andmebaasivõti, abi saamiseks helistage telefonile 669 1111. This license is disabled, please contact your nearest HansaWorld office for more information
1606 Kasutatavad litsentseerimata HAL primitiivid. Unlicensed HAL primitives used
1611 &Aken &Window
1612 &Kaskaad &Cascade
1613 Kõrvuti &horisontaal Tile &horizontal
1614 Kõrvuti &vertikaal Tile &vertical
1615 Korrasta &sümbolid Arrange &icons
1616 S&ule kõik Close &all
1617 Mi&nimiseeri kõik Mi&nimize all
1618 &Taasta kõik &Restore all
1619 Salvesta asetus Save Normal Position
1620 Taasta standard Restore Normal Position
1621 Vana teksti muutmine keelatud, lisa teksti lõppu Changing the old text not allowed, add text at the end
1622 Maksimaalne tähtede arv on täis. Maximum number of characters reached
1623 Palun kontrolli dokumendi kirjeldust Please check the form definition
1624 Dokumendimall kirjeldamata No form defined.
1625 Rohkem KPI-sid kui lubatud. Server on piiratud kasutusega seisus. More KPIs than allowed. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1626 Andmebaasi kiirendi kasutab rohkem andmeid kui lubatud. Server on piiratud kasutusega seisus. Amount of data in database is more than allowed while using Database Accelerator. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
1627 Server on piiratud kasutusega seisus, sisenemist ei lubata. Programm suletakse 1 minuti jooksul. The server is in Restricted mode, no clients are allowed to connect. Client will automatically quit in 1 minute.
1628 HAL failid uuendatud, klientprogramm suletakse. HAL files updated to match your profile, your client will now shut down.
1629 Samaaegsete kasutajate arv on täis. Programm suletakse Concurrent User limit on server reached. Your client will now close.
1630 PA SALC
1631 PV SPAY
1632 PAV SPAY2
1637 SMS #SMS#
1643 Rohkem üksikuid funktsioone kui on lubatud. More Single Functions than allowed.
1644 Krediidileping Credit Agreement
1645 Isiklik arhiiv juba aktiveeritud Personal Desktop already Activated
1646 Isiklik arhiiv on aktiveeritud. Kasutamiseks on vajalik uuesti sisselogimine Personal Desktop is now Activated. Please Login again to start using it.
1647 Isikliku arhiivi aktiveerimiseks peab olema programmis isik registreeritud You must have a user to activate Personal Desktop
1648 Lubatust rohkem nimelisi kasutajaid. More Named Users than allowed.
1649 Muudetakse üldiseid seadistusi, proovi hetke pärast uuesti Some global settings are being changed, please try again
1650 Avati andmebaas Open database
1651 sulges andmebaasi Close database
1652 Sisene Login
1653 Välju Logoff
1654 käivitas aruande Report
1655 trükkis Printing
1656 Sissetulev ühendus: Incoming Connection from:
1657 Sisenemine ebaõnnestus Login Failed
1658 Imporditud fail: File Imported
1659 Väline sissetulev ühendus External Incoming Connection
1660 Väline programm lõpetatud External Program Disconected
1661 Saadan e-maili aadressilt Sending Email from
1662 Võtan e-maili vastu Receiving Mail
1663 käivitas hooldusfunktsiooni Maintenance
1664 Lisad kustutatud Attachment Deleted
1665 Faili avamine ebaõnnestus, fail kas lukustatud või kasutuses. Unable to open file, file is either locked or busy.
1666 Maksimaalne väikeste seadmete arv on juba sisenenud. Lisakasutajate soetamiseks palun võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. Maximum number of small devices already logged in. Please contact  & ProductName & " to purchase more users."
1667 Ei saa saata e-maili enne kui kõik failid on üles laaditud Can't send Email before all files are properly uploaded
1668 Sa ei saa sulgeda kõiki kasutajaid, vähemalt üks peab olema aktiivne! You cannot close all users, at least one must be active.
1669 Html manustatud failina Html as Attachment
1670 Käivita Run
1671 Jäta   Cancel  
1672 Meedia Media
1673 Ekraanile Screen
1674 Printerisse Printer
1675 Faili File
1676 Vali Select
1677 Otsi Search
1678 Ava Open
1679 Excel Excel
1680 Sulge Close
1681 Salvesta Save
1682 Koopia Duplicate
1683 Uus New
1684 Trükkimisjärjekord Print Queue
1685 Abilaud Clipboard
1686 Printeri dialoog Print Dialog
1687 Jäta Cancel
1688 Lisa Attach
1689 Aseta Paste
1690 Salvesta Save
1691 Faks Fax
1692 Ignoreeri ajalimiiti Ignore Timeout Limit
1693 Pdf Pdf
1694 File already exists File already exists
1695 Cannot open File Cannot open File
1696 Cannot open Reply File Cannot open Reply File
1697 Sissetulev taasühend.:   Incoming Re-Connection from:
1698 Pdf ja E-mail   Pdf and Email  
1699 Fail on imporditud, programm suletakse. Jätkamiseks käivita programm uuesti. Your client will now close following the file import. Restart the application to continue.
1700 Fail juba olemas, kas soovid seda üle kirjutada? File exists, do you wish to replace?
1701 Arve Invoice
1702 Laekumine Receipt
1703 Vale kliendi number Incorrect customer number
1704 Numbriseeria algus tohib sisaldada nulle vaid viiekohalise kliendinumbri puhul Nnumber Series may only begin with zeroes if Customer Number is 5 characters long
1705 Vale KMKR nr. formaat. Peab olema: #VAT Reg. Number# is incorrect. Should look like:
1706 KMKR nr. on juba olemas #VAT Reg. Number# already exists
1707 Palun sisesta klassifikaator tüübiga Please input classification with type
1708 KMKR viga. Vale kontrollkood #VAT Reg. Number# error. Incorrect Control Code
1709 Reg. number on juba olemas #Reg. No.# already exists
1710 Artiklil on sellest uuemaid sündmusi, jätkamiseks märgi 'Kirjuta üle varasema kuupäevaga'. Peale seda tuleb teha tekstikoopia eksport Item has events newer than this, check Override Backdated to continue. You must do Export/Import after this.
1711 KMKR number on puudu #VAT Reg. Number# is missing
1712 Dokumenditüüp puudub kliendikaardil Doc. Type on Customer record is missing
1713 KMKR nr. on juba kasutuses #VAT Reg. Number# is used already
1714 #Reg. No.# on vale. Peaks olema: #Reg. No.# is incorrect. Should look like:
1715 #Reg. No.# on vale. #Reg. No.# is incorrect.
1716 Telefoninumber on juba olemas Phone number already exists
1717 E-mail on juba olemas Email already exists
1718 Kood peab olema sama, mis Arvestusaasta kood Code has to match Fiscal Year Code
1719 Mitu sama tüüpi klassifikaatorit: Multiple Classifications of the same type:
1720 Lähetatud kogus ületab tellitud koguse More on delivery than what has been Ordered
1721 See reserveeringu hetkeseis ei ole lubatud May not have this Reservation Status
1722 Seda reserveeringut ei saa kinnitada Can't set this Reservation to Done
1723 Toa vahetamine ei ole võimalik No Room Change
1724 Ei ole hõivatud, tuba Not occupied, Room
1725 Toa klassifikaator puudub Room Classification does not exist
1725 Ressursi klassifikaator puudub Room Classification does not exist
1726 Maksimaalne lubatud kreeditsumma Maximum allowed credit amount
1727 Juba krediteeritud Already Credited
1728 Saab muuta ainult siis, kui tõstukisüsteem on kasutusel, kontrolli laohalduse seadistust. May be changed when Forklift System is turned on in Warehouse Management Settings.
1729 Asukoht hõivatud Position occupied
1730 Asukoha laius ületatud Position Width exceeded
1731 Asukoha kõrgus ületatud Position Height exceeded
1732 Asukoha sügavus ületatud Position Depth exceeded
1733 Liiga suur kogus Too high quantity
1734 Asukoht ei ole registreeritud Position does not exist
1735 Asukoht on suletud Position Closed
1736 Kinnita eelnev enne Confirm previous first
1737 Kogus on suurem, kui tellitud Qty higher than ordered
1738 Kontrolli laomahakandmiste numbriseeriaid Check #Stock Depreciation# Number Series
1739 Kontrolli laoliikumiste numbriseeriaid Check #Stock# Movement Number Series
1740 Rohkem kui laos Item not in #Stock#
1741 Täida ära koguse väli või vajuta 'Liiguta' nuppu Fill in quantity or press Move button
1742 error error
1743 Teisendite kasutamiseks on vaja seadistada põhiladu Laoseadistustes You need a Main Location in #Stock# Settings if you want to use Varieties
1744 Kontrolli arvete numbriseeriaid Check Invoices Number Series
1745 Kontrolli tootmiste numbriseeriaid Check Production Number Series
1746 Kontrolli tootmistellimuste hetkeseisu Check Production Order Status
1747 Kontrolli numbriseeriaid Check Number Series
1748 Selles laos ei ole sellist asukohta Position does not exist at this Location
1749 Kontrolli tootmistellimuse masinat Check Production Order Machine
1750 Masin ei kuulu gruppi Machine does not belong to the Group
1751 Tasumine Payment
1752 Ostuarve #Purchase Invoice#
1753 Ostuarve Pur Inv
1754 POS arved. Periood Cashier Invoices. Period
1755 Kassasahtel avatud Cashdrawer Opened
1756 Ei ole tagastatavaid artikleid     No items can be returned    
1757 Määra terminalikoha kood Terminalikoha seadistuses ja taaskäivita klient. Specify a Local Machine Code in the Local Machine setting and restart the client.
1758 See register on kirjutuskaitstud, muudatused pole lubatud This Register is read-only, no changes allowed
1759 See seadistus on kirjutuskaitstud, muudatused pole lubatud This Setting is read-only, no changes allowed
1760 Ettevõtte seadistusi on muudetud, programm suletakse. Jätkamiseks käivita programm uuesti. Your client will now close as a result of changes made. Restart the application to continue.
1761 Selles ettevõttes on tarnijaid, mis tuleb kontaktide registriks ümber konverteerida. Kasuta aruannet ja hooldust 'Konverteeri tarnijad kontaktideks. There are #Suppliers# in this Company. You must convert them and move to Contacts Register. Please use Convert #Suppliers# to Contacts Report and Maintenance.
1762 Kopeeritud teksti maht oli liiga suur, kogu teksti ei asetatud. The copied text was too large, text truncated.
1763 Peale selle seadistuse muutmist ekspordi palun tekstikoopia ja impordi uude andmebaasi. Please make export and import after changing this setting.
1764 Selles ettevõttes on vanu kontaktisikute kaarte, palun konverteeri need kontaktideks, kasutades hooldust 'Konverteeri kontaktisikud kontaktideks'. There are old Contact Persons in this company, please convert them to Contacts using the maintenance routine called 'Convert Contact Persons to Contacts'.
1765 Enne tää jätkamist vii läbi Lao mooduli seadistus Kuluarvestus ning seejärel käivita hooldusfunktsioon 'Lao konverteerimine'. You must go through the Cost Accounting setting carefully and then run the Rebuild #Stock# Maintenance before you continue working!
1766 Ladu muutvate kaartide aktsepteerimine ei ole võimalik enne hooldusfunktsiooni 'Lao konverteerimine' käivitamist. You can't accept #Stock# affecting Records until you have run the Rebuild #Stock# Maintenance
1767 Kui teil on mitu ladu, siis on vajalik sisestada põhiladu Laoseadistustesse. Specify Main Location in #Stock# Settings
1768 Sul ei ole õigust sellest laost artikleid väljastada. You are not allowed to withdraw any items from this location.
1769 Saatev ja vastuvõttev ladu peavad erinema. From Location and To Location cannot be the same.
1770 Palun sisesta terminalikoha kood Local Machine Code is missing
1771 Palun määra oma Hansa serveri riistvara ja operatsioonisüsteem! You have to choose the Hardware and OS that best describes your server
1772 Soovitame sul registreerida see toode nii pea kui võimalik. Vajalikke toiminguid selleks saad teha järgmises aknas. We suggest you register with us as soon as you can. Please take necessary actions in the next screen.
1773 Varsti ei ole sul võimalik seda registrit kasutada, kui sa ei ole ennast Excellentis registreerinud ja maksunud antud toote eest. Very soon this register will no longer be usable, unless you register with us and pay for the App.
1774 Sa ei saa kasutada seda toodet enne, kui sa oled selle eest maksnud. Vajalikke toiminguid selleks saad teha järgmises aknas. You can't use this App anymore until you have paid for it. Please take necessary actions in the next screen.
1775 Kui soovid seda toodet edasi kasutada, pead ennast Excellentis registreerima. Vajalikke toiminguid selleks saad teha järgmises aknas. You should register this app with us if you wish to continue using it. Please take necessary actions in the next screen.
1776 Kontrolli oma süsteemikasutamist, see ei vasta meie informatsioonile. You should check your System Usage/Configurations, it doesn't match our information.
1777 Sa võid kasutada ainult seda versiooni, mis oli sul kasutusel siis, kui sa meiega lepingu lõpetasid. You are only allowed to use versions that you used when you ended your contract with us.
1778 Sa küsid võtme vanemale versioonile, kui registreeritud andmebaas. Palun võta ühendust oma &  ProductName & " kontoriga. You are applying for an enabler for an older version than the database is registered for. Please contact your local &  ProductName & " support."
1779 Sisestatud kehtivuse kuupäev on hilisem kui lepingu lõppkuupäev, palun muuda seda. The date is after the end of your contract, please change it
1780 Sa ei ole ennast õigesti registreerinud. Palun võta ühendust oma  &  ProductName & " kontoriga. You are not registered properly with us. Please contact your local  & ProductName & " support."
1781 Mida läks valesti, palun võta ühendust oma  & ProductName & " kontoriga. Something went wrong, please contact your local  & ProductName & " support."
1782 Sa pead selle kasutamiseks aktiveerima. Palun kontrolli internetivõtmete seadistust. You have to activate this to use it. Please look at the Internet Enablers setting.
1783 Andmebaasivõti edukalt genereeritud. Enabler successfully created.
1784 Andmebaasivõtit ei ole lubatud genereerida, vale kuupäev Not allowed to get enabler, Invalid date
1785 Sinu andmebaasivõtit ei saa hetkel genereerida, palun proovi võtit võtta veebilehelt või võta ühendust oma &  ProductName & " esindusega. Unable to accept your enabler request, please try on the web or contact your local  &  ProductName & " support."
1786 Palun veendu, et programmi eest on makstud ja Aktiveerimiskood on saadetud enne andmebaasivõtme võtmist. Please ensure you have paid for the program and submitted your Activation Code before trying to get an enabler key.
1787 Toote litsentsi eest ei ole täielikku makset laekunud. Full payment not received for the licence of this program
1788 Register peab olema App'i osa. Antud register seda ei ole. A register must be part of an app, this one is not
1789 Andmebaas on arhiivi staatuses, muudatused ei ole lubatud Database is in Archived Mode, no changes allowed
1790 Teenindustellimus Service Order
1791 Tääkäsk Work Order
1792 Tääleht Work Sheet
1793 Lattu sisse #Stock# In/Out
1794 Kontrolli OK You have to check OK
1795 Kas soovid tõesti lõpetada? Do you really want to quit?  
1796 Tühi kaart ei ole lubatud Empty record not allowed
1797 Laost ja Lattu ei tohi olla samad, kui Asukohast ja Asukohta on samad. From Location and To Location cannot be the same if From Position and To Position is also the same.
1803 Arve Invoice
1804 Sularahaarve Cash Note
1805 Kreeditarve #Credit Note#
1806 Märgukiri Reminder
1807 Kreedit arvele Credit of Invoice
1808 Arve Invoice
1809 Märgukiri Reminder
1810 Viivisarve Interest Invoice
1811 Viivis Interest
1812 Läh.aadr.   Del. Addr.  /* Keep as short as possible */
1813 Teade Statement
1814 Teade Statement
1815 Sedel Label  
1816 Tellimus Order
1817 Saateleht Delivery Note
1818 Laekumine Receipt
1819 Sedel   Label  
1820 Pakkumine Quotation
1821 Tellimused Orders
1822 Tellimus Order
1823 Kõik tellimused All Orders
1824 Ainult müügimees Only #Salesman#
1825 Ainult tell.klass Only Order Class
1826 Struktuurartiklid ei ole siin lubatud Structured Items not allowed here
1827 Laoliikumine #Stock# Movement
1828 Laosissetulek Goods Receipt
1829 Projekti Project
1830 Tootmine Production Order
1831 Ajatabel   #Time Sheet#
1832 Leping Contract
1833 KSO Cash In
1834 KVO Cash Out
1835 Väljamakse Personnel Payment
1836 Laoartiklid ei ole lubatud #Stocked# Items not allowed here
1837 Laomahakandmine #Stock Depreciation#
1838 Kliendikiri Customer Letter
1839 Väärtpaberitehing Security Transaction
1840 Järjestatud korralduse järgi Sorted by Order No.
1841 Järjestatud väärtp. järgi Sorted by Security
1842 Lõpetamata Open
1843 Suletud Closed
1844 Lõpetatud Fully Matched
1845 Tegevus Activity
1846 Kõik kulutused All Expenses
1847 Kulutus Expense
1848 Portfell Portfolio
1849 Sellel real ei saa kasutada parandusmärki You cannot make Update Mark for this row
1850 Faktura Faktura
1851 Rachunek Rachunek
1852 Faktura korekta Faktura korekta
1853 Rachunek korekta Rachunek korekta
1854 See väli ei tohi olla tühi This field cannot be empty
1855 Hinnaalandust ei ole lubatud kasutada riiklikul tellimusel You cannot use discount on fiscal order
1856 Negatiivsed summad ei ole lubatud You cannot use minus values
1857 Tellimusel peab olema vähemalt 1 rida The Order has to have at least one row.
1858 Tellimusel ei tohi olla üle 39 rea Order has to have not more than 39 rows.
1859 You can use only gross prices on fiscal order. You can use only gross prices on fiscal order.
1860 Süsteemi ja tellimuse kuupäevad erinevad System Date and Order Date are not the same.
1861 Arve ja tasumise kuupäevad erinevad Invoice Date is not the same as Payment Date.
1862 Kande kp. ja arve kp. erinevad Transaction Date is not the same as Invoice Date.
1863 Arvel peab olema vähemalt 1 rida Invoice has to have not less than 1 row.
1864 Arvel ei tohi olla üle 39 rea Invoice has to have not more than 39 rows.
1865 Sularahaarvel ei saa kasutada hinnaalandust. You cannot use discount on fiscal invoice.
1866 Sularahaarve tasumistingimus peab olema Sularaha. Fiscal Invoice has to be cash invoice.
1867 Sularahaarvet ei saa kinnitada MAC-is. Fiscal Invoice cannot be OKed on Macintosh.
1868 Kommentaar Comment
1869 Ilma hinnaalanduseta Without discount
1870 Hinnaalandus Discount
1871 Hinnaalanduse statistika Discount Statistics
1872 Ettemaks On Account
1873 Oma tsekk   Own Cheque  
1874 Tollideklaratsioon Customs Declaration  
1875 Ette makstud Prepaid
1876 Ettemaks Prepayment
1877 Ostutell. pakkumine Pur.Order Quotation
1878 Tseki seisu ei tohi muuta Not Allowed to Change State of a Check
1879 Finantskanne #N/L# Transaction
1880 Seda tüüpi ei saa kasutada, kui reale on tehtud arve This type is not allowed when row has been Invoiced
1881 Imporditud vanemast versioonist Imported from older version
1882 Vajad faili Winsock2 (WS2_32.DLL), et käivitada 3.7 või uuem You need Winsock2 (WS2_32.DLL) to run Standard ERP 3.7 or newer
1883 Download: http: Find the download patch on http:
1884 Programm suletakse The program will now shut down
1885 Lõpeta, välju server-reziimist Quit, Remove Autoserver
1886 Lõpeta Quit
1887 Programm ja HOB failid ei ole sama versiooniga. Programm suletakse Program and HOB files are not the same version. Program will now shut down.
1888 FirstOffice Professional FirstOffice Professional
1889 ProductName); ProductName
1890 Hansa Financials Hansa Financials
1891 Hansa Classic Hansa Classic
1892 Hansa Professional Hansa Professional
1893 HansaRaama HansaRaama
1894 FirstOffice FirstOffice
1895 Hansa RiigiTarkvara Hansa RiigiTarkvara
1896 Office Office/2
1897 HansaWorld CRM HansaWorld CRM
1898 OffLine OffLine
1899 FirstOffice ASP FirstOffice ASP
1900 Ei saa olla samad isikud Duplicate Persons not allowed
1901 Müügikonto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Sales Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
1902 Müügi KM konto puudub, kontrolli KM-koodide seadistust Account for Sales #VAT# not found, check #VAT# Codes
1903 KM konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Account for #VAT# (A/C) not found, check Account Usage #S/L#
1904 Ümardamiskonto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Account for Round Off not found, check Account Usage #S/L#
1905 Kulukonto vale, kontrolli artikliklasse Cost Account not valid, check Item Groups
1906 Laokonto vale, kontrolli artikliklasse #Stock# Account not valid, check Item Groups
1907 'Sularaha tagasi' konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Cash Account missing, check Account Usage
1908 Müügivõla konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Debtors Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
1909 Pooleliolevate projektide kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli Projekti lausendamist WIP Account missing, check Account Usage J/C
1910 Saldo konto puudub, kontrolli Projekti lausendamist   Balance Account missing, check Account Usage J/C  
1911 Ostu konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Purchase Account missing, check Account Usage #P/L#
1912 Ostu KM konto puudub, kontrolli KM-koodide seadistust Account for Purchase #VAT# not found, check #VAT# Codes
1913 Eelkonteeringu konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Preliminary Account not found, check Account Usage #P/L#
1914 Vale kulukonto, kontrolli artikliklassi Cost Account not valid, check Item Groups
1915 Ostuvõlgade konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Creditor Account missing, check Account Usage #P/L#
1916 Ettemaksu konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist On Account A/C missing, check Account Usage
1917 Kursikasumi konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Rate Gain Account missing, check Account Usage
1918 Kursikahjumi konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Rate Loss Account missing, check Account Usage
1919 Puudub kursikahjumi Account missing in Rate Gain/Loss Setting
1920 Kulukonto puudub, kontrolli Projekti lausendamist   Cost Account missing, check Account Usage J/C  
1921 Puudub müügi KM paranduse konto, kontrollli KM-koodide seadistust Account for Corr. Output #VAT# not found, check #VAT# Codes
1922 Puudub ostu KM paranduse konto, kontrollli KM-koodide seadistust Account for Corr. Input #VAT# not found, check #VAT# Codes
1923 Restorani kanne Bar Transaction
1924 Reserveering kattub teise reserveeringuga Reservation overlapping with other reservation
1925 Põhivara konto puudub, kontrolli põhivaraklassi Asset Account missing, check Asset Class
1926 Amortisatsiooni konto puudub, kontrolli põhivaraklassi Depreciation Account missing, check Asset Class
1927 Kulukonto puudub, kontrolli põhivaraklassi Cost Account missing, check Asset Class
1928 Põhivara ei ole registreeritud Inventory No. doesn't exist
1929 Põhivarakategooris ei ole registreeritud Asset Category doesn't exist
1930 Põhivaraklass ei ole registreeritud Asset Class doesn't exist
1931 Müügi konto puudub Sales Account missing
1932 Sellist põhivara ei leitud Asset doesn't exist
1933 See tarnija ei ole selle artiklile seadisatud vaikimisi Not Default #Supplier# for this Item
1934 Seda ei ole soovitav muuta, võib põhjustada hiljem probleeme Changing this might cause problems
1935 Ei ole mille eest arvet esitada Reservation is not checked In
1936 Kontrolli seadistust Nothing to be charged for
1937 Ei saa välja registreerida Can not Check Out
1938 Vale reserveeringu hetkeseis Wrong Reservation Status
1939 Tuba ei ole valmis Room is not Ready
1940 Ei ole lubatud deponeerida enne jõustumise kuupäeva Not allowed to deposit Cheque before Effect Date
1941 Reserveeringu pakkumine Reservation Quotation
1942 Reserveeringu hetkeseis ei ole lubatud Reservation Status not allowed
1943 Mustas nimekirjas Blacklisted
1944 Ei ole sama tüüp Not the same Type
1945 Artikkel ja tüüp ei ole lubatud Item and Type not allowed
1946 Liiga palju isikuid Too many persons
1947 Kulukonto puudub Cost Account missing
1948 Kapitali investeerimise konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Capital Investment Account missing, Check Account Usage Assets
1949 Hansa on Admin Client seisus, ole väga ettevaatlik! You are now in Admin Client mode, please be careful
1950 Vale KM % tsekiprinteris The #VAT# rate in the Fiscal Printer is not correct.
1951 KM-kood puudub. #VAT# code is missing.
1952 See hinnakiri on KM-ta, Hansa arvutab brutohinnad ümber This Price List is not including VAT, Standard ERP will recalculate to gross prices.
1953 Seerianumbrita artiklid ei ole siin lubatud Non Serial Number Items are not allowed here
1954 Teenus-tüüpi artikkel ei ole siin lubatud: Item of type Service is not allowed here
1955 Sinu salasõna on: Your password is:
1956 Kood ei ole lubatud This code is not allowed
1957 Sinu andmebaasivõti on: Here is your Key:
1958 Tasumistingimus ei ole lubatud Payment Term not allowed
1959 Sisesta kood Enter a code
1960 Seda tüüpi aruanne on juba kirjeldatud Report of this type is already defined.
1961 Kas soovid kirjeldada järgmise seda tüüpi aruande ? Do you want to create next report of this type?
1962 Aruande tüüpi ei ole No type of the report
1963 Diskil on ainult   There is only  
1964 KB vaba ruumi free KB on this disk.
1965 Ajastatud tekstikoopia Timed Backup at
1966 Vana salasõna on vale Old Password Incorrect
1967 Uus salasõna on vale New Password Incorrect
1968 Seadistuse muutmiseks peavad teised kasutajad välja logima. Only One Person Allowed
1969 See tegevuse tüüp puudub Activity Type not registered
1970 Tääkäsku ei saa tühistada Work Order cannot be cancelled/issued after it has been started/finished
1971 Tääkäsk ei saa olla alustatud, kui ta on lõpetatud Work Order cannot be started after it has been finished
1972 Kui tääkäsk ei ole alustatud, ei saa sellest koostada täälehte You cannot create a Work Sheet from the Work Order if it has not been started
1973 Seda artiklit ei ole tellimusel This Item does not exist on the Order
1974 Kogus ei vasta teenindustellimuse kogusele Quantity does not match Service Order Quantity
1975 Seda seerianumbrit ei ole tellimusel This Serial Number does not exist on the Order
1976 Ületab maksimaalset kulu Max Cost has been exceeded
1977 Teenindustellimus on lõpetatud Service Order has been completed
1978 Kontrolli valuutat Check currency
1979 Kontrolli objekti projekti klassil Check tag/object on Project Class
1980 Kood ja Objekt peavad sobima Code and Tag/Object fields have to be the same
1981 Laen on suletud Loan is closed
1982 Kõvakettal ei ole piisavalt ruumi, ole tähelepanelik There might not be enough space on the hard disk, please be careful.
1983 Liiga palju aknaid on avatud Too many windows on screen
1984 Selles Carbon versioonis trükkimiseks on vajalik Mac OS 9.1 või uuem op. süsteem Mac OS 9.1 or newer is required when printing, using this Carbon version
1985 On laosissetulekuid, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier Goods Receipts awaiting OK
1986 On tootmisi, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier Productions awaiting OK
1987 On laoliikumisi, mille kuupäev on varasem. There are earlier #Stock# Movements awaiting OK
1988 On lähetusi, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier Deliveries awaiting OK
1989 On mahakandmisi, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier #Stock Depreciations# awaiting OK
1990 On arveid, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier Invoices awaiting OK
1991 On laosissetulekuid, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later Goods Receipts which have been OKed
1992 On tootmisi, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later Productions which have been OKed
1993 On laoliikumisi, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later #Stock# Movements which have been OKed
1994 On lähetusi, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later Deliveries which have been OKed
1995 On laomahakandmisi, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later #Stock Depreciations# which have been OKed
1996 On arveid, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later Invoices which have been OKed
1997 On täälehti, mille kuupäev on varasem There are earlier Work Sheets awaiting OK
1998 On täälehti, mille kuupäev on hilisem There are later Work Sheets which have been OKed
1999 Kontrolli lepingu kuupäeva Check Contract date
2000 Kontrolli mahtusid Check Volumes
2001 Kliendid Customers
2004 Esimesel real peab olema rendiartikkel First row must have a Rental Item on it
2009 HAL funktsioon puudub: HAL Routine not found:
2010 See väli peab tühi olema This field must be blank
2015 Ressurss on reserveeritud, tää Resource is booked, Job
2016 Kas soovid muuta kaarti ? Do you want to change the record?
2017 Tää Job
2018 Koht Place
2019 Selle koodiga kasutaja on juba olemas There is already a User with that Code
2020 On juba registreeritud hilisema kuupäevaga toiminguid. A Transaction of this type already exists with a later date
2021 Vajalik on spetsiaalne ressurss A Specific Resource is Required
2022 Ei ole vastavat reserveeringu ressurssi: No matching Reservation found for:
2023 Kõik ei olnud arvestatud selle eest Everything has not been accounted for
2024 Lõpeta toa detailide sisestus ja märgi tasumisviis Complete the Room Details and Payment Mode
2025 Tähelepanu! Seo arve ettemaksuga! Open prepayment exists
2026 Sellel külalisel puudub õigus toa kontoga arveldamiseks This guest is not allowed to put the bill on the room
2027 Ressurss ei ole registreeritud Resource not registered
2028 Sa ei saa kasutada tube teistest asukohtadest You cannot use Rooms from other Locations  
2029 Automaatne tekstikoopia väljumisel kell Automatic Backup on Quit at
2030 Selle perioodi hinnakiri on juba olemas Price List for the period already exists
2031 Kande kuupäev ei tohi olla varasem kui Põhivara alguskuupäev Transaction Date cannot be earlier then Asset Start Date
2033 Allowing one unlicensed user as no other user is logged-in Allowing one unlicensed user as no other user is logged in
2034 Üks litsentseerimata kasutaja on sisse loginud. Vajalik väljalogimine enne kui teised kasutajad saavad sisse logida One unlicensed user is logged in. You may not log in until the unlicensed user has logged off
2036 Tundmatu sisselogimisviga: Unknown log-in error:
2037 Ei ole lubatud siseneda väljaspool tääaega Not allowed to log in outside Work Hours
2038 Kasutaja limiteeritud kasutusega User with Limited Access
2039 Kontrolli põhivara alguskuupäeva Check Start Date on Asset
2040 Kontrolli planeeritud lähetuse kuupäeva Check Planned Delivery
2041 Kontrolli käsukoodi Check Sequence Number
2042 Ei vasta planeeritud saabumise kuupäevale, muuda seda võimaldamaks saabumist. Ka lahkumine muutub! Checking in is not planned for today. Change the Check In date to today to allow checking in. Be aware the Check Out date will change.
2043 Ei vasta planeeritud lahkumise kuupäevale, muuda seda võimaldamaks lahkumist Checking out is not planned for today. Change the Check Out date to today to allow checking out.
2044 Ei saa lahkuda, kuna kogu reserveeringu eest ei ole veel arvet esitatud Could not check out because not everything on this Reservation has been Invoiced
2045 Klient või kontaktisik ei ole autoriseeritud Customer or Contact not Authorized
2046 Kogumine Collection
2047 Rendiartikkel puudub Rental Item does not Exist
2048 Esimesel real peab olema rendiartikkel First row must have a Rental Item on it
2049 Vale kasutajanimi või salasõna. Incorrect username or password.
2050 P F/A Revaluation
2051 Inventari nr. Inventory No.  /* This string is already used in HAENG.HAL */
2052 P F/A Movement
2053 P F/A Responsible
2054 P F/A Write-off
2055 P F/A Depreciation
2056 P F/A Taking
2057 Tagast. kaubad Return Goods
2058 Põhivara Fixed Asset
2059 Investeering Investment
2060 Transfeer Transfer
2061 Rendipakkumine Rental Quotation
2062 Ostutellimus Purchase Order
2063 Rendipakkumise nr. Rental Quotation No:
2064 Rendipakkumine ei eksisteeri Rental Quotation does not Exist
2065 Ettevõte ei ole litsentseeritud Company is not licensed
2066 Kasutaja ei ole litsentseeritud User is not licensed
2067 Bruto hind Gross Price
2068 Neto hind Nett Price
2069 Kaart peab olema kinnitatud Record must be OKed
2070 KSO tehtud: Cash In Exists:
2071 KSO ja arve summad ei klapi Cash In and Invoice amounts don't match
2072 Arve peab olema kinnitatud Invoice must be OKed
2073 KSO tehtud: Cash Out Exists:
2074 KVO ja arve summad ei klapi Cash Out and Invoice amounts don't match
2075 Arve on kinnitatud: Invoice is OKed:
2076 €ra unusta koostada kassaväljaminekut Remember to make Cash Out
2077 Kontrolli ootel summat Check Hold Amount
2078 Enne Before
2079 Pärast After
2080 Selle projekti jaoks on pakkumine juba koostatud Another Quotation already entered for this Project
2081 Retsepti muutmine ei ole soovitatud, seda on juba kasutatud Do not change the Recipe if it has been used already
2082 Tasuda To Pay
2083 Tagasi To Pay back
2084 Selle projekti jaoks on juba eelarve koostatud. Budget already exists for this Project
2085 See alamprojekt peab enne lõpetatud olema: Sub-project must be Finished first:
2086 See projekt on lõpetatud: Project is Finished:
2087 Hilisema kuupäevaga ümberhindluseid ei ole There are Revaluations with later date
2088 Retsept suletud Recipe Closed
2089 Vale retsept Wrong Recipe
2090 Server käivitati Server Started at
2091 Käinud Running for
2092 päeva day
2093 tunni hour
2094 minuti minute
2095 ja and
2096 päeva days
2097 tundi hours
2098 minutit minutes
2099 Leitud mitu kasutajat sama e-maili aadressiga Several users with the same email address found
2100 Häälestan modemit Initialising modem
2101 Valimine   Dialling
2102 Ühendan faksiga   Connected to  
2103 Faksin lehte   Sending page  
2104 Lehe faksimine ei õnnestunud. Could not fax page.
2105 Liin on kinni. Line busy.
2106 Teine faks ei vastanud. Remote fax did not respond.
2107 Liinil ei ole telefonitooni. No dial tone.
2108 Ei vastanud. No answer.
2109 Ei saanud faksida. Could not fax.
2110 Modem ei vastanud. Modem doesn't respond.
2111 Modem ei toeta klass 2 or 2.0 fakse. Modem doesn't support fax class 2 or 2.0.
2112 Ei saanud ühendust modemiga. Could not connect to modem.
2113 Modem ei vastanud korrektselt. Modem doesn't respond correctly.
2114 Faks on edukalt saadetud Fax successfully sent to
2115 Faksi nr.: Fax No:
2117 Jätkamiseks kustuta see kaart   Delete this Record to Continue
2118 Vale konverents   Wrong Conference
2119 Laomuutuse konto puudu, kontrolli Lausendamist #Stock# Gain Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2120 Lao konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu #Stock# Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2121 Lisakulu konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Extra Cost Account missing, check Account Usage
2122 Transpordikulu kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Purchase Freight Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2123 Lisakulu 1 kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 1 Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2124 Lisakulu 2 kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 2 Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2125 Lisakulu 3 kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 3 Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2126 Lisakulu 4 kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 4 Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2127 Lisakulu 5 kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 5 Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2128 Tollikulu kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Customs Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2129 Eesti laosissetuleku kontrollkonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu   #Dom.# Purchase Accruals Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2130 Konto puudub, kontrolli isiku kaarti Account missing, check Person Card
2131 Seda tüüpi arvega ei saa ettemaksu siduda. Prepayment is not allowed on this Type of Invoice
2132 Kassa-ale konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Settlement Discount Account missing, check Account Usage
2133 Baasvaluuta ümardamise konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Base Currency Roundoff Account missing, check Account Usage
2134 Kassa-ale käibemaksu konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, müük Settlement Discount #VAT# Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
2135 Mahakandmise konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Write Off Account missing, check Account Usage
2136 Pangateenustasude konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Bank Fee Account missing, check Account Usage
2137 Ettemaksu käibemaksu konto või müügi km konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist või käibemaksukoodide seadistust. Prepayment #VAT# Account or O/P A/C missing, check Account Usage or #VAT Code# Setting.
2138 Kulukonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Cost Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2139 Hinnaerinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Price Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2140 Sellele kuupäevale vastav sündmuste tüüp puudub No Event Types with this date
2141 Sisesta sündmuse tüüp Type of Event is needed
2142 Külaline puudub Guest doesn't exist
2143 Ühtegi külalist ei ole registreeritud No Guests Registered
2144 Lahkumine liiga hiline Checkout too Late
2145 Konto on veel avatud Account still Open
2146 Lubatust rohkem ülereserveeringuid More Overbookings than Allowed
2147 Sellele kliendile on tehtud sarnane reserveering numbriga: There is a Similar Reservation for this Customer with Reservation No:
2148 Agendil on sellele toale esmaõigus Agent has first rights to this room
2149 Väljaspool lahtiolekuaega Outside Open Hours
2150 Maksimaalne kohtade arv on täis Maximum Seatings Reached
2151 Selle hinnakirja kohta pole ühtegi programmi No Program Asociated with this Pricelist
2152 Selle peareserveeringu kohta pole ühtegi programmi No Program Asociated with this Mother Reservation
2153 Tuba ei ole määratud Room is not assigned
2154 Saabumist ja lahkumist saab sisestada ainult kasutades nuppe. Check In and Check Out available with Buttons Only
2155 Külalise kood ei ole lubatud. Guest Code is not allowed
2156 Tuba on mittesuitsetajatele, kuid külaline suitsetab The Guest Smokes, the Room is Non Smoking
2157 Kinnipidamiste konto puudub Withholding Account missing
2158 Kliendi konto keelatud Customer Account is not allowed
2159 Puudub tootmise tääkulu konto, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Production Work Cost Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2160 Rendiperiood väljaspool rendilepinguperioodi Rental period outside of Agreement period
2161 Rendileping ei ole kehtiv Agreement not Valid
2162 See artikkel on juba reserveeritud This Item is already booked
2163 See hetkeseis ei ole lubatud, kuna eksisteerib lahtiseid reserveeringuid This status is not allowed while there are open Reservations
2164 Hetkeseisu ei ole võimalik selles suunas muuta Can not move status in that direction
2165 Vähemalt üks artikkel peab olema toodetud At least One item has to be produced
2166 Sellee masinaga ei saa seda artiklit toota This Machine can't produce this Item
2167 Välja-artikkel puudub No Item Out
2168 Periodiseeritud simulatsiooni ei saa koostada. Kontrolli numbriseeriate seadistust. Accrual Simulation cannot be created. Check Number Series.
2169 Praagi tootm. kulu konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Discarded Production Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2170 Laekumise KM-konto puudub, kontrolli käibemakaksukoodide seadistust O/P Account missing, check #VAT# Codes
2171 Müügi KM-konto, kontrolli käibemakaksukoodide seadistust Outp Account missing, check #VAT# Codes
2172 Ostu KM-konto puudub, kontrolli käibemakaksukoodide seadistust I/P Account missing, check #VAT# Codes
2173 Tasumise KM-konto puudub, kontrolli käibemakaksukoodide seadistust Inp Account missing, check #VAT# Codes
2174 Kassa tulemuse konto puudub, kontrolli Tasumisviiside seadistust Back Office Account missing, check Payment Modes or POS Settings
2175 Seda tarnijat ei saa kustutada This #Supplier# cannot be removed
2176 Arve on krediteeritud Invoice has been credited
2177 Kui eksisteerib mitu väljundartiklit, siis peavad väärtused kõigile väljundartiklitele olema täidetud veerus Osakaalu %. When there are multiple Out-Items, values in the Relative Column for all Out-Items must be set.
2178 EL laosissetuleku kontroll konto puudub, kontrolli lao lausendamist EU Purchase Accruals Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2179 Impordi laosissetuleku kontroll konto puudub, kontrolli lao lausendamist Import Purchase Accruals Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
2180 Koosta ettemaksu kohta avanss Create First Event for Prepayment
2181 Kontrolli avansi summasid Check First Event Amounts
2182 Selle lähetuse kohta pole arvet koostatud Delivery has not been invoiced
2183 Selle ettemaksu kohta on avanss juba koostatud First Event for Prepayment already exists
2184 Kinkekaart ei ole registreeritud. Gift Voucher does not exist.
2185 Kinkekaardi kehtivus on lõppenud. Gift Voucher has expired.
2186 Kinkekaart on müüdud. Gift Voucher has been sold.
2187 Kinkekaart peab olema kinnitatud. Gift Voucher must be OKed.
2188 Kinkekaart ei ole müüdud. Gift Voucher has not been sold.
2189 Kinkekaart on saadud. Gift Voucher has been received.
2190 Kinkekaardi summa on suurem kui arve summa. Gift Voucher amount higher than Invoice Amount.
2191 Sularaha konto puudub. Kontrolli tasumisviiside seadistust Cash Account Missing. Check Payment Modes
2192 Eelkonteeringu konto puudub. Kontrolli tasumisviiside seadistust. Prel. Account In Missing. Check Payment Modes
2193 Maksu konto puudub. Kontrolli tasumisviiside seadistust. TAX Account Missing. Check Payment Modes
2194 Ei ole lubatud, kuna on olemas POS saldo kaart pärast seda kuupäeva Not allowed since a POS Balance record exists after this date
2195 Ühtki sessiooni pole avatud No session opened
2196 See ettevõte on lukus, muudatusi ei ole lubatud teha. This company is locked, no changes allowed.
2197 Vale keeleseadistus, seadista vaikimisi Inglise keel Characterset invalid, defaulting to English
2198 See ettevõte on vabastatud.   This company is unlocked.
2199 Uue POS saldo seadmiseks tuleb sessioon sulgeda To set a new POS Balance the session has to be closed
2200 Sessioon on juba avatud Session already opened
2201 E Mon
2202 T Tue
2203 K Wed
2204 N Thu
2205 R Fri
2206 L Sat
2207 P Sun
2208 Liiga palju külalisi külaliste maatriksis Too many guests on guest matrix
2209 Eemalda tuba reserveeringult - reserveering on tühistatud Please remove room from reservation - reservation status type is Cancelled
2210 Ei tohi olla tühi May not be blank
2211 Selle seerianumbriga ei ole piisavalt artikleid Not enough items with this serial number
2212 Ei ole piisavalt vabasid lisavoodeid Not enough Extra Beds. Available
2213 Tühistamise tingimust ei eksisteeri Cancellation Term does not exist
2214 Klassifikaatorit ei eksisteeri Classification does not exist
2215 Klassifikaatori tingimusi saab kasutada ainult külaliste arvust sõltuva hinna puhul. Classification Terms can be used only when Price depends on number of Guests
2216 Liiga palju täiskasvanuid külaliste maatriksis Too many adults on guest matrix
2217 Liiga palju lapsi külaliste maatriksis Too many children on guest matrix
2218 Külaliste maatriksis ei ole piisavalt külalisi Not enough guests on guest matrix
2219 Külaliste maatriksis ei ole piisavalt lapsi Not enough children on guest matrix
2220 Sinu kalender on Your Calendar is
2221 päeva täitmata. days late.
2222 Sellest teavitatakse sinu järelvaatajat Your Supervisor will be notified in
2223 päeva pärast. days.
2224 E-mail on saadetud. Mail has been sent.
2225 päevi täitmata. day late.
2226 Sinu ajatabeli sisestus on Your #Time Sheet# entry is
2230 Saatmata väline e-mail Unsent external e-mail
2231 E-maili kaarti ei saanud salvestada Could not store Calendar Invitation e-mail record
2232 Kutse e-mail loodi, aga ei ole salvestatud Calendar Invitation e-mail created but not sent.
2233 Kutse e-mail on saadetud Calendar Invitation e-mail has been sent.
2234 Postkasti kasutaja või välise e-maili saaja viga Error with Mailbox user or recipient e-mail address.
2239 Soovisid importida demoversiooni, aga see ei ole demoettevõte You wanted to import a Sample version, but this is not a proper Sample company
2240 Hilinenud päevade arv peab olema määratud. Delay Days have to be specified.
2241 Rohkem kui 7 päeva. More than 7 days.
2242 Lõppaeg ei ole korrektne End Time is not correct
2243 Ettevõtte kohta Per Company
2244 Sa ei saa müüa rohkem, kui sul on Can't sell more than you have
2245 Kaart ei ole aktiivses ettevõttes Record not in Active Company
2246 Vale väärtus Incorrect value
2247 Sa juba uuendad seda kaarti. You are already editing this record.
2248 Server ei vasta sellel IP aadressil ja pordil. Server not responding on that ip and port.
2249 Klientprogramm uuendati serveri infoga. Client updated with information from the server.
2250 Moodul Module
2251 Register Register
2252 Seadistus Setting
2253 Aruanne Report
2254 Dokument Document
2255 Eksport Export
2256 Import Import
2257 Hooldus Maintenance
2258 Konverents Conference
2260 Server koostab aruannet, palun oota Server running a report, please wait
2261 Server on hõivatud olulise funktsiooniga, palun oota Server working on an uninterruptible function, please wait
2263 Tundmatu kommunikatsiooni protrokolli viga. Põhjuseks võib olla vale server või vale krüpteerimisvõti. Unknown communication protocol violation. Incorrect server or wrong encryption key are possible reasons.
2265 Kasutajanimi ei tohi olla tühi User Name may not be empty
2266 Täisnimi ei tohi olla tühi Full Name may not be empty
2267 Antud kasutaja on juba olemas User already exists
2268 Ei ole saanud vastust Registreerimisserverilt. Palun kontrolli, et arvutil on internetiühendus ning ükski tarkvara tulemüür ei blokeeri antud toodet. Not yet recieved an answer from the registration server. Please make sure you are connected to the internet and that no software firewalls are blocking this program.
2269 Objekt on nõutud: Tag/Object is requred:
2270 See krediitkaart kuulub teisele kliendile Credit Card belongs to another Customer
2271 Koosta uus kupongide partii Create New batch of Coupons
2272 Sularahatehingud Cash Events
2273 Sularaha erinevused Cash Differences
2274 Periood ei ole lubatud Period not allowed
2275 Valik 'Objekt müügivõlgadele' ei ole aktiivne, kuid võlakontole kehtib objektitüübi kontroll. Sisesta objekt, mis kuulub objektitüüpi: Tags/Objects on Debtors account option is not active, but Debtor Account is protected by Tag/Object Type Control. Tag/Object of certain type required:
2276 Vale väätkoodi pikkus Incorrect Barcode Length
2277 Määra number Specify Number
2278 Määra tellimuse nr Specify Order No.
2279 Määra artiklitüüp Specify Item Type
2280 Tagastada rohkem kui saadud ei ole lubatud Returning more than is received is not allowed
2281 Kliendi tellimuse number puudub Missing Customer Order No
2282 Kliendi tellimuse number: Customer Order No.:
2283 Reserveering nr.: Reservation No.:
2284 Kliendi tellimuse number ei tohi olla tühi Cust. Ord. No. may not be blank
2285 Keel puudub Missing Language
2286 Palun muuda oma salasõna. Please, change your password.
2287 HAL failid eemaldatud, palun vali uuesti ettevõte. HAL files removed, please select company again.
2288 Reserveerigupakkumise number Reservation Quotation No.:
2289 E-maili address puudub No Email address
2290 Kogus on muutunud Quantity has changed
2291 Laoliikumised ei ole määratud numbriseerias. #Stock# Movements not in defined series
2292 Vale väätkood Wrong Barcode
2293 Sahtlit ei ole: Drawer does not exist:
2294 Nimeta No Name
2295 Rohekm Business Communicatori nimelisi kasutajaid kui lubatud. Programm on nüüd piiratud kasutusega seisus. More Communication #Centre# Named Users than allowed. Program is now in Restricted Mode.
2296 Business Communicatori nimelised kasutajad registreeritud Communication #Centre# Named Users Registered
2297 Tuba hõivatud   Room Occupied.
2298 POS saldo POS Balance
2299 Kasuta tellimustest lähetuste koostamise hooldusfunktsiooni Use Maintenance Create Deliveries from Orders
2300 FIFO korral tuleb aktiveerida seadistuses Kuluarvestus linnuke 'Algne laosissetuleku ostuhind tagastatud kaupadel' When you use FIFO, you must activate the Original Cost on Returned Goods checkbox in Cost Accounting
14653 Palun tee kindlaks, et laadisid alla õige toote või võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. Please make sure you have downloaded the right product or contact your local  & ProductName & " office."
14654 Vale aktiveerimiskood. Incorrect Activation Code.
14655 Sellel aktiveerimiskoodil on juba teine registreering Another registration exists with activation code
14656 Demo andmebaasi ei saa registreerida You cannot register a Sample Database
14657 Ühendus ebaõnnestus, järgmine katse toimub automaatselt: Communication Failed, will try again automatically:
14658 Kliendikood ei ole kehtiv. Palun eemalda see Internetivõtme seadistusest ja proovi uuesti. The contact code you are registered with is not valid. Please remove it from the Internet Enabler setting and try again.
14659 Programm suletakse. Kui soovid jätkata antud programmi kasutamist, pead nõustuma Litsentsilepinguga, mis tuleb ekraanile järgmine kord kui programmi käivitad. The application will close. If you want to continue using it, you must agree to the license agreement. It will appear again next time you start it.
14660 Registreerimine õnnestus. Eelmine registreerimisnumber tühistatud. Registration Successful. Your old registration was closed.
14661 Registreerimine õnnestus. Automaatne andmebaasivõtme uuendamine aktiveeritud. Registration Successful. You can now receive Automatic Internet Enablers.
14662 Palun võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. Please contact your local  & ProductName & " office."
14663 Oled juba registreeritud Another registration exists with serial number
14664 See leping on teise kliendi nimel, kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust. That contract belongs to another customer, make sure you have setup your settings correctly.
14665 Sellist lepingut ei ole meil registreeritud, kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust. There is no such contract registered, make sure your settings are correct.
14666 Selline klient ei ole meil registreeritud, kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust. That company does not exist. Please check your Internet Enabler setting.
14667 Tundmatu viga Unknown error
14668 Ühendus ebaõnnestus, server ei vasta, palun proovi hiljem uuesti. Communication Failed, server not responding correctly, please try later.
14669 Registreerimisnumber ja leping ei vasta teineteisele, registreeri uuesti või võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. Your registration and our contract do not match, try to register again or call your local  & ProductName & " office."
14670 Kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust Üldises moodulis ja registreeri ennast. Please check the Internet Enablers setting in System module, remember to register.
14671 Ei leidnud sellist ettevõtet. That company does not exist.
14672 Võtme genereerimine ebaõnnestus, server ei vasta, palun proovi hiljem uuesti. Getting an Enabler Failed, server not responding correctly, please try later.
14673 ProductName & "'i andmebaasivõtmete server ei vasta ProductName & "'s Enabler Server does not respond properly
14674 Võtme genereerimine õnnestus. Enabler Key received properly.
14675 Seadistustes viga ei leitud, kuid võtme genereerimine ebaõnnestus, palun proovi hiljem uuesti. All the settings seem to be correct, but the Enabler Server is not generating a key. Please try again later.
14676 Toode, mille sa registreerisid, ei ole sama, mida oled kasutanud. The product you have registered with us is not the same as you have been using.
14677 Sinu võtme kehtivuskuupäevaks võib olla maksimaalselt Due to licence rules, you may only ask for an enabler that lasts until
14678 Vale võtme kehtivuskuupäev. Your valid until date seems to be incorrect.
14679 Võti sinu lepingule ei ole aktiveeritud. Arvatavasti on arendus-hooldusleping maksmata. Enabler Key for your contract is disabled. Most likely the maintenance is not paid.
14680 Sinu registreerimisnumber on tühistatud. Palun registreeri uuesti või võta ühendust oma Excellenti kontoriga. Your registration was closed earlier. Please register again or contact your local  & ProductName & " office."
14681 Kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust Üldises moodulis ja registreeri ennast. You do not have valid enabler. Please request enabler.
14682 Puudub kehtiv leping (allkirjastamata või tühistatud). Your contract is not in a valid state (not signed or cancelled).
14683 Võtit ei genereerita, kuna leiti üle tähtaja tasumata arveid. Enabler request denied. You might have some unpaid invoices with us.
14684 See on alamlepingu number. That contract is a subcontract of another contract.
14685 Tuvastamine õnnestus. Kontrolli internetivõtmete seadistust ning jätka You were successfully identified. Please check the Internet Enablers setting and proceed with Registration
14686 Tuvastamine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli seadistust Ettevõtte andmed ja proovi uuesti või täida antud seadistus käsitsi. Identification failed. Please make sure your companyinfo is correct and try again, or fill in the setting manually.
14687 Algas automaatse internetivõtme genereerimine Starting automatic Internet Enabler
14688 Internetivõtme server tuvastatud Enabler Server identified
14689 Internetivõtme funktsioon käivitatud: Internet Enabler function called:
14690 Vigane kliendiinfo, palun kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust ja võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga Incorrect customer found, please check your Internet Enabler setting and call to your local  & ProductName & " Office"
14691 Toote registreerimine õnnestus Product registered successfully
14692 Teie informatsiooni uuendamine õnnestus Your information was successfully updated
14693 Nimi, KMKR nr. ja Telefon peavad olema täidetud seadistuses Name, #VAT Reg. No.# and Phone number must be filled in
14694 Sellise nimega või KMKR nr.-ga klient juba eksisteerib, palun kontrolli Internetivõtmete seadistust või võta ühendust oma Excellenti kontoriga. A customer with that name or #VAT# number already exists, please check your Internet Enabler setting or call your local  & ProductName & " office"
14695 Teil juba eksisteerib registreerimine. Palun võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga. A registration already exists for you. Please contact your local  & ProductName & " office"
14696 Sellele andmebaasile ei saa enam väljastada Erakorralist võtit, teil tuleb võtta tavaline võti vajutades nuppu Võta andmebaasivõti. This database cannot get another Emergency Enabler, you have to get a normal one using the Get Enabler button.
14697 Demo võtit on võetud lubatust rohkem kordi, palun koosta uus Demo andmebaas. Sample key has been received too many times, please create a new Sample Database.
14698 Te ei saa kasutada Demo seisu funktsiooni klientprogrammist, tehke seda üksikkasutaja reziimis. You cannot use the Sample mode function in a client, do this in single user.
14699 Kahjuks hetkel ei ole antud riigis võimalik toodet OnLine's registreerida. Palun võta ühendust oma Excellenti kontoriga. You can't register this product online in your country yet. Please contact your local  & ProductName & " representative."  
20000 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta Apple Macintosh'i peal This OS doesn't run on Apple Macintosh
20001 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta PC-l This OS doesn't run on PC
20002 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta IBM xSeries'el This OS doesn't run on IBM xSeries
20003 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta IBM pSeries'el This OS doesn't run on IBM pSeries
20004 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta IBM iSeries'el This OS doesn't run on IBM iSeries
20005 See operatsioonisüsteem ei tääta Sun Sparc'il This OS doesn't run on Sun Sparc
20006 Kohalik masina kood $code juba ühendatud. Palun kontrolli kohaliku masina seadistusi Local Machine Code $code already connected. Please check Local Machine setting
20007 Masina nimi on juba ühendatud: Machine name already connected:
20008 e-maili valideerimine ebaõnnestus e-mail validation has failed
20009 POS kliente on rohkem, kui litsentsi järgi lubatud More POS clients than licensed
20010 Juba selles kuus registreeritud Already registered in this month
20011 Ei saa reserveerida rohkem, kui hetkel laos saadaval on You cannot reserve more than available in stock
20012 Kuupäev peab olema kuu esimene Date must be the first of the month
20013 Kuupäev peab olema kuu viimane Date must be the last of the month
20014 Ei ole lubatud, kui sellel lepingul on kinnitamata arve Not allowed when there is an UnOKed Invoice connected to this contract
20015 Ei ole lubatud, kui see leping on arveldatud Not allowed when this contract has been invoiced
20016 Sellel kasutajal on lubatud sisse logida vaid POS kliendist This user is only allowed to login from a POS client
20017 Account for Forex Transactions not found, check Account Usage S Account for Forex Transactions not found, check Account Usage #S/L#
20018 Müügikonto maks konto lisamata, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine,müük Tax on Sales Account not found, check Account Usage #S/L#
20019 Nõutud objektid mitmest tüübist. Kontrolli objektitüüpide kontrolli seadistust. Tags/Objects of multiple types required. Check Tag/Object Type Control Setting.
20020 Sisemüügivõlgade konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Internal #VAT# Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
20021 Sisemüügi konto puudub, kontrolli lausendamist Internal Sales Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
20022 Korrespondeeruv konto puudub. Coresponding Account missing
20023 Põhivara mahakantud Asset Disposed
20024 Sama numbriga dokument on juba olemas Document with this number already exists
20025 Ettemaksu KM konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ostud Account for Prepayment #VAT# not found, check Account Usage #P/L#
20026 Viivise või osalise makse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, laenud Account for A/R Interest or #Instalment# not found, check Account Usage Loan
20027 Baasvaluuta ümardamise konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, müük Base Currency Round Off Account not found, check Account Usage #S/L#
20028 Kõikidel küsimustel peab olema vastus All questions must have an answer
20029 Baasvaluuta 2 ei saa olla sama, mis Baasvaluuta 1 Base Currency 2 cannot be same as Base Currency 1
20030 Ühte rida ei saa tagasi lükata You may not reject one specific line
20031 Kinnitajate klass puudub Approval Group does not exist
20032 Kui maksimumlimiit on sisestatud, peab järgmine grupp ka sisestatud olema If a maximum limit is set, the next group has to be set as well
20033 Kaart, mida kinnitatakse või tagasi lükatakse, puudub The record being accepted or rejected does not exist
20034 Rida kaardil, mida kinnitatakse või tagasi lükatakse, puudub Line on the record being accepted or rejected does not exist
20035 Kinnitaja   Accepted by  
20036 Tagasi lükkaja   Rejected by  
20037 See rida on juba käsitletud   Line already treated  
20038 Ülesanne edasi antud isikule   Reassigned to  
20039 Kaarti ei kinnitatud   Record not Accepted  
20040 Sa oled viimane isik kinnituse ahelas, sa pead aktsepteerima või tagasi lükkama kogu dokumendi.   You are the last person in the Approval chain, you have to accept or reject the entire Record.
20041 Järgnevat ostukinnitajate klassi ei ole Next Acceptance Group does not exist
20042 Palun vali register Please select register
20043 Järgnev ostukinnitajate klass ei ole kehtiv antud registrile Next Acceptance Group is not valid for the same register
20044 Ostukinnitajate klass selle registri jaoks, artikliklass ning limiit on juba olemas:   Acceptance Group for this Register, Item Group and Limit already exists:  
20045 Lubatud on ainult 1 artikliklass Only one Item Group is allowed
20046 See artikliklass ei ole registreeritud:   This Item Group not registered:  
20047 See isik ei ole registreeritud:   This Person is not registered:  
20048 Kui maksimaalset limiiti ei ole märgitud, peab järgnev grupp olema tühi If a maximum limit is not set, Next Acceptance Group has to be blank
20049 Ei saa salvestada seda kaarti. Sul ei ole lubatud müüa Eksport-klientidele. Cannot save this Record. You are not allowed to sell to Export Customers.
20050 Kinnipidamise summa ei saa olla suurem, kui ostuarve kogu summa Withholding Tax amount cannot be higher than #Purchase Invoice# Total amount
20051 Kinnipidamise maksu konto puudub, palun kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ostud Withholding Tax A/C missing, please check Account Usage #P/L#
20052 Allahindluse konto puudub, palun kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, müük Invoice Discount account missing, please check Account Usage #S/L#
20053 Ostutellimus peab olema kinnitatud, et sellest saaks teha laosissetulekut. The Purchase Order must be OKed in order to create Goods Receipt from it.
20054 Tellimus peab olema kinnitatud enne, kui sellest saab teha lähetuse. The Order must be OKed in order to create Delivery from it.
20055 Saadud kogus ei tohi olla suurem, kui tellitud kogus Receiving more than is ordered is not allowed
20056 Ei saa seda kaarti salvestada. Sul ei ole lubatud müüa Eesti klientidele. Cannot save this Record. You are not allowed to sell to #Domestic# Customers.
20057 Sama numbriga ettemaks on juba olemas. Prepayment with this number already registered.
20058 Vajalik on Kinnipidamise arvutusvalem Withholding Taxes calculation needed.
20059 Võid sisestada kas arve või ettemaksunumbri You can enter either Prepayment No. or Invoice No.
20060 Kaarti ei saa salvestada. Saadud summa Record cannot be saved. Received amount
20061 on suurem, kui arve summa is greater than invoice open amount
20062 . Kui soovid seda summat panna laekunuks, konteeri see . If you want to receive this amount, book
20063 kui ettemaks. as a prepayment.
20064 . Kui soovid seda summat tasuda, konteeri see . If you want to pay this amount, book
20065 Kaarti ei saa salvestada. Tasutud summa Record cannot be saved. Paid amount
20066 Vahetan avatud restoranitellimusele Switching to open bar tab
20067 Eelkont.konto puudu, kontrolli Periodiseerimise mudeli seadistust Preliminary Account not found, check #N/L# Accrual
20068 Ettemaks on juba kasutatud. Arve nr. Prepayment already used. Invoice No.
20069 Kinnipidamist ei ole võimalik arvutada. Kontrolli seadistusi kinnipidamised tarnijalt, kinnipidamiste arvutusvalemid või saadetud valuutat. Not possible to calculate Withholding Taxes. Check Withholdings or Withholding Formulas or incorrrect Sent Currency.
20070 Ei saa salvestada seda sissetulekuorderit. Negatiivsed summad ei ole lubatud. Kasuta väljaminekuorderit. Cannot save this Cash In. Negative amounts are not allowed. Use Cash Out instead.
20071 Ei saa salvestada seda väljaminekuorderit. Negatiivsed summad ei ole lubatud. Kasuta sissetulekuorderit. Cannot save this Cash Out. Negative amounts are not allowed. Use a Cash In instead.
20072 Ei saa salvestada seda kaarti. Tellimus ei ole kinnitatud. Cannot save this Record. Order not OKed.
20073 Ei saa tasuda, arve on kinnitamata. Can't be paid, Invoice is not OKed.
20074 Regionaalse lisamaksu konto puudub, palun kontrolli seadistust Regionaalsed lisamaksud. Regional Perception Tax Account missing, check Regional Perception Tax
20075 Erinev müügivõla konto valuuta Different Debtors Account Currency
20076 EAN kood puudub Commodity Code missing
20077 EAN kood puudu regionaalsetes lisamaksudes Regional Perception Taxes cannot be found
20078 Ei leia maksukontot, kontrolli KM-koode TAX Account not found, check #VAT# Codes
20079 Lao vastutava hoiu konto puudub, kontrolli Lao lausendamist   Consignment #Stock# Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20080 Ei tohi muuta, kui läbi lao on tühi. Cannot be changed if Via Location is blank.
20081 Laost ja läbi lao ei saa olla samad. From and Via Locations cannot be the same.
20082 Läbi lao ja lattu ei saa olla samad. Via and To Locations cannot be the same.
20083 Saadetud kogus ei saa olla suurem, kui tellitud kogus Sent Quantity cannot be greater than Ordered Quantity
20084 Vastu võetud kogus ei saa olla suurem, kui saadetud kogus Received Quantity cannot be greater than Sent Quantity
20085 Vastu võetud kogus ei saa olla suurem, kui tellitud kogus Received Quantity cannot be greater than Ordered Quantity
20086 Lao ümberhindluse konto on puudu, kontrolli lao lausendamise seadistust. #Stock# Revaluation Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20087 Erinevad hinnad ei ole lubatud, kontrolli lao ümberhindluse seadistusi Different Prices are not allowed, Check #Stock# Revaluation Settings
20088 Tagastatud Kaupade kaarti ei saanud koostada Return Goods could not be created
20089 Sisetellimuseklass ei saa olla tühi Internal Order Class cannot be empty
20090 Seda sisetellimuseklassi ei ole: This Internal Order Class does not exist:
20091 Ei saa koostada laoliikumist sisetellimusest klassiga: Cannot create #Stock# Movement from Internal Order with Class:
20092 Ei saa koostada ostutellimust sisetellimusest klassiga: Cannot create Purchase Order from Internal Order with Class:
20093 Ei saa koostada laomahakandmist sisetellimusest klassiga: Cannot create #Stock Depreciation# from Internal Order with Class:
20094 Saadetud kuupäev ei saa olla varasem tellitud kuupäevast. Sent Date cannot be earlier than Ordered Date.
20095 Saadud kuupäev ei saa olla varasem saadetud kuupäevast. Received Date cannot be earlier than Sent Date.
20096 Ostutellimuse klass ei tohi olla tühi Purchase Order Class cannot be empty
20097 Seda ostutellimuse klassi ei ole: This Purchase Order Class does not exist:
20098 Palun määra klassifikaatori tüüp ! Please specify Classification Type !
20099 Ümardamiskonto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendaminet, ostud Round Off not found, check Account Usage #P/L#
20100 Tellimusest tagastatud kaupade koostamine keelatud Not allowed to Create Returned Goods from Orders. Create Return Goods from Delivery.
20101 Tellimuseklass peab olema täiedetud Sales Order Class cannot be empty
20102 Ettemaks juba kasutatud Prepayment already used.
20103 Laosissetulekut ei saa koostada antud Kreeditarvest. Koosta tagastatud kaubad, et laoseisu muuta. Not allowed to update #Stock# from this #Credit Note#. Create Returned Goods to update Stock.
20104 Tagasiostu kontrollkonto on puudu, kontrolli lao lausendamise seadistust. BuyBack Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20105 Seerianr. jälgimisega artiklid ei ole lubatud. Items with Serial No. Tracking not allowed
20106 Ilma seerianr. jälgimiseta artiklid ei ole lubatud. Items without Serial No. Tracking not allowed
20107 Tagastatud kaupade koostamine tellimustest ei ole lubatud. Koosta tagastatud kaubad laosissetulekust. Not allowed to Create Return Goods from Orders. Create Return Goods from Goods Receipt.
20108 Seerianumber määramata Serial No. not specified
20109 Klassi väli ei tohi tühi olla Class field cannot be empty
20110 Arvet ei saa salvestada, allahindlusega ühikuhind Cannot save this Invoice. Discounted Unit Price
20111 on alla lubatud miinimumi   is below allowed Minimum  
20112 Ei saa allahindlust üle kirjutada. Allahinnatud ühikuhind Cannot override discount. Discounted Unit Price
20113 Laekumist ei saa salvestada. Negatiivsed väärtused pole lubatud. Cannot save this Receipt. Negative amounts are not allowed.
20114 Tasumist ei saa salvestada. Negatiivsed väärtused pole lubatud. Cannot save this Payment. Negative amounts are not allowed.
20115 Pakkumist ei saa salvestada. Allahinnatud ühikuhind Cannot save this Quotation. Discounted Unit Price
20116 Seda tellimust ei saa salvestada. Allahinnatud ühikuhind Cannot save this Order. Discounted Unit Price
20117 Sisesta Artikliklassi number Enter Item Group number
20118 Hoiul lao artiklid ei ole lubatud Consignment #Stock# Items not allowed
20119 Ainult teenuse artiklid lubatud Only items of type Service allowed
20120 Andmebaasi kopeerimine alanud Database Copy Started
20121 Andmebaasi kopeerimine juba käivitatud Database Copy already Running
20122 Puudub andmebaasi kopeerimiseks vajalik kettaruum Insufficient Disk Space to start Database Copy
20123 EndDate must be after end of staircase EndDate must be after end of staircase
20124 Can not close package until staircase is finished Can not close package until staircase is finished
20125 Andmebaasi koopia ei ole litsentseeritud Database Copy not licensed
20126 Outp. A Outp. A/C missing on VAT Code
20127 O O/P A/C missing on VAT Code
20140 SteriaPAY OCX initsialiseeritud SteriaPAY OCX initialized
20150 Antud kuupäeval ei ole ühtegi sündmust selle tüübiga!   No Events of this Type on this Date!
20151 Sisesta ressursi kood Kommentaari väljale   Enter Resource Code in the Comment field
20152 Hetkeseisu muutmine antud hetkeseisuks ei ole lubatud   Changing to that Status is not allowed
20153 Sündmus peab olema kinnitatud   The Event has to be confirmed
20154 Külaliste number on suurem, kui lubatud sündmuse tüübi järgi   Number of Guests is more than allowed by Event Type
20155 Rohkem reisijaid, kui masin lubab   This Vehicle doesn't allow this number of Passengers
20156 Sisesta masina number, palun   Please enter Vehicle number
20157 Vale sündmuse hetkeseis   Incorrect Event Status
20158 Palun sisesta 1 ja 4 vaheline number   Please enter a number between 1 and 4
20159 Kliendi tingimused on selleks perioodiks juba olemas Customer Terms for the period already exist
20170 Kasutaja kaarti ei eksisteeri User Record does not exist
20171 Müügigruppi ei eksisteeri Sales Group does not exist
20172 Kliendikood erinev kui on projektil Customer Code Different than on Project
20173 Projektiklass ei eksisteeri Project Class does not exist
20174 Projekt juba eksisteerib   Project already exists
20175 Jah Yes
20176 Ei No
20177 Jäta Cancel
20178 Otsi Search
20200 Saadetud kliendile Sent to Customer
20201 Kliendi poolt vastu võetud Received by Customer
20202 Kliendi poolt mitte vastu võetud Not Received by Customer
20215 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud, saadetud otsekorraldusena Accepted by Recipient, sent as Direct Payment
20216 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud, saadetud arvena Accepted by Recipient, sent as Consumer Invoice
20217 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud, saadetud Netpostiga Accepted by Recipient, sent by Netposti
20218 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud, saadetud elektroonselt Accepted by Recipient, sent electronically
20219 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud, saadetud postiga Accepted by Recipient, sent by post
20220 Vastuvõtja poolt tagasi lükatud Rejected by Recipient
20221 Vastuvõtja poolt aktsepteeritud Accepted by Recipient
20222 Saadetud IT serverisse Sent to IS Server
20223 IT serverisse saatmine ebaõnnestus Sending to IS Server failed
20224 Saadetud vastuvõtjale Sent to Recipient
20225 Vastuvõtja poolt vastu võetud Received by Recipient
20226 Vastuvõtjale saatmine ebaõnnestus Sending to Recipient failed
20227 Allkirjastatud Signed
20228 Sõnumi sisu formaat on õige Message content format correct
20229 Küsin vajalikke komponente teenusepäringuks. Oota paar sekundit ning proovi uuesti. Requesting necessary components for service request. Wait a few seconds and try again.
20230 Krediidiinfo poolt saadetud Sent by Krediidiinfo
20231 Ühenduse viga Connection error
20232 Funktsiooni ei eksisteeri Function does not exist
20233 Programm ei ole korralikult suletud Program not properly Terminated
20234 Jagatud registrisse kirjutamine ebaõnnestus. Kontrolli kliendi KMKR nr. või Reg nr. Storing in Colaborative Register failed. Check Customer #VAT No.# or #Reg. No.#
20235 Päringu aeg lõppenud . Request timed out.
20236 Andmebaasi hetkeseisuks ei ole 'Live'   Database not in Live Mode
20237 Teenus ei ole kättesaadav sinu riigis Service not available in your Country
20238 Selle kuupäevaga ei ole sisestatud valuutakursse Exchange Rates not available on that Day
20239 Viga Error
20240 Teenus on juba aktiveeritud Service already enabled
20241 Teenus ei ole saadaval Service not available
20242 Teie programm ei ole registreeritud. Palun kontrollige seadistust Internetivõtmed. You are not registered. Check Internet Enabler Setting.
20243 Palun saada arve e-mailiga. Please send Invoice by mail.
20244 Veebiteenuste serveri IP aadress puudub Lookup address missing
20245 Ei saanud luua ühendust Unable to connect to
20246 Palun täitke kliendikood seadistuses Internetivõtmed. You need to specify customer code in Internet Enabler
20247 Ei saa ühendust Lookup serveriga Unable to connect to lookup
20248 Vali host täitmata blank host
20249 Andmebaasi ID on muutunud. E-kirjete saatmiseks kontrollige Müügireskontros E-arvete seadistust. Database ID changed. If you wish to send E-Records check Electronic Invoices Settings in #Sales Ledger#.
20250 Ei õnnestu luua ühendust Internetiteenuste serveriga Cannot connect to lookup
20251 Vale võti Wrong KEY
20252 Arve juba eksisteerib Invoice already exists
20253 Arve ülekandmine ebaõnnestus Invoice transfer failed
20254 Tundmatu märk Unknown tag
20255 Vale teate suurus Wrong message size
20256 Ei leidnud klient HTS-st Customer doesn't exist in HTS
20257 Tundmatu teate formaat Unknown message format
20258 Tasumine on juba olemas Payment already exists
20259 Tasumise ülekanne ebaõnnestus Payment transfer failed
20260 Saatmise eelistus teadmata. Sending preference unknown.
20261 Registreerimine algatatud. Registration Started.
20262 Registreerimine täätluses Registration in Progress.
20263 Registreerimine lõpetatud Registration Complete.
20264 KMKR nr. ja reg.nr. ei või olla täitmata #VAT No.# and #Reg. No.# may not be blank
20265 Väärtus peab olema võrdne või suurem kui Value must be equal to or higher than
20266 Sellel toodetud artiklil eksisteerib juba vaikimisi kaart A default Record exists already for this Produced Item
20267 Laoliikumise number #Stock# Movement Number
20268 Täälehed peavad olema kinnitatud enne kui saad Teenindustellimuse lõpetada You must OK Work Sheets before you can finish Service Order
20269 Tegevused peavad olema kinnitatud enne kui saad Teenindustellimuse lõpetada You must OK Activities before you can finish Service Order
20270 Päärdkäibemaksu ei saa kasutada koos teiste käibemaksutüüpidega Cannot mix Reversed #VAT# with other #VAT# Types
20271 Läbi kanali Via channel
20272 Ainult 1 põhiartikkel lubatud Only 1 Main Item is allowed
20273 Ostutellimused valmis Purchase Orders Created
20274 Kontrolli manust Check the Attachment
20275 KMKR nr. peab olema tühi #VAT No.# may not be blank
20276 Vale aadress Incorrect Address
20277 Riik ei ole registreeritud Country not registered
20278 #Reg. No. 2# ei tohi olla tühi. Kontrolli kontakti kaarti. #Reg. No. 2# may not be blank. Check Contact Card.  
20279 El.käskluste järjekord E-Task Queue
20280 Vale vastuvõtja number Wrong recipient number
20281 Vale saatja number Wrong sender number
20282 Sõnum saadteud Message sent
20283 Sõnumi viga Message error
20284 E-maili järjekord on peatunud Email Queue has stopped
20285 Virtuaalteenus on peatunud Cloud Service has stopped
20286 Vale teate tüüp Wrong Message Type
20287 E-arvete järjekord on peatunud EInvoices Queue has stopped
20288 E-arveid ei ole saadetud üle 24 tunni EInvoices have not been sent for over 24h
20289 Etasks Queue has stopped Etasks Queue has stopped
20290 Receivable EInvoices has not been sent for over 24h Receivable EInvoices have not been sent for over 24h
20291 There is already a Default Shop Company for this Country There is already a Default Shop Company for this Country
20292 Missing accounts, check Payment Gateway cost accounts Missing accounts, check Payment Gateway cost accounts
20293 not sending any E-invoices not sending any E-invoices
20300 See seerianumber on juba teise kliendi poolt registreeritud This Serial Number already Registered for another Customer
20301 See seerianumber on juba teise kliendi poolt registreeritud This Serial Number already Registered for another Customer
20302 Package Configuration for Serial Number not found for this Main Purchase Item Package Configuration for Serial Number not found for this Main Purchase Item
20303 Registreerimise salasõna pikkus peab olema vähemalt 8 tähemärki.) Password must be at least 8 characters long)
20304 Registreerimise salasõnad ei kattu) Password doesn't match Confirm Password)
20305 Te olete juba registreeritud. Kasutage funtsiooni Olemasolev registreering. You are already registered. Use the function Retrieve Existing Registration instead.
20306 The Standard ID you specified already exists. Please choose a different ID, or click on 'Already Registered' to use an existing account. The StandardID you specified already exists. Please choose a different ID, or click on 'Login' to use an existing account.
20340 Lisamaks Perception Tax
20350 Kontrolli ostutellimust Check Purchase Order
20399 See artikkel ei ole projekti eelarves määratud This Item is not defined on Project Budget
20400 Aluse kõrgus ei saa olla suurem, kui asukoha kõrgus Pallet Height cannot be greater than Position Height
20401 Aluse sügavus ei saa olla suurem, kui asukoha sügavus Pallet Depth cannot be greater than Position Depth
20402 Aluse laius ei saa olla suurem, kui asukoha laius Pallet Width cannot be greater than Position Width
20403 Ettemaksu saldo ei tohi olla negatiivne Prepayment balance cannot be negative
20404 Hinna muutmine ei muuda projektikannet Changing price will cause Project Transaction not being updated
20405 Selle numbriga ettemaksu on varem kasutatud teise valuutakursiga või teise valuutaga. This prepayment number has earlier entries with different rate or Currency
20406 Maksimaalne ettemaksu summa on Maximum down payment amount is
20407 Rohkem ridu kui lubatud More rows than allowed
20408 Projekti etapp on lõpetatud Project Phase is Finished
20409 Selle artikli kulutus on suurem, kui projekti eelarvel This Item spend is more than Project Budget
20410 Valuutat ei ole lubatud muuta Not allowed to change Currency
20411 Maksimaalne kinnipidamise summa on Maximum Retention amount is
20412 Kontrolli ettemaksu KM-koodi Check down payment #VAT Code#
20413 KM koodi pikkus ei tohi ületada 6 märki #VAT Code# length cannot exceed 10 characters
20414 Vale pikkus Incorrect Length
20415 Sisesta prefiks Prefix required
20416 Olemas on ettemaks Down payment Exists
20417 Funktsioon ei ole Teie riigis saadaval. Function is not supported in your Country.
20418 Funktsiooni ei toetata käesolevas versioonis. Function is not supported in this version.
20419 Koondmakse valik ei ole välismakse formaadi korral kasutatav. Batch Payments for Foreign Paymants not supported.
20420 Sisesta viitenumber Enter Reference No.
20421 Sisesta kaardiomanik Enter Card Holder
20422 Sisesta kaardi nr. Enter Card No.
20423 Sisesta aegumise kuu Enter Expiry Month
20424 Sisesta aegumise aasta Enter Expiry Year
20425 Sisesta CVC Enter CVC
20426 Sisesta kaardi tüüp Enter Card Type
20427 Sisesta summa Enter Amount
20428 Sisesta väljastamisaeg Enter Issue
20429 Sisesta alguskuupäev, kuu Enter Start Month
20430 Sisesta alguskuupäev, aasta Enter Start Year
20431 Ei või olla enam kui 2-kohaline Cannot be more than 2 digits
20432 Peab olema 19 numbrikohta Must be 19 digits
20433 Peab olema 13 või 16 numbrikohta Must be 13 or 16 digits
20434 Lubatud ainult numbrid Must be only digits
20435 Konto ID sellele valuutale ei eksisteeri Payment Gateway for this currency does not exist
20436 Puudub eelautoriseering Pre-authorization missing
20437 Vale krediitkaardi tüüp Incorrect credit card type
20438 Tehing ei ole autoriseeritud Transaction not authorised
20439 Teenus ei ole lubatud. Service not allowed.
20440 Valuuta peab olema USD Currency must be USD
20441 Nõutud krediitkaardi tüüp on Required credit card type is
20442 Peab olema 15 märki Must be 15 digits
20443 Peab olema 14 märki Must be 14 digits
20444 Objekti pikkus ei ole õige Incorrect Tag/Object length
20448 Server ja klient ei vasta teineteisele: Server and Client do not match:
20450 HansaWorld Express HansaWorld Express
20451 Business Communicator Communication #Centre#
20452 Business Organizer Business Organizer
20453 Standard Organizer Standard Organizer
20454 Standard Communicator Standard Communicator
20455 Standard CRM Standard CRM
20470 Liiga palju külalisi reserveeringult Too many guests from Reservation
20471 Ei ole sellist külalist reserveerigul No such Guest on Reservation
20472 See hetkeseis ei ole lubatud, kui on lahtised ja This Status is not allowed while there are open and/or un-invoiced Reservations
20473 Piiri kontrollpunkt ei tohi olla tühi Border Check Point may not be blank
20474 Külastuse eesmärk ei tohi olla tühi Visit Pupose may not be blank
20475 E-maili aadress peab olema sisestatud kas Kliendikaardile või e-arve kliendi andmetes Email address must be filled in either on Customer record or in Electronic Invoices Customer Data
20476 Move Reason  must be filled in Move Reason  must be filled in
20499 Üleülatuvate sõnade lõikamine ei toimi maatriksiridadele Word Wrap not supported for Matrix Rows
20501 Sisse logimine ebaõnnestus Login Failed
20502 Kasutaja nimi Log In
20503 Salasõna Password
20504 Ettevõtte nimi Company Name
20505 Sinu nimi Your Name
20506 Ettevõtte aadress Company Address
20507 KMKR nr. Org. No.
20508 Telefon Telephone
20509 E-mail Email
20510 Faks Fax
20511 Salasõna Password
20512 Kommentaar Comment
20513 Kõik *-ga tähistatud väljad tuleb täita All fields marked with a * are mandatory
20514 Saada Submit
20515 Muuda Reset
20516 Sinu ettevõte on juba registreeritud Your company is already registered
20517 Sisemine error, palun proovi hiljem uuesti Internal error, please try later
20518 Sa pead täitma kõik *-ga tähistatud väljad You have to fill in all mandatory fields
20519 Sinu kliendikood on: Your Customer Code is
20520 Nr. No.
20521 Tell. Ord.
20522 Ühik Unit
20523 Kirjeldus Description
20524 Hind Price
20525 % %
20526 Kokku Total
20527 Artiklikood Item No.
20528 Laos In #Stock#
20529 Kirjeldus Description
20530 Ühikuhind Unit Price
20531 Kogus Qty
20532 Tellimus Order
20533 Logi sisse Login
20534 Sinu tellimuse number on: Your Ordernumber is
20535 Vahesumma: Subtotal:
20536 Käibemaks: #VAT#:
20537 Kokku: Total:
20538 Ostukorv on tühi Basket is Empty
20539 Kõik summad on arvestatud: All Sums are in:
20540 Registreeri uus klient Register a new Customer
20541 Sama E-maili aadress mitmel kliendil Same Email address on more than one customer
20542 Hetkel ostukorvis Currently in Shopping Basket
20543 Lao reserveerimiseks peavad kasutusel olema mitmed Laod Multiple Locations must be used to reserve existing stock
20544 Uus salasõna New Password
20545 Uus salasõna uuesti Retype New Password
20546 Määra oma kliendikood või e-maili aadress Specify your Customer Code or Email address
20547 Sinu salasõna on muutunud Your password has changed
20548 Salasõnad ei kattunud Passwords don't match
20549 Väljad ei tohi olla tühjad Fields cannot be empty
20550 Uus salasõna on loodud ja saadetud teie e-maili aadressile New password was generated and sent to your Email address
20551 Tundmatu kliendikood või e-maili aadress Unknown Customer Code or Email address
20552 Salasõna uuesti Retype Password
20553 Kas unustasid oma salasõna? Forgot your Password?
20554 Palun sisene kõigisse ettevõtetesse Please Login to all Companies
20555 Kõik Määra akna väljad ei tohi olla täitmata All Specification Fields may not be blank
20556 Arved Excellentile pole veel makstud. Invoices to  & ProductName & " have not been paid."
20557 Ei tohi olla väiksem kui 27 May not be lower than 27
20558 Ei ole lubatud juhul kui algne laosissetuleku ostuhind tagastatud kaupadel on aktiivne. Koostage tagastatud kaubad lähetuse kaardilt. Not allowed when Original Cost on Returned Goods is on. Create Return Goods from Delivery
20559 Ei ole lubatud juhul kui algne laosissetuleku ostuhind Not allowed when Original Cost on Returned Goods to #Supplier# is on. Create Return Goods to #Supplier# from Goods Receipt
20560 Ei ole lubatud juhul kui pakkumine on juba seotud reserveeringuga Not allowed when quotation is already connected to a reservation
20561 Peate valima ühe sündmuse tüübi You must choose one Event Type
20562 Eksisteerib varasem reserveering, palun kontrollige, et lähetamine on lubatud. Please make sure you are allowed to deliver this, an earlier reservation exists
20563 Arvet ei koostatud - kas pole millegi eest arvet esitada või siis puudub teil õigus lepinguarvete koostamiseks. No invoice was created. Either nothing can be invoiced, you are not allowed to create contract invoices, or End Date field is blank
20564 Muutmine ei ole lubatud, sest selle artikli peale on tehtud reserveering. Palun eemaldage esmalt reserveering. You may not change this because there are reservations made against this item. Please remove reservations first.  
20565 Artikkel ei ole lubatud Item not allowed
20566 Siselaosissetuleku kuupäev ei kattu rendireserveeringu kuupäevaga. Items In Date does not match Rental Reservation Date
20567 Siselaomahakandmise kuupäev ei kattu rendireserveeringu kuupäevaga. Items Out Date does not match Rental Reservation Date
20568 Erinev hind samal seerianumbril Different price for the same Serial Number
20569 Ei ole lubatud kreeditarvetel   Not allowed for Credit Notes
20570 Ei saa jätkata krediitkaardimaksega. Not able to proceed with Credit Card Payment.
20571 Juba autoriseeritud. Already authorized.
20572 Erinevad tasumisviisid Different Payment Modes
20573 Erinevad valuutad Different Currencies
20574 Erinevad kliendid Different Customers
20575 Ei ole sularahaarve Not Cash Invoice
20576 kinnitamata has not been OKed
20577 Liiga palju objekte Too many Tags/Objects
20578 Pakkumisega seotud lepingut ei saa kinnitada ilma viimase arveta Can not OK Contract connected to a Quotation without a final Invoice
20579 Vastutaval hoiul artiklite puhul koosta ostuarve laosissetulekust Create #Purchase Invoice# from Goods Receipt for Consignment Items
20580 Uus hind peab olema vanast hinnast erinev New Price must differ from Old Price
20581 Vale ühiku pikkus Wrong Unit length
20582 Ebakorrektne aadressi väli Incorrect Address field
20583 E-arve konto peab olema täidetud. Kontrolli seadistust Ettevõtte andmed E-Invoice Account may not be blank. Check Company Info
20584 Ebakorrektne panganime formaat. Kontrolli seadistust Ettevõtte andmed Incorrect IBAN Format. Check Bank Code field in Company Info
20585 ANA koodi väli peab olema täidetud. Kontrolli seadistust Ettevõtte andmed ANA Code field may no be blank. Check Company Info
20586 KMKR nr. või reg.nr. 1 või reg.nr. 2 peavad olema täidetud. Kontrolli seadistust Ettevõtte andmed #VAT No.# or #Reg. No.# 1 or #Reg. No. 2# may no be blank. Check Company Info
20587 Kliendi E-arve konto peab olema täidetud Customer E-Invoice Account may no be blank
20588 Kliendi ANA koodi väli peab olema täidetud Customer ANA Code field may no be blank
20589 Ei ole lubatud kui tellimus on kinnitatud Not allowed when order is OKed
20590 Ei ole ISO riigikood Not ISO Country Code
20591 Ei ole ISO valuutakood Not ISO Currency Code
20592 KMKR nr. või reg.nr. 1 või reg.nr. 2 peab olema täidetud #VAT No.# or #Reg. No.# 1 or #Reg. No. 2# may no be blank
20593 KMKR nr. või reg.nr. 1 või reg.nr. 2 seadistuses Ettevõtte andmed peab olema täidetud #VAT No.# or #Reg. No.# 1 or #Reg. No. 2# in Company Info may no be blank
20594 Eksisteerivad varasemad Tagastatud kaubad, mis ootavad kinnitamist There are earlier Return Goods awaiting OK
20595 Eksisteerivad varasemad Tagastatud kaubad tarnijatele, mis ootavad kinnitamist There are earlier Return Goods to #Supplier# awaiting OK
20596 Puudub Tag. kaubad tarnijatele konto, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Return Goods to #Suppliers# Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20597 Poolelioleva tää konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, tootmine Work in Progress Account missing, check Account Usage Production
20598 Panganimi peab olema täidetud Bank 1 may no be blank
20599 Ühendus Internetiteenuste serveriga on seadistamata. Kontrolli seadistust Ajastatud tegevused Transaction Server Conenction has not been set up. Check Timed Operations Setting
20600 Muuda Lähetusaadressi Change the Delivery Address
20601 Lähetusaadress Delivery Address
20602 Lisa uus Add New
20603 Otsi vastet Search results for
20604 Otsi Search for
20620 Kasuta * kõikideks kasutajateks Use * for all Users
20650 Netohind on arvutatud Hash value has been calculated
20670 Baasvaluuta 1 peab olema SEK või EUR. Palun kontrollige baasvaluuta seadistust. Base Currency 1 must be either SEK or EUR. Please check the Base Currency setting.
20671 Reg.nr. 1 või reg.nr. 2 ei tohi olla tühi F-Tax kasutamisel. #Reg. No.# 1 or #Reg. No. 2# may not be blank for custem with F-Tax.
20672 Saada kui e-arve. Prindi Dokumendid >> Arved Sent as E-invoice. Print from Documents >> Invoices
20673 E-arve kliendi andmed   E-Invoicing Customer Data
20674 F-TAX olemas Has F-TAX
20675 Reg nr olemas Has Reg No.
20676 E-Mail olemas Has Email
20677 KM tsoon: Kohalik VAT Zone: Domestic
20678 E-arved ei ole aktiveeritud. e-Invoicing has not been activated.
20700 Vajuta suvalist klahvi server-reziimi lõpetamiseks Press any key to stop Server Mode
20710 Võtme tellimine alustatud Enabler Request Started
20711 Võtme tellimine õnnestus Enabler Request Succeeded
20712 Võtme tellimine ebaõnnestus Enabler Request Failed
20713 Krediitkaardimakse alustatud Credit Card Payment Started
20714 Krediitkaardimakse lõpetatud Credit Card Payment Complete
20715 Krediitkaardi kviitungi väärtus ei vasta Credit Card Slip Value Doesn't Match
20718 Välja registreerimine ebaõnnestus Check Out failed
20719 Sisse registreerimine ebaõnnestus Check In failed
20720 Kinnitatud Confirmed
20721 Agendi info Agent Details
20722 Reserveeringu info Booking Details
20723 Tel Tel
20724 Lugupeetud Dear
20725 Reserveering Booking
20726 Reisijate arv Number of Passengers
20727 …äde arv Number of Nights
20728 Sisselend In flight
20729 Väljalend Out flight
20730 Hinnakirjad Price Lists
20731 Üksik Sng/Dbl/Tpl
20732 Kommentaar Comment
20733 Tubade arv Number of Rooms
20734 Toa tüüp Room Type
20735 Pax Pax
20736 Sugu Gender
20737 Dok. nr. Document No.
20738 Rahvus Nationality
20739 Vanus Age
20740 Perekonnaseis Marital Status
20741 Vallaline Single
20742 Abielus Married
20743 Lahutatud Divorced
20744 Lesk Widowed
20745 Mees Male
20746 Naine Female
20747 Lugupidamisega Regards
20748 Kinnitamata Not Confirmed
20749 Kinnitatud Confirmed
20750 Saabunud Check In
20751 Lahkunud Check Out
20752 Külaliste arv Nr. of Guests
20753 Laste arv Nr. of Children
20754 Vale artikkel. Kontrolli originaalarvet Incorrect Item Code. Check Original Invoice
20755 Määra kuupäev Specify Date
20756 Määra konto Specify Account
20757 Tääkulu peab olema täitmata. Work Cost must be blank.
20758 Eksisteerivad tühistatud või praagitud tootmise operatsioonid. There are Cancelled or Discarded Production Operations.
20759 Tootmise operatsioone ei ole koostatud. Production Operations have not been created.
20760 Kirjet ei ekstisteeri Record has not been created
20761 Määra põhjus Specify Reason
20762 Tootmistellimuse nr. puudub Production Order No. missing
20763 Teised kasutajad täätavad selle tootmise kaardiga Other users are worikg with that Production
20764 Määra kulunud aeg Specify spent Time
20765 Vale Parim enne kuupäev selle seerianumbri jaoks Wrong Best Before Date for this Serial No.
20766 Klient selle e-mailiaadressiga on juba registreeritud Customer with Email address already registered
20767 Liiga madal hind Too low Price
20768 klientprogrammi kataloogis puudub Tmp tmp/hansapayments folder does not exist on client
20769 Vale pank Tasumisviisil Wrong Bank on Payment Mode
20770 Kustuta artikkel ja tema komponendid, et muuta struktuurartikli kogust Delete Item and its Components to change Quantity for this Item
20771 Kande number ei ole järgmine vaba number numbriseerias. Peab olema Transaction Number is not next in Series. Number should be
20772 See on osalise makse arve. Sisesta osalised maksed This Invoice is payable in #Instalments#. Enter #Instalments#.
20773 Kogus on tühi Quantity is blank
20774 Madalama tootmisjärjekorraga tootmise operatsioon on lõpetamata Production Operation with lower Sequence not Finished
20775 Palun vali tootmisjärjekord Please specify Sequence
20776 Tootmise operatsioon ei ole lõpetatud. Production Operation has not been finished.
20777 Tootmist ei tohi praakida ega tühistada kui kasutusel on routing. Production may not be Discarded or Cancelled when Routing used.
20778 Seda kogust ei ole veel toodetud Quantity has not been produced yet
20779 Tootmise operatsioon Production Operation
20780 Tootmise operatsiooni ei ole alustatud Production Operation has not been started
20781 Routing puudub Routing missing
20782 tmp tmp/rkassapayments folder does not exist on client
20783 Tootmise operatsioonid on juba koostatud. Production Operations have been created already.
20784 Tootmise operatsioonid on juba lõpetatud. Production Operations have been finished already.
20785 Excellenti Leping ei ole kehtiv ProductName & " Contract not Accepted"
20787 Krediidileping ei ole kehtiv Credit Agreement not Valid
20788 Kinnitatud krediidileping on selle kaardi kohta olemas, kuid teistsuguse summaga An Approved Credit Agreement exists for this record, but with a different sum
20789 Krediidilepingu arveid ei saa üle maksta Credit Agreement Invoices can't be overpaid, please add one On Account line with the extra amount
20790 Uut arvet ei saa teha. Selle lepinguga seotud arved on kinnitamata. Can not create new Invoice. UnOKed invoices exists for this Contract.
20791 Sissemakse artiklilt ei saa käibemaksu arvestada Deposit Item can not book #VAT#
20792 Keskkonnamaksu artikkel määramata Environment Tax Item not defined
20793 Väljale saab sisestada kuni 35 tähemärki. Max. 35 characters allowed
20794 Ei ole midagi arveldada Nothing left to invoice
20795 Leping on kinnitamata Agreement not approved or OKed
20796 Pank ei toeta Elektroonilisi Tasumisi antud Tasumisviisiga Electronic Payments not supported for Bank on Payment Mode
20797 Kogus ei ole õige Incorrect Quantity
20798 Only for Items Out Only for Items Out
20799 Laosissetulek on juba koostatud Goods Receipt already created
20800 Sularaha Cash
20801 Krediitkaart Credit Card
20802 Selle tüübiga kirjeid ei ole võimalik luua Records of this type may not be created
20803 Sobimatu hetkeseis Incorrect Status
20804 Otsekorraldus Direct Debit
20805 €ra luba kursse baasvaluuta 1-s Don't allow rates in Base Currency 1 is on
20806 Ei ole sama valuuta, kontrolli tasumisviisi. Not the same currency. Check Payment Mode
20807 Ei saa sularahamaksega jätkata. Not able to proceed with Cash Payment.
20808 Ostuarve juba koostatud #Purchase Invoice# already created
20809 Ostuarve koostamiseks sisesta KM-kood Enter #VAT Code# to create #Purchase Invoice#
20810 Selline kasutajagrupp loob lubamatu tsükli. This Access Group would create a cyclic loop, which is not allowed
20811 See kasutustase ei ole lubatud, lubatud on ainult Täielik või Puudub This access level is not allowed, only allowed Full or None
20812 See kasutustase ei ole lubatud, lubatud on ainult Täielik, Puudub või Vaata This access level is not allowed, only allowed Full or None or Read only
20813 Sellel broneeringul on artikleid, mille eest ei ole tasutud. There are invoice items on this reservation that have not been charged.
20814 Sellel broneeringul on artikleid, mille eest ei ole tasutud. Tasu jääb ülesse kuni väljumise kuupäevani. There are invoice items on this reservation that have not been charged. Charge stay till check out date.
20815 Only one Action - Amend HMRC Access Token is allwowed Only one Action - Amend HMRC Access Token is allwowed
20820 Tagasiostu hinnakiri kasutusel, koosta tagastatud kaubad lähetusest. BuyBack Price List used. Create Returned Goods from Delivery
20821 Määra tagasiostu viide Specify BuyBack Reference
20822 Tagasiostud määratud viitega on juba täädeldud. BuyBacks with specified Reference already processed.
20823 Määra summad Specify Amounts
20824 Määra artikkel Specify Item
20825 Negatiivne summa ei ole lubatud Negative Price is not allowed
20848 Tellimuse tüüpi ei saa muuta Can not be changed when the Order Type is Drop Ship and a Purchase Order exists
20849 Vale rea tüüp Incorrect Row Type
20850 Kande kuupäev on varasem kui Arve kande kuupäev. Finantskannet ei koostata. Trans. Date is ealier than Invoice Trans. Date. #N/L# Transaction will not be generated.
20851 Vigane kuupäev. Kontrolli algus- ja lõppkuupäeva. Erroneous date. Check Start and End Dates.
20852 Vigane kuupäev. Kontrolli arve kuupäeva. Erroneous date. Check Invoice Date.
20853 Vigane kuupäev. Kontrolli ettemaksu kuupäeva. Erroneous date. Check Prepayment Date.
20854 Vigane aeg. Kontrolli algus- ja lõpuaega. Erroneous time. Check Start and End Time.
20855 Vigane kuupäev. Kontrolli tellimuse kuupäeva. Erroneous date. Check Order Date.
20856 Vigane kuupäev. Kontrolli seadistust allsüsteemid. Erroneous date. Check Transactions from Sub Systems Setting.
20857 Erinevad laod ei ole lubatud. Kronoloogia lao kohta aktiivne. Different Locations not allowed when Chronology per Location specified in #Stock# Settings
20858 Viga Tarnija arvenumbris Error in #Supp.# Inv. No.
20859 Sellist klienti ei eksisteeri Customer does not exist
20860 Sellist artiklit ei eksisteeri Item does not exist
20861 BC 128 toetab ainult numbreid BC 128 supports digits only
20862 Ostuartiklit ei eksisteeri Purchase Item does not Exist
20863 Ostuartiklit ei eksisteeri sellele artiklile Purchase Item does not Exist for Item
20864 Artiklit ei saa jagada Item can not be split
20865 Vale kuupäev. Kontrolli Restoranitellimuse kuupäeva. Erroneous date. Check #Bar Tab# Date.
20866 Vale kuupäev ja kellaeg Erroneous date or time
20867 #Invoice# kuupäev ei saa olla hilisem kui kande kuupäev #Invoice# Date cannot be later than the Transaction Date
20868 Ainult kaks asukohta on saadaval Only two Locations available
20869 Tarnija on ootel: #Supplier# On Hold:
20870 Tsekki ei saa deponeerida enne väljastamise kuupäeva Not allowed to deposit Cheque before Emission Date
20871 Süsteemi kuup. ja kande kuupäev ei ole samad. Trans. Date must be today.
20872 Tarnija suletud: #Supplier# Closed:
20873 Vale arve nr Incorrect Invoice No.
20874 Kontrolli arve hetkeseisu Invoice not open
20875 Tarnija puudub Incorrect #Supplier# No.
20876 Arve nr on sellel dokumendil juba kasutatud Invoice No. already used on this Document
20877 Teised reatüübid ei ole lubatud Other row types are not allowed
20878 Liiga suur summa Too high Amount
20879 Juba parandatud Already Disassembled
20880 Ei saa teostada kui Routing kasutusel May not be done when Routing used
20881 Reserveering on grupireserveering reserveeringule The Reservation is Group Reservation for Reservation
20882 Täida üks kogustest Fill in one of Quantities
20883 Ei saa olla enne lukustamise kuupäeva Can not be before Locked Date
20884 Lao korrigeerimised ei ole lubatud. Kontrolli laoseadistusi. #Stock# Corrections not allowed.
20885 Projektikannetest on arve tehtud. Project Transactions have been invoiced.
20886 On hilisemaid kinnitatud tagastatud kaupade kaarte There are later Return Goods which have been OKed
20887 On hilisemaid kinnitatud tarnijale tagastatud kaupade kaarte There are later Return Goods to #Supplier# which have been OKed
20888 On varasemaid kinnitatud lao ümberhindluse kaarte There are earlier #Stock# Revaluations which have been OKed
20889 On hilisemaid kinnitatud lao ümberhindluse kaarte There are later #Stock# Revaluations which have been OKed
20890 Leave VAT Value blank for Invoices with Reversed VAT Leave VAT Value blank for Invoices with Reversed VAT
20891 Address Book Integration is not enabled on in this installation. See Technics|Settings|Client Integration Address Book Integration is not enabled on in this installation. See Technics|Settings|Client Integration
20892 Pole veel implementeeritud Not yet implemented
20893 Serveri versioon peab olema 6.4, uuem kui 2012-06-07 The server version has to be 6.4, newer than 2012-06-07
20894 Sellist kaarti pole lisatud No such record attached
20895 Mine arvele Go to Invoice
20896 Mine tellimusele Go to Order
20897 Liiga palju avatud aknaid. Palun sule mõned aknad ja proovi uuesti Too many open windows, please close some windows and try again
20898 Aknad Windows
20899 Manused Attachments
20900 Välju Exit
20901 Tagasi Back
20902 Menüü Options
20903 OK OK
20904 Tagasi Back
20905 Sisesta käsitsi Manual entry
20906 Võta ühendust Connect
20907 Serveri aadress Server address
20908 Vali ettevõte Select Company
20909 Vali server Select Server
20910 Lõpeta Logout
20911 Aktiveerin kohandusi Activating customizations
20912 Salvesta sorteerimisjärjekord Save sort order
20913 See seade ei toeta valitud manusetüüpe This device does not support attachments of the selected type
20914 Lisa rida Add row
20915 Eelvaade Print Preview
20916 Jah Yes
20917 Ei No
20918 Vali nimekirjast Select from list
20919 Andmete üleviimine Transferring data
20920 Teade Message
20921 Käivitan   Starting  
20922 Kas soovid, et kasutajanimi ja salasõna talletatakse ning kasutatakse selles arvutis sisenemisel vaikimisi? Remember password and set as default login on this computer?
20923 Palun kinnita Please confirm
20924 Hooldusfunktsioon ei ole lõpetatud. Maintenance not completed.
20925 Alustan võrguühendust, mis võib olla tasuline. Kas soovite jätkata? This will initiate a network connection. This may incur a fee. Do you want to continue?
20926 Alustan kõne, mis võib olla tasuline. Kas soovite jätkata? This will initiate a phone call. This may incur a fee. Do you want to continue?
20927 Näita seda teadet uuesti? Ei Show this message again? No
20928 Näita seda teadet uuesti? Jah Show this message again? Yes  
20929 Teil ei ole selle funktsiooni kasutusõigust selles klientprogrammis. Rääkige oma süsteemiadministraatoriga. You are not allowed to use this function on this client. Talk to your system administrator.
20930 Transpordi hinnaerinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Freight Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20931 Tolli hinnaerinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Customs Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20932 Lisakulu 1 erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 1 Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20933 Lisakulu 2 erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 2 Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20934 Lisakulu 3 erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 3 Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20935 Lisakulu 4 erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 4 Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20936 Lisakulu 5 erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Extra Cost 5 Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
20937 Elektroonsete ostuarvete registris on uus e-arve. Ostuarve nr.: There is new Electronic #Purchase Invoice#
20938 Ei ole võimalik teha. Kliendi May not be done. Customer/#Supplier# Info on Transaction is off.
20939 Kokku ilma maksuta ei toimi KMi ja maksu sisaldava baashinna puhul Total not including #VAT# does not work with Base Price including #VAT# and TAX
20940 Kellelt From
20941 Kellele To
20942 Hetkeseis Status
20943 Lõpetatud Finished
20944 Vastamata Missed
20945 Ühendan Connecting
20946 Heliseb Ringing
20947 Tääs In progress
20948 Ootel On hold
20949 Teadmata Unknown
20950 Skype'i kõnet või vestlust ei saanud alustada. Kontrolli, kas programmil on lubatud Skype'i kasutada. The Skype call or chat could not be started. Check that the program is allowed to use Skype
20951 The Skype call or chat could not be started. Check that Skype is running and you are logged in. The Skype call or chat could not be started. Check that Skype is running and you are logged in.
20952 The Skype call or chat could not be started. Please wait for Skype to start automatically and try again. The Skype call or chat could not be started. Please wait for Skype to start automatically and try again.
20953 The Skype call or chat could not be started. Skype was not found on your computer. Do you want to download Skype now? The Skype call or chat could not be started. Skype was not found on your computer. Do you want to download Skype now?
20954 The Skype call or chat could not be started. Please make sure that Skype is installed and running. The Skype call or chat could not be started. Please make sure that Skype is installed and running.
20960 Uus versioon on saadaval. Lae alla ja installeeri? A new version is available. Download and install?
20961 Installatsioonipaketti ei olnud võimalik alla laadida Could not download installation package
20962 Installatsioonipaketti ei olnud võimalik käivitada Could not run installation package
20963 Kasuta samu andmeid, mis eelmises installatsioonis? Use same data as in previous installation?
20964 Soovid sa uut versiooni vahele jätta? Do you wish to skip this version?
20965 Sa juba kasutad kõige uuemat versiooni. Uuendus ei ole vajalik. You are already using the latest version, there is no need to upgrade
20966 Sellel signeerimata programmil puuduvad võimalused antud tehingu tegemiseks. Uuenda programm signeeritud versioonile, et antud funktsiooni kasutada. This unsigned application is lacking capabilities to perform this action. Update to a signed version to use this function.
20967 Telefoniside server ei vasta. Palun kontrolli võrguühendust ning proovi uuesti The telephony server is not responding. Please check you network connection and try again
20968 Sideserver ei suutnud luua kõnet The telephony server failed to place the call
20969 Sideserver keelas kõne The telephony server denied placing the call
20970 Skype Skype
20971 Asterisk Asterisk
20972 Keskjaam Switchboard
20973 Mobile #Mobile#
20974 Tüüp Type
20975 Polkomtel Polkomtel
20976 Switchvox Switchvox
20977 3CX telefonisüsteem 3CX Phone System
20980 Väli Field
20981 Telefoninumber Phone Number
20982 Kontaktide arv: Number of Contacts:
20983 Ebakorrektsed kontaktid: Invalid Contacts:
20984 Alt.telefon Alt. Phone
20985 Ebakorrektsete telefoninumbritega kontaktide nimekiri List of Contacts with Invalid Phone Numbers
20986 Mobiil #Mobile#
20987 Võimalik ainult juhul kui laekumisel on üks klient Available only if one Customer on Receipt
20988 Lühinumber Extension
20989 Olemas ainult, kui üks tarnija on tasumisel Available only if one #Supplier# on Payment
20990 Jadapordiseade ei ole määratud Serial Port Device not defined
20991 Call Transcript Call Transcript
20998 Filtrit ei leitud. No filter found.
20999 Leitud on uus kontakt, palun kontrolli filtri seadistust New contact found, please check your filter settings
21000 Maatriks Matrix
21001 Aruanne Report
21002 (ilma registrita) (no register)
21003 Päis Header
21004 Enne Before
21005 Pärast After
21006 Jalus Footer
21007 Päis Header
21008 Jalus Footer
21009 reatüüp: rowtype:
21050 Aruandes on rohkem ridu, kui võimalik kuvada, palun muuda aruande valikuid või saada aruanne faili Report has more lines of text than client can handle, please change report options to print less data or run report to file
21080 Välja seadistused Field Settings  
21090 Lisa aruandesse Add to Report Set  
21091 Muuda aruande vaikimisi seadistusi Edit Report Defaults  
21092 Ajasta hooldus   Schedule maintenance  
21099 Simulatsioon   Simulation  
21100 Aruannet ei eksisteeri Report does not exist
21101 Aruanne on juba kirjeldatud Report is already defined.
21120 Seda põhivara ei saa uuendada, see on juba kasutuses Cannot update this Asset, it is already in use.
21130 Projekti ajakava Project Schedule
21131 Kasuta partii deposiit selle tseki deponeerimiseks Use Batch Deposit to deposit this Cheque
21190 Pdf vaade Pdf Orientation
21191 Vertikaalne Portrait
21192 Horisontaalne Landscape
21200 Registreeri toode Register Product
21300 Ei ole lubatud Kronoloogia kasutamisel Not allowed when Chronology is turned on
21301 Ei ole lubatud Artikli ajaloo arhiivi pärast Not allowed when there are later Item History records.
21330 Kinnitaja pole lubatud Approver not allowed
21331 Vale kinnitaja Incorrect Approver
21332 Vale tulemus Incorrect Result
21333 Vale FYI Isik Incorrect FYI Person
21334 Te ei saa muuta kinnituse edastamise isikut You are not allowed to change the Approval Forwarding Person
21350 Määra tagastamise põhjus Specify Return Reason
21351 Määra klient Specify Customer
21352 Not possible to forward this Activity because Approved selection is Automatic Not possible to forward this Activity because Approved selection is Automatic
21370 Müük Sales
21371 Kuu Month
21372 Hõivatuse % Occupation %
21373 Toad Rooms
21374 Päevad Days
21390 Palun sisesta Võrlduse kuupäev Reconciliation Date may not be blank
21391 Palun sisesta Võrlduse kood Reconciliation Code may not be blank
21392 Summad ei vasta tehingule Amounts do not match Transaction
21393 Reconciliation field may not be blank Reconciliation field may not be blank
21400 Konto ei vasta kontoreale Account outside of accounts range
21401 Ametlik kaardi seerianumber puudub Official record Number missing
21420 Min. parooli pikkus on Minimum password length is
21421 Parool peab sisaldama suurt tähti At least one uppercase character required in new password
21422 Partool peab sisaldama numbri At least one digit required in new password
21423 tähed characters
21440 Artikli tüübi muutmine ei ole toetatud. Kanna artikli kogused maha. Changing Item Type is not supported. Depreciate remaining quantity first.
21441 Artikli tüübi muutmine ei ole toetatud. Changing Item Type is not supported.
21442 Seerianumbri valiku muutmine ei ole toetatud. Kanna artikli kogused maha. Changing Serial Number flag is not supported. Depreciate remaining quantity first.
21443 Seerianumbri valiku muutmine ei ole toetatud. Changing Serial Number flag is not supported.
21444 KMKR nr. ei ole lubatud #VAT# number is not valid.
21445 Artikkel on blokeeritud Item blocked
21446 Määra klassifikaator Specify Classification
21447 Ostutellimusel on suletud artikkel. Purchase Order has closed item.
21448 Hind ei vasta ettevõttele Price do not match Company
21449 hind price
21450 Palun loo enne arve koostamist Üldises moodulis kasutaja Please create a user in system module before creating the invoice
21451 #Reg. No.# ei ole õige. #Reg. No.# Number is not Valid.
21452 #VAT# number on kehtiv. #VAT# number is valid.
21453 Kontrolli riigi koodi ja KM numbrit Check Country Code and #VAT# Number
21454 Seerianumbri jälgimist on võimalik kasutada ainult laoartiklite juures Serial Number Tracking can only be used with Stocked Items
21455 #Salesman# ei tohi olla tühi #Salesman# may not be blank
21460 Corresponding Account missing. Corresponding Account missing.
21461 Compnent Usage Account missing, check Account Usage Production Compnent Usage Account missing, check Account Usage Production
21462 This service is only available for companies This service is only available for companies
21463 Ladu suletud Location closed
21464 Ladu ei saa sulgeda Location cannot be closed
21476 Arve tüüp ei ole õige Incorrect Invoice Type
21477 Määra käibemaksu nr. Specify #VAT# No.
21478 Määra kohalik masin Specify Local Machine
21479 Määra peamine eeldus Specify Main Premise
21480 Juba fiskaliseeritud Already Fiscalized
21481 Echo failed. Please use Sales Book Echo failed. Please use Sales Book
21482 Kanne kinnitamata. Record not OKed.
21483 Puudub viide Missing Reference
21484 Ühendus katkes. Connection failed.
21485 Päringu viga. Request error.
21486 Business Premise registered. Business Premise registered.
21487 24564444 24564444
21488 Müügiraamatu arve saadetud Sales Book Invoice sent.
21489 Business Premise unregistered. Business Premise unregistered.
21490 Veakood Error Code
21491 Echo failed. Echo failed.
21500 E-maili aadress The email address
21501 on edukalt valideeritud. has been validated successfully.
21502 Valideerimine ebaõnnestus. validation has failed.
21503 Valideerimise e-mail on saadetud. Palun kontrollige e-posti. Validation email has been sent. Please check your mailbox.
21520 Selline kasutaja puudub No registration exists for that username  
21540 Olemasolevad kanded Existing records
21541 Limiit Freemium
21542 kanded kuus records per month
21543 Saadaval Available
21544 kanded sel kuul. records this month
21545 Freemium reziim aktiveeritud Free mode activated
21546 Freemium reziim tühistatud Free mode cancelled
21547 Tasuta reziim Free mode
21548 Aktiveeri Activate
21549 Jäta Cancel
21550 Olete ostnud You have purchased
21560 Withholding Certigficates will be deleted Withholding Certigficates will be deleted
21580 CC number CC Number
21581 Kliendi nimi Customer Name
21582 Customer with this #Reg. No.# 2 cannot have Fiscal Invoice. Check Receipt Printer Texts per Machine. Customer with this #Reg. No.# 2 cannot have Fiscal Invoice. Check Receipt Printer Texts per Machine.
21590 The file transfer cloud not be completed, session not valid, file:   The file transfer could not be completed, session not valid, file:
21591 To complete the migration process, please navigate to this link and follow the instructions: To complete the migration process, please navigate to this link and follow the instructions:
21592 Your database couldn't be transferred to the cloud, please check your network connection and try again. Your database couldn't be transferred to the cloud, please check your network connection and try again.
21593 Faili saatmine ebaõnnestus, ühendus katkenud, fail: The file transfer could not be completed, connection lost, file:
21600 Uued #VAT# koodid on lisatud New #VAT# Codes have been added
21605 Kuupäeva ei ole määratud No date has been specified
21610 Olete välja logitud teisest klientprogrammist You have been logged off by a different client
21611 Teie Standard-ID salasõna või kasutaja on vale või hetkel kehtetu Your Standard-ID password or user is incorrect or not valid at the moment
21612 Olete välja logitud, sest serveriga ei saanud ühendust You have been logged off because of failed communication with the server
21613 Muuda Standard-ID salasõna Change StandardID Password
21620 Ainult teeninduse tüüpi artiklid on lubatud Only items of type Service allowed
21630 Erinev valuuta arvel ja müügikontol Different Currencies in Invoice and Sales Account
21631 Erinev valuuta arvel ja müügikontol. Kontrolli müügikontot Different Currencies in Invoice and Sales Account. Check Sales Account
21635 "Otsuse kuupäev on kohustuslik "Decision Date required"
21636 "Pakkumise klassi ei eksisteeri "Quotation Class does not exist"
21640 "Partii numbri jälgimine on kohustuslik "Batch Number Tracking required"
21645 Laoseisu kuupäev ei tohi olla tühi ja ei saa olla hilisem kui aruande alguse kuupäev Date of Real Stock Level cannot be blank and cannot be later than the beginning of the report period
21646 Periood peab algama kuu esimesel päeval Period must begin on the first day of a month
21647 Periood peab algama nädala esimesel päeval Period must begin on the first day of a week
21648 Vale kuupäev. Kontrolli ettemaksu ja tasumise vahetuskurssi. Erroneous date. Check exchange rates for Prepayment and Payment.
21655 Palun täpsusta artikliklass. A setup record already exists that applies to all items. Please specify Item Group. A setup record already exists that applies to all items.
21660 Toitumise faktid Nutrition Facts
21661 Väärtused Values
21662 Ühik Unit
21663 Toitaine Nutrient
21664 Kirjeldus Description
21665 Serv. suurus Serv. Size
21666 Serv. ühiku kohta Serv. Per Container
21667 Artikkel Item
21668 Klass Group
21675 Till Cannot be blank Till Cannot be blank
21676 Username Cannot be blank Username Cannot be blank
21677 Password Cannot be blank Password Cannot be blank
21678 Consumer Key Cannot be blank Consumer Key Cannot be blank
21679 Consumer Secret Cannot be blank Consumer Secret Cannot be blank
21680 Initiator Cannot be blank Initiator Cannot be blank  
21681 Secret Credential Cannot be blank Secret Credential Cannot be blank
21682 Encrypted Secret Credential Cannot be blank Encrypted Secret Credential Cannot be blank
21683 Failed to find transaction Failed to find transaction
21684 Transaction already used in a different payment Transaction already used in a different payment
21685 Domain Cannot be blank Domain Cannot be blank
21690 Määra koolituse test Specify the Course Test
21691 Koolituse testida küsimuste ja vastuste aruanne Course Tests Questions And Answers Report
21692 Koolitus: Course:  
21999 Tuleviku kuupäevaga kaartide salvestamine ei ole soovitatav Saving records with future dates is not recommended
22000 Tuleviku kuupäevaga kaartide salvestamine on keelatud Saving records with future dates is not allowed
22001 Kuupäev ei tohi olla tühi. Date cannot be blank.
22002 Klienditeenus on olemas antud kuupäevaks Customer Service for the date exists
22003 Tüüpi ei tohi kasutada Type cannot be used
22004 Kliki kaupa on saadaval ainult kuu kohta   Per Click available for Monthly Only
22005 Demo Voucherid on kasutusel ainult Vaikimisi teenustel   Demo Vouchers are only used in Service Defaults.
22006 Kõik numbrid All Serial numbers
22007 Kõik põhjused All Reasons
22008 Põhjus Reason
22009 Fwd: //Forward Fwd: //Forward
22010 Kasutajal ei ole postkasti User hasn't got a mailbox
22011 E-mail on lukus Mail is locked
22014 Palun määra mõlemad Hostname või IP ja Port Please specify both Hostname or IP and Port
22015 Demo server Sample Server
22016 Sooritus//Heading for KPI:s on Windows 8 Performance//Heading for KPI:s on Windows 8
22017 Lühiteekonnad//Heading for Personal Desktop on Windows 8 Shortcuts//Heading for Personal Desktop on Windows 8
22021 Pangakonto peab sisaldama 8 numbrit Bank Account must contain eight digits only
22022 Lühikood ei saa sisaldada üle 6 numbri #Sort Code# must contain six digits only
22028 Supplier Withholdings cannot be found Supplier Withholdings cannot be found
22029 Region cannot be found in Suppliers Withholdings. Purchase Invoice   Region cannot be found in Suppliers Withholdings. Purchase Invoice
22030 Regionaalsed lisamaksud on antud perioodiks juba olemas Regional Perception Taxes for the period already exist
22031 Määra regioon Specify Region
22032 Määra kinnipidamismaksu kood Specify Withholdings Tax Code  
22033 Kulutus selle #Supplier# arve nr-iga on juba olemas Expense with this #Supplier# Invoice No. already exists
22034 Ei saa olla negatiivne May not be negative
22035 Ladu, mis kasutab asukohti, ei saa kasutada Locations that demands position cannot be used
22036 See Läbi Lao ei ole lubatud This Via Location is not allowed
22037 Läbi laoks pole lubatud valida ladu, mis nõuab asukohta Locations that demands position is not allowed as Via Location
22039 Ei ole lubatud, kui Lattu on sisestatud Asukohad Not allowed when Positions at this Location entered
22040 Ei ole lubatud, kui ei ole sisestatud kõiki ladusid Not allowed when not all Locations entered
22041 Lao ümberhindluse hinnaerinevuse konto puudu #Stock# Revaluation Variance Account missing
22042 Tag. kaubad tarnijatele hinnaerinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Returned Goods to #Supplier# Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
22043 Parandustootmiste hinnaerinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Disassemble Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
22044 Müügikulu kontrollkontot ei leitud, kontrolli seadistust Lausendamine, ladu Account for Cost of Sales Accruals A/C not found, check Account Usage #Stock#
22045 Sellise tarnija arve numbriga arve on juba olemas Invoice with this #Supplier# Invoice No. already exists
22046 Maksumaatriksi hinnaerinevuste kontot ei leitud, vt. KM koode Account for Tax Matrix Variance not found, check #VAT# Codes
22047 Negatiivse summaga kaardi kinnitamine ei ole lubatud Oking record with negative total is not allowed
22048 Erinevuse konto puudub, kontrolli Lao lausendamist Variance Account missing, check Account Usage #Stock#
22049 Erinevate arvete krediteerimine pole lubatud Crediting different Invoices is not supported
22050 Arvet ei saa kinnitada, sest müügikatte % on alla lubatud miinimumi. You cannot OK this record because the GP% is below the minimum allowed.
22051 Sa ei saa saldoga kontot grupikontona kasutada. You cannot use Account with Transactions as Group Account.
22052 Ainult kreeditarved Credit Notes only
22053 Sisemiste liikumiste kinnituse mahavõtmine ei ole lubatud. Un OKing Internal Movements is not allowed
22054 Hetkeseisuga 1 reserveeringut ei saa kustutada You cannot Delete Confirmed Reservation
22055 Hõivatud asukohta ei saa kustutada You cannot Delete Occupied Position
22056 Tootmistellimust ei saa kustutada, kui tootmine on koostatud You cannot Delete Production Orders when Production Created
22057 Vali rida Please, select row
22058 Tasumine on arvega seotud Payment is connected to Invoice
22059 Kontrolli ostuarve hetkeseisu Invoice Amount is not the same as Open Invoice Amount
22060 Laekumine on arvega seotud Receipt is connected to Invoice
22061 Kliendi valimine pakkumisele ebaõnnestus Pasting Customer to Quotation failed
22062 Tegevus ei ole suletud tellimuse puhul lubatud Not allowed when Order Closed
22063 Liiga palju tähemärke Too many characters
22064 Ei ole lubatud Muuda ja Uus hetkeseisude puhul Not allowed in update mode or new mode
22065 Ei ole lubatud, kui on tehtud selle kaardiga seotud reserveeringuid. Not allowed when there are Reservations made against this record.
22066 Sellele ostutellimusele on tehtud tellitud kogustest rohkem reserveeringuid. There are more Reservations made against this Purchase Order than is currently ordered on this Purchase Order.
22067 Reserveeritud kogus on suurem kui tellitud kogus, palun muuda reserveeringut vastavalt Reserved quantity is higher than ordered quantity, please update the reservations accordingly
22068 Kui soovid printida erinevaid kontakte, sisesta vahemik või * kliendi väljale. If you want to print to multiple contacts put full range or * in the Customer field
22069 Kontakt suletud: Contact Closed:
22070 Pole lubatud suletud kaardi puhul Not allowed when Record Closed
22071 Funktsioon ebaõnnestus Function failed
22072 Drop Ship tellimusest ei saa koostada lähetust Delivery may not be created from Drop Ship Order
22073 Lähetusteadet ei saa koostada Shipment Notification may not be created
22074 Drop Ship tellimusest ei saa teha müügiarvet enne ostuarvet Invoice may not be created from Drop Ship Order before #Purchase Invoice#
22075 Drop Ship ostutellimusest ei saa koostada laosissetulekut Goods Receipt may not be created from Drop Ship Purchase Order
22076 Käsitletav kogus on suurem kui nõutud kogus Treated quantity is greater than qty requested
22077 Arve kogust saab ümber arvutada vaid siis, kui Ostuarve seadistustes on aktiveeritud Iga rida eraldi Can recalculate Invoiced Qty only when Transfer Each Row Separately chosen in #Purchase Invoice# Settings
22078 Tootmise staatust ei saa muuta Production Status may not be changed.
22079 Tootmine katkestatud Production Cancelled
22080 Tootmise kaarti ei eksisteeri Production Record does not exist
22081 Kõik artiklid on juba liigutatud All Items are already moved
22082 Konto ei ole kaitstud allsüsteemi kontrolliga: Account is not protected by sub-ledger control:
22083 Kinnipidamise konto puudu, kontrolli projektiarvestuse lausendamist Retention Account missing, check Account Usage in Job Costing
22084 Määra projekt Specify Project
22085 Kreeditarvet ei saa koostada Credit Note may not be created.
22086 Alamprojekt on juba olemas Daughter project exists
22087 Vale peaprojekt Incorrect mother project
22088 Seda pakkumist ei ole võimalik salvestada, sest GP% on alla lubatud miinimumi. You cannot Save this Quotation because the GP% is below the minimum allowed.
22089 KM parandust ei õnnestunud koostada #VAT# Correction cannot be created.
22090 Käibemaksu paranduse koostamine ebaõnnestus Creating #VAT# Correction failed
22091 Käibemaksu parandus on juba olemas #VAT# Correction already exists
22092 Käibemaksu parandus on saadaval ainult ettemaksudele #VAT# Correction available for Prepayments only
22093 Käibemaksu paranduse tüüp on juba kasutusel #VAT# Correction type is used
22095 Sul ei ole lubatud müüa tavaartikleid You are not allowed to sell Plain Items
22096 Sul ei ole lubatud müüa laoartikleid You are not allowed to sell #Stocked# Items
22097 Sul ei ole lubatud müüa struktuurartikleid You are not allowed to sell Structured Items
22098 Sul ei ole lubatud müüa teenusartikleid You are not allowed to sell Service Items
22099 Sa ei tohi seda aruannet käivitada You are not allowed to run this report
22100 Printer Busy Printer Busy
22101 Printer Error (Serial Port Comunication Error Printer Error (Serial Port Communication Error)
22102 Printer Offline Printer Offline
22103 Paper Error Paper Error
22104 Main Paper Error Main Paper Error
22105 Incomming Buffer Full Incoming Buffer Full
22106 Printer opened Printer opened
22107 Cash Box closed or absent Cash Box closed or absent
22108 Transmit Buffer is empty Transmit Buffer is empty
22109 Receipt Buffer is empty Receipt Buffer is empty
22110 Fiscal Memory Error Fiscal Memory Error
22111 Internal Buffer Error Internal Buffer Error
22112 Unknown Command Unknown Command
22113 Invalid Data Invalid Data
22114 Invalid Command Invalid Command
22115 Total Overflow Total Overflow
22116 Memory full, blocked or disonnected Memory full, blocked or disconnected
22117 Memory almost full Memory almost full
22118 Sisesta tasumistingimus Erroneous Date
22119 Document Already Opened Document Already Opened
22120 Nonfiscal Document Already Opened Nonfiscal Document Already Opened
22122 Vale tootmise ID-kood Incorrect Manufacturing ID Code
22123 Seeriapordi seade defineerimata Serial Port Device not defined for Local Machine
22124 Registrite ülejääk Registers overflow
22125 Kella tõrge või vale kuupäeva ja kellaaja formaat Clock failure or incorrect date and hour format
22126 Opened fiscal receipt Opened fiscal receipt
22127 Payment residue account Payment residue account
22128 Opened non-fiscal receipt Opened non-fiscal receipt
22129 Registered a payment but opened fiscal receipt Registered a payment but opened fiscal receipt
22130 DTR line is active DTR line is active
22131 RTS line is active RTS line is active
22132 DSR line is active DSR line is active
22133 CTS line is active CTS line is active
22134 Batery low Battery low
22135 Daily report necessery Daily report necessary
22136 Goods Return Goods Return
22138 Dll laadimine ebaõnnestus Failed to load dll
22139 Liiga pikk tekst Too long text
22140 TAPI: TSP määramata TAPI: TSP not set
22141 TAPI: API ühendus ebaõnnestus TAPI: API negotiation failed
22142 TAPI: Teksti formaat ei ole unicode TAPI: Stringformat is not unicode for TSP:
22143 TAPI: Liini avamine ebaõnnestus TAPI: Could not open line
22144 TAPI: Liini initsialiseerimine ebaõnnestus TAPI: Line initialization failed
22145 TAPI: TSP not identified TAPI: TSP not identified
22146 TAPI: No device class for TSP: TAPI: No device class for TSP:
22147 TAPI: Not compatible device class for TSP: TAPI: Not compatible device class for TSP:
22150 Vale salasõna Incorrect password
22151 Keelatud käsk Illegal command
22152 Illegal command due to zero daily report Illegal command due to zero daily report
22153 Syntax error Syntax error
22154 Syntax error - input registers overflow Syntax error - input registers overflow
22155 Syntax error - zero input registers Syntax error - zero input registers
22156 Unavailable transaction for correction Unavailable transaction for correction
22157 Insufficient amount on hand Insufficient amount on hand
22158 Printer not on Printer not on
22159 Printer not ready Printer not ready
22160 24 hours without daily report blocked 24 hours without daily report blocked
22161 Printer overheat Printer overheat
22162 Power down Power down
22163 Electronic journal overflow Electronic journal overflow
22164 Not enough conditions met Not enough conditions met
22165 Please check printer connection Please check printer connection
22166 Avatud sessiooni ajal ei ole kuupäeva/kellaaja muutmine lubatud Changing date/time while shift is open is not allowed
22167 KM koodid programmis ja printeris peavad olema samad #VAT# codes in application and on Printer should be the same
22168 Osaliste laekumiste printimine ei ole lubatud Not allowed to print partially paid receipts
22170 Oled juba Clocked-In Already Clocked In
22171 Ei ole Clocked-In You have not Clocked In
22172 Clocked-In Clocked In
22173 ja and
22174 Clocked-Out Clocked Out
22175 hilja late
22200 Tasumine pole lubatud Charging not allowed
22201 Hinnaalanduse artikkel pole määratud. Kontrolli hotelli seadistusi Discount Item not defined. Check Hotel Settings
22202 Toa tüüp ei eksisteeri Room Type does not exist
22203 Vale reserveeringutüüp Incorrect Reservation Type
22204 Peareserveering ei eksisteeri Parent Reservation does not exist
22205 Alamreserveeringuga reserveeringuid ei saa kustutada You cannot delete a Reservation with Sub Reservations
22206 Toa asukoht peab peab vastama grupireserveeringu asukohale Room Location must match Group Reservation Location
22207 Aktiivse foolioga reserveeringut ei tohi kustutada. Reservations with active folios may not be deleted.
22208 Toad on hõivatud. Room is Closed.
22209 fully booked fully booked
22210 Block Room Block Room
22211 Room is already booked by reservation Room is already booked by reservation
22211 Resource is already booked by reservation Room is already booked by reservation
22250 Seda laekumist on juba prinditud This Receipt has been already printed
22260 Määratud krediidilimiidi päevad on ületatud Specified credit limit days exceeded
22261 Liiga palju kaarte Too many records
22262 Hilisema kuupäevaga kanne juba eksisteerib Transaction with later date already exists
22263 Ebakorrektne kp. Kontrolli arve kp. Incorrect Date. Check Invoice Date.
22300 Books by Excellent Books by HansaWorld
22301 Books Professional Books Professional
22302 Books Professional Advanced Books Professional Advanced
22303 Books Job Costing Books Job Costing
22304 Books Accounting Books Accounting
22305 Books POS Books POS
22308 HansaWorld Raha HansaWorld Money
22309 POS Standalone POS Standalone
22310 HansaWorld CRM Basic HansaWorld CRM Basic
22399 Kinnitamise reeglid ei eksisteeri Approval Rules do not exist
22400 Juba saadetud kinnitamiseks Already sent for Approval
22401 Ei ole veel kinnitatud Not Approved yet
22402 Tagasi lükatud Rejected
22403 Juba kinnitatud Already Approved
22404 Kinnitus ei ole vajalik Approval is not required
22405 Palun vali alarmi tüüp Please select Alarm Type
22406 Ei saa olla tühistatud May not be cancelled
22407 Ei tohi olla muudetud May not be edited
22408 Eksisteerib kinnitamise tegevus Acceptance Activity exists
22409 Kinnita kõik manuaalsel kinnitamisel pole lubatud. Seadista automaatne Approval for All for Manual approval not allowed. Set to Automatic.
22410 Palun kinnita Please Approve the
22411 Ostutellimus Purchase Order
22412 Ostuarve #Purchase Invoice#
22413 Kulutus Expense
22414 Sisetellimus Internal Order
22415 Pakkumine Quotation
22416 Müügitellimus Sales Order
22417 Arve Invoice
22418 Projekti eelarve Project Budget
22419 Laosissetulek Goods Receipt
22420 Isik Person
22421 Tarnija #Supplier#
22422 Klient Customer
22423 Summa Amount
22424 Projekt Project
22425 Laomahakandmine #Stock Depreciation#
22426 Inventuur #Stocktaking#
22427 Tasumine Payment
22428 Puhkuseavaldus Leave Application
22429 Puhkuse ülekanne   Leave Transfer
22430 päevi days
22435 Reisi logi Travel Log
22436 R/Log T/Log
22437 Kinnitamine pole nõutud Approval not required
22438 Projekti tegevus Project Activity
22439 Lühiajalise enabler-i taotlus Short Term Enabler Request
22440 Uue lepingu taotlus New Contract Request
22441 Päevaraha Daily Allowance
22442 Tellimus Order
22900 Invalid node. Node must have a name. Invalid node. Node must have a name.
22901 Folders are structural elements only and cannot be shown in the browser. Folders are structural elements only and cannot be shown in the browser.
22902 You must save the record first. You must save the record first.
22903 Style does not link to a content handler node in the structure. Style does not link to a content handler node in the structure.
22904 Translations of this origin cannot yet be shown on web directly. Translations of this origin cannot yet be shown on web directly.
22905 Comment is required for logging access Comment is required for logging access
23000 Maksimaalne samaaegsete kasutajate arv on juba sisenenud. Kasutajate juurde ostmiseks palun võta ühendust Excellenti kontoriga.//##cc Maximum number of concurrent users already logged in. Please contact   & ProductName & "  to purchase more users."
23001 Eelnev // previous (attached picture Previous // previous (attached) picture
23002 Järgmine // next (attached picture Next // next (attached) picture
23003 Tee pilti Take Picture
23004 Lindista kommentaar Record Comment
23005 Mängi kommentaari Play Comment
23006 SmartApps suletakse tehtud muutuste tagajärjel. Jätkamiseks käivita programm uuesti. SmartApps will now close as a result of changes made. Restart the application to continue.
23007 Abi Help
23008 Sünkroniseerin, palun oota #Synchronising#, please wait
23009 Uuenda asukohta Update position
23010 Pikkus: Latitude:
23011 Laius: Longitude:
23012 Kõrgus: Altitude:
23013 Antud seade ei toeta seda funktsionaalsust Your device does not support this functionality
23014 Uuenduse laadimine, palun oota Downloading update, please wait
23015 Salvesta sünk. info Record Sync Info
23016 Sünk. kontroll Sync Check
23050 Seadistused Settings
23051 Eksport valmis Export Done
23052 Programm on aegunud. Palun võta OVI poest uus installatsioonifail. This program has expired. Please get a new installation file from OVI Store.
23053 Ei leitud infot //For empty lists Nothing to show //For empty lists
23068 Nr. No.
23069 Kuupäev Date
23070 Autojuht Driver
23071 Auto nr Car Code
23072 Vahemaa Dist.
23073 Kommentaar Comment
23074 Põhjus Purpose
23075 , algus //DistUnit & " , begin //DistUnit & "
23076 , lõpp //DistUnit & " , end //DistUnit & "
23077 Vahemaa  //"Dist. " & DistUnit Dist.  //"Dist. " & DistUnit
23078 Kulu, //"Cost Cost, //"Cost
23079 Kokku, kulu Total, cost
23080 Vale tseki seisund Incorrect #Cheque# state
23081 Tsekk   #Cheque#
23082 Kasuta partiideposiiti tseki deposiidiks Use Batch Deposit to deposit this #cheque#
23083 Vale ajutine konto Incorrect Temporary Account
23084 Vale valuuta Incorrect Currency
23085 Juba kasutatud Already used
23086 Missing Out Bounce A/C, check Account Usage, Cheques Missing Out Bounce A/C, check Account Usage, Cheques
23090 Could not determine web client address Could not determine web client address
23091 Checking for new version Checking for new version
23092 It seems you tried to update, but the app is still on the same version. Proceed with current version? It seems you tried to update, but the app is still on the same version. Proceed with current version?
23093 Quit Quit
23094 Proceed Proceed
23095 Archiving local data Archiving local data
23096 Automaatne uuendus ei saanud käivitada allaaetud installeerimisfaili //Android installation instruction. Autoupdate failed to run the downloaded installation file //Android installation instruction.
23097 Hetkel Teie programmile #HansaWorld Long Product Name# versiooniuuendused puuduvad. There are currently no updates available for your version of #HansaWorld Long Product Name#.
23098 Versiooni uuenduste otsimine ebaõnnestus, palun kontrolli oma võrguühendust ja proovi uuesti mõne minuti pärast Version update check failed, please check your network connection and try again in a couple of minutes.
23099 Lae alla uus paigaldusfail Download new installation package
23100 Saadaval on uuem klientprogramm, uuenda klient automaatselt? There is a newer client available. This is not a required update.
23101 Klient ja server ei vasta teineteisele, uuenda klient automaatselt? There is a newer client available. This is a required update.
23102 Klientprogrammi uuendamisel ebaõnnestus uute failide liigutamine. Auto update failed to move new files.
23103 Klientprogrammi uuendamisel ebaõnnestus vanade failide liigutamine. Auto update failed to move old files.
23104 Klientprogrammi uuendamisel ebaõnnestus faili allalaadimine. Auto update failed to download file.
23105 Programmi automaatne restart ei õnnestunud, restardi programm käsitsi. Could not restart the program automatically, the program has to be restarted manually.)
23106 Laen uut versiooni Downloading new version
23107 Uuenda nüüd Update Now
23108 Lõpeta Quit
23109 Uuenda hiljem66 Update Later
23110 ProductName & " ei saa käivituda ProductName & " cannot start
23111 ProductName & " will now download and install operating system components that are required for the program to function. You might be asked for installation permissions during this process." ProductName & " will now download and install operating system components that are required for the program to function. You might be asked for installation permissions during this process."
23112 ProductName & " failed to download and install the \"Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime\" operating system component ProductName & " failed to download and install the \"Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime\" operating system component
23113 ProductName & " is not supported on this version of Windows.\\n\\nDo you want to attempt to install updates to Windows automatically?\\n\\nIf you are running the Enterprise edition you can't update automatically - in that case you must use the Windows installation media." ProductName & " is not supported on this version of Windows.\\n\\nDo you want to attempt to install updates to Windows automatically?\\n\\nIf you are running the Enterprise edition you can't update automatically - in that case you must use the Windows installation media."
23114 Windows updates have been installed, but additional updates might be required.\\n\\nDo you want to install them now?\\n\\n(This can happen several times. If you are running the Enterprise edition you can't update automatically - in that case use the Windows installation media. Windows updates have been installed, but additional updates might be required.\\n\\nDo you want to install them now?\\n\\n(This can happen several times. If you are running the Enterprise edition you can't update automatically - in that case use the Windows installation media.)
23115 ProductName & " couldn't automatically install Windows updates. This might be because the application was incorrectly installed ProductName & " couldn't automatically install Windows updates. This might be because the application was incorrectly installed
23116 Please note that updating Windows can sometimes take a very long time. Do not attempt to interrupt or start the program again while it is working. Please note that updating Windows can sometimes take a very long time. Do not attempt to interrupt or start the program again while it is working.
23120 Faili laadimine ebaõnnestus, kontrolli kas lisatud fail on olemas. File download failed, make sure the attachment exists.
23121 Ei saa lisada uuele kaardile, esmalt salvesta Can not attach to new Record, save first
23130 Keele failide laadimine... Installing language files...
23131 Faili allalaadimine Downloading file
23132 Proovin uuesti...   Server is downloading language, retrying in five seconds
23150 Tüüp Type
23151 Tööülesanne Task
23152 Järelvaataja Supervisor
23153 Projekt Project
23154 Kontakt Contact
23155 Telefon Phone
23156 Kuupäev Date
23165 Tegevus on kinnitatud Activity has been OKed
23166 Teie serverit ei leitud. Palun proovige paari minuti pärast uuesti. Your server could not be located. Please try again in a few minutes, or try a different StandardID.
23167 Palun sisestage Standard ID, Excellent'i kliendinumber või KM reg.nr. ja proovige uuesti. Please enter a StandardID, HansaWorld customer number or a #VAT# registration number and try again.
23168 Palun kontrollige internetiühendust. //Sberbank product key older than 24 hrs Please check your Internet connection. //Sberbank product key older than 24 hrs
23169 Seda andmebaasi on võimalik avada vaid programmi serveri versiooniga This database can only be opened with a server version of this program
23170 Ühendus ebaõnnestus Could not connect to Remote Backup server.
23171 Sisenemine ebaõnnestus Login to Remote Backup server failed.
23172 Sisenemine ebaõnnestus - vale salasõna Invalid username or password for Remote Backup server.
23173 Sisenemine ebaõnnestus - tundmatud kasutaja Invalid username or password for Remote Backup server.
23174 Sisenemine ebaõnnestus - suletud kasutaja Remote Backup access disabled.
23175 Allalaadimine ebaõnnestus - fail on juba olemas File already exists, do you want to download it again anyway?
23176 Ühendus katkes Connection dropped
23177 Fail on juba olemas File already exists
23178 Allalaadimine õnnestus Download complete
23179 See funktsioon ei ole saadaval, kui süsteem on piiratud kasutuses. This function is not available when the system is in restricted mode.
23180 See funktsioon ei ole saadaval, kui süsteem on demo režiimis. This function is not available when the system is in demo mode.
23181 See funktsioon ei ole saadaval, kui süsteem on arhiivi režiimis. This function is not available when the system is in archive mode.
23182 Varukoopia ei ole allalaadimiseks valitud. No backup selected to download.
23183 Ühendus pilve varukoopia serveriga katkes, proovi hiljem uuesti. Communicating with the cloud backups server failed, try again later.
23184 Kaugvarukoopia Remote Backup
23185 sinu server laeb alla varukoopiat your server is downloading the backup
23186 allalaadimine ebaõnnestus, palun proovi hiljem uuesti download failed, please try again later
23187 Lõpetatud! Finished!
23190 Laadimisel Running
23191 Lõpetatud Finished
23192 Viga Error
23209 Töö staatus Job Status
23210 Töö Job
23211 Tüüp Type
23212 On // = performed on On // = performed on
23213 Hetkeseis Status
23214 Progress Progress
23215 Tegevus Action
23216 Jätka Resume
23217 Lae üles pilve Upload to Cloud
23218 Tundmatu Unknown
23219 Määramata Undefined
23220 Reg/Blk Reg/Blk
23221 Ettev. nr Comp. No.
23222 Hetkeseis Status
23223 Init. Sts. Init. Sts.
23224 L. Pos L. Pos
23225 Snt. Pos Snt. Pos
23226 Ack. Pos Ack. Pos
23227 O. Frm Svr O. Frm Svr
23228 O. To Svr O. To Svr
23229 Saadetud Sent
23250 Deebetarve Debit Note
23300 Laosissetuleku kaarti ei saanud kinnitada Failed to OK Goods Receipt No.
23301 Ülekandmine rohkem kui on Saadud ei ole lubatud Transferring more than Received not allowed.
23302 Vale laoliikumise tüüp Incorrect #Stock# Movement type
23303 Vale shrifti suurus Wrong font size
23350 Ettemaksu nr. Prepayment No.
23351 Ettemaksu kp. Prepayment Date
23352 Aktsiisita No Excise
23353 Arve periood Invoice Period
23354 Hoolduse periood Maintenance Period
23355 Originaali koopia Copy of original Document
23357 Ainult koolituse dokument Document for training purposes Only
23358 Demo ettevõte Sample Company
23359 Tähesuuruse sellele dokumenditüübi väljale on liiga väike Font size for Document type field is too small
23360 Mõned väljad on puudu Some fields are missing
23361 Ei ole KM kohuslane Not #VAT# registered
23400 Malli väli puudub Form field missing
23401 Dokument ei kehti arvena Document not valid as an invoice
23402 Väljad kattuvad Fields overlap
23450 Müügiarve Sales Invoice
23451 Kreeditarve #Credit Note#
23452 Sularahaarve Cash Note
23453 Viivisarve Interest Invoice
23454 Pakkumine Quotation
23455 POS arve POS Invoice
23456 Müügitellimus Sales Order
23457 Lähetus Delivery
23458 Tagastatud kaubad Return Goods
23459 Laoliikumine #Stock# Movement
23460 Komplekteerimisleht Picking List
23461 Proforma arve, pakkumine Proforma Invoice, Quotation
23462 Tagastatud kaubad tarnijale Return Goods to #Supplier#
23463 Liht. arve Simplified invoice
23464 Tegevus Activity
23465 Leping Agreement
23466 Põhivara staatus Asset Status
23467 Põhivara mahakandmine Asset Writeoff
23469 Baashinna muutus Base Price Change
23470 Kliendi/Tarnija sedel Customer/#Supplier# Label
23471 Kulutus Expense
23472 Väljamakse Personnel Payment
23473 Arve/Laekumine Invoice/Receipt
23474 POS #Credit Note# POS #Credit Note#
23500 Sisene teise kasutajaga Login as a Different User
23501 Communicate Communicate
23502 Juhendid Manuals
23503 e-Learning e-Learning
23504 Veebileht Website
23505 Seo Pin To
23506 Alusta Start
23507 Peamenüü Main Menu
23508 Eelvaade Preview
23509 Trüki Print
23510 Koosta Create
23511 Uus New
23512 Koopia Duplicate
23513 Tööülesanne Workflow Activity
23590 Ettevõte: Company:
23591 Kasutaja: User:
23592 Viis: Mode:
23600 Customer or Serial Number required Customer or Serial Number required
23601 Invalid Serial Number Invalid Serial Number
23602 Not the same as on contract Not the same as on contract
23603 //available //available
23604 Cannot approve record Cannot approve record
23605 Royalty % does not match setting Royalty % does not match setting
23606 Invalid product type Invalid product type
23607 Item is for a different product type Item is for a different product type
23608 Cannot approve this record. Record not OKed. Cannot approve this record. Record not OKed.
23609 Cannot approve this record while using Standard Contracts. Cannot approve this record while using Standard Contracts.
23610 Cannot insert invalidated record Cannot insert invalidated record
23611 Cannot invalidate unapproved record Cannot invalidate unapproved record
23612 //available //available
23613 Cannot find Configuration Package for item Cannot find Configuration Package for item
23614 Cannot approve record with discount Cannot approve record with discount
23630 Royalty Report Royalty Report
23631 Consolidated Royalty Report Consolidated Royalty Report
23632 Kinnitatud Approved
23633 Not Approved Not Approved
23634 Invoiced Invoiced
23635 Not Invoiced Not Invoiced
23636 OKd OKd
23637 Not OKd Not OKed
23638 Paid Paid
23639 Not Paid Not Paid
23640 Suletud Closed
23641 Not Closed Not Closed
23642 Include Include
23643 Future Records Future Records
23644 Licences #Licences#
23645 Maintenance Maintenance
23647 Avg. Avg.
23648 Royalty Royalty
23649 Doc Doc
23650 Customer Customer
23651 Contract Contract
23652 Amount Amount
23653 Royalty % Royalty %
23654 Amount Amount
23655 OK OK
23656 Appr. Appr.
23657 Invoice Invoice
23658 Paid Paid
23659 Total Total
23660 Future Future
23661 All Product Types All Product Types
23662 Part. Part.
23663 Over Over
23700 Palun vali seerianumbriga rida Please select a row with a serial number
23701 Detaile ei leitud. No parts found.
23702 See ei ole Apple Care Protection Plan toode This is not an Apple Care Protection Plan Product
23703 Määra seadme seerianumber Specify Device Serial Number
23704 Ei sobi Apple Care Protection Plan müügiks. Not eligible for Apple Care Protection Plan sale.
23705 Sobov Apple Care Protection Plan müügiks. Eligible for Apple Care Protection Plan sale.
23706 Apple Care Protection Plan for sellele seerianumbrile on juba müüdud. Apple Care Protection Plan for this Serial Number has been sold already.
23707 Apple Care Protection Plan for sellele seerianumbrile on tühistatud. Apple Care Protection Plan for this Serial Number has been cancelled.
23708 Apple Care Protection Plan for sellele seerianumbrile on juba küsitud. Apple Care Protection Plan for this Serial Number has been requested already.
23710 Saatmata Not sent
23711 Saadetud Sent
23712 Tühistatud Cancelled
23750 Laen üles  //Will be followed by a filename Attaching  //Will be followed by a filename
23751 Laen alla  //please file a bug report. Downloading  //please file a bug report.
23752 ProductName & " Lae üles" ProductName & " Upload"
23753 ProductName & " Lae alla" ProductName & " Download"
23754 Valmis  //Will be concatenated to "Transferred xKB of yKb". If that translation is not possible Transferred  //Will be concatenated to "Transferred xKB of yKb". If that translation is not possible
23755 kogumahust  //please file a bug report. of //please file a bug report.
23756 Üleslaadimine  //please file a bug report. Uploading  //please file a bug report.
23770 Books by Excellent successfully uninstalled Books by HansaWorld successfully uninstalled
23771 Uninstall failed to remove files, please check that Books by Excellent is not running and try again   Uninstall failed to remove files, please check that Books by HansaWorld is not running and try again
23772 Are you sure you want to delete all your data? This cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete all your data? This cannot be undone.
23773 Books.app was not found in the Applications folder Books.app was not found in the Applications folder
24000 Check Box Check Box
24001 Radio Button Radio Button
24002 Kerimisriba Scrollbar
24003 Vajuta, et valida antud leht Click to select this tab
24004 Flip Tab Flip Tab
24005 Ikooninupp Icon Button
24006 Vajuta CMD - Enter saamaks valikute nimekirja //mac Press CMD - Enter for list of values //mac
24007 Vajuta Ctrl - Enter saamaks valikute nimekirja //windows Press Ctrl - Enter for list of values //windows
24008 Vajuta, et sorteerida Click to sort
24009 Vajuta, et teha drill down Click to drill down
24050 Transpordifirma määramata No freight company specified
24051 Transpordifirma veebiteenus ei ole üleval Freight company Web Service not set up
24052 Saadetised defineerimata No packages defined
24070 Post VAT from Receipts Write Offs does not work with Post Receipt VAT Post #VAT# from Receipts Write Offs does not work with Post Receipt #VAT#
24071 KM parandust ei saa koostada. KM määratud kviitungi järgi #VAT# Correction cannot be created. #VAT# posted from Receipt
24072 KM parandust ei saa koostada. KM määratud makse järgi #VAT# Correction cannot be created. #VAT# posted from Payment
24080 Kinnipidamismaksude arvutamine ei ole võimalik. Vale saadetud valuuta. Not possible to calculate Withholding Taxes.Incorrrect Sent Currency.
24091 KM paranduse tüüpi ei leitud #VAT# Correction Type does not exist
24092 Tee esmalt muutusmärk Make Update Mark first
24100 Missing server.hob Missing server.hob
24150 Koosta kõigepealt lähetus Create Delivery first
24151 Lähetatud artiklid on juba arveldatud Delivered Items have already been Invoiced
24152 Koosta kõigepealt Laosissetulek Create Goods Receipt first
24153 Saadud artiklid on juba arveldatud Received Items have already been Invoiced
24154 Seerianumber ei tohi sisaldada koolonit, semikoolonit ega tühikut Serial Number cannot contain colon or semicolon or space
24155 Not possible when Cost of Sales from Deliveries is selected Not possible when Cost of Sales from Deliveries is selected
24156 Not possible when Cost of Sales from Invoices is selected Not possible when Cost of Sales from Invoices is selected
24160 Kitsenda ostingu kriteeriume Narrow your search criteria
24161 TIP TIP
24164 This row and all rows below it will be hidden on printout This row and all rows below it will be hidden on printout
24165 Uus arve New Invoice
24166 Ettemaks On Account
24167 Seadme seerianumber Device Serial No.
24168 Ettemaksu nr.:   Prepayment No.:
24169 Tagastatud arve number: Returned Invoice No.:
24170 Kasutaja kuulub teise sessiooni User belongs to another session
24173 KM #VAT#
24174 Artiklid Item(s)
24175 Rida on tühistatud Row has been voided
24176 Kogus QTY
24177 Nõutud tasumine täissummas Full Payment Required
24178 Seerianr. Serial No.
24179 Jaga Split
24180 Mitmekordne kogus ei ole Seerianumbri jälgimisel lubatud. Multiple Quantities not allowed on Items with Serial No. Tracking
24184 Summa on suurem kui tasuda kokku Amount higher than Total Due amount
24185 Cmd //command key on keyboard Cmd //command key on keyboard
24185 Ctrl //control key on keyboard Cmd //command key on keyboard
24186 Shift //shift key on keyboard Shift //shift key on keyboard
24187 Määra nimi Specify Name
24188 Määra kaardi nr. Specify Card No.
24189 Allah. limiit täis Discount limit reached
24190 Allah. artikkel määramata Discount Item not defined
24191 Vale summa Incorrect Amount
24192 Abistab: Assisted by:
24193 Maksta Amount Due
24194 Müüdud kinkekaart Sold Gift Voucher
24195 Määra kogus Specify Amount
24197 Tagastada rohkem kui arve kokku summa ei ole lubatud Returned amount is less than Total
24198 Sessioon on juba suletud Session already closed
24199 Vali tasumisviis Saadud tsekkide tüübiga Select Payment Mode with Received #Cheques# Type
24200 Maksugrupp ei eksisteeri Tax Template does not exist
24201 Sisesta Maksugrupp Enter Tax Template
24218 Käibemaksukood #VAT Code#
24219 pole kontole lubatud not allowed for Account
24220 Panga kursikasumi konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Bank Rate Gain Account missing, check Account Usage
24221 Panga kursikahjumi konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist Bank Rate Loss Account missing, check Account Usage
24222 Ettemaksu KM konto puudub, kontrolli Lausendamist või Käibemaksukoodide seadistust. On Account #VAT# Account missing, check Account Usage #P/L#
24230 Müügileping suletud: Sales Contract Closed:
24300 HAL compiler errors, check hal.log HAL compiler errors, check hal.log
24600 POS arved POS Invoices
24601 Kinketsekid Gift Receipts
24602 Krediitkaardid Credit Card Slips
24603 POS sessioonid POS Sessions
24604 POS saldod POS Balances
24605 Sularaha sündmused Cash Events
24606 Väljastatud kinketsekid Gift Vouchers Issued
24607 Müüdud kinketsekid Gift Vouchers Sold
24608 Saadud kinketsekid Gift Vouchers Received
24609 Baari arved #Bar Tabs#
24610 Köögitellimused Kitchen Orders
24611 Krediitkaarditerminali sedelid Credit Card Terminal Slips
24612 Krediitkaarditerminali aruanded Credit Card Terminal Reports
24613 Müügitellimused Sales Orders
24614 Deferred CC Transaction Deferred CC Transaction
24615 #Cash Withdrawal# #Cash Withdrawal#
24620 Vale postiindeksi formaat. Õige formaat on ****-*** Incorrect postcode format. Expected format is ****-***
24621 ***** - täiendus   Incorrect Complement format. Expected format is ***** - Complement
24622 Regioon leidmata   District not found
24623 Munitsipaliteet leidmata   Municipality not found
24624 Vale postiindeksi formaat. Õige formaat on *****-*** Postal Code is not in format: *****-***
24625 This payment mode is not allowed for returns. Check default payment mode setting. This payment mode is not allowed for returns. Check default payment mode setting.
24626 This payment mode should not be used for returns. Check default payment mode setting. This payment mode should not be used for returns. Check default payment mode setting.
24627 Amount cannot be higher than 0 Amount cannot be higher than 0
24630 KM-deklaratsiooni annex VAT2 #VAT# Declaration Annex VAT2
24631 Riik Country
24632 Klient Customer
24633 Nimi Name
24634 Amount Amount
24635 Tüüp Type
24636 Kokku sula: Total Cash:
25400 XBRL aruanne XBRL Report
25401 Välja nimi Field Name
25402 Tulemus Result
25450 Palun salvesta e-mail enne piltide lisamist. Please save the mail before adding images.
25451 Palun salvesta allkiri enne piltide lisamist. Please save the signature before adding images.
25452 Palun salvesta kaart enne piltide lisamist. Please save the record before adding images.
25453 HTML pole lubatud. HTML not allowed.
25454 HTML peab olema märgitud. HTML must be ticked.
25455 Leitud lisatud HTML dokument, mis asnedab praeguse teksti sisu. Selle vältimiseks katkesta redigeerimine ja kustuta lisatud HTML fail enne, kui lubad HTML vormingut An attached HTML document was found, and will replace the current text content. To prevent this, cancel editing and delete the attached HTML file before you enable HTML Formatting.
25456 Enne muutmist lihttekstiks salvesta e-mail. The mail must be saved before it is changed to plain-text
25457 Selles e-mailis on HTML elemendid, mida ei saa selle rakendusega kuvada. Kõik kasutajad ei pruugi lihtteksti muudatusi märgata. This mail has a HTML part that cannot be displayed. Changes to the plain-text part of this mail may not be noticed by all users.
25458 Selles kirjas on HTML elemendid, mida ei saa selle rakendusega kuvada. Kõik kasutajad ei pruugi lihtteksti muudatusi märgata. This letter has a HTML part that cannot be displayed. Changes to the plain-text part of this letter may not be noticed by all users.
25459 Enne muutmist lihttekstiks salvesta kaart. The record must be saved before it is changed to plain-text
25460 Kuupäev // HTML Mail reply: "On 2011-02-04 On // HTML Mail reply: "On 2011-02-04
25461 Kell // If this can't be translated at // If this can't be translated
25462 Kirjutas wrote
25463 Alusta edastatud sõnum: Begin forwarded message:
25464 Antud platvorm ei toeta seda HTML e-maili ja/või on süsteemis blokeeritud. This is an html email, which this platform does not support, or is disabled in this system.
25465 Antud e-maili ei saa välja saata, kuna puudub saatja e-maili aadress This email can't be sent externally because there is no sender email address defined.
25466 Ei saa eemdaldada väliselt saabunud e-maililt Can not un-send an externally received email
25467 Manus on liiga suur Attachment too big
25468 Liiga palju vastuvõtjaid Too many recipients
25500 Konto ID ei ole loodud No Payment Gateways set up
25501 Kaardipuudumise konto ei ole loodud No Card-Not-Present Payment Gateway set up
25502 Tagasimakse kanne ei ole võimalik. Refund transaction not possible.
25503 Kande ID-d ei leitud. No Transaction ID found.
25504 Krediitkaardi maksmise teenus pole seadistatud Credit card payment service not set up
25505 Eksisteerib edasilükatud krediitkaardi tehing Deferred Credit Card Transaction exists
25550 Artikliklassifikaatorite nimekiri Item Classifications List
25551 Kood Code
25552 Nimi Name
25553 Tüüp Type
25554 Kommentaar Comment
25555 Klassifikaator Classification
25556 Sorteeritud klassifikaatori järgi Sorted by Classification
25557 Sorteeritud tüübi järgi Sorted by Type
25558 Klassifikaatori tüüp Classification Type
25570 Kinnitatud broneering Confirmed Booking
25571 päevi days
25572 Saabumine Arriving
25573 Lahkumine Departing
25574 Täiskasvanud Adults
25575 Lapsed Children
25576 Ühiku tüüp Room Type
25577 Viide Ref.
25578 Külaline Guest
25579 Lisaartiklid Invoice Items
25580 Ettemaksu rsrv. Nr.: Down payment Rsrv. No.:
25581 Arve. nr.: Inv. No.:
25582 päevas per day
25590 Broneering Reservation
25591 Broneeringu päring Reservation Enquiry
25600 Palun vali klient Please select a customer
25601 Klient ei ole registreeritud: Customer not registered:
25602 Fikseeritud summat ja allahindlust ei tohi kasutada samaaegselt Fixed Price and Discount cannot be used at same time
25603 Summa ületab väärtust Amount exceeded balance
25604 Teisene seerianumber Secondary Serial No.
25605 Alt. seadme ID Alternate Device ID
25700 Vale regiooni kood (DST_pais Invalid Region Code (DST_pais)
25701 Vale pank (Forma_pago Invalid Bank (Forma_pago)
25702 Vale lähetustingnimus (Incoterms Invalid Delivery Term (Incoterms)
25703 Vale keelekood (Idioma_cbte Invalid Language Code (Idioma_cbte)
25704 Vale valuuta (Moneda_ID Invalid Currency (Moneda_ID)
25705 Vale maksukood ühiku koodis Incorrect Tax Code in Unit Code
25706 Kreeditarvet ei saa saata 'Kreedit arvele' reata Cannot send credit invoice without 'Credit of Invoice' line
25707 Kinnitust ei saa maha võtta arvetele, mis on saanud CAE/CAEA Cannot unOK invoices that have received a #CAE/CAEA#
25708 CAEA on juba küsitud selleks perioodiks CAEA has been already obtained for current period
25709 See on CAEA arve This is CAEA Invoice
25710 CAEA ei ole kasutusel CAEA has not been enabled
25711 Vale KM-kood Incorrect #VAT# Code
25712 Vale maksu tüüp Incorrect Tax Type
25713 Vale riik Invalid Country
25714 Vale seeria Incorrect Serie
25715 Vale number Incorrect Number
25716 Ametlik number ei tohi olla tühi Official Number may not be blank
25717 Arve on juba kinnitatud Invoice already OKed
25718 CAEA has not been enabled. Specify CAEA validity Dates. CAEA has not been enabled. Specify CAEA validity Dates.
25750 Seda nuppu ei saa kasutada Live Sync kliendis This button cannot be used on Live Sync Client
25751 Ei ole võimalik faile lisada ühenduseta reziimis Can not attach files in offline mode
25752 (Ühenduseta (Offline)
25800 Kustutada link? Delete link?
25900 Installatsioon on juba olemas An installation already exists
25901 See funktsionaalsus ei tööta selle toote demo versioonis. This feature is not available in the sample version of the product.
25902 See funktsionaalsus ei tööta selle toote klient/server versioonis. This feature is not available in client/server mode.
25920 Connection Failed Connection Failed
25921 Select Electronic Locking System Type Select Electronic Locking System Type
25922 Card encoded Card encoded
25923 Checked out Checked out
25924 Unknown TESA HT28 reply Unknown TESA HT28 reply
25925 TESA HT28 reply error TESA HT28 reply error
26000 Kasutaja krediit: Used Credit:
26001 Vaba krediit: Available Credit:
26100 Kõik töötajad All Employees
26101 Töötajad Employees
26102 Kõik oskused All Skills
26103 Oskused Skills
26104 Kõik hinnangud All Ratings
26105 Hinnangud Ratings
26106 Kõik töölepingud All Employment Contracts
26107 Töölepingud Employment Contracts
26108 Kõik ametinimetused All Job Titles
26109 Ametinimetused Job Titles
26120 Ei saa kannet luua Can not create record
26121 Töölepingut ei leidu Employment Contract does not exist
26122 Puhkuseplaani ei leidu Leave Scheme does not exist
26123 Kuupäev ei ole määratud Date not specified
26124 Tööleping on juba olemas Employment Contract already exists
26125 Leave Application must be OKed before you can create Calendar Activities Leave Application must be OKed before you can create Calendar Activities
26200 Hilisemad kaardid, mis muudavad ladu, on juba registreeritud. Kõige varasem kuupäev, mida saad sellel kaardil kasutada on There are already later stock updating records. The earliest date you can use on current record is
26201 Kõige varasem kuupäev, mida saad sellel kaardil kasutada on The earliest date you can use on current record is
26210 Palun vali üks artikkel Please select one item
26211 Lao grupp Location Group
26212 Lao klassifikaator Location Classification
26213 Puudub ladu Location missing
26214 Ei saanud koostada arvet, Doseerimise võti on aegunud Unable to create an invoice, Dosage Key has expired
26300 Teekonnaleht Trip Sheet
26301 (tühi (empty)
26302 Tüüp Type
26303 Nr. No.
26304 Teekond Route
26305 Sihtkont Destination
26306 Nimi Name
26307 Maht Volume
26308 Kõrgus Weight
26309 Allkiri Signature
26310 Artikkel Item
26311 Kirjeldus Description
26312 Kog. Qty.
26313 Ühik Unit
26314 Seerianr. Serial No.
26315 Kokku Total
26320 Hoiatus: Käesolev tarkvara on kaitstud Warning: This program is protected
26321 autoriõiguse seaduse ja rahvusvaheliste by copyright law and international
26322 autoriõiguse lepetega. Tarkvara või selle treaties. Unauthorised reproduction
26323 mistahes osa lubamatu taastootmine või or distribution of this program, or
26324 levitamine võib kaasa tuua tsiviil- või any portion of it, may result in
26325 kriminaalkaristuse. Rikkujaid severe civil and criminal penalties,
26326 süüdistatakse seadusega and will be prosecuted to the maximum
26327 maksimaalselt lubatud ulatuses. extent possible under the law.
26328 Build  //Build number will be appended to this string Build  //Build number will be appended to this string
26329 macOS 11, Windows 10, iOS 12, Android 9 või uuem // Linux kernel 4 removed macOS 11, Windows 10, iOS 12, Android 9 or later // Linux kernel 4 removed
26330 macOS 11 või uuem, iOS 12 või uuem macOS 11 or later, iOS 12 or later
26331 iOS 12 või uuem, macOS 11 või uuem iOS 12 or later, macOS 11 or later
26332 Windows 10 või uuem Windows 10 or later
26350 Dok. tüüp. Doc. Type.
26351 Allsüsteemide kontroll Subsystems Checking
26352 Kande kontroll Transaction Checking
26353 Ära koosta kannet No #N/L# Transaction for
26354 Tasumisviis Pay. Mode
26355 Kommentaar Comment
26356 Tarnija #Supplier#
26357 Nimi Name
26358 Ladu Location
26359 Isik Person
26360 Nimi Name
26361 Laost From Loc.
26362 Korr. viis Corresp. Mode
26363 Täpsustus Specification
26364 Läbi lao Via Loc.
26380 Artikkel Item
26381 Artikliklass Item Group
26382 Artikliklassifikaator Item Classification
26383 Ladu Location
26384 Laoklass Location Group
26385 Laoklassifikaator Location Classification
26386 Klient Customer
26387 Kliendiklass Customer Category
26388 Kliendiklassifikaator Customer Classification
26389 Tarnija #Supplier#
26390 Tarnijaklass #Supplier# Category
26391 Tarnijaklassifikaator #Supplier# Classification
26400 Sa pead nõustuma tingimustega, et kasutada seda rakendust. Rakendus suletakse. You must accept these terms and conditions to be #authorised# to use this application. The application will now quit.
26401 Palun vali riik vajutades Cmd-Ent Please select a country from the list by pressing cmd + enter
26402 Palun vali riik vajutades Ctrl-Ent Please select a country from the list by pressing ctrl + enter
26430 Punkidest ei saa olla suurem kui punktideni From Points can't be more than To Points
26431 Vale Liikmetase Invalid Membership Level
26432 Vale Hinnaalandusmaatriks Invalid Discount Matrix
26433 Vale Hinnakiri Invalid Price List
26434 Valitud kliendikaart ei ole kehtiv Selected Loyalty Card is not valid
26435 Vale kliendikaart Invalid Loyalty Card
26436 Klient on suletud Customer is closed
26437 Ei ole klient Not a customer
26438 Kliendikaart on kehtetu Loyalty Card has expired
26439 Kliendikaart on määramata No Loyalty Card specified
26450 Lepingu artiklite statistika Contract Item Statistics
26451 Lepingu klass Contract Class
26455 Kinnitatud OKed
26456 Kinnitamata Not OKed
26457 Aktsepteeritud Accepted
26458 Aktsepteerimata Not Accepted
26459 Kuup. Date
26460 Kõik tooted All Products
26461 Toode Product
26462 Kõik ettevõtted All Companies
26463 Ettevõte Company
26464 Status Status
26465 Näita ainult funktsioone Showing only functions
26466 Välja arvatud funktsioonid Excluding functions
26467 Lepingute arv Number of Contracts
26468 Lepingu nr. Contract No.
26469 Paketi nr. Package No.
26470 Kliet Customer
26471 Nimi Name
26472 Kogus Qty
26473 Summa Sum
26474 ProductName & " lepingute statistika" ProductName & " Contracts Statistics"
26480 Makstud Paid
26481 Arveldatud Invoiced
26482 Esitatud Issued
26483 Valesti arveldatud leping Incorrectly Invoiced Contracts
26484 Leping Contract
26485 Klient Customer
26486 Klass Class
26487 Lep. ajalugu CO History
26488 Kalk. kogus Calc. Qty
26489 Lep. kog. CO Qty
26560 Kokku arveid: Total Number of Invoices:
26561 Kokku POS arveid: Total Number of POS Invoices:
26562 Külaline: Guest:
26563 Tuba: Room:
26564 Toa asukoht: Room Location:
26566 Nr. No.
26567 Kandekp. Trans.Date
26568 Klient Customer
26569 Külaline Guest
26570 Tuba Room
26571 Summa Amount
26572 Staatus Status
26573 Kaasa lahtised Include Open
26574 Terminalikoha kood Local Machine Code
26575 Kaasa lahtised arved Include Open Invoices
26576 Kokku POS arveid: Total Number of POS Invoices:
26577 Suletud Closed
26578 Avatud Open
26579 Summa kokku Total Amount
26580 Restoranitellimuse nimekiri #Bar Tab# Journal
26590 Kinnipeetav maks: Withholding Tax:
26591 Arvutusvalem: Calculation Formulae:
26592 Arvutusvalem: Calculation Formulae:
26593 Jrk.nr Seq.No
26594 Hank.KMKR nr. #Supp.#VAT Reg.No.
26595 Tarnija nimi #Supplier# Name
26596 Kinnip.maksu arvutusval. kd W.Tax Formula Code
26597 Makstud summa Amount Paid
26598 Määr Rate
26599 Kin. maksu summa W.Tax Amount
26600 Kokku Total
26700 Genereeritud sertifitseeritud tarkvara poolt Processado por programa certificado n.  
26701 Ei ole sisestatud Not filled in
26702 Ainult sisedokument Internal Document Only
26703 FDokumnet ilma maksuarvestuseta Document without Tax calculation
26710 Cannot Export SAFT for Different Fiscal Years Fiscal year not defined, please check Fiscal year setting in NL
26711 Cannot export SAFT for different fiscal years Cannot export SAFT for different fiscal years
27000 Hinna arvutuse aruanne Price Calculation Report
27001 Reserveering Reservation
27002 Kuupäev Date
27003 Saabunud Check In
27004 Lahkunud Check Out
27005 Täiskasvanud Adults
27006 Lapsed Children
27007 Arvutus Calculation
27008 Hinnareeglid/artikkel Price Rules/Item
27009 Kokku Total
27010 Pakett Package
27011 Tuba Room
27012 Ööd Nights
27013 Klient Customer
27014 Viibimine kokku Total Stay
27015 Tavahind Rack Rate
27016 Kokku Total
27017 n/a n/a
27018 Teadmata Unknown
27019 Kokku Total
27020 Majutus Accom
27021 Reserveering kokku Reservation Total
27022 Hinnavalemit ei leitud Price formula not found
27023 Kehtetu hinnavalem. Invalid price formula.
27024 Sellel grupil pole alamreserveeringuid. This group has no subreservations.
27050 Withholding Tax: Withholding Tax:
27051 ATC Code: ATC Code:
27052 Calculation Formulae: Calculation Formulae:
27053 Seq.No Seq.No
27054 Payee's TIN Payee's TIN
27055 Payee's Registered Name Payee's Registered Name
27056 ATC Code ATC Code
27057 Amount of Income Payment Amount of Income Payment
27058 Rate of Tax Rate of Tax
27059 Amount of Tax Withheld Amount of Tax Withheld
27060 Total Total
27061 Alphalist Alphalist
27062 TIN TIN
27080 Numbrid terminali kohta Numbers per Machine
27081 Terminalikoht Local Machine
27082 Andmebaasi ID Database ID
27083 Register Register
27084 Arvenumbrite vahemik Invoice Numbers Range
27085 Viimati kasutatud number Last Number used
27200 Dokumenti ei saa printida: Cannot print document:
27201 Kustuta Delete
27202 Tühista Invalidate
27204 Kalender Calendar
27205 E-mail Email
27206 Tööülesanded Tasks
27207 Konverentsid Conferences
27209 Ettevõte Company
27210 Ressursid Resources
27211 SmartApps SmartApps
27212 Moodul Modules
27214 Aruanded Reports
27215 Dokumendid Documents
27216 Seadistused Settings
27217 Funktsioonid Routines
27218 Välju   Logoff
27219 Esimene //27219 - 27222 links in browse lists First //27219 - 27222 links in browse lists
27220 Eelmine //Previous Prev //Previous
27221 Järgmine Next
27222 Viimane Last
27223 Ühendus serveriga OK Connection to server ok.
27224 Ühendus serveriga katkenud. Lost connection to server.
27225 Ava Open
27226 Redigeeri Edit
27227 Registrid Registers
27228 Peida menüü Hide Menu
27229 Näita menüüd Show Menu
27230 Asetan Pasting Special
27231 Avan akent Opening Window
27232 Käivitan aruannet Running Report
27233 Sisselogimine Logging In
27234 Veebikliendi HTTPS reziim ei ole määratud. Kontrolli veebikliendi seadistusi tehnika moodulis Web client HTTPS mode not set. Check Web Client Settings in the Technics module
27300 Tasumine on juba saadetud E-tasumiste järjekorda Payment already sent to E-payments queue
27301 Allkirjastamine ebaõnnestus. Kaart ei ole lugejas või PIN2 kood on vale Signing Failed. Card is not in Reader or PIN2 code is wrong
27302 Sellel tasumisel peab olema rohkem allkirju This payment needs more signatures
27303 payment.ddoc ei ole leitud payment.ddoc not found
27304 Allkirjastamise nõuded on juba täidetud. Allkirjastatud: Signing requirements already met. Signed by
27305 Kasutaja on seda tasumist juba allkirjastanud User has already signed this payment
27306 Allkiri lisatud Signature added
27307 Elektrooniline tasumine on allkirjastatud Electronic Payment signed
27308 Tasumist ei saa kinnitada Payment cannot be OKed
27309 Maksja IBAN ei ole õigesti vormistatud Remitter IBAN code is not formatted correctly
27310 Kataloog puudub tmp kataloogis Folder missing in tmp Folder
27311 Panga konto puudub Bank Account missing
27312 Vale IBAN Not valid IBAN Bank Account
27313 Puudub SWIFT SWIFT missing
27314 Kirjeldus puudub Description missing
27315 Tasumise valuuta ei ole õigesti vormistatud - selle pikkus peab olema 3 tähemärki Payment currency is not formatted correctly - it has to be 3 characters long and contain only letters
27316 Saaja nimi ei ole õigesti vormistatud - selle pikkus peab olema kuni 200 sümbolit Beneficiary Name is not formatted correctly - it can be up to 200 characters long
27317 Seletus/tekst ei ole õigesti vormistatud - selle pikkus peab olema kuni 300 sümbolit Details/Text is not formatted correctly - in can be up to 300 characters long
27318 Viitenumber ei ole õigesti vormistatud - selle pikkus peab olema kuni 20 sümbolit Reference number is not formatted correctly - it can be up to 20 characters long
27319 Saaja IBAN ei ole õigesti vormistatud Beneficiary IBAN code is not formatted correctly
27320 Kaart Tab
27321 Hõivatud laud Table Occupied
27322 Laud on seotud teise teenindajaga Table assigned to another Waiter
27323 Määra laud Specify Table
27324 Laud on määratud teisele filiaalile Table is in another Branch
27325 Tellimus Order
27326 Klass ei eksisteeri Class does not exist
27330 Rohkem Ühekasutaja ettevõtteid kui lubatud. Programm on Piiratud kasutuses. More Single User Companies than allowed. Some companies are now disabled.
27331 Rohkem Konsolideeritud ettevõtteid kui lubatud. Programm on Piiratud kasutuses. More Consolidated Companies than allowed. Some companies are now disabled.
27332 Rohkem Konsolideerimata ettevõtteid kui lubatud. Programm on Piiratud kasutuses. More Non-Consolidated Companies than allowed. Some companies are now disabled.
27333 Ühe kasutaja server ja Signaal iga teate kohta ei tohi olla korraga märgitud Single User Server and Beep for each message checkboxes may not be ticked at the same time
27334 SQL live mode is enabled, but not in configuration SQL live mode is enabled, but not in configuration
27335 SQL shadow mode is enabled, but not in configuration SQL shadow mode is enabled, but not in configuration
27336 Journaling is enabled but is not in configuration Journaling is enabled but is not in configuration
27350 Maksta To Pay
27351 arvet ei saa salvestada invoice cannot be stored
27352 Ei saa salvestada, sest Artikli tüüp on muudetud juba kasutatud Artikli kaardil Not possible to save because Item type changed on an Item that has been used
27353 Tavalise artiklitüübiga artikkel pole siin lubatud Item of type Plain is not allowed here
27354 Artikleid ei saa tagastada No items can be returned
27355 Mitte laoartikkel Not stocked item
27360 TREO nr. ei saa olla tühi.//???? TREO No. cannot be empty.//????
27361 Do Not Use Do Not Use
27368 Specify Original Transaction Timestamp Specify Original Transaction Timestamp
27369 Specify Transaction ID Specify Transaction ID
27370 Waiting for card (chip or mag.stripe or manual entry Waiting for card (chip or mag.stripe or manual entry)
27371 Chip-card inserted Chip-card inserted
27372 Waiting for mag.stripe (fallback Waiting for mag.stripe (fallback)
27373 Mag.stripe read Mag.stripe read
27374 Manually entered card number Manually entered card number
27375 Language selection Language selection
27376 Application selection Application selection
27377 CVM (PIN entry CVM (PIN entry)
27378 Authorization Authorization
27379 Transaction initialization Transaction initialization
27380 Transaction preparation Transaction preparation
27381 Data authentication Data authentication
27382 Question for acceptance (a response from ECR requested Question for acceptance (a response from ECR requested)
27383 Transaction Ready, waiting for card removal. Transaction Ready, waiting for card removal.
27384 Tehing kinnitatud Transaction Approved
27385 Tehing tühistatud Transaction Cancelled
27386 Tehing tagasi lükatud Transaction Declined
27387 Tehing jätkub Transaction Continued
27388 Tehing katkestatud Transaction Aborted
27389 Tehingu töötlemine Processing Transaction
27390 Status is ok, no errors nor problems Status is ok, no errors nor problems
27391 Cardholder's date of birth in extra info field, six digits, YYMMDD Cardholder's date of birth in extra info field, six digits, YYMMDD
27392 Incorrect PIN given, retry still possible Incorrect PIN given, retry still possible
27393 PIN Blocked PIN try limit exceeded
27394 Authorization cancel failed, transaction will be cancelled but authorization should be cancelled by phone. Please call the authorizer Authorization cancel failed, transaction will be cancelled but authorization should be cancelled by phone. Please call the authorizer
27395 Original transaction not found Original transaction not found
27396 Reversal/Refund not allowed Reversal/Refund not allowed
27397 Terminal Error Terminal Error
27398 võrguprobleemid network problems
27410 Perform manual authorization. Please call Phone No. displayed in Extra Info Field Perform manual authorization. Please call Phone No. displayed in Extra Info Field
27411 PIN Bypass. PIN Bypass.
27412 Personal identification will be checked. Personal identification will be checked.
27413 Chip read failed. Chip read failed.
27419 Skaneeri QR-kood Scan QR Code
27420 Sisesta kaart Insert Card
27421 Palun oota Please wait
27422 Sisesta PIN Enter PIN
27423 PIN sisestatud Pin Entered
27424 Viimane PIN sisestus Last PIN entry
27425 Vale päring Incorect Request
27426 PIN ei ole sisestatud PIN not entered
27427 Ühenduse viga Communication error
27428 tühistamise nuppu on vajutatud cancel button was pressed
27429 Palun võta ühenduts administraaoriga Please contact Administrator
27430 TCP/IP pordid ei ole seadistatud TCP/IP ports not configured
27440 kaardilugemise viga card read error
27441 kaart ei ole lubatud card not allowed
27442 kaardi sisendi aeg card input timeout
27443 kaart on aegunud card expired
27444 kaart eemaldati card removed
27445 kaardi kiip on tagasi lükatud chip card declined
27446 kaarti ei ole eemaldatud card not removed
27450 Kaasa arvatud TREO artiklid Including TREO Items
27451 Välja arvatud TREO artiklid Excluding TREO Items
27452 Ainult Treo artiklid Treo Items Only
27500 Communicate Communicate
27501 Communications Centre Communications Centre
27502 The activity for the call to %num% can't be opened because you do not have access to the company \%compname%\"" The activity for the call to %num% can't be opened because you do not have access to the company \%compname%\""
27503 The activity for the call from %num% can't be opened because you do not have access to the company \%compname%\"" The activity for the call from %num% can't be opened because you do not have access to the company \%compname%\""
27504 Mute // "Mute <participant>" Mute // "Mute <participant>"
27505 Mute Myself Mute Myself
27506 Unmute // "Unmute <participant>" Unmute // "Unmute <participant>"
27507 Unmute Myself Unmute Myself
27510 Telefon Phone
27511 Pikendus Extension
27512 SIP SIP
27513 Mobiil Mobile
27514 Skype Skype
27515 E-mail Email
27516         - osaleb -         - Participating -
27517       - ei osale -       - Not Participating -
27520 See toimib kingivoucherina This serves as a GIFT RECEIPT
27521 See toimib ametliku tsekina This serves as an OFFICIAL RECEIPT
27522 Täname! Thank you for shopping!
27550 Majutuskeskuse asukohta ei leitud. Palun oodake kuni süsteem proovib uuesti ühendust võtta. Your company could not be located, please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact customer support.
27551 Serveri loomine majutuskeskuses ebaõnnestus. Palun võtke ühendust Excellenti esindusega. //Bk The server couldn't be setup in the hosting center, please contact HansaWorld for assistance. // Couldn't create customer card on CC
27552 Palun oodake kuni süsteem proovib uuesti ühendust võtta. Error
27553 Valmistan serverit ette... Please wait
27554 Ekspordin andmeid... Exporting your data...
27555 Eraldan serveruruumi virtuaalkeskuses... Allocating space in the hosting center...
27556 Server on edukalt seadistatud, programm taaskäivitub. Your Company was set up successfully
27557 Serverit ei leitud. Palun proovige hiljem uuesti või võtke ühendust Excellenti esindusega.//Bk We are launching your Company
27558 Kutse kood ei ole kehtiv, palun kontrolli, et kood on õigesti sisestatud. The Invitation Code is invalid, please make sure you have entered it correctly.
27559 Kutse kood on aegunud. The Invitation Code has expired.
27560 Teie ettevõtte otsimine We are finding your company
27569 Kutse koodi ei saanud aktiveerida, palun proovige hiljem uuesti. Couldn't activate Invitation Code, please try again later.
27570 we are registering your account We are registering your Account
27571 we are setting up your server We are setting up your Company
27572 you are being connected to your server You are being connected to your Company
27573 we are retrying We are retrying
27574 Your server is no longer available, please contact customer support. Your company could not be set up at this time, please try again in a few minutes. Please contact Customer Support if the problem persists.
27575 the application will now restart The Application will now restart
27576 your account information is being retrieved Your Account Information is being retrieved
27578 The Standard ID and/or password is incorrect. The Standard-ID and/or Password is incorrect.
27579 Your server could not be launched because this version is unsupported or outdated. Please download the latest version from http://www.standardinstall.com and try again. Your company could not be launched because this software version is unsupported or outdated. Please download the latest version from http://www.standardinstall.com and try again.
27580 Krediidilimiiti ei saa kontrollida, serveri kommunikatsiooniviga Can not check credit limit, communications error to server
27581 Kliendikaarti ei saa kasutada ilma serveriühenduseta. Can not use loyalty card without server connection.
27620 Standalone Standalone
27621 Online Client / No Sync Online Client / No Sync
27622 Connected Connected
27623 Offline Offline
27624 records left to sync records left to sync
27625 Not allowed to add items to returns, start a new invoice Not allowed to add items to returns, start a new invoice
27700 0
28000 Käibemaksuaruanne (Ukraina #VAT# Report (Ukraine)
28001 Kood Code
28002 Summa ilma KM-ta Amount Excl. #VAT#
28003 KM summa #VAT# Amount
28004 Appendiksi kood Appendix Code
28005 KM krediit #VAT# Credit
28006 KM kohustused #VAT# Liabilities
28007 Eelarve deebitorid/kreeditorid aruandeperioodis Budget Receivables/Payables for the Reporting Period
28011 D1 D1
28012 D2 D2
28013 D3 D3
28014 D4 D4
28015 D5 D5
28016 D6 D6
28017 D7 D7
28021 Tekst 1 Text 1
28022 Tekst 2 Text 2
28023 Tekst 2.1 Text 2.1
28024 Tekst 2.2 Text 2.2
28025 Tekst 3 Text 3
28026 Tekst 4 Text 4
28027 Tekst 5 Text 5
28028 Tekst 6 Text 6
28029 Tekst 6.1 Text 6.1
28030 Tekst 7 Text 7
28031 Tekst 8 Text 8
28032 Tekst 8.1 Text 8.1
28033 Tekst 8.1.1 Text 8.1.1
28034 Tekst 8.2 Text 8.2
28035 Tekst 9 Text 9
28036 Tekst 10 Text 10
28037 Tekst 10.1.1 Text 10.1.1
28038 Tekst 10.1.2 Text 10.1.2
28039 Tekst 11 Text 11
28040 Tekst 11.1 Text 11.1
28041 Tekst 11.2 Text 11.2
28042 Tekst 12 Text 12
28043 Tekst 12.1 Text 12.1
28044 Tekst 12.2 Text 12.2
28045 Tekst 12.3 Text 12.3
28046 Tekst 12.4 Text 12.4
28047 Tekst 13 Text 13
28048 Tekst 13.1 Text 13.1
28049 Tekst 13.2 Text 13.2
28050 Tekst 13.3 Text 13.3
28051 Tekst 14 Text 14
28052 Tekst 14.1 Text 14.1
28053 Tekst 14.2 Text 14.2
28054 Tekst 15 Text 15
28055 Tekst 15.1 Text 15.1
28056 Tekst 15.2 Text 15.2
28057 Tekst 16 Text 16
28058 Tekst 16.1 Text 16.1
28059 Tekst 16.2 Text 16.2
28060 Tekst 16.3 Text 16.3
28061 Tekst 16.4 Text 16.4
28062 Tekst 17 Text 17
28100 Kogumise analüüs Collections Analysis
28101 Tas.viis Pay. Mode
28102 Müük Sales
28103 Kogum Collections
28104 Vahe Difference
28105 Terminalikoht Local Machine
28106 Kokku Total
28107 Kõik terminalikohad All Local Machines
28108 Terminalikoht Local Machine
28109 Kõik tasumisviisid All Payment Modes
28110 Tasumisviis Payment Mode
28120 Artikli hinnakirja statistika Item Price List Statistics
28121 Artikkel Item
28122 Nimi Name
28123 Kogus Quant
28124 Kesk.hind Avg. Price
28125 Baashind Base Price
28126 Kasum Profit
28127 MK% GP%
28128 Käive Turnover
28129 Hinnakiri Price List
28130 Midagi NONE
28140 Artikli kampaania statistika Item Multi-Buy Statistics
28141 Kampaania allahindlus Multi-Buy Discount
28142 Multi-Buy Multi-Buy
28143 All Multi-Buys All Multi-Buys
28150 Eelmine Previous
28151 Järgmine Next
28152 Kuu Month
28153 Nädal Week
28154 Päev Day
28155 Uus New
28156 Uuenda Refresh
28157 Tehtud Done
28158 Päevaplaneerija Day Planner
28200 Restoranitellimus: Tab:
28201 Kassasahtel: Till:
28202 Klient: Customer:
28203 Kliendikaart: Loyalty Card:
28204 Laud: Table:
28205 Katted: Covers:
28206 Aruandekuupäev: Reporting Date:
28207 Klass: Class:
28208 Tellimuse nr: Order No:
28209 Tempel Seal
28220 Proforma arvete nimekiri Proforma Invoice Journal
28221 Nr. No.
28222 Ametlik nr. Official No.
28223 Kuupäev Date
28224 Klient Customer
28225 Summa Amount
28226 Nimi Name
28240 Navigatsioon Navigation
28241 Isiklik Personal
28242 Rollid Roles
28243 Avatud aknad Open Screens
28244 Selles aknas on salvestamata muudatusi This screen contains unsaved changes
28245 Salvesta ja sulge aken Save changes and close screen
28246 Jäta aken lahti salvestamata muudatusi Leave screen open with unsaved changes
28247 Loobu muutustest Discard changes
28248 Rohkem... More...
28249 Salvesta ja jätka Save and continue
28250 Tagasi aknasse Go back to screen
28251 Kuupäev Date
28252 Tüüp Type
28253 Nr. No.
28254 O/R summa #P/L# Amount
28255 Finants summa #N/L# Amount
28256 Erinevus Difference
28257 Originaal arve puudub Original Invoice missing
28258 Arve for Invoice
28259 Kreeditarve #Credit Note#
28260 Arve Invoice
28261 Arve puudub Invoice missing
28262 Tasumine Payment
28263 Tasumine puudub Payment missing
28264 Finantskanne #N/L# Trans.
28265 Finantskanne puudub #N/L# Transaction missing
28266 #Purchase Ledger# Roll Forward #Purchase Ledger# Roll Forward
28267 Sularaha sissemakse Cash In
28268 Sularaha sissemakse puudub Cash In missing
28269 Sularaga väljamakse Cash Out
28270 Müügireskontro päeva kontroll #Sales Ledger# Roll Forward
28271 Kuupäev Date
28272 Tüüp Type
28273 Nr. No.
28274 M/R summa #S/L# Amount
28275 Finants summa #N/L# Amount
28276 Erinevus Difference
28277 Kreeditarve puudub Credit Note missing
28278 0
28279 Kreeditarve #Credit Note#
28280 Arve Invoice
28281 Arve puudub Invoice missing
28282 Laekumine Receipt
28283 Laekumine puudub Receipt missing
28284 Finantskanne #N/L# Trans.
28285 Finantskanne puudub #N/L# Transaction missing
28295 Cash Out missing Cash Out missing
28296 Rev. Prep. to #Supplier# Rev. Prep. to #Supplier#
28297 Rev. Prep. to #Supplier# missing Rev. Prep. to #Supplier# missing
28298 for #Credit Note# for #Credit Note#
28300 Ostureskontro kontroll #Purchase Ledger# Checking
28301 Kuupäev Date
28302 Finants #N/L#
28303 Ostureskontro #P/L#
28304 Erinevus Difference
28310 Müügireskontro kontroll #Sales Ledger# Checking
28311 Kuupäev Date
28312 Finants #N/L#
28313 Müügireskontro #S/L#
28314 Erinevus Difference
28340 Kinnituse hetkeseis Approval Status
28341 Päringu kuupäev Requested Date
28342 Isik Person
28343 Tulemus Result
28344 Otsuse kuupäev Decision Date
28345 Ootel Pending
28350 RCH Flea viga RCH Flea error
28351 Valuuta peab olema USD. Tee kindlaks, et vähemalt Baasvaluuta 1 või Baasvaluuta 2 oleks USD. Currency must be USD. Make sure that either Base Currency 1 or Base Currency 2 is set to USD.
28352 Printer ei vasta. No response from Printer.
28353 Printeris pole paberit. Printer is out of paper.
28354 Artiklil puudub KM-kood #VAT# code not found for Item
28355 Osakond ei ole KM-koodile seadistatud Department not set for #VAT Code#
28356 Palun kontrollige, et e-arve tüüp on E-teenuste seadistuses õigesti määratud. Please make sure that E-Invoice Type is properly set in the Cloud Services Setting.
28357 Palun kontrollige, et KM reg. nr. ja riik on Ettevõtte andmete seadistuses täidetud. Please make sure that Name, VAT Reg. No. and Country are filled in Company Info Setting.
28358 Ametlik nr. ei ole täidetud Official No. not filled in
28359 Ei õnnestunud saata elektroonselt. Palun kontrolli viga manustatud failis. Could not send electronically. Please check the error in the attached file.
28360 Kulutuse hetkeseis Expense Status
28361 Kõik kulutused All Expenses
28362 Kulutus Expense
28370 Tasumise hetkeseis Payment Status
28380 Puhkuste ülekandmise hetkeseis Leave Trasfer Status
28390 Puhkusetaotluse hetkeseis Leave Application Status
28391 Kõik puhkusetaotlused All Leave Applications
28400 Laosissetuleku hetkeseis Goods Receipt Status
28410 Laomahakandmise hetkeseis #Stock Depreciation# Status
28420 Kinnituse hetkeseis Approval Status
28421 Ootel Pending
28422 Kinnitatud Approved
28423 Tagasilükatud Rejected
28424 Pole vajalik Not needed
28425 Orig. kaart Orig. Record
28426 Nr. No.
28427 Päringu kuupäev Request Date
28428 Kinnitaja Approver
28429 Kinnituse hetkeseis Approval Status
28430 Päringu saatja Requesting Person
28431 Summa Amount
28432 Tühistatud Cancelled
28433 Edastatud Forwarded
28440 Kulutus Expense
28441 Laosissetulek Goods Receipt
28442 Sisetellimus Internal Order
28443 Puhkuseavaldus Leave Application
28444 Puhkuse ülekanne Leave Transfer
28445 Tasumine Payment
28446 Projekti eelarve Project Budget
28447 Ostuarve #Purchase Invoice#
28448 Ostutellimus Purchase Order
28449 Pakkumine Quotation
28450 Arve Invoice
28451 Müügitellimus Sales Order
28452 Laomahakandmine #Stock Depreciation#
28453 Kõik puhkuse ülekanded All Leave Transfers
28460 Lao ümberhindluste nimekiri #Stock# Revaluation Journal
28461 Konto Account
28462 Ladu Location
28463 Kandekuupäev Trans. Date
28464 Seerianr. Ser. No
28465 Objektid Tags/Objects
28466 Kogus Qty
28467 Kogus 2 Qty 2
28468 Kommentaar Comment
28469 Vana kulu Old Cost
28470 Uus kulu New Cost
28471 Vahe Diff.
28472 Kommentaar Comment
28480 Koostatud Created
28481 Aktsepteeritud Accepted
28482 Vastu võetud Received
28490 Hooldust ei saa käivitada. Palun kontrollige, et e-arve tüüp on seadistatud CDFI-ks E-arve seadistustes. This routine cannot be used at the moment. Please make sure that E-Invoice Type is set to CDFI in the Electronic Invoices Setting.
28600 Jaga ja trüki Share and print
28601 Otsi Search
28602 Communicator Communicator
28603 Akna valikud Screen Options
28604 Abi Help
28610 Trüki Print
28611 Eelvaade Print preview
28612 Saada lühiteedesse Pin to Shortcuts
28613 E-mail Email
28614 Saada faks Send fax
28615 Seda välja ei tohi muuta You are not allowed to change this field
28616 Trükkimise tugi ei ole installeeritud Printing support not installed
28670 Art.klassi KM Item Group #VAT#
28671 Art. klass Item Group
28672 Nimi Name
28673 Kogus Quantity
28674 Kulu Cost
28675 MK% GP%
28676 Müük Sales
28677 Käibemaksustatav VATable
28678 Null/Vaba Zero/Exempt
28679 KM #VAT#
28690 Kassa statistika Cashier Statistics
28691 Osakond Branch
28692 Kassapidaja Cashier
28693 Sularaha Cash
28694 Ettem. On Acc.
28695 Arvete arv No. of Invoices
28696 Kokku Total
28697 Määra osakond Specify Branch
28700 Withholding Calculation is below the Taxed Minimum Amount Withholding Calculation is below the Taxed Minimum Amount
28701 Account from Purchase Invoice is not applicable for Withholding Tax calculation Account from Purchase Invoice is not applicable for Withholding Tax calculation
28702 Please assign Payment Mode to Withholding Tax Please assign Payment Mode to Withholding Tax
28703 Check Payment Mode Type for Withholding Tax *With Tax Code* Check Payment Mode Type for Withholding Tax *With Tax Code*
28704 Missing Region code for Regional Withholding Tax *With. Tax Code* Missing Region code for Regional Withholding Tax *With. Tax Code*
28705 Ümberhindamine baasvaluutas 1 Revaluation of Base Currency 1
28710 Isiklik töölaud Personal Desktop
28711 Keel //Windows master control Language //Windows master control
28712 Uus rida //Android matrix New row //Android matrix
28713 Couldn't find any app that handle the selected file Couldn't find any app that handle the selected file
30060 Hetkeseis Status
30061 Aruanne Report
30062 Kasutaja User
30063 Arvutatud Running for
30064 jäta cancel
30070 Seerianumbreid on rohkem There are more Serial Numbers
30210 Kuu aruanne ei ole lubatud, kui vahetus on avatud Monthly report not allowed when shift is open
30211 Aasta aruanne ei ole lubatud, ,kui vahetus on avatud Yearly report not allowed when shift is open
30212 Perioodiline aruanne ei ole lubatud, kui vahetus on avatud Periodic report not allowed when shift is open
30213 Viga lõikajas Error in cutter
30214 Vale salasõna Wrong password
30215 Dokumendi printimine on lubatud Print of document is allowed
30216 Fiskaalmälus on kehtetu kanne Invalid Eecord in Fiscal Memory
30217 Fiskaalseade on kasutusel Fiscal Device in use
30218 Fiskaalmälu on valmis Fiscal Memory in ready
30220 Kutse kood: Password:
30221 Kutse e-maili ei saanud saata: tühi e-maili aadress. Could not send invitation email: blank to email address.
30222 Kutse e-maili ei saanud saata tühja seadistuse pärast: Üldisest seadistusest. Could not send invitation email due to blank: From System setting.
30223 Kutse SMS-i ei saanud saata tühja mobiili numbri või kutse koodi pärast. Could not send Invitation #SMS# due to blank Mobile Number or Invitation Code.
30224 Kutsekoodi ei saanud saata tühja mobiili numbri või e-maili aadressi välja pärast Could not send Invitation due to blank Mobile Number or Email Address
30225 Aken ei ole 'Vaata' hetkeseisus Please save the record first
30226 Serveris on käivitatud kutsekoodi saatmine Invitation successfully sent to user.
30227 Aktiveeri Enable
30228 Lisakasutaja Extra user
30229 Vale e-maili aadress Invalid Email Address
30230 Privaatsus Privacy
30231 Muuda keelt Change Language
30250 Tegevusetüübi kontroll Activity Type Check
30251 Ettevõte Company
30252 Tegevused Activities
30253 EI NO
30254 JAH YES
30260 Puuduvad seotud kaardid Missing Linked Records
30261 Kaart puudub Record Missing
30265 Puuduvad kaardid ühendatud registritest Missing Records from Connected Registers
30266 Kaart puudub Record Missing
30270 Kasutaja logi ajalugu User Log History
30271 Kasutaja User
30272 Ettev. Comp
30273 Kuupäev Date
30274 Aeg Time
30275 Mis juhtus What Happend
30276 Lubatud Allowed
30277 Vana Old
30278 Uus New
30279 E N
30280 J Y
30290 Tegevused teistes ettevõtetes kasutaja kohta Activities in Other Companies per User
30291 Ettevõte Company
30292 Tegevused Activities
31100 Tellimuse tasumise hetkeseis Order Payment Status
31101 Klient kokku Customer Total
31102 Kokku Total
31103 Nr. No.
31104 Kuupäev Date
31105 Tasumata Outstanding
31106 Kokku Total
31107 KM #VAT#
31108 Tasutud Paid
31109 Arved Invoices
31110 Ettemaksud Prepayments
31111 Klient Customer
31112 Nimi Name
31200 Kasutajaõiguste kontroll Access Control
31201 Kasutaja User
31202 Nimi Name
31203 Amet Job
31204 Riik Country
31205 Juhataja Manager
31206 Hetkeseis Status
31207 Aktiivne Active
31208 Suletud Closed
31209 Kasutajagrupp Access Groups
31210 Ettevõte Company
31211 Ligipääs Access
31212 Koostatud Created
31213 Start From Start From
31220 Failid konteineris Files in Container
31221 Nimi Name
31222 Suurus Size
31223 Ära kaasa varundamises Excluded From Backup
31230 Access To Servers Access To Servers
31231 Server Server
31232 Sign Sign
31233 Name Name
31234 Access Access
31240 Toote hetkeseisu ülevaade Product Status Overview
31241 Toode Product
31250 Saatmise hetkeseis Submission Status
31251 PM PM
31252 Kuupäev Date
31253 Toode Product
31254 Pood Store
31255 Riigi pakk Country Pack
31256 Hetkeseis Status
31257 Kuupäeva versioon Date Version
31258 Poe hetkeseis Store Status
31300 Ost algatatud Initiating purchase
31301 Makse taotlemine Requesting payment
31302 Makse lõpetatud Payment Completed
31318 Kustutamiseks ava kaart. Open the record first in order to delete it.
31319 *loading* *loading*
31320 Lisakasutaja kuu kohta Add new User
31321 Palun sisesta Registreeritud kasutaja ID, Salasõna ja Korda salasõna ning seejärel vajuta 'Otsi registreeringut' Please enter your Registration User ID, Password and Confirm Password and then click "Retrieve Existing Registration"
31322 Tellimused In-Apps
31323 Aktiivne kuni Active Until
31324 Päevi jäänud Days Remaining
31325 Ära näita seda aruannet 30 päeva jooksul Do not show this report again for 30 Days
31326 Peagi kehtivuse kaotavad tellimused In-Apps that are about to Expire
31327 Ava Marketplace nüüd Open the Marketplace now
31328 Tellimused, mis viimati kaotasid kehtivuse In-Apps that have expired most recently in the past
31329 Päevad minevikus Days in the Past
31330 Negatiivsed väärtused ei ole lubatud Negative value not valid
31331 Seadista kasutajad Configure Users
31332 Isikute register Person Register
31333 Unable to charge the specified number of users for the current period. Please purchase additional user months, or open the Configure Users setting and decrease the number of users to charge Unable to charge the specified number of users for the current period. Please purchase additional user months, or open the Configure Users setting and decrease the number of users to charge
31334 More active users than have been charged for the current period. Please open the Configure Users setting and increase the number of users to charge, or open the Persons register and deactivate any extra users More active users than have been charged for the current period. Please open the Configure Users setting and increase the number of users to charge, or open the Persons register and deactivate any extra users
31335 Opening Marketplace. Please wait. Opening Marketplace. Please wait.
31336 Palun sisesta Standard ID ja parool ning proovi uuesti. Please enter your StandardID and password and try again.
31337 Palun sisesta kehtiv e-maili aadress. Please enter a valid email address.
31338 Parool peab olema vähemalt 8 sümbolit pikk. Your password must be at least 8 characters long.
31339 Ava Marketplace uuesti Reopen Marketplace
31340 Sisestasid vale parooli Password is not correct
31341 Sisestasid vale parooli või e-maili. Palun veendu, et sisestasid kehtiva e-maili aadressi. Password is not correct or such email was not found. Please make sure that you have validated your email address.
31342 Palun sisesta kehtiv e-maili aadress Standard ID-ks Please, enter a valid email address as your Standard ID
31343 Eelmine ost on taastatud edukalt Previous Purchases have been restored successfully
31344 Teie ostud on edukalt taastatud Your Purchases have been restored successfully
31345 Teenusega ühendumine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrollige oma võrguühendust Failed to connect to service. Please check your network.
31346 Kutse saatmine ebaõnnestus Failed to store invitation
31347 Standard ID leidmine ebaõnnestus Failed to find Standard ID
31348 Serveri tuvastamine ebaõnnestus Failed to identify your Server
31349 Palun valideeri oma Standard ID, et muuta parooli Please validate your Standard ID to change the password
31350 Määra parool Specify Password
31351 Paroolid ei kattu Passwords don't match
31352 Parool peab olema vähemalt 8 sümbolit pikk. Password must be at least 8 symbols long
31399 #VAT# deklaratsioonis #VAT# Declaration
31400 XML skeemi definitsioon ei eksisteeri XML Schema Definition does not exist
31401 Teadmata kaart Unknown record
31402 Kaart ei eksisteeri Record does not exist
31403 Teadmata või mittekasutatav rea tüüp Unknown or unavailable row type
31404 Mittekasutatav väli Field unavailable
31405 Maatriksi algusrida ilma vastava lõpureata Matrix Start row without corresponding Matrix End
31406 Maatriksi lõpurida ilma vastava algusreata Matrix End row without corresponding Matrix Start
31407 Digitaalne allkiri mittekehtiva alguse või lõputa Digital signature with non-valid start or end point
31408 Käibemaks KM-koodi algusrida ilma vastava käibemaksu KM-koodi lõpureata #VAT# Per #VAT# Code Start row without corresponding #VAT# Per #VAT# Code End
31409 Käibemaks KM-koodi lõpurida ilma vastava käibemaksu KM-koodi algusreata #VAT# Per #VAT# Code End row without corresponding #VAT# Per #VAT# Code Start
31410 CIS server ei vasta CIS Server not responding
31411 Vale XML skeem kaardi tüübi kohta Wrong XML Schema for record type
31412 Palun sisesta viitenumber Please enter a Reference number
31991 III. ostutatud teenuste ja müüdud kauba maks III. Tax for the Goods Supplied and Services Supplied
31992 Kande tüüp Trans.Type
31993 Dok.tüüp Doc.Type
31994 Kasti nr KM-deklaratsioonis Box No in #VAT# Declaration
32011 Toakoodiga sama koodiga arveartikkel on juba olemas Invoice Item already exists with the same Code as the Room Code
32012 Hotelli baastoa tüüp Basic Hotel Room Type
32013 Toa tüüpi ei saa salvestada Unable to save Room Type
32014 Ebaõige toa ülevaatamise aken Invalid Room Inspect Window
32015 Hotelli baastoa tavaartikkel Basic Hotel Room Plain Item
32016 See artikkel on seotud toaga:   This item is linked to Room :
32017 TOAD // No spaces: Max 5 characters ROOMS // No spaces: Max 5 characters
32020 Konto number Account Number
32021 Konto nimi Account Name
32022 Deebet BV-s 1 Debit in Base1
32023 Kreedit BV-s 1 Credit in Base1
32024 Deebet konsolideerimisvaluutas Debit in Consolidation Currency
32025 Kreedit konsolideerimisvaluutas Credit in Consolidation Currency
32026 Valuuta Currency
32027 Bilansi kurss BS
32028 Kasum.kurss P&L
32029 Ettevõtte nr: Company No.
32030 Poolaasta Half Year
32040 Müügireskontro üle tähtaja aruanne: Sales Ledger Due Report:
32050 Puudub KM konto, kontrolli lausendamist Müük Tax Accrual Account missing, check Account Usage #S/L#
32100 Service Call hoaitus: ebaünnestunud autentimine Service Call warning: failed authentication
32101 Service Call olematu funktsioonile Service Call to non-existant function
32102 Service Call ebakorrektsed parameetrid Service Call incorrect parameters
32103 Service Call vigane teade Service Call malformed message
32110 Salasõna saab muuta ainult serveriga ühenduses olles You can only change password while connected to the server
32111 Ei saanud serveriga ühendust. Palun proovige hiljem uuesti Could not connect to the server. Please try again later
32112 Valmis Done
32113 Päis //iPhone main tile button Head //iPhone main tile button
32114 Aseta //iOS Paste bar Paste //iOS Paste bar
32115 Proovin ühenduda. Serveri tarkvara ei ole käivitatud, port blokeeritud või vale konfiguratsiooniga. Couldn't connect to the server. It might not be running, the port might be blocked, or it isn't properly setup.
32116 Ühendus serveri tarkvaraga loodud, kuid pole vastust enne timeout'i. Soovitav taaskäivitada server. The server accepted the connection but didn't respond. Try again, or restart the server.
32117 Server: Server:
32118 Port: Port:
32119 Ühendus serveriga loodud, ootan vastust Connection to server established, waiting for reply
32120 Kaart on Teie poolt kasutuses teises klientprogrammis Record locked by you on a different client
32121 Käivita paigaldus Start Installation
32122 Te ei saa siseneda ühe kasutajaga kaks korda. Teie klientprogramm suletakse You cannot login the same user twice. Your client will now shut down.
32123 Artiklid //iOS tile button label Items //iOS tile button label
32124 Detailid //iOS tile button label Details //iOS tile button label
32125 Eelmine //iOS keyboard toolbar Previous //iOS keyboard toolbar
32126 Järgmine //iOS keyboard toolbar Next //iOS keyboard toolbar
32127 Tehtud //iOS keyboard toolbar Done //iOS keyboard toolbar
32128 Hoia avatud //Paste special window Keep open //Paste special window
32129 Sulge //Paste special window Close //Paste special window
32502 Ei leia seda serverit. Unable to locate that server.
32510 Ostutellimuse ja ostuarve summad ei klapi. #Purchase Order# and E-#Purchase Invoice# totals don't match
32511 Sellele e-ostuarvele on juba loodud ostuarve kaart. #Purchase Invoice# already exists for this E-#Purchase Invoice#
32521 Kataloog ei eksisteeri: Folder does not exist:
32522 Puudu sertifikaadi fail Certificate File missing
32523 Puudu privaatvõtme fail Private Key File missing
32524 Te ei saa enablerit testbaasi jaoks You cannot get an enabler for a test system
32600 Koostatud Created
32601 Tühistatud Canceled
32602 Alustatud Started
32603 Lõpetatud Finished
32604 Lõpetatud ja kõrvaldatud Finished and Discarded
32605 Masin Machine
32606 Routing Routing
32607 HansaWorld Enterprise - Tootmise planeerimine HansaWorld Enterprice - Production Planning
32608 Retsept Recepy
32610 Muuda operatsiooni Edit operation
32611 Operatsiooni nr. Operation no.
32612 Tootmise nr. Production no.
32613 Masina kood Machine code
32614 Alguskp. Start date
32615 Algusaeg Start time
32616 Kestvus Duration
32617 Blokeeri Freeze
32618 Lõpukp. End date
32619 Lõppaeg End time
32620 Päevi Days
32621 Masinad Machines
32622 Grupp Group
32623 Tootmine   Production
32624 Kõik All
32625 - -
32626 Salvesta Save
32627 Uus plaan New plan
32628 Plaan Plan
32629 Fakt Fact
32630 Plaan Plan
32631 Operatsioon Operation
32632 Kogus: Quantity:
32633 Algus: Start:
32634 Lõpp: End:
32635 Tähtsus Priority
32636 Peaoperatsioon: Mother operation:
32637 Masin: Machine:
32638 Järgmine operatsioon: Next operation:
32641 E Mon
32642 T Tue
32643 K Wed
32644 N Thu
32645 R Fri
32646 L Sat
32647 P Sun
32648 nädal week
32649 Ok Ok
32650 Jäta Cancel
32651 Vali nädal Choose week
32652 Arvuta ümber Recalculate
32653 Salvesta plaan enne ümber arvutamist Save plan before recalculating
32660 Kogus Quantity
32661 Jaga   Split into
32662 !! Hilinenud !! Overdue
32663 CC :   CC :
32664 PN :   PN :
32665 PD :   PD :
32666 Näita masinaid Show machines
32667 Kõik All
32668 Operatsioonidega With operations
32669 Operatsioonideta Without operations
32670 Masinad Machines
32671 Routings Routings
32672 Juhised Instructions
32673 Filter Filter
32674 Ladu Location
32675 Tabvaline oper. Standard oper.
32676 Kasutaja User
32677 Kataloogi grupp Catalog group
32678 Routing ver.,rev. Routing ver.,rev.
32679 Spec. ver.,rev. Spec. ver.,rev.
32680 Lisa Add
32681 Seisuaeg Downtime
32682 H. changes H. changes
32683 Täida kõik väljad Fill all fields
32684 Koosta tegevus Create activity
32685 Koosta töötundide muutused Create work time changes
32690 Esmapäeval Monday start
32691 Teispäeval Tuesday start
32692 Kolmapäeval Wednesday start
32693 Neljapäeval Thursday start
32694 Reedel Friday start
32695 Laupäeval Saturday start
32696 Pühapäeval Sunday start
32697 for
32700 Väljaminev art. Outgoing item//Translate
32701 Operatsioon Operation
32702 Valed kuup. Wrong dates
32703 Aeg ületab 24 tundi Time exceeds 24 hours
32704 Tootluse koeff. Efficiency coef.
32705 Opt. kogus Opt. quantity
32706 K A M Y
32707 Artiklid Items
32708 Tools Tools
32709 Info Info
32712 Prindi Print
32713 Liini ver. Routing ver.
32714 Routing rev. Routing rev.
32715 Spets. ver. Spec. ver.
32716 Spets. rev. Spec. rev.
32718 Hetkeseis Status
32719 Tehtud Done
32728 Paranda Edit
32729 Jaga Split
32730 Tüh. jagamist Undo Split
32731 Tüh. liigutust Undo Move
32732 Paranda Edit
32733 Blokeeri Freeze
32734 Tüh. blokeerimist Undo Freeze
32735 Sama masin! The same machine!
32740 Tootmise operatsiooni planeerimine Production operation planning
32741 Masin :   Machine :
32742 Plaan :   Plan :
32743 Jrk. Sequence
32744 Masin Machine
32745 Tootmine Production
32746 Algus Start
32747 Lõpp End
32748 Kog. Qty.
32749 Artikkel Item
32750 Operatsioon Operation
32751 Tootmine Production
32752 Isik : _____________________ Person : _____________________
32753 Alustatud: _____________ Started at: _____________
32754 Lõpetatud : _____________ Finished at : _____________
32755 Toodetud : ________ Produced : ________
32756 Kommentaar : Comment :
32760 Päevaraha päevik Daily Allowances Journal
32761 Kõik päevarahd All Daily Allowances
32762 Päevaraha Daily Allowance
32763 Nr No.
32764 Kuup. Date
32765 Nimi Name
32766 Komment. Comment
32767 Kompensatsioon Compensation
32768 Kuup. Day
32769 Riik Country
32770 Hommikusöök Breakfast
32771 Lõuna Lunch
32772 Õhtusöök Dinner
32773 Kogus Amount
32774 Kokku Total
32800 Ostuarved KM Purchase #VAT# Invoices
32801 KMKR #VAT# Id //RUC spa
32802 Tasumisting. PayDeal
32803 Arve nr. Invoice Nr
32804 Arve kp. Inv.Date
32805 Tarnija Supplier
32806 Baas Base
32807 KM #VAT#
32808 Va //exent? Exent
32809 Kokku Total
32811 Vahesumma Subtotal
32812 Tühist. arve Invalid Invoice
32820 Tüüp Type
32821 KMKR #VAT# Id
32822 DV DV //VAT Id Control Digit
32823 Tarnija Supplier
32824 Arve nr. Inv.Nr
32825 Arve kp. Inv.Date
32826 Kontsept Concept
32827 Ost Purchase
32828 Kokku Total
32829 KM kokku #VAT# Total
32840 Tüüp Type
32841 KMKR #VAT# Id
32842 DV //VAT Id Control Digit DV //VAT Id Control Digit
32843 Klient Customer
32844 Arve nr. Inv.Nr
32845 Arve kp. Inv.Date
32846 Kontsept Concept
32847 Ost Purchase
32848 Kokku Total
32849 KM kokku #VAT# Total
32851 Vahesumma Subtotal
32852 Tüh. arve Invalid Invoice
32853 Summa Sum
32860 Tüüp Type
32861 KMKR #VAT# Id
32862 DV //VAT Id Control Digit DV //VAT Id Control Digit
32863 Tarnija Supplier
32864 Tas.viis Paym.Type
32865 Kontsept Concept
32866 Kogus Amount
32867 Periood Period
32880 Müügi KM arved Sales #VAT# Invoices
32881 KMKR #VAT# Id
32882 Makmisting. PayDeal
32883 Arve nr. Invoice Nr
32884 Arve kp. Inv.Date
32885 Klient Customer
32887 KM #VAT#
32889 Kokku Total
32891 Vahesumma Subtotal
32892 Allahindlus Discount
32893 Tüh. arve Invalid Invoice
32894 Aunult täiskuud Only Complete Months
32900 IV IV
32901 CN CN
32902 DN DN
32903 Tas. ting: Pay Deal:
32904 Müügimees: SalesMan:
32905 Kassiir: Cashier:
32906 Käsk: Command:  
32907 Printer hõivatud Printer Busy
32908 Printeri viga (serial communication error Printer Error (serial comunication error)
32909 Offline Printer Offline Printer
32910 Teisene paberiga seotud viga Secondary Paper Error
32911 Paberi viga Main Paper Error
32912 Sisestamispuhver peaaegu täis (printer saatis käsu tagasi Incomming Buffer Almost Full (printer send back the command to you if 1)
32913 Tühjenda puhver (successful command Empty Buffer (sucessfull command)
32914 Printeri kaas avatud Top of the Printer Opened
32915 Cash Box Closed or non existent Cash Box Closed or non existent
32916 Loogiline VÕI 2 kuni 5, 8 ja 14 jaoks Logic OR for 2 to 5, 8 and 14
32917 *** HASAR printeri staatus VIGA: *** HASAR Printer Status ERROR:
32918 KRIITILISE fiskaalmälu ebaõnnestumine CRITICAL Fiscal Memory Fail
32919 Tundmatu käsk Unrecognized Command
32920 Kehtetu andmeväli Invalid Field Data
32921 Kehtetu käsk Invalid Command
32922 Total Overflow Total Overflow
32923 KRIITILINE fiskaalmälu täis CRITICAL Fiscal Memory Full
32924 Kp. määramine ebaõnnestus Date Set Fail
32925 Sedel avatud Slip Open
32926 Laekumine avatud Open Receipt Open
32927 * * * HASAR fiskaalstaatus VIGA: * * * HASAR Fiscal Status ERROR:
32928 Printeri staatus: Printer Status:
32929 Vale vastus: Wrong answer:
32930 Fiskaalstaatus: Fiscal Status:
32931 DC4- paber otsas DC4- Out of Paper
32932 R1: R1:
32933 R2: R2:
32934 * * HASAR avatud port: * * HASAR Open Port:
32935 * * HASAR suletud port * * HASAR Close Port
32937 TimeOut: TimeOut:
32938 * * * HASAR CheckHASARClock * * * HASAR CheckHASARClock
32939 Arve andmed saadetakse fiskaalprinterisse, palun oodake... Invoice Data are sending to fiscal printer, please wait...
32940 CheckHASARClock * viga printimise kuupäevas CheckHASARClock * Error on print date
32941 CheckHASARClock * viga CheckHASARClock * Error
32942 * * * HASAR OpenFiscalReceipt, * * * HASAR OpenFiscalReceipt,
32943 * * * HASAR SetHeader, kustuta päis: * * * HASAR SetHeader, Delete Header:
32944 * * * HASAR SetHeader, rida: * * * HASAR SetHeader, line:
32945 * * * HASAR SetTrailer, Delete Trailer:   * * * HASAR SetTrailer, Delete Trailer:
32946 * * * HASAR SetTrailer, rida: * * * HASAR SetTrailer, line:
32947 * * * HASAR PrintLastItemDiscount * * * HASAR PrintLastItemDiscount
32948 * * * HASAR PrintFiscalText * * * HASAR PrintFiscalText
32949 * * * HASAR PrintItemLine: * * * HASAR PrintItemLine:
32950 * * * HASAR TotalTender -globaalne ketas: * * * HASAR TotalTender -Global Disc:
32951 * * * ERROR artiklit ei leidu: * * * ERROR Item does not exist:
32952 Ühiks: Unit:
32953 Triipkood: BarCode:
32954 Fiscal Text Error, line:   Fiscal Text Error, line:
32955 Partii nr.: Batch Nr.:
32956 Fiscal Text Error, line:   Fiscal Text Error, line:
32957 Artikli andmete viga, rida: Item Data Error, line:
32958 Allahindluse viga, rida: Discount Error, line:
32959 Fiscal Text Error, line:   Fiscal Text Error, line:
32960 * * * HASAR SubTotal * * * HASAR SubTotal
32961 * * * HASAR CloseFiscalReport * * * HASAR CloseFiscalReport
32962 * * * HASAR StatusExtra * * * HASAR StatusExtra
32963 HASAR Dok.nr: HASAR Doc.No:
32964 * * * HASAR GetSerial * * * HASAR GetSerial
32965 HASAR printeri ID: HASAR Printer ID:
32967 KEHTETU dokument, palun kontrollige seadistusi ja koostage uus arve. INVALID Document, please check settings and make a new invoice.
32968 Aadress:   Address:  
32969 * * * HASAR SetCustExtraData, * * * HASAR SetCustExtraData,
32970 * * * HASAR SetCustExtraData, res: * * * HASAR SetCustExtraData, res:
32971 Dokumnedi nr. Document.No.
32972 * * * HASAR aruanne X * * * HASAR Report X
32973 * * *  HASAR aruanne Z * * *  HASAR Report Z
32974 #Credit Note# ei ole toetatud #Credit Note# not supported
33000 Tarnija Supplier
33001 Kokku Total
33002 Kokku: Total:
33010 Kulutuste aruanne D-151 Expenses Report D-151
33011 Kulutuste aruande D-151 ülevaade Expenses Report D-151 Overview
33012 Periood: Period:
33013 al al
33014 Väärtused: Values expressed in:
33015 Tarnija Supplier
33016 Kokku Total
33020 Ostu KM raamat Purchase #VAT# Book
33021 VALE PERIOOD, peab olema kuu kohta. WRONG PERIOD, must be monthly.
33024 Tühine arve Invalid Invoice
33025 IV //Invoice IV //Invoice
33026 CR //Credit Invoice CR //Credit Invoice
33027 SI //Special Invoice SI //Special Invoice
33028 DN //Debit Note DN //Debit Note
33029 Periood: Period:
33030 Ostu KM raamat Purchase #VAT# Book
33031 KM ID: #VAT# Id:
33032 Väärtused Values expressed in
33033 Kuupäev Date
33034 Tüüp Type
33035 Number Number
33036 KM ID #VAT# Id
33037 Nimi Name
33039 Baasimaks Base Tax
33040 Maksuvaba baas Base Exempt
33041 Kaubad Goods
33042 Teenused Services
33043 Import Import
33044 #VAT# #VAT#
33045 Kokku Total
33047 Maksustatud kaubad: Taxed Goods:
33048 Maksustatud teenused: Taxed Services:
33049 Maksuvabad kaubad: Exempt Goods:
33050 Maksuvabad teenused: Exempt Services:
33051 Imporditud kaubad: Import Goods:
33052 #VAT#: #VAT#:
33053 Kogused KOKKU: TOTAL Quantities:
33054 Arved: Invoices:
33055 Erilised arved: Special Invoices:
33056 Saldo Balance
33057 Kokku Totals
33070 Müügikäibemaksu raamat Sales #VAT# Book
33071 Vale periood, peab olema kuu WRONG PERIOD, must be monthly.
33074 Saldo Balance
33075 IV //Invoice IV //Invoice
33076 CR //Credit Invoice CR //Credit Invoice
33077 SI //Special Invoice SI //Special Invoice
33078 DN //Debit Note DN //Debit Note
33079 Periood: Period:
33080 Detailne Detailed
33081 Ülevaatlik Overview
33082 Väärtused väljendatud Values expressed in
33083 Kuupäev Date
33084 Tüüp Type
33085 Number Number
33086 #VAT# id #VAT# Id
33087 Nimi Name
33088 Kande nr: TRANS.NO:
33089 Base Tax Base Tax
33090 Base Exempt Base Exempt
33091 Kaubad Goods
33092 Teenused Services
33093 Eksport Export
33094 #VAT# #VAT#
33095 Kokku Total
33096 Kokkuvõte SUMMARY
33097 Maksustatud kaubad: Taxed Goods:
33098 Maksustatud teenused: Taxed Services:
33099 Vabastatud kaubad: Exempt Goods:
33100 Vabastatud teenused: Exempt Services:
33101 Eksporditud kaubad: Export Goods:
33102 #VAT#: #VAT#:
33103 Kogused KOKKU: TOTAL Quantities:
33104 Arved: Invoices:
33105 Kehtetu arve Invalid Invoice
33106 Saldo Balance
33107 Kokku Totals  
33108 #VAT# id:   #VAT# Id:  
33109 Konsolideeritud: Consolidated:
33110 Dokumendimall: Document from:
33111 From Serie:   From Serie:
33112 Numbrid alates: Numbers from:
33113 kuni to
33230 Ostu KM arved //SPA: "Libro IVA Compras" Purchase #VAT# Invoices //SPA: "Libro IVA Compras"
33231 KM ID //SPA: "RUC" #VAT# Id //SPA: "RUC"
33232 PayDeal PayDeal
33233 Arve nr. Invoice Nr
33234 Arve kp. Inv.Date
33235 Tarnija Supplier
33236 #VAT# #VAT#
33237 Kontsept Concept
33238 % %
33239 Kokku Total
33241 Vahesumma Subtotal
33242 Allahindlus Discount
33243 Tühistatud arve Invalid Invoice
33244 Ainult terved kuud Only Complete Months
33245 Rahandusministeerium ja Avaliku Krediidi asutus //SPA: "Ministerio de Hacienda y Credito Publico" Ministry of Finance and Public Credit //SPA: "Ministerio de Hacienda y Credito Publico"
33246 DGI //SPA: "Direccion General de Ingresos" DGI //SPA: "Direccion General de Ingresos"
33247 Annex Tax Credit Statement //SPA: "Anexo al Credito Fiscal Declaracion" Annex Tax Credit Statement //SPA: "Anexo al Credito Fiscal Declaracion"
33248 Total of Statement //SPA: "Anexo al Credito Fiscal Declaracion" Total of Statement //SPA: "Anexo al Credito Fiscal Declaracion"
33260 KM #VAT#
33263 Arve nr. Invoice Nr
33264 Arve kp Inv.Date
33265 Dok nr. Doc. No.
33266 #VAT Reg. No.# #VAT Reg. No.#
33267 Tarnija #Supplier#
33269 Nimi Name
33270 Maksuvabad ostud Exempt Purchases
33271 Maksustatud ostud Taxed Purchases
33272 Kohalik Domestic
33273 Impordid Imports
33274 KM #VAT#
33275 Maks Withh.
33276 Kokku Total
33277 Laius. 3rds Withh. 3rds
33278 Tühi Empty
33290 Igakuine ostude kinnipidamise aruanne   Monthly Purchase Witholdinds Report
33291 VALE PERIOOD, peab olea kuude kaupa WRONG PERIOD, must be monthly.
33292 Väärtused   Values expressed in
33293 Kuu:   Month:
33294 Reg.nr. Register No.
33295 Nr. No.
33296 KMKR #VAT# id
33297 Nimi Name
33298 Arve kp. Inv.Date
33299 Dok. nr. Doc.No.
33330 Maks WithHolding
33331 Kokku:   Total:
33340 Igakuine müükide kinnipidamise aruanne Monthly Sales Witholdinds Report
33341 VALE PERIOOD, peab olea kuude kaupa WRONG PERIOD, must be monthly.
33342 Väärtused   Values expressed in
33343 Kuu:   Month:
33344 Reg.nr. Register No.
33345 Nr. No.
33346 KMKR #VAT# id
33347 Nimi Name
33348 Arve kp. Inv.Date
33349 Dok. nr. Doc.No.
33350 Maks WithHolding
33351 Kokku:   Total:
33360 Vale periood Incorrect Period
33370 KM aruande baas #VAT# Report Base
33371 Päev Day
33372 Dok. nr-lt From Doc. No.
33373 Dok. nr-le To Doc. No.
33374 Maksuvaba Exempt
33375 Ekspordid Exports
33376 Baas Base
33377 Kokku Total
33390 KM aruanne müük #VAT# Report Sales
33391 Päev Day
33392 Dok. nr Doc. No.
33393 Nimi Name
33394 Reg.nr. Reg. No.
33395 Baas Base
33396 #VAT# #VAT#
33397 Maksuvaba Exempt
33398 Kokku Total
33410 Tüüp Type
33411 KM ID #VAT# Id
33412 DV //VAT Id Control Digit DV //VAT Id Control Digit
33413 Tarnija Supplier
33414 Kokku Total
33420 Elektroonilise saadetise seadistused on poolikud Electronic Shipment Settings are Incomplete
33423 Elektrooniline saadetis on edukalt saadetud. Electronic Shipment Successfully sent.
33424 Elektroonilise saadetise viga. Electronic Shipment Error.
33440 Väljastatud kp. Issued Date
33441 Panga tagastamise kp. Clearing Date
33442 Tühistatud kp. Cancelled Date
33443 Tagasilükkamise kp. Bounced Date
33444 Aktsepteeritud kp. Accepted Date
33445 Deposiidi kp. Deposited Date
33446 Deposiidipartii nr. Batch Deposit No.
33447 Jõustamise kuupäev Endorsed Date
33448 Jõustamise register Endorse Register
33449 Deebetarve Debit Note
33460 Määra ladu Specify Location
33480 Nr. No.
33481 Aadress Address
33482 Mees Male
33483 Naine Female
33490 Vali teenus ! Choose service!
33491 Päring on saadetud. Ava seadistus uuesti ja vaata välja 'Põhjus' lisainfo saamiseks The Query has been sent. Reopen setting and check field 'Reason' for additional info
33495 On juba saadetud Has already been sent
33496 Uuesti saadetud Sent again
33500 Makse tähtaeg Payment term
33501 päeva days
33502 Makse arve nr. Payment for Invoice No.
33505 Puudub ühendus e-teenuste serveriga! eArveKeskus: No connection to e-services server!
33506 Andmevahetus on peatunud. Teie programm ei ole registreeritud. Palun kontrollige seadistust Internetivõtmed. eArveKeskus: data exchange has been stopped. Your program is not registered. Please check setting Internet Enablers.
33507 Teenus on peatatud Service has been stopped
33510 Formaadi veaga arved Failed E-invoices
33511 Arve Invoice
33512 Kommentaar Comment
33513 Veaga arveid kokku Failed invoices total
33518 Andmete kontroll (xml arved Data validation (Electronic Invoices)
33519 Reg.nr. Reg.no.
33520 Pankade seadistus Bank settings
33521 Kliendid Customers
33522 Kliendikood sisaldab tähti, määra viitenumber käsitsi (vt. ka hooldust Customer code contains characters, specify ref. string manually (check setting)
33523 E-arve konto on vales formaadis (nt. sisaldab tühikut E-invoice Account in wrong format (may not contain blanks)
33524 E-arve seadistused E-invoice Settings
33525 OK OK
33526 Viitenumber Ref. str
33530 Programmist saatmisel Sending from program
33531 Saadetud Sent
33532 Operaatori poolt vastuvõetud Accepted by operator
33533 Operaatori poolt tagasilükatud Denied by operator
33534 Operaatori poolt edastatud Delivered by operator
33540 Arvelduskontode konverteerimine (IBAN Converting bank accounts (IBAN)
33541 Arvelduskonto nr. Account no.
33542 Konverteerimise tulemus (IBAN Result of conversion (IBAN)
33543 Ettevõtte andmed Company data
33544 Tasumisviisid Payment modes
33545 Isikud Persons
33546 Kontaktid Contacts
33547 Ei õnnestu konverteerida Failed to convert
33550 Sellist kaarti ei ole registreeritud Record is not registered
33551 määramata unspecified
33552 vale formaat// (nt. sisaldab tühikut" wrong format// (contains blanks)"
33553 Pangakood Bank code
33554 Panga nimetus Bank name
33555 Andmete kontroll (SEPA maksed Data validation (SEPA payments)
33556 Kontrolli aadressi - nimi, aadress ja riik peavad olema määratud Check address- name, address and country must be specified
33557 Tarnijad Vendors
33558 Arveldusarve/IBAN Account no/IBAN
33559 Välismakse! Foreign payment!
33560 Muudetud kaarte Changed records
33561 Arveid saadetud Invoices Sent
33590 Tarbimismaksude kokkuvõte Consumption Taxes Summmary
33591 Nr. No.
33592 Kirjeldus Description
33593 Kood Code
33594 Baas Base
33595 Kurss Rate
33596 Maks Tax
33597 Ettevõtte nimi Name of the company
33598 Kuupäev Date
33599 Aadress Address
33600 KMKR nr. ja reg.nr. #VAT Reg. No.# and Reg No.
33601 Pangakonto nr. Bank Account No.
33602 Saadud kp. Received Date
33603 Regioon Region
33604 Linn City
33605 Administraatori nimi Administrator name
33610 Külalise rahvuse statistika Guest Nationality Statistics
33611 Riik Country
33612 Rahvus Nationality
33613 Kirjeldus Description
33614 Saabumised Arrivals
33615 Jäämised Sleepovers
33616 Teadmata Unknown
33630 Arve on elektroonilise registreerimise järjekorras. Invoice queued for registering electronically.
33631 Arved on elektroonilise registreerimise järjekorras. Invoices queued for registering electronically.
33632 Arved on elektroonilise registreerimise järjekorras (mõned arved ei pea olema registreeritud. Invoices queued for registering electronically (some invoices did not need to be registered).
33633 See arve ei pea olema elektrooniliselt registreeritud. This invoice does not need to be registered electronically.
33634 Ükski valitud arvetest ei pea olema elektrooniliselt registreeritud. None of selected invoices need to be registered electronically.
33635 Cannot OK invoice when sending electronically Cannot OK invoice when sending electronically
33636 Official Nr. cannot be blank Official Nr. cannot be blank
33637 Some requierd fields are missing or E-Invoice Type is not correct Some requierd fields are missing or E-Invoice Type is not correct
33640 Last Update Date field cannot be blank if Type is Complementary Last Update Date field cannot be blank if Type is Complementary
33641 Zip Location File field cannot be blank     Zip Location File field cannot be blank
33643 Sales for goods and/or Services Sales for goods and/or Services
33644 Receipts/Payments from Customers Receipts/Payments from Customers
33645 Purchases of goods and/or Services Purchases of goods and/or Services
33660 Veebi statistika Web Statistics
33661 Riik Country
33662 Külastus Visits
33663 Lehed/külastus Pages/Visit
33664 Kokku Total
33665 Kirjeldus Description
33666 Kood Code
33667 Loendus Counts
33670 Külastusi asukoha kohta Visits per Location
33671 Kõige külastatavamad lk-d Most visited Pages
33672 Külastaja allikad Visitors' Sources
33673 Master Control bännerid Master Control Banners
33674 Külaliste e-learning Visitors E-learnings
33675 Üldine veebi statistika General Web Statistics
33676 Nr. sessioonid Nr. Sessions
33677 Kasutajad Users
33678 Keskm. sessiooni aeg (Sek. Avg.Session Time (Sec)
33679 Bounce Rate Bounce Rate
33680 % New Sessions % New Sessions
33681 Lehe teekond Page Path
33682 Lehe vaatamisi Page Views
33683 Riik Country
33684 Nr. lehekülgi No. Pages
33685 Keel Language
33690 Importfail ei ole korrektne. Puuduv element Import File is not Correct. Missing Element
33691 Mitme konto import ei ole võimalik. Multiple Account Import is not Supported.
33693 Kanded puuduvad There are no Transactions
33694 Töötlemata maksed Not Processed Payments
33695 Töödeldud maksed Processed Payments
33696 Seal oli There were
33697 Maksete imporditud, vahele jäetud Payments Successfully Imported, skipped
33698 Maksed Payments
33706 #VAT# konto puudub #VAT# koodil:   #VAT# Accounts missing for #VAT# Code:
33707 Sulle pole see tegevus lubatud. You are not allowed to perform this action.
33708 #Credit Notes# kogusumma ei tohi ületada arve summat. #Credit Notes# Total value may not exceed Invoice value.
33709 Cash #VAT# Scheme Indicator:   Cash #VAT# Scheme Indicator:  
33710 Third Parties Billing Indicator:   Third Parties Billing Indicator:  
33711 See funktsioon on lubatud ainult valitud artiklitele This function is only available for variety items.
33720 Puudub ühendus serveriga No connection to the server
33721 Klienti ei leitud Customer was not found
33722 Puudub aktiivne tellimus selle kasutajanime ja parooliga There are no active Subsciptions for this Username and Password
33723 Ilmnes tundmatu probleem There is an Unknown Issue
33724 Sisestasite vale parooli Password is not Correct
33725 Palun sisesta e-mail ja parool Please fill Email and Password
33726 Serveri leidmine ei õnnestunud. Kui te pole oma andmeid pilveserverisse laadinud siis palun võtke ühendus klienditoega//if customer hasn't moved to cloud and gets this message it means that they are trying to use the same subscription for the second time. We failed to find the server. If you haven't moved your data to cloud, then please contact Customer Support.//if customer hasn't moved to cloud and gets this message it means that they are trying to use the same subscription for the second time.
33810 Kande tööleht   Work Sheet Transactions  
33811 Kõik teeninduskorraldused All Service Orders  
33812 Teeninduskorraldus: Service Orders:  
33813 Kõik artiklid All Items  
33814 Artiklid: Items:  
33815 Kõik töötajad   All Employees  
33816 Töötajad:   Employees:  
33817 SVO nr. SVO No.  
33818 Kp.   Date  
33819 Artikkel   Item  
33820 Kirjeldus   Description  
33821 Tüüp Type  
33822 Register Register  
33823 Töötaja Empl.  
33824 Klient Customer  
33825 Arve Invoice  
33826 Tööleht Work Sheet  
33827 Tegevus Activity  
33828 Tagast. kaubad Ret. Goods  
33829 Arvekõlblik Invoiceable  
33830 Garantii Warranty  
33831 Leping Contract  
33832 Goodwill Goodwill  
33840 #VAT No.# #VAT No.#  
33841 Nimi Name  
33842 #Purchase Invoice# #Purchase Invoice#  
33843 Kuupäev Date  
33844 #Invoice# kp. #Invoice# date  
33845 Baashind Base Price  
33846 #VAT# % #VAT# %  
33847 #VAT# hind #VAT# Price  
33848 #Total# #Total#  
33849 Sisend #VAT# Input #VAT#
33850 #VAT No.# #VAT No.#  
33851 Nimi Name  
33852 Arve Invoice  
33853 Kuupäev Date  
33854 #Invoice# kp. #Invoice# date  
33855 Baashind Base Price  
33856 #VAT# % #VAT# %  
33857 #VAT# hind #VAT# Price  
33858 #Total# #Total#  
33859 Sisend #VAT# Input #VAT#  
33870 You currently have the following activated:   You currently have the following activated:  
33871 Alarm Alarm
33872 Unable to send System e-mails. From System Setting Field is Blank! Unable to send System emails. From System Setting Field is Blank!
33873 Automaatvastus Auto Reply
33874 Edastamine Forwarding
33880 M M  
33881 Q Q  
33882 Y Y  
33972 Kliendi standard versioon Customer Standard Versions
33973 Eelminw versioon Last Version
33974 Praegune versioon Current Version
34000 In-App In-App
34001 Versioon   Version
34002 Lugeja Count
34003 Ostetud In-App'id Purchased In-Apps
34004 Riik Country
34005 Klient Customer
34006 Kogus Amount
34007 Kõik All
34017 Gross Income Perceptions (SI.FE.RE Gross Income Perceptions (SI.FE.RE)
34020 Maksureegli kood: Tax Rule Code:  
34021 Maksuregioon Tax Region
34022 Fortnight: Fortnight:  
34023 Kreeditarved k.a. Credit Notes Included
34024 Total Fortnight Total Fortnight  
34025 Kokku Total
34026 #VAT Reg. No.# #VAT Reg. No.#
34027 Kande kp. Trans. Date
34028 Arve tüüp Invoice Type
34029 Kiri Letter
34030 Filiaali nr. Branch Number
34031 Arve nr. Inv. Number
34032 Brutotulu kokku Total Gross Inc.
34050 Reisi logi kinnitamata. Travel Log Not OKed.
34051 Reisi logi on tühistatud. Travel Log is Cancelled.
34052 Salvesta see kaart esimesena. Save this Record First.
34053 Reisi logi seadistused: Kaust on tühi! Travel Log Settings: To Conference is blank!
34054 Reisija Traveller
34055 Lähtepunkt From
34056 Sihtpunkt To
34057 Reisi kp. Departure Date
34058 Väljumise aeg Departure Time
34059 Saabumise kp. Arrival Date
34060 Saabumise aeg Arrival Time
34061 Lennu nr. Flight Number
34062 Pileti nr. Ticket No
34063 Transp. ettevõte Transport Company
34064 Bron. viide Booking Reference
34065 Kes kinnitas reisi? Who approved the travel?
34066 Otsuse kp. Decision Date
34067 Makse kp. Payment Date
34068 Puudub õigus reisi logi kinnitamiseks! No Access to OK Travel Log!
34069 Kommentaar Comment
34070 Travel Log has been Refunded. Travel Log has been Refunded.
34071 Kokku hind Total cost
34072 Proneeritud: Booked By
34073 Reisi lähetkoht Travelling from
34074 Sihtkoht Destination
34075 May not create a Refund from a Refund Travel Log   May not create a Refund from a Refund Travel Log
34076 Tagas. pole toimunud Refund Not Created
34077 Tagas. kp. Return Date
34078 Tagasimakse Refund
34079 Tühi seerianumber Blank Serial Number
34080 Koosta #Project Invoices# Create #Project Invoices#
34081 Juba tagasi makstud Refunded already
34082 Tagasi makstud Refunded
34083 Reisi statistika Travel Statistics
34084 Väljumine Departure
34085 Saabumine Arrival
34086 Naasmine Return
34100 Palun oota Please Wait
34101 Sobiv klientprogramm //Output is "34101 platform name 34101". If that doesn't work in your language A suitable  //Output is "34101 platform name 34101". If that doesn't work in your language
34102 operatsioonisüsteemile valmistatakse ette, palun oodake. client for this server is being prepared, please wait.
34103 Redirecting to iTunes Redirecting to iTunes
34104 Sobivat klientprogrammi ei leitud. No suitable client found
34105 Selle versiooni ja OP süsteemile sobivad klientprogrammi pole saadaval There is no downloadable client available for this version and your operating system
34110 Antud funktsioon ei ühildu selles arvutis installeeritud Internet Exploreri versiooniga This function is not compatible with the Internet Explorer version installed on this computer.
34150 Tühistatud kogus ei tohi olla suurem kui valitud rea kogus Void quantity cannot be greater than quantity of selected row
34152 Kestvused peavad olema kasvavas järjekorras Duration times need to be in accending order
34180 Invalid Stripe request Invalid Stripe request
34181 Stripe API error Stripe API error
34182 Credit card error Credit card error
34183 Unknown Stripe error Unknown Stripe error
34184 Connection to Stripe server failed Connection to Stripe server failed
34185 Invalid token returned from Stripe server Invalid token returned from Stripe server
34186 Invalid transaction id returned from Stripe server Invalid transaction id returned from Stripe server
34187 Please try again later Please try again later
34188 Payment was processed, but the address verification for the card failed Payment was processed, but the address verification for the card failed
34189 Invalid customer id returned from Stripe server Invalid customer id returned from Stripe server
34190 Invalid subscription id returned from Stripe server Invalid subscription id returned from Stripe server
34191 Unknown subscription status returned from Stripe server Unknown subscription status returned from Stripe server
34200 File is not supported. Could not find starting element. File is not supported. Could not find starting element.
34201 Import from multiple accounts is not supported. Import from multiple accounts is not supported.
34203 There are no Transactions. There are no Transactions.
34204 Receipts not associated Receipts not associated
34205 Associated Receipts Associated Receipts
34206 Imported Imported
34207 transactions, skipped transactions, skipped
34208 transactions transactions  
34220 Control account already specified Control account already specified
34230 Elavon error Elavon error
34231 Failed to build valid Elavon request Failed to build valid Elavon request
34232 No reply from Elavon server No reply from Elavon server
34233 Only transactions in USD allowed Only transactions in USD allowed
34234 Invalid transaction type Invalid transaction type
34235 Invalid reply from Elavon Invalid reply from Elavon
34236 No transaction id returned from Elavon No transaction id returned from Elavon
34250 Terminal Terminal
34251 Merchant Merchant
34252 Time Time
34253 Receipt Receipt
34254 REF REF
34255 Kinnitatud APPROVED
34256 Tühistatud DECLINED
34257 Katkestatud CANCELLED
34258 Summa Amount
34259 Omandaja Acquirer
34260 Logon Logon
34261 Sale SALE
34262 Refund REFUND
34263 Reversal REVERSAL
34264 Settle Settle
34265 Authorize Authorize
34266 Increment Increment
34267 Finalize Finalize
34268 Release Release
34269 Kassiir Cashier
34270 KM summa #VAT# Amount
34271 Sularaha Cash
34272 Kokku TOTAL
34273 PIN kontrollitud PIN Verified
34274 Debited Debited
34275 Auth.no Auth.no
34276 Order.no Order.no
34277 TerminalRef.no TerminalRef.no
34278 Please retain this receipt for you records PLEASE RETAIN THIS RECEIPT FOR YOUR RECORDS
34279 Merchant copy MERCHANT COPY
34280 Customer copy CUSTOMER COPY
34281 Signature Verified Signature Verified
34282 PIN and Signature Verified PIN and Signature Verified
34283 No CVM Required No CVM Required
34284 No CVM Performed No CVM Performed
34285 Verification failed Verification failed
34286 Please debit my account Please debit my account
34287 Signature Signature
34288 ID ID
34289 Cashier's Signature Cashier's Signature
34291 Status Status
34292 Credit Credit
34293 Debit Debit
34294 Credit account //Refund Credit account //Refund
34300 Andmebaasi fail on lukustatud teekonnal: Database file is locked at path:
34301 Palun veendu, et vana serveri ei tööta Please make sure that the old server is not running
34302 Ei saa lugeda andmebaasi versiooni failist teekonnal: Can't read db version from file at path:
34303 Andmebaasi versioonid on erinevad. Uus versioon: The database versions differ. New version:
34304 Vana versioon: Old version:
34305 Lihtsat uuendust ei saa kasutada selleks versiooni uuendamiseks. Käivita Täielik uuendus (--full-update-to-exe Simple Update can't be used for this update. Please use Full Update instead (--full-update-to-exe)
34306 Andmebaas ei avanenud teekonnalt: Could not open database file at path:
34307 Andmebaasi ei leitud teekonnalt: No database found at path:
34308 No server executable found at path: No server executable found at path:
34309 Leitud HAL failid. Veendu, et HAL failid ühilduvad uue versiooniga ja käivita uuesti koos --halfiles-checked Hal files found. Check that hal files are compatible with the new version, and rerun with --halfiles-checked if they are
34310 Versiooni uuendamine teekonnal: Updating version at path:
34311 Vanade failide varuandamine Backing up old files to
34312 Varundamise teekond pole seadistatud. Palun määra kasutades --oldfiles-path= Backup path not specified. Please set one using --oldfiles-path=
34313 Uute failide kopeerimine Copying new files
34314 Lõpetatud. Käivita uuendatud server Done. You can now run the updated server
34315 Sellel platvormil ei toetata Täielikku uuendamist Full Update is not supported on this platform
34316 Andmebaasi eksportimine Exporting database from old version
34317 Eksport ebaõnnestus The export exited abnormaly
34318 Andmete importimine Importing data
34319 Parameters.txt ajutiselt eemaldatud Temporarily moving parameters.txt out of the way
34320 Parameters.txt taastamine Restoring parameters.txt
34321 The version you are updating from is too old for this type of migration. Please try upgrading to cloud instead. The version you are updating from is too old for this type of migration. Please try upgrading to cloud instead.
34322 Vanast installatsioonist ei leitud varukoopiat. Backup from old installation not found.
34323 Uuendamine on edukalt lõpetatud. Teie rakendus taaskäivitatakse. Upgrade successfully completed. Your application will now restart.
34330 Pilve serveri lepingute nimekiri Cloud Services Contracts List
34331 Nr. No.
34332 Klient Customer
34333 Teenuse Service
34334 Alguse kp. Start Date
34335 Lõpu kp. End Date
34336 Tüüp Type
34337 Ei saada arveid No Invoicing
34338 Suletud Closed
34339 Kuine Monthly
34340 Voucher Voucher
34341 Demo Voucher Demo Voucher
34350 Müügitsükli ülevaate seadistus Workflow Overview Setting
34351 Puuduvad andmed või seadistus not defined or no data
34352 Liiga palju tulpasid, maksimaalselt lubatud 9 Too many columns defined. Maximum 9 columns allowed
34380 Täida globaalne transpordi number Fill in the Global Transport Number
34381 Vale formaat, peab olema XXXXX XXXX/ZZZZ või XXXX/ZZZZ Wrong Format, should be XXXXX XXXX/ZZZZ or XXXX/ZZZZ
34390 Palun jälgi Please follow up
34400 Suletud Closed
34430 Ei ole lubatud Status not Allowed
34440 All Projects All Projects
34450 Downpayments Down payments
34451 Date Date
34452 Invoice Invoice
34453 Amount Amount
34454 Person Person
34455 Comment Comment
34456 Status Status
34457 Retentions Retentions
34460 Konverentsil on sisu Conference has contents
34470 See rida on juba tellitud, ei saa muuta. This row has been ordered already, it cannot be changed.
34480 Toiming Operation
34481 Sees On
34482 Hetkeseis Status
34483 Progress Progress
34484 % %
34500 Seda kaarti ei saa tühistada This record cannot be invalidated
34501 Int Inv Int Inv
34502 Tellimust ei saa sulgeda ettemaksu korral: Order cannot be closed if down payment exists:
34503 Uus pakkumine New Quotation
34504 Tellimuse numbrit ei saa muuta, kui lähetus või arve on juba loodud. Order number cannot be changed if Delivery or Invoice have been created
34520 Journaling on sisse lülitatud JOURNAL: Journaling is on
34521 Journaling on välja lülitatud JOURNAL: Journaling is off
34522 Journaling käivitamine: juba käivitatud JOURNAL: Trying to start journaling: Already started
34523 Journaling peatamine: journaling ei olnud sisse lülitatud JOURNAL: Trying to stop journaling, but journaling was not started
34524 Journaling käivitamine: Journal failid juba olemas JOURNAL: Trying to start journaling, journals already existing
34525 Journaling uue faili loomine, eelnevat faili ei olnud JOURNAL: Trying create additional journal file, journal not present
34540 E-maili alias puudub No Email aliases
34541 Ei ole postkasti No Mailbox
34542 Kasutaja ilma postkasti/E-mail aliaseta User without Mailboxes/Email Aliases
34543 E-mailide aliased Email aliases
34544 Postkast / Pop3 Server Mailbox / Pop3 Serv.
34545 Väli Field
34546 Nimi / Vaste Name / Match
34551 Maksukohustuslase registri- või isikukood või mitteresidendi kood Taxpayers registry code, ID number or nonresident's code
34552 Esitaja isikukood ID code of the declarant
34553 Aasta Year
34554 Kuu (maksustamisperiood Month (taxation period)
34555 KMD ja KMD INF-i esitamine tava või pankrotiperioodi kohta Declaration of #VAT# report and addendum for bankruptcy period
34556 Müügitehingud puuduvad No sales
34557 Ostutehingud puuduvad No purchases
34558 KMD INF A osas andmete esitamine summeeritult tehingupartnerite lõikes #VAT# INF part A contains aggregated transaction data by partner
34559 KMD INF B osas andmete esitamine summeeritult tehingupartnerite lõikes #VAT# INF part A contains aggregated transaction data by partner
34560 Nimi Name
34561 Registri- või isikukood Registry or ID number
34562 Maksustamisperiood Taxation period
34563 Kinnitan, et deklareeritavad arved puuduvad Confirm that there is no invoices to declare
34564 Esitan arvete andmed summeerituna Invoice data is presented aggregated
34565 Järjekorranumber Serial number
34566 Tehingu- partneri registri- või isikukood Partner's registry code or ID number
34567 Tehingupartneri nimi Partner's name
34568 Arve number Invoice number
34569 Arve kuupäev Invoice date
34570 Arve kogusumma ilma käibemaksuta Total invoice sum without #VAT#
34571 Maksumäär Tax rate
34572 Arvel märgitud kauba ja teenuse maksustatav väärtus * Invoiced value of goods and services are taxed *
34573 Maksustamisperioodil vormi KMD lahtrites 1 ja 2 kajastatud maksustatav käive Taxable sales during the taxation period stated in #VAT# form fields 1 and 2
34574 Erisuse kood Exception code
34575 erikord //must be lowercase KB 27.02.2020 The special arrangement
34576 KMD INF A OSA #VAT# INF part A
34577 KMD INF B OSA #VAT# INF part B
34580 Arve kogusumma koos käibemaksuga Invoice total sum with #VAT#
34581 Arvel märgitud käibemaksusumma (kassapõhine arvestus #VAT# sum from invoice (cash-based accounting)
34582 Maksustamisperioodil vormi KMD lahtris 5 kajastatud sisendkäibemaksu summa Input #VAT# during the taxation period stated in #VAT# form field 5
34583 JAH YES
34584 EI NO
34585 Koosta KMD eksport Run #VAT# Data Export
34590 Kontaktide andmete kontroll Contacts #VAT# data check
34591 Kliendi kood Contact code
34592 Kliendi nimi Contact name
34593 Reg. number Reg. no.
34594 KMKR number #VAT# no.
35000 Exported Exported
35001 Missing our company name Missing our company name
35002 Missing our company address Missing our company address
35003 Missing our company city Missing our company city
35004 Missing our company country Missing our company country
35005 Missing code of the our company country Missing code of the our company country
35006 Missing #VAT# no. our company Missing #VAT# no. our company
35007 Missing our company reg. no. Missing our company reg. no.
35008 Customer don't exists Customer don't exists
35009 Incorrect Address Incorrect Address
35010 Missing customer country Missing customer country
35011 Customer country doesn't exists Customer country doesn't exists
35012 Bank acc. (IBAN is missing Bank acc. (IBAN) is missing
35013 Customer bank code is missing Customer bank code is missing
35014 Customer bank code don't exists Customer bank code don't exists
35015 Missing #VAT# no. customer Missing #VAT# no. customer
35016 Missing customer reg. no. Missing customer reg. no.
35017 Asukoht on puudu Location is missing
35018 Digiallkirja initsialiseerimise viga Error initializing the digital signature
36000 Sales Price Calculation Sales Price Calculation
36001 No. No.
36002 Date Date
36003 Trans. Date Trans. Date
36004 Name Name
36005 Seq. No. Seq. No.
36006 Description Description
36007 Unit Unit
36008 Qty Qty
36009 Price Price
36010 Cost Price Cost Price
36011 Margin Margin
36012 Inc. VAT Inc. #VAT#
36013 Base Price Base Price
36014 VAT % #VAT# %
36015 VAT   #VAT#  
36016 Extra Cost Extra Cost
36017 Cost 1 Cost 1
36018 Margin Tot. Margin Tot.
36019 Inc. VAT Tot. Inc. #VAT# Tot.
36020 Base Price Tot. Base Price Tot.
36021 Margin % Margin %
36022 Base Base
36023 VAT Amount #VAT# Amount
36024 Total Total
36025 Customs Customs
36026 Base Value Base Value
36027 Base Price w. VAT Base Price w. #VAT#
36028 Price w. VAT Price w. #VAT#
36029 VAT No. #VAT# No.
36040 Evidence of Trade (KP Evidence of Trade (KP)
36041 Seq. No. Seq. No.
36042 Date Date
36043 Document Document
36044 Increase Increase
36045 Decrease Decrease
36046 Discount Discount
36080 SAFT for Period: SAFT for Period:
36100 S/Ord S/Ord
36101 P/Ord P/Ord
36102 P/Pmnt P/Pmnt
36120 Your Company Address is not in correct format. Check Company Info Your Company Address is not in correct format. Check Company Info
36131 No legal invoice nos. range setup for this branch and type of invoice No legal invoice nos. range setup for this branch and type of invoice
36132 Branch record does not exist in this company   Branch record does not exist in this company  
36133 Test AFIP Server Communication Test AFIP Server Communication
36134 Application Server Application Server
36135 Data Base Server Data Base Server
36136 Authentication Server Authentication Server
36137 Unable to establish communication Unable to establish communication
36150 Bematech printer error Bematech printer error
36151 Wrong number of parameters Wrong number of parameters
36152 Receipt is open Receipt is open
36153 Command doesn't exist Command doesn't exist
36154 Command doesn't start with ESC Command doesn't start with ESC
36155 Printer error Printer error
36156 Printer clock error Printer clock error
36157 Command not executed Command not executed
36158 Company #Reg. No.# or #VAT Reg. No.# not set in printer Company #Reg. No.# or #VAT Reg. No.# not set in printer
36159 Cancel receipt not permitted Cancel receipt not permitted
36160 #VAT# code can't be added to printer #VAT# code can't be added to printer
36161 #VAT# code not set in printer #VAT# code not set in printer
36162 Error in printer RAM Error in printer RAM
36163 Printer fiscal memory full Printer fiscal memory full
36164 Invalid command parameter Invalid command parameter
36180 Overview with #VAT# Overview with #VAT#
36181 Overview per #VAT# % Overview per #VAT# %
36190 Update Notes Update Notes
36191 Version No.: Version No.:
36192 Classification: Classification:
36193 Update Description Update Description
36194 Person Person
36195 Done Done
36196 Total number of records: Total number of records:
36251 Simulations Journal   Simulations Journal  
36252 Total: Simulations Journal   Total: Simulations Journal  
36253 Registered Simulations   Registered Simulations  
36254 Total   Total  
36255 Simul. No.   Simul. No.  
36256 All Simulations   All Simulations  
36257 Simulations:   Simulations:  
36260 Active   Active  
36261 Transfered Transfered
36262 Invalid Invalid
36263 Year end Stage 1 Year end Stage 1
36264 Year end Stage 2 Year end Stage 2
36269 muu other
36270 tehingut deals
36271 teist tehingut other deals
36272 tellimused orders
36273 võimalused opportunities
36274 pakkumised quotations
36275 projektid projects
36280 GMT GMT
36300 Rate Gain loss/Reverse Transaction next Month Rate Gain loss/Reverse Transaction next Month
37000 Too many records. Too many records
37001 Maximum Maximum
37002 records per month. records per month
37003 If you wish to continue, please purchase If you wish to continue, please purchase
37004 Too many rows. Too many rows
37005 Maximum Maximum
37006 rows per month. rows per month
37007 You will be redirected to Marketplace. You will be redirected to Marketplace.
37008 Please make a purchase in Marketplace to use this function. Please make a purchase in Marketplace to use this function.
37009 You can deactivate E-Invocing in Electronic Invoices Settings. You can deactivate e-Invoicing in Electronic Invoices Settings.
37010 Viimane makse ebaõnnestus. Last Payment failed.
37011 You are not registered. Finish registration using Routines You are not registered. Finish registration using Routines
37012 Sisestatud e-mail ja salasõna ei ole õiged. The email and password you entered don't match.
37013 We are sorry but we are not able to reach marketplace at the moment, please try again later. We are sorry but we are not able to reach marketplace at the moment, please try again later.
37014 Kasutaja User
37015 Ettevõte Company
37040 Check Server Log for Results... Check Server Log for Results...
37041 Error: Error:
37100 Navigation Centre Navigation #Centre#
37101 Shortcuts Shortcuts
37110 No Record available No Record available
37200 Queue or Menu allowed, not both Queue or Menu allowed, not both
37300 Asterisk Queue Status Live from Asterisk Server Asterisk Queue Status Live from Asterisk Server
37301 Holdtime (s: Holdtime (s):
37302 Answered: Answered:
37303 Abandoned: Abandoned:
37304 Caller id Caller id
37305 Wait Wait
37306 Name Name
37307 Address Address
37308 Calls Taken Calls Taken
37309 Last Taken Call (UTC Last Taken Call (UTC)
37310 Unknown Unknown
37311 Available Available
37312 Busy Busy
37313 Busy Busy
37313 Invalid Busy
37315 Disconnected Disconnected
37316 Ringing Ringing
37317 Ringing/Busy Ringing/Busy
37318 On Hold On Hold
37319 No Asterisk Servers could be contacted No Asterisk Servers could be contacted
37320 Current calls: Current calls:
37321 A time-out occurred while waiting for data from servers. Some queues may be missing from the report! A time-out occurred while waiting for data from servers. Some queues may be missing from the report!
37322 Device State Device State
37341 Price List Price List
37342 Disc. Matrix Disc. Matrix
37343 Qty Qty
37350 Allows only capital letters, numbers, - or / Allows only capital letters, numbers, - or /
37351 Allows only capital letters, numbers Allows only capital letters, numbers
37400 Makstud Paid
37401 On Trial On Trial
37402 Trial available Trial available
37403 Purchase available Purchase available
37404 Tee valik otseteedest Select item in Personal Desktop
37405 Vali artikkel Select item
37450 Pls approve cost. Click here:   Pls approve cost. Click here:  
37500 Rohkem kui üks arve tehtud More than one Invoice created
37501 Kinnitamise taotlus saadetud Approval Request sent
37502 Please, run Change Approval Activities Task Type maintenance Please, run Change Approval Activities Task Type maintenance
37503 Kinnitamise taotlus tühistatud Approval Request cancelled
37600 Uuendatud //##cc //Bk Updated by
37601   //##cc //Bk on
37602 Käive //##cc //Bk Turnover
37603 Saldo //##cc //Bk Balance
37604 Kuu //##cc //Bk Month
37605 #Salesmen# //##cc //Bk #Salesmen#
37606 Artikliklassid //##cc //Bk Item Groups
37607 Kliendid //##cc //Bk Customers
37608 Lahtised //##cc //Bk Outstanding
37609 Top 5 Võlgnikud //##cc //Bk Top 5 Debtors
37610 Top 5 Kreeditorid //##cc //Bk Top 5 Creditors
37611 Kogus //##cc //Bk Quantity
37612 Hind //##cc //Bk Cost
37613 MK //##cc //Bk GP
37614 Objekt //##cc //Bk Tag/Object
37615 Kliendiklass //##cc //Bk Customer Category
37616 Artikliklass //##cc //Bk Item Group
37617 Objekti Tüüp //##cc //Bk Tag/Object Type
37618 Kuukäive //##cc //Bk Monthly Turnover
37619 Eelmised 6 kuud //##cc //Bk Previous 6 Months
37620 Kasum ja kahjum //##cc //Bk Profit and Loss
37621 #Salesman# //##cc //Bk #Salesman#
37622 Müügigrupp //##cc //Bk Sales Group
37623 Konto //##cc //Bk Account
37624 Klient //##cc //Bk Customer
37625 Artikkel //##cc //Bk Item
37626 Kliendiklassifikaator //##cc //Bk; Customer Classification
37627 Artikliklassifikaator //##cc //Bk Item Classification
37628 Top  //##cc //Bk Top
38000 Could not receive proper reply from server Could not receive proper reply from server
38001 VAT Report successfully received #VAT# Report successfully sent
38002 Error on VAT Declaration Error on #VAT# Declaration
38003 VAT Declaration Re-Submitted: #VAT# Declaration Re-Submitted:
38004 Old Tax Service ID: Old Tax Service ID:
38005 Error sending VAT Declaration Error sending #VAT# Declaration
38006 Check Status: Check Status:
38007 Tax Service ID not filled in Tax Service ID not filled in
38008 Cannot Send VAT Declaration Cannot Send #VAT# Declaration
38020 Country Country
38021 Product Product
38022 Number Number
38023 Platform Platform
38024 Build Build
38025 Release Date Date Version
38026 Available Apps On Web Available Apps On Web
38027 Nr. No.
38028 Kokku Total
38029 Total per Country Total per Country
38031 Natural Resource Usage Natural Resource Usage
38032 Doc. No. Doc. No.
38033 Doc. Type Doc. Type
38034 Kuupäev Date
38035 Artikkel Item
38036 Klient/tarnija Customer/Supplier
38037 Resource Resource
38038 Kaal Weight
38039 Vastu võetud Received
38040 Müüdud Sold
38051 User slots User slots
38052 Slot Slot
38053 Session Session
38054 Socket Socket
38055 User User
38056 Mailbox Mailbox
38057 Last seen Last seen
38058 Business Communicator for Handsets users Communication #Centre# for Handsets users
38059 Signature Signature
38060 Mailbox Mailbox
38062 Handset Handset
38063 IP IP
38064 Klienditüüp Client type
38065 OS versioon OS Version
38080 Kasutajal puudub e-maili aadress Users missing Email Address
38081 Kasutaja User
38082 Nimi Name
38100 Only Numbers Allowed Only Numbers Allowed
38150 Pakkumised //##cc //Bk Quotations
38151 Tellimused //##cc //Bk Orders
38152 Arved //##cc //Bk Invoices
38153 Päeva statistika //##cc //Bk Dayly Statistics
38200 Kõik All
38201 Märksõnad Tags
38202 Otsi Search
38210 Juhised parooli muutmiseks on saadetud e-mailiga Email with Instructions has been sent to Your Mailbox.
38211 E-maili aadress on kehtetu Not a valid email address
38212 Tundmatu kasutaja Specified StandardID could not be found. Please make sure StandardID has been validated.
38213 Ühenduse viga Communications error
38290 Kas soovid, et kasutajanimi ja salasõna talletatakse ning kasutatakse selles arvutis sisenemisel vaikimisi? Remember signature and password and set as default login on this device?
38300 Asterisk kasutaja Live hetkeseis Asterisk serverist Asterisk User Status Live from Asterisk Server
38301 SIP kasutaja SIP User
38302 Hetkeseis Status
38319 Väärtus peab olema 0 ja 10 vahel Value must be between 0 and 10
38320 Sissetulev kõne Incoming call
38321 Helistaja Call from
38322 Vastuvõtja Answer
38323 Kõne ebaõnnestus: Call failed:
38324 Registreerimine ebaõnnestus Registration failed for
38325 Loobumine lõpetab kõik kõned. Kas soovid loobuda? Quitting will end your ongoing calls. Do you want to quit?
38326 (vaikimisi (default)
38327 (ühendatud (connected)
38328 Vaigista Mute
38329 Hääl tagasi Unmute
38330 This watchpoint type requires either node or cloud server field to be blank. This watchpoint type requires either node or cloud server field to be blank.
38331 Watchpoints requires the Business Alerts settings to be set to 'Send SMS' and a valid 'System Phone No.', please change the settings and try again. Watchpoints requires the Business Alerts settings to be set to 'Send SMS' and a valid 'System Phone No.', please change the settings and try again.
38332 Vali Cloud Node või Cloud Server Choose either a Node or Cloud Server
38333 The Mobile Phone No. of the contact is the same as the System Phone No. in Business Alerts Settings. Please change one of the phone numbers and try again. The Mobile Phone No. of the contact is the same as the System Phone No. in Business Alerts Settings. Please change one of the phone numbers and try again.
38334 Specify either one single Cloud Server or tick All Cloud Servers, you can't do both. Specify either one single Cloud Server or tick All Cloud Servers, you can't do both.
38335 Duration must be longer than Interval Duration must be longer than Interval
38336 Watchpoint can be used only for Nodes Watchpoint can be used only for Nodes
38350 SIP Laiendid, Isikud SIP Extensions, Persons
38351 SIP Laiendid SIP Extension
38352 Tundmatu kontakti kood Isiku kaardil Unknown Contact Code on Person Record
38353 Välista suletud Isikud Exclude Closed Persons
38354 Isikute arv Number of Persons
38355 Ainult koos SIP Laienditega Only with SIP Extensions
38356 Ainult ilma SIP Laienditeta Only without SIP Extensions
38357 Globaalsed kasutajad Global Persons
38358 Globaalsete kasutajate arv Number of Global Persons
38370 Keskjaama kõned Switchboard Calls
38371 Kasutaja vastamata keskjaama kõned User missed Switchboard Calls
38372 Serveri vastamata keskjaama kõned Server missed Switchboard Calls
38373 Serveri keskjaama kõned Server Switchboard Calls
38374 Kasutaja keskjaama kõned User Switchboard Calls
38375 Kuupäev Date
38376 Aeg Time
38377 Klient Customer
38378 Kontakt Contact
38379 Kulu Cost
38380 Signatuur Signature
38381 Kommentaar Comment
38382 Isik: Person:
38383 Tegevuse tüüp: Activity Type:
38384 K.a. kõik ettevõtted Include all Companies
38385 Show Persons with no Records Show Persons with no Records
38386 Kood Code
38387 Nimi Name
38388 Kõnede arv Number of Calls
38400 Faili ei eksisteeri lokaalselt File does not exist locally
38401 Faili üleslaadimine õnnestus File uploaded successfully
38402 Faili üleslaadimise viga. File upload Error.
38403 Logo fail salvestateud serverist lokaalselt Stored logo file locally from Server
38404 Logo fail peab olema väiksem kui 2 MB Logo file must be smaller than 2 MB
38405 Selle faili täpne koopia on juba serveris An exact duplicate of this file already exists on the server
38406 Viga: Vastuvõetud MD5-e hash on tühi Error: Received MD5 hash is blank
38407 Palun lisage üleslaadimiseks kohalik fail. Please provide a local file to upload.
38408 Oodatakse faili nime Expecting filename
38420 Cloud Node on juba seadistatud ja töötab The Cloud Node is already setup and running
38421 Leitud ja käivitatud olemasolev Cloud Node'i installatsioon An existing Cloud Node installation was found and started
38422 Cloud Node allalaadimise ja installimise alustamine Start download and installation of the Cloud Node
38423 Port peab olema suurem kui 79 ja unikaalne Port numbers must be higher than 79 and unique
38424 Kasutad majutuskeskkonda Using Hosting #centre#
38425 Registering Server on an existing Cloud Node Registering Server on an existing Cloud Node
38430 E-maili vaatamise ajalugu Email Read History
38431 Tegevus Activity
38432 Klient Customer
38433 Vaatamine Read
38434 Tegevused kokku Total Activities
38435 Vaatamised kokku Total Reads
38440 E-maili kinnitamise hetkeseis StandardID Validation Status
38441 E-maili ei ole määratud No StandardID specified
38442 Saada kinnitus uuesti Resend validation email
38443 Kood Code
38444 Nimi Name
38445 E-mail StandardID
38446 Staatus Status
38447 Päevi jäänud Days Left
38450 Projekti staatus Project Activity Status
38451 Projekt Project
38452 Vastutav isik Responsible Person
38453 Staatus State
38454 Staatus ei ole lubatud State not allowed
38455 Tüüp Type
38456 Staatus muutub State changes
38457 Subtasks Subtasks
38458 Tüüp muutub Type changes
38459 Isik muutub Persons changes
38460 Veebilehe info From
38461 Kellele To
38462 Aega kulunud Time Spent
38463 Muudetud Changed
38464 at at
38465 By By
38466 Prioriteetide muudatused Priorities changes
38467 Projekti muudatuste arv Number of Project changes
38468 Tegevuste arv Number of Activities
38469 Kogus Quant
38470 Kuu Month
38471 Päev Day
38472 Aasta Week
38473 Tegevuste arv Number of Activities
38480 #VAT# väljund #VAT# Output
38481 #VAT# Nr. #VAT# No.
38482 Nimi Name
38483 Net Net
38484 #VAT# #VAT#
38485 Kokku Total
38490 #VAT# sisend #VAT# Input
38491 #VAT# Nr. #VAT# No.
38492 Nimi Name
38493 Net Net
38494 #VAT# #VAT#
38495 Kokku Total
38500 Kreedit POS arve Cred. POS Inv.
38510 Saada e-maili järjekord Sent Email Queue
38511 Seer. Nr. Ser. No.
38512 Kuupäev Date
38513 Aeg Time
38514 Päis Header
38515 Peate täpsustama e-maili aadressi. You need to specify an email address.
38530 Ettevõtete risttoimingute kontode võrdlus Inter-Company Account Comparison
38531 Ettevõte Company
38540 Edasi lükatud Postponed
38541 Nõustus Accepted
38542 Keeldus Rejected
38543 Ei ole saadaval uue E-maili jaoks Not available for New Email
38544 Vastuvõtmine on nõutav Acceptance required
38550 Sorteeritud riigi järgi Sorted by Country
38560 POS boonus POS Bonus
38561 #Salesman# #Salesman#
38562 Müügiassistent Sales Assistant
38563 Bagger Bagger
38570 Elektrooniline Journal Electronic Journal
38571 Tüüp Type
38572 Nr. No.
38573 Kuupäev Date
38574 Aeg Time
38575 Kassasahtel avatud Cash drawer opened at
38576 Ettemaksuarve Proforma Invoice
38577 prinditud printed at
38578 Arve Invoice
38579 koopia copy
38580 X aruanne X Report
38581 Z aruanne Z Report
38582 #VAT# #VAT#
38583 Kokku Total
38584 Kviitund Receipt
38585 Eelmine hind Previous price
38586 Ava baari arve Open #Bar Tab#
38587 Sulge baari arve Close #Bar Tab#
38588 Baari arve #Bar Tab#
38589 Hinnaotsing Price Lookup
38590 Pilveserveri nimekiri Remote Cloud Server List
38591 Kontroller: Controller:
38592 Node kokku Total on Node
38593 Kokku Total
38594 Servereid ei leitud There were no servers found
38600 Intrastat #P/L# Intrastat #P/L#
38601 Artikkel Item
38602 Summa Sum
38603 Kaal Weight
38604 Kogus Qty
38605 Riik Country
38606 Päritoluriik Orig. Country
38607 Teh. tüüp Trans. Type
38608 Läh. ting. Del. Terms
38609 Läh. viis Del. Mode
38610 Summa Sum
38620 Intrastat #S/L# Intrastat #S/L#
38621 Artikkel Item
38622 Sumam Sum
38623 Kaal Weight
38624 Kogus Qty
38625 Riik Country
38626 Tehingu tüüp Trans. Type
38627 Läh. ting. Del. Terms
38628 Läh. rez. Del. Mode
38629 Summa Sum
38630 Kasutatud veebilehtede nimekiri Used Web Page List
38631 Pages Containing Template Pages Containing Template
38632 Pages Missing Template Pages Missing Template
38650 Z-aruanne Z-Report
38651 X-aruanne X-Report
38652 Cash float Cash float
38653 Müüdud artiklite arv Number of sold items
38654 Müügisumma kokku Total sales amount
38655 Allahindlused Discounts
38656 Tagastatud artiklite arv Number of returned items
38657 Tagastatud summa Returned amount
38658 KM% VAT%
38659 Kogusumma (neto Grand total nett
38660 Kogusumma (müük Grand total sales
38661 Sularahamaksed Cash payments
38662 Krediitkaardimaksed Credit Card payments
38663 Deebetkaardimaksed Debit Card payments
38664 Kinkekaardimaksed Gift Voucher payments
38665 Maksed kokku Payments total
38666 Kogus - arved No. of Invoices
38667 Kogus - kinnitamata arved No. of not OKed Invoices
38668 Kogus - prinditud arved No. of printed Invoices
38669 Kogus - prinditud arvete koopiad No. of printed Invoices copies
38670 Kogus - kassasahtli avamised No. of cash drawer openings
38671 Arve Invoice
38672 Raha tagasi Change given
38673 Sularaha Cash
38674 Krediitkaart Credit Card
38675 Deebetkaart Debit Card
38676 Kinkekaart Gift Voucher
38677 Swish Swish
38678 Terminali ID Terminal ID
38679 Org. No. Org. No.
38680 No. of Proforma Invoices No. of Proforma Invoices
38681 Price Lookups Price Lookups
38682 Discounts amounts Discounts amounts
38683 No. of Discounts No. of Discounts
38684 Tagastatud artiklid Returned Items
38685 Line Corrections Line Corrections
38686 Hinna muutus Price Change
38687 Koguse muutus Quantity Change
38688 Kustuta arve rida Delete Invoice Row
38689 Total Sales Amount with VAT Total Sales Amount with VAT
38690 Total Sales Without VAT Total Sales Without VAT
38691 Kogus Quantity
38692 Summa Amount
38693 Z-Report No. Z-Report No.
38694 No. of Proforma Invoices Copies No. of Proforma Invoices Copies
38695 M-Pesa M-Pesa
38800 Invoice Invoice
38801 was sent out of sequence. Correct invoice number could not be determined. Please try sending again. was sent out of sequence. Correct invoice number could not be determined. Please try sending again.
38802 was sent out of sequence. Next invoice should have been invoice nr was sent out of sequence. Next invoice should have been invoice nr
38803 Unknown parsing error (loginTicketResponse Unknown parsing error (loginTicketResponse)
38804 Will try again Will try again
38805 Retried 5 times. Giving up. Retried 5 times. Giving up.
38806 Unknown parsing error (FECAESolicitarResponse Unknown parsing error (FECAESolicitarResponse)
38807 FECAESolicitarResponse: FECAESolicitarResponse:
38808 Unknown parsing error (FEXAuthorizeResponse Unknown parsing error (FEXAuthorizeResponse)
38809 FEXAuthorizeResponse: FEXAuthorizeResponse:
38815 Information for Skatteverket: SE-version Information for Skatteverket: SE-version
38816 Lohista isiklikud lühiteed siia Drag your personal shortcuts to this area
38817 Drag related records to this area Drag related records to this area
38818 Drag relevant files to this area Drag relevant files to this area
38820 Andmebaasi tõstmine pilve ebaõnnestus. Ei saanud koostada andmebaasi koopiat. Failed to send Database to Cloud. Could not create Database copy.
38821 Kõik andmed on edukalt tõstetud pilve. All your data have been successfully moved to cloud.
38822 There was a problem while migrating your data. Please contact our support for further details. There was a problem while migrating your data. Please contact our support for further details.
38823 Migration in Progress Migration in Progress
38824 0
38825 Serverit ei leitud. No Server found.
38826 Serveriga ühendamine Connecting to Server
38827 Loo mitmekasutaja pilve installatsioon? Create a multi-user cloud installation?
38840 All Items on the Contract have already been ordered All Items on the Contract have already been ordered
38850 No Credit Card Slip with that Serial Number   No Credit Card Slip with that Serial Number  
38900 Ei saa lugeda sõnumit vastuse failist. Cannot read message from reply file.
38901 Ei saa koostada käsufaili. Cannot create command file.
38903 Ei saa lugeda #VAT# määrasid Can not read #VAT# Rates
38921 Viga käsufailis. Error in command file.
38922 Command file executed, fiscal memory updated, printing failed. Command file executed, fiscal memory updated, printing failed.
38923 Problem with hardware (printer or fiscal memory is detected. Problem with hardware (printer or fiscal memory) is detected.
38924 EFT operation failed. Receipt printed and canceled. Fiscal memory is changed.. EFT operation failed. Receipt printed and canceled. Fiscal memory is changed..
38999 Fatal error during detected during communication with fiscal memory. Fatal error during detected during communication with fiscal memory.
39100 Reg.nr. Reg. No.  
39101 #VAT Reg. No.# #VAT Reg. No.#
39102 Tel. Tel.  
39103 Faks Fax  
39104 Kuni Till  
39105 Arve nr. Invoice No.  
39106 Klient Customer  
39107 Täname külastamast Thank you for shopping  
39108 Kokku Total  
39109 Saadud Received  
39110 Tagasi Change  
39111 #VAT# #VAT#  
39112 Sularaha Cash  
39113 Kaart Card  
39114 Vautsher Voucher  
39115 Tsekk Cheque  
39116 Teminali ID Teminal ID  
39150 HunTaxControlXml //export filename HunTaxControlXml //export filename
39170 Päringu saatmine õnnestus Request sent succesfully
39171 Päring ebaõnnestus Request failed
39172 Päring aegunud Request timed out
39180 Hinnad ei ole toale määratud Prices not defined for room
39190 Arve ametlik number on kehtetu Invoice Official Number Invalid
39191 Kogus ei ole saadetud või vastu võetud, arvet ei koostatud Qty not sent or received and the invoice is not created
39192 Laoliikumise arve on juba koostatud, palun printige see uuesti mallide alt Stock Movement Invoice was already created, please re-print it from Forms
39193 Laoliikumise arve peab olema enne printimist salvestatud Stock Movement Invoice must be saved before printing it
39194 Laoliikumise tüüp ei ole õige Incorrect Stock Movement type
39195 Arve hash'i viga Invoice Hash Error
39196 Official Invoice Number Serie Error. Blank. Official Invoice Number Serie Error. Blank.
39197 Ei ole seotud müügitellimusega Not linked to Sales Order
39210 Korduvad ülesanded Recurring Tasks
39211 Kastuaja User
39212 Tüüp Type
39213 Kuupäev Date
39214 Kommentaar Comment
39215 Staatus Status
39216 Lõpetatud Completed
39230 Seeniorite soodustused Senior Citizen Discount
39231 Arve nr. Inv. No.
39232 Kuupäev Date
39233 ID nr. ID No.
39234 Nimi Name
39235 Koos KM-ga Incl. #VAT#
39236 #VAT# #VAT#
39237 Ilma KM-ta Excl. #VAT#
39238 Allahindlus Discount
39239 Summa Amount
39250 Maksete register Payment Journal
39251 CD CD
39252 Kuupäev Date
39253 Nimi Name
39254 Tseki kuupäev Cheque Date
39255 Summa Sum
39256 ID ID
39257 Panga nimi Bank Name
39258 Deebet Debit
39259 Kreedit Credit
39260 Sularaha väljamaksete Journal Cash Disbursements Journal
39270 Laekumiste register Receipt Journal
39271 CD CD
39272 Kuupäev Date
39273 Nimi Name
39274 Tseki kuupäev Cheque Date
39275 Summa Sum
39276 ID ID
39277 Panga nimi Bank Name
39278 Deebet Debit
39279 Kreedit Credit
39280 Sularaha laekumiste register Cash Receipt Journal
39350 Otsi kausta Find Conference
39351 Kaust Conference
39352 Kausta ei leitud Conference cannot be found
39370 Subject to Reverse #VAT# Charge Subject to Reverse #VAT# Charge
39371 Reversed VAT invoice text Reversed #VAT# invoice text
39372 Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the reverse charge output tax Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the reverse charge output tax
39373 Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the output tax adjustment Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the output tax adjustment
39374 Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the reverse charge output tax on the VAT exclusive price of items marked reverse charge Reverse charge: Customer to account to HMRC for the reverse charge output tax on the #VAT# exclusive price of items marked reverse charge
39375 Reverse charge: customer to account to HMRC for the adjustment to reverse charge output tax on the VAT exclusive price of items marked reverse charge Reverse charge: customer to account to HMRC for the adjustment to reverse charge output tax on the #VAT# exclusive price of items marked reverse charge
39400 Intressikulu arvutus Interest Cost Calculation
39401 Arve nr. Invoice No.
39402 Arve summa Invoice Amount
39403 Avatud summa Open Amount
39404 Makse nr. Payment No.
39405 Makse kuupäev Payment Date
39406 Tähtaeg Due Date
39407 Viivitatud päevad Days delay
39408 Payment Amount Payment Amount
39409 Määr Rate
39410 Tasu Fee
39500 Sales Invoices Journal               //Dziennik Faktur Sprzedazy Sales Invoices Journal               //Dziennik Faktur Sprzedaży
39501 Receipts Journal                     //Dziennik Zapat Receipts Journal                     //Dziennik Zapłat
39502 Purchase invoices Journal            //Dziennik Faktur Zakupu Purchase invoices Journal           //Dziennik Faktur Zakupu
39503 Payments journal                     //Dziennik Patnosci Payments journal                     //Dziennik Płatności
39504 Goods receipts journal               //Dziennik PZ/PW Goods receipts journal               //Dziennik PZ/PW
39505 Deliveries journal                   //Dziennik WZ Deliveries journal                   //Dziennik WZ
39506 Stock depreciations journal          //Dziennik RW Stock depreciations journal         //Dziennik RW
39507 Expenses journal                     //Dziennik Wydatków Pracowniczych Expenses journal                     //Dziennik Wydatków Pracowniczych
39508 Personal payments journal            //Dziennik Zaliczek Personal payments journal           //Dziennik Zaliczek
39509 Stock movements journal              //Dziennik MM Stock movements journal             //Dziennik MM
39510 Cash in journal                      //Dziennik KP Cash in journal                     //Dziennik KP
39511 Cash out journal                     //Dziennik KW Cash out journal                     //Dziennik KW
39512 Transactions journal                 //Dziennik PK Transactions journal                 //Dziennik PK
39513 Productions journal                  //Dziennik Produkcji Productions journal                 //Dziennik Produkcji
39514 Returned goods journal               //Dziennik Zwrotów Towaru Returned goods journal               //Dziennik Zwrotów Towaru
39515 Work sheets journal                  //Dziennik Kart Pracy Work sheets journal                 //Dziennik Kart Pracy
39516 Assets disposals journal             //Dziennik Odpisów ST Assets disposals journal             //Dziennik Odpisów ŚT
39517 POS invoices journal                 //Dziennik Faktur/Paragonów Sklep POS invoices journal                 //Dziennik Faktur/Paragonów Sklep
39518 Tagastatud kaubad tarnijatele //Dziennik Zwrotów Towaru Do Dostawcy Returned goods to suppliers journal //Dziennik Zwrotów Towaru Do Dostawcy
39519 Internal invoices journal            //Dziennik Faktur Wewnetrznych Internal invoices journal           //Dziennik Faktur Wewnętrznych
39520 #VAT# Corrections #S/L# journal           //Dziennik Przeniesien VAT Nalezny #VAT# Corrections #S/L# journal           //Dziennik Przeniesień VAT Należny  
39521 #VAT# Correction #P/L# journal           //Dziennik Przeniesien VAT Naliczony #VAT# Correction #P/L# journal           //Dziennik Przeniesień VAT Naliczony
39522 Tootmise operatsioonide nimekiri        //Dziennik Operacji Produkcji Production operations journal       //Dziennik Operacji Produkcji  
39523 Stock  Revaluations journal          //Dziennik Zmian Wyceny Magazynu Stock  Revaluations journal          //Dziennik Zmian Wyceny Magazynu
39524 Returned Goods Returned Goods
39525 Asset Disposal Asset Disposal
39526 Cash Invoice Cash Invoice
39527 Returned Goods To Supplier Returned Goods To Supplier
39528 Internal Invoice Internal Invoice
39529 #VAT# Correction #S/L# #VAT# Correction #S/L#
39530 #VAT# Correction #P/L# #VAT# Correction #P/L#
39531 Telephone is missing, check Person or Global user record Telephone is missing, check Person or Global user record
39581 Error, check file Error, check file
39582 Brak //in polish for JPK export Not existing
39583 Mistake Mistake
39600 Kliendil on laekumata arved üle tähtaja Customer has Overdue Invoices
39650 CyberSource: Secure Acceptance refunds should be processed on the Merchant side. CyberSource: Secure Acceptance refunds should be processed on the Merchant side.
39700 Ei ole tulemusi, mida eksportida No Results to Export
39701 iSAF eksport iSAF Export
39702 Versioon Version
39703 Andmetüüp Data Type
39704 Loomise kp. Date Created
39705 Registreeringu number Registration Number
39706 Tarkvara ettevõtte nimi Software Company Name
39707 Tarkvara nimi Software Name
39708 Tarkvara versioon Software Version
39709 Päis Header
39710 Kliendid Customers
39711 Kliendi ID Customer ID
39712 Nimi Name
39713 #VAT# reg.nr. #VAT# Reg. Nr.
39714 Reg.nr. Reg. Nr.
39715 Riik Country
39716 Tarnija ID Supplier ID
39717 Tarnijad Suppliers
39718 Ostuarved Purchase Invoices
39719 Nr No
39720 Kuupäev Date
39721 Tüüp Type
39722 Maksukood Tax Code
39723 Baassumma Base Amount
39724 Maksustatav protsent Tax Percentage
39725 Maksustatav väärtus Taxable Value
39726 1Müügiarved Sales Invoices
39727 Maksed Payments
39728 Arve nr Inv. Nr
39729 Arve kp. Inv. Date
39730 Baassumma Base Amount
39731 #VAT# väärtus #VAT# Value
39732 Laekumised Receipts
39733 POS arved POS Invoices
39734 Kulutsed Expenses
39750 iVAZ eksport iVAZ Export
39751 Lähetused Deliveries
39752 Dokumendi number Document Number
39753 Dokumendi kuupäev Document Date
39754 Lähetuse aeg Time Of Dispatch
39755 Meie aadress Our Address
39756 Kliendi aadress Customer Address
39757 Transportija detailid Transporter Details
39758 Rida Line
39759 Kood Code
39760 Kirjeldus Description
39761 Ühik Unit
39762 Kogus Quantity
39763 Vastupidine Reversed
39764 Ekspordi need iSAF andmed xml-is Export this iSAF Data in xml
39770 Toitumise nõuded Dietary Requirements
39800 Tühista Cancel
40000 Kommentaar Comments
40001 Kirjeldus Descriptions
40002 Detailid Details
40003 Lisa kirjeldus Add Description  
40004 Kommentaar Comment
40020 Pangakontolt ei saadud vastust No reply received from Bank Receipt provider.
40021 Arve peab olema kinnitatud. Invoice needs to be oked.
40022 Pangakviitungi salvestamine õnnestus! Bank Receipt Stored Successfully!
40023 Test pangakonto salvestamine õnnestus Test Bank Receipt Stored Successfully!
40040 Weebi lehe info WebSite Info
40080 E-arvete statistika Electronic Invoices Statistics
40081 Ostetud Purchased
40082 Kasutatud Used
40083 Ülejäänud Remaining
40084 Arvet ei saadeta elektrooniliselt Invoice will not be sent as Eletronic Invoice
40100 Kirja vastuvõtmise hetkeseis Mails Acceptance Status
40101 Konverents Conference
40102 Määra konverents Specify Conference
40103 Kasutaja User
40104 Staatus Status
40105 Kuupäev Date
40150 Määra kasutaja ja prool Specify User and Password
40151 Panga konto puudub tasumisviisis Bank Account missing in Payment Mode
40152 Yodlee ei eksisteeri Yodlee user does not exist
40200 Masina nr. Machine No.
40201 Kuu Month
40202 Aasta Year
40203 Müük Sales
40204 Viimase arve nr. Last Invoice Number
40210 #VAT# pakkumise aruanne #VAT# REPORT PURCHASES
40211 Lp. Lp.
40212 Nr. No.
40213 #VAT# kp. #VAT# Date
40214 #Supplier# #Supplier#
40215 Nimi Name
40216 Sup. arve nr. Sup. Inv. No.
40217 Arve kp. Inv. Date
40218 #VAT No.# #VAT No.#
40219 Aadress Address
40220 #VAT Code# #VAT Code#
40221 Summa Amount
40222 #VAT# % #VAT# %
40223 #VAT# summa #VAT# Amount
40224 #VAT# eelmine periood #VAT# previous period
40225 #VAT# see periood #VAT# This period
40226 #VAT# järgmine periood #VAT# Next period
40227 Kokku Total
40228 Vale periood Wrong period
40229 Kokku Total
40230 Kulud Expenses
40231 Kokku ilma nullamäärata Total without zero rate
40232 Arved Invoices
40233 #Credit Notes# #Credit Notes#  
40234 Aruanne kokku Report Total
40245 #VAT# , müük #VAT# Report Sales
40246 Lp. Lp.
40247 Nr. No.
40248 #VAT# kp. #VAT# Date
40249 Klient Customer
40250 Nimi Name
40252 Arve kp. Inv. Date
40253 #VAT No.# #VAT No.#
40254 Aadress Address
40255 #VAT Code# #VAT Code#
40256 Summa Amount
40257 #VAT# % #VAT# %
40258 #VAT# summa #VAT# Amount
40259 #VAT# eel. periood #VAT# previous period
40260 #VAT# see periood #VAT# This period
40261 #VAT# järg. periood #VAT# Next period
40262 Kokku v.a. järgmine periood Total without next period
40263 Vale periood Wrong period
40264 Kokku Total
40265 Arve nr.   Invoice No.  
40266 Sisearved Internal Invoices  
40267 #Domestic# #Domestic#
40268 #Inside EU# #Inside EU#
40269 Eksport Export
40301 Arve juba saadetud Already Invoiced
40302 Tellimust ei eksisteeri Order does not exist
40303 Drip Ship Drip Ship
40304 Grupi arve Group Invoicing
40306 Klient on ootel Customer is on Hold
40307 Klient on suletud   Customer is Closed
40308 Määra kogus või kustuta #VAT# kood Specify amount or delete #VAT# code
40310 Parooli ei saa muuta kuna kasutaja on seotud Standard ID-ga Password can't be changed for a user linked to Standard ID
40311 Sisenemise õigused pole veel seadistatud. Kui sa just paigaldasid Cloud Node, palun oota 15.min ja siis logi MyStandard lehele Access rights were not set up yet. If you just installed Cloud node, please wait up to 15 minutes and then log into MyStandard Page
40330 See vihje on juba klient This lead is already Customer
40331 Protsent on väiksem kui lubatud Percent lower than allowed
40400 Ühendub... Connecting...
40401 Vali operatsiooni menüüst Muuda salasõna Use Change Password Operation Menu
40402 Viga   Error
40403 Ei tohi olla tühi May not be blank
40404 Parool ei ühti Passwords dont match
40405 Ühendus puudub No connection
40406 Cobrand sisenemine ebaõnnestus Cobrand login failed
40410 Operatsioon õnnestus Operation successfull
40411 Kasutaja on juba olemas User already exists
40412 Kasutaja sisselogimine nurjus User login failed
40430 Ühendus pole lubatud Integration not enabled
40431 Puudub ühendus No connection
40432 Avalara viga   Avalara error
40433 Ühendus õnnestus Connection successfull
40434 RPS Document Number is missing RPS Document Number is missing
40435 Only one integration can be enabled at a time Only one integration can be enabled at a time
40450 Liiga lühike vastus Too short reply
40451 Liiga pikk vastus Too long reply
40500 Põhi Main
40520 Vihje list Lead List
40521 Detailne Detailed
40522 Telefon Telephone
40523 Faks Fax
40524 E-mail Email
40526 Hinnang Rating
40527 Külm Cold
40528 Soe Warm
40529 Kuum Hot
40530 Riik Country
40531 Tööstus Industry
40532 Allikas Source
40533 Partner Partner
40534 Toode Product
40540 invoicing//Do not Translate!!! invoicing//Do not Translate!!!
40541 getting-started//Do not Translate!!! getting-started//Do not Translate!!!
40542 create-contact//Do not Translate!!! create-contact//Do not Translate!!!
40543 create-reservation//Do not Translate!!! create-reservation//Do not Translate!!!
40544 create-bartab//Do not Translate!!! create-bartab//Do not Translate!!!
40550 Kliendi pangakonto (IBAN on kohustuslik kui saata e-arve interneti panka Customer's Bank Account (IBAN) is mandatory when sending E-invoice to Internet Bank
40600 Palun vali raamatupidamisbaas ettevõtte seadistustes Please select Accounting Base in Company info setting in system module
40601 Koodi väärtus on vale. Code value is wrong.
40630 Laoliikumise arve zurnaal #Stock# Movement Invoice Journal
40631 Arve nr. Invoice No.
40632 Ametlik nr. Official Number
40633 Arve kp. Invoice Date
40634 Kliendi nimi Customer Name
40635 V.a. #VAT# Excl. #VAT#
40636 K.a. #VAT# Incl. #VAT#
40637 Ülevaade Overview
40638 Detailne Detailed
40639 Kokku v.a. #VAT# Total Excl. #VAT#
40640 Kokku k.a. #VAT# Total Incl. #VAT#
40641 Kokku dokumente Total Number of Documents
40642 Kokku Total
40643 Artikkel Item
40644 Tk. Qty
40645 Kirjeldus Description
40646 Baas summa Base Sum
40647 Summa Sum
40648 #V-Cd# #V-Cd#
40649 Antud laoliikumisega on keelatud artikleid lisada Not allowed to add items on this #stock# movement type)
40700 Aktsionäride nimekiri Shareholders List
40701 Kasutaja User
40702 Nimi Name
40703 Aktsia nr. No. Shares
40704 % %
40705 Aktsiaid kokku: Total Shares qty:
40706 Aktsiad müügiks Shares for Sale
40707 Aktsiad ostmiseks Shares to Buy
40750 Taksonoomia Taxonomy
40751 0 0 - None
40752 1 - S - SNC Base or International Accounting Standards 1 - S - SNC Base or International Accounting Standards
40753 2 - M - SNC Micro-entities 2 - M - SNC Micro-entities
40754 3 - N - IAS/IFRS 3 - N - IAS/IFRS
40755 4 - O - Other accounting 4 - O - Other accounting
40756 Viga Error
40760 Kaarti ei saa uuendada võrguühenduseta seadistuse korral Can't update Record in offline Mode
40761 Ei ole lubatud alates lao muutmisest //##cc Not allowed since #Stock# has been updated
40762 Not allowed when Insert at Original Position in Cost Queue is on. Create Return Goods from Delivery Not allowed when Insert at Original Position in Cost Queue is on. Create Return Goods from Delivery
40763 Muudatuste aktiveerimiseks tee rakendusele restart. Please restart Application to apply changes.
40764 Aruanne/eksport salvestatud faili. Report/Export written to file OK.
40765 Aruande/ekspordi salvestamine faili ebaõnnestus. Report/Export to file failed.
40800 Koosta Create
40801 #N/L# kanne #N/L# Transaction
40802 Makse Payment
40803 Kviitung Receipt
40804 Personali makse Personnel Payment
40805 Värskenda Show All
40806 Impordi kanded Import Transactions
40807 Viide Reference
40808 Vastav teave puudub No Matching Data
40809 Kinnita Confirm All
40810 Tühista Invalidate
40811 Laekumised Receipts
40812 Tasumised Payments
40813 Kinnita Confirm
40814 Get Bank Data Get Bank Data
40820 Guest Folios Guest Folios
40821 Klient Customer
40822 Nimi Name
40823 Artikkel Item
40824 Kogus Qty
40825 Kommentaar Comment
40826 Hind Price
40827 Allahindlus Disount
40828 Summa Sum
40829 Kokku Total
40850 Arved Invoices
40851 Laekumised Receipts
40852 Ostuarved #Purchase Invoices#
40853 Maksed Payments
40854 Kulutused Expenses
40855 Väljamaksed Personnel Payments
40856 Sisearved Internal Invoices
40857 Vara mahakandmised Asset Disposals
40858 Kaupade laekumised Goods Receipts
40859 Lähetused Deliveries
40860 Laoliikumised #Stock# Movements
40861 Lao amortisatsioonid #Stock Depreciations#
40862 Lao ümberhindlused #Stock# Revaluations
40863 #Stock# ülekanded #Stock# Transfers
40864 Tootmine Productions
40865 Tagastatud kaubad Returned Goods
40866 Tagastatud kaubad tarnijatele Returned Goods To #Suppliers#
40867 Transpordi teated Shipment Notifications
40868 Töölehed Work Sheets
40869 Sularaha sisse Cash In
40870 Sularaha välja Cash Out
40871 Forex tehingud Forex Transactions
40872 Tsekid #Cheques#
40873 Oma tsekid Own #Cheques#
40874 Krediidijuhtimine Credit Management
40875 Tegevused Activities
40876 Room Stay Room Stay
40877 Ressursikasutus Resource Usage
40878 POS saldod POS Balances
40879 Simulatsioonid Simulations
40880 Vale SAFT tüüp Wrong SAFT Type
40881 Tehingud Transactions
40882 Invoice can only be created for Global Movement #Stock# Movements Invoice can only be created for Global Movement #Stock# Movements
40883 Global Movement should be received in order to create invoice Global Movement should be received in order to create invoice
40884 Global Movement Nr. cannot be changed Global Movement Nr. cannot be changed
40885 Global Movement Date cannot be changed Global Movement Date cannot be changed
40886 Global Movement Location cannot be changed Global Movement Location cannot be changed
40887 All the Invoice rows should be the same as Global Movement rows All the Invoice rows should be the same as Global Movement rows
40888 Artiklikood rea kohta Item Code for row
40889 Kogus rea kohta Quantity for row
40890 should be should be
40891 Invoice cannot have extra rows comparing to originating Global Movement Invoice cannot have extra rows comparing to originating Global Movement
40892 Vähemalt ühel real peab olema kogus ja artikkel At least one row should have Quantity and Item
40950 Agent Room already exist for the period Agent Room already exist for the period
41009 Pause Sales Pause Sales
41010 Fiscal Printer is not in idle State. You won't be able receive Payments and print Receipts. Fiscal Printer is not in idle State. You won't be able receive Payments and print Receipts.
41011 Fiscal Printer is not in idle State. You can't print receipts. Fiscal Printer is not in idle State. You can't print receipts.
41012 Ei õnnestunud tuvastada kliendi käibemaksustaatust. Couldn't verify Customer's VAT status.
41013 Vähemalt ühel real peab olema kogus ja artikkel #Credited Invoice No.#
41050 Record must be in inspect mode Record must be in inspect mode
41051 Server Sequence Server Sequence
41052 Local Sequence Local Sequence
41053 Muudetud Changed
41054 Sent For Sync Sent For Sync
41055 Konflikt Conflict
41056 Sync Flags Sync Flags
41070 Kasutaja ajalugu User Record History
41071 Ettevõte Company
41072 Kuupäev Date
41073 Aeg Time
41074 Tegevus Action
41075 Register Register
41076 Tundmatu unknown
41077 Kasutaja User
41090 Maksete statistika Payments Statistics
41091 Tähtaja ületanud Overdue
41092 Keskm. maksmise aeg päevades Avg. Pay Days
41100 Asterisk seadistus Asterisk Setup
41101 your server is downloading components your server is downloading components
41102 components are being installed components are being installed
41103 Lõpetatud! Finished!
41104 lõpetatud edukalt completed successfully
41105 Cloud Node seadistus Cloud Node Setup
41106 sinu klient laeb komponente your client is downloading components
41107 allalaadimine ebaõnnestus, uuesti proovimine download failed, retrying
41108 allalaadimine ei ole saadaval selle versiooni jaoks download not available for this version
41109 allalaadimise viga, palun proovi hiljem uuesti download error, please try again later
41120 Fetching certificate Fetching certificate
41121 Checking Checking
41122 Manual certificate is valid, not fetching Manual certificate is valid, not fetching
41123 Public hostname not valid Public hostname not valid
41124 Current auto-certificate is valid Current auto-certificate is valid
41125 Storing Storing
41126 Done Done
41127 New certificate invalid New certificate invalid
41128 Auto certificate failed Auto certificate failed
41128 Registering Auto certificate failed
41129 Placing Order Placing Order
41130 Getting authentication tokens Getting authentication tokens
41131 Responding to challenge Responding to challenge
41132 Waiting for validation Waiting for validation
41133 Submitting CSR Submitting CSR
41134 Downloading new certificate Downloading new certificate
41150 Importing Watson Assistant Importing Watson Assistant
41151 clearing existing records // should be removed //!!TRANSLATE clearing existing records // should be removed
41152 fetching assistant workspace fetching assistant workspace
41153 creating intents creating intents
41154 creating entities creating entities
41155 creating dialog entries creating dialog entries
41156 Finished! Finished!
41157 completed successfully completed successfully
41158 Failed! Failed!
41159 assistant workspace could not downloaded assistant workspace could not downloaded
41160 processing dialog entries processing dialog entries
41501 Loading available phone numbers... Loading available phone numbers...
41502 You must specify the API key and secret, which you'll find on the Vonage Dashboard. You must specify the API key and secret, which you'll find on the Vonage Dashboard.
41504 Failed to order phone number, Vonage replied:   Failed to order phone number, Vonage replied:
41505 Phone number ordered successfully! Phone number ordered successfully!
41600 Kaart The record
41601 muudeti was changed
41602 // "by" by
41603 This type does not support any parameters This type does not support any parameters
41604 This type only supports Parameter 1 This type only supports Parameter 1
41605 This type requires Parameter 1 This type requires Parameter 1
41700 Kes on vaadanud arveid Who has seen Invoices
41701 Vali klient Specify Customer
41702 Klient Customer
41703 Nr. No.
41704 Kasutaja User
41705 Toiming Status
41706 Kuupäev Date
41707 Kellaaeg Time
41720 There is no Opt-in Link retrieved. There is no Opt-in Link retrieved.
41721 You must specify Type of Letter You want to send You must specify Type of Letter You want to send
41760 Running with DigiDoc support Running with DigiDoc support
41761 Couldn't initialize DigiDoc, DigiDoc file not created: Couldn't initialize DigiDoc, DigiDoc file not created:
41762 Couldn't initialize DigiDoc card reader subsystem: Couldn't initialize DigiDoc card reader subsystem:
41763 Couldn't create DigiDoc container, DigiDoc file not created: Couldn't create DigiDoc container, DigiDoc file not created:
41764 Couldn't add data file to DigiDoc container: Couldn't add data file to DigiDoc container:
41765 Couldn't sign the container, DigiDoc file not created: Couldn't sign the container, DigiDoc file not created:
41766 Couldn't save the DigiDoc file: Couldn't save the DigiDoc file:
41767 No data given to sign, couldn't create the DigiDoc file: No data given to sign, couldn't create the DigiDoc file:
41768 Signature validation error, couldn't create the DigiDoc file: Signature validation error, couldn't create the DigiDoc file:
41800 URL puudu URL missing
41801 Sertifikaat puudu Certificate missing
41802 Private Key missing Private Key missing
41803 Private Key password missing Private Key password missing
41811 Telefoninumber puudu Phone Number Missing
41812 Kasutaja võti puudu Consumer Key Missing
41813 Tarbija võti puudu Consumer Secret Missing
41814 Kasutajanimi puudu Username Missing
41830 Kasutajaõiguste kontroll Access Check
41831 Nimi Name
41832 Allkiri Signature
41833 Ettevõtted Companies
41834 Ligipääs Access
41835 Kokku Total
41836 kasutaja(t users
41837 dummy dummy
41838 täielik full
41839 ainult loe read-only
41840 loe & koosta read & new
41841 piiratud limited
41842 puudub none
41843 sirvi browse
41844 sirvi & koosta browse & new
41845 Üldine>>Isikud System>>Persons
41846 Üldine>>Ligipääsu grupid System>>Access Groups
41847 Üldine>>üksikud funktsioonid System>>Single Functions
41848 Üldine>>Globaalsed kasutajad Technics>>Global Users
41860 Imported Imported
41861 Awaiting validation Awaiting validation
41862 Validated Validated
41863 Rejected Rejected
41864 Signed Signed
41865 To be delivered To be delivered
41866 Sent to Invoice Exchange System (SDI Sent to Invoice Exchange System (SDI)
41867 Delivered to Invoice Exchange System (SDI Delivered to Invoice Exchange System (SDI)
41868 Rejected by Invoice Exchange System (SDI Rejected by Invoice Exchange System (SDI)
41869 Delivered to Recipient Delivered to Recipient
41870 Delivery failed Delivery failed
41871 Not possible to deliver to recipient Not possible to deliver to recipient
41872 Signed file received Signed file received
41873 Unexpected generic error Unexpected generic error
41874 Invoice not present Invoice not present
41875 User has failed to sign in to the system User has failed to sign in to the system
41876 Error when saving on to the db Error when saving on to the db
41877 Invoice bigger than the maximum size SLA (Service Level Agreement Invoice bigger than the maximum size SLA (Service Level Agreement)
41878 XSD validation with the specific description of the error XSD validation with the specific description of the error
41879 Invalid delegated user Invalid delegated user
41880 Sender ID not present or different from Aruba PEC S.p.A Sender ID not present or different from Aruba PEC S.p.A
41881 The service is temporarily unavailable, the user permissions cannot be verified. The service is temporarily unavailable, the user permissions cannot be verified.
41882 "VAT Reg. No." or "Reg. No.", at least one must be present "VAT Reg. No." or "Reg. No.", at least one must be present
41883 The Customer E-Invoice Account (SDI Code is not correct The Customer E-Invoice Account (SDI Code) is not correct
41884 The size of an E-Invoice must be less or equal to 5Mb, please reduce the attachments size The size of an E-Invoice must be less or equal to 5Mb, please reduce the attachments size
41885 "E-Invoice Account" or "Alt. Invoice E-Invoice Account", at least one must be present "E-Invoice Account" or "Alt. Invoice E-Invoice Account", at least one must be present
41886 VAT Entity non present and Item's %VAT is equal to zero VAT Entity non present and Item's %VAT is equal to zero
41887 VAT Entity is present and Item's %VAT is not equal to zero VAT Entity is present and Item's %VAT is not equal to zero
41900 Request failed. Request failed.
41901 Terminal ID is missing Terminal ID is missing
41902 Select Terminal Type in Local Credit Card Terminal Select Terminal Type in Local Credit Card Terminal
41903 Specify IP address in Local Credit Card Terminal Specify IP address in Local Credit Card Terminal
41904 Specify IP port in Local Credit Card Terminal Specify IP port in Local Credit Card Terminal
41920 Already charged. Already charged.
41921 Mailbox is closed Mailbox is closed
41950 Please resubmit your #VAT# Declaration after granting access. Please resubmit your #VAT# Declaration after granting access.
41951 Refreshing access token failed. Refreshing access token failed.
41952 Obligation for selected period has been fulfilled. Obligation for selected period has been fulfilled.
41953 Submitting #VAT# Declaration failed. Submitting #VAT# Declaration failed.
41954 Receiving access token failed. Receiving access token failed.
41955 #VAT# report for this period already submitted. #VAT# report for this period already submitted.
41956 #VAT# Declaration must be OKed. #VAT# Declaration must be OKed.
41957 Authorisation granted! Authorisation granted!
41958 Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf. Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf.
41959 Authorisation failed. Authorisation failed.
41960 Period is incorrect for required Obligation. Period is incorrect for required Obligation.
41961 Access token received. Access token received.
41980 The server database you are connecting to have no companies. The server database you are connecting to has no companies.
41981 Your device is offline, please connect to the internet and try again. Your device is offline, please connect to the internet and try again.
42000 Opportunity Opportunity
42001 Contract Quotation Contract Quotation
42002 Items Out Items Out
42003 Collection   Collection  
42010 Change Price Change Price
42011 Change Quantity Change Quantity
42012 Application startup Application startup
42013 Application shutdown Application shutdown
42014 User login User login
42015 User logout User logout
42100 Intrastat #S/L# Intrastat #S/L#
42101 Item Item
42102 Name Name
42103 Delivery terms Delivery terms
42104 Country Country
42105 C. of origin C. of origin
42106 Weight Weight
42107 Qty Qty
42108 Inv. val. Inv. val.
42109 Stat. Value Stat. Value
42110 Documents: Documents:
42111 Grouped by Item Code Grouped by Item Code
42112 Only Stocked Items Only Stocked Items
42130 Intrastat #P/L# Intrastat #P/L#
42131 Item Item
42132 Name Name
42133 Delivery terms Del. terms
42134 Country Country
42135 C. of origin C. of origin
42136 Weight Weight
42137 Qty Qty
42138 Inv. val. Inv. val.
42139 Stat. Value Stat. Value
42140 Documents: Documents:
42141 Grouped by Item Code Grouped by Item Code
42142 Only Stocked Items Only Stocked Items
42143 #VAT Reg. No.# #VAT Reg. No.#
42144 Del. mode Del. mode
42170 This document is posting #VAT#. Specify #VAT# base and #VAT# base opposite Accounts in Account usage SL This document is posting #VAT#. Specify #VAT# base and #VAT# base opposite Accounts in Account usage SL
42171 This document is posting #VAT#. Specify #VAT# base and #VAT# base opposite Accounts in Account usage PL This document is posting #VAT#. Specify #VAT# base and #VAT# base opposite Accounts in Account usage PL
42172 #VAT# Out of Period A/C not found, check Account Usage P/L #VAT# Out of Period A/C not found, check Account Usage P/L
42180 ERROR: missing #VAT Reg. No.# on Invoice #VAT Reg. No.# on Invoice missing
42190 PersPay- PersPay-
42191 Missing required data for SEPA export, please check your settings Missing required data for SEPA export, please check your settings
42223 AID AID
42224 APN APN
42225 TVR TVR
42226 TSI TSI
42240 Thank You Thank You
42241 Please keep your receipt Please keep your receipt
42242 ** Cardholder Copy ** ** Cardholder Copy **
42243 ** Merchant Copy ** ** Merchant Copy **
42280 Maksa arve Pay now
42281 Registration successful Registration successful
42282 Merchant ID does not exist Merchant ID missing. Check Payment Gateway record
42283 Payment Gateway does not exist Payment Gateway does not exist
42284 Registration failed. Please save and try again Registration failed. Please try again
42285 Registration failed. Merchant ID partner not supported Registration failed. Merchant ID partner not supported
42286 Registration failed. Currency is not supported by this partner Registration failed. Currency is not supported by this partner
42287 PayLink registration not found PayLink registration not found
42288 Automatically send Email on Invoice OK is disabled. Please check your Sales Invoice Settings Automatically send Email on Invoice OK is disabled. Please check your Sales Invoice Settings
42289 Registration Failed. Missing registration credentials. Registration Failed. Missing registration credentials.
42290 Enable PayLink checkbox not enabled, check Contact record Enable PayLink checkbox not enabled, check Contact record
42291 Maksa Pay
42292 Summa kokku Total Amount
42293 Failed to update Payment Gateway on PayLink Failed to update Payment Gateway on PayLink
42294 remote Payment Gateway record not found remote Payment Gateway record not found
42295 Changing \Type\" is not allowed" Changing \Type\" is not allowed"
42296 Changing \Merchant ID\" is not allowed" Changing \Merchant ID\" is not allowed"
42297 Payment Gateway was successfully updated on PayLink Payment Gateway was successfully updated on PayLink
42300 VAT Code already exists VAT Code already exists
42301 Invalid State Invalid State
42302 Sales Tax successfully added Sales Tax successfully added
42350 Andmete kontrolli tulemused Data Verification
42351 Aruanne Report
42352 Tulemus Result
42353 ühtib matches
42354 ei ühti does not match
42365 Palun vali number 1 ja 31 vahel Please choose number between 1 and 31
42370 Export Failed - Export Failed -)
42371 Missing Supp. Inv. No. on Invoice: Missing Supp. Inv. No. on Invoice:
42372 Missing Bank Account on Invoice: Missing Bank Account on Invoice:
42373 Missing Branch Code on Bank Code record. Check Invoice: Missing Branch Code on Bank Code record. Check Invoice:
42385 #VAT# Report Sales (UAE #VAT# Report Sales (UAE)
42386 Standard rated supplies in Standard rated supplies in
42387 Amount Amount
42388 #VAT# Amount #VAT# Amount
42389 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi
42390 Fujairah Fujairah
42391 Sharjah Sharjah
42392 Dubai Dubai
42393 Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah
42394 Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain
42395 Ajman Ajman
42396 Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions
42397 Zero rated supplies Zero rated supplies
42399 Standard Rated Expenses Standard Rated Expenses
42400 Total #VAT# Payable Total #VAT# Payable
42401 Total value of recoverable tax for the period Total value of recoverable tax for the period
42402 Payable #VAT# for the period Payable #VAT# for the period
42415 Invalid report code. Check POS Button settings   Invalid report code. Check POS Button settings  
42416 Unable to parse response. Please try again Unable to parse response. Please try again
42417 Please Specify Report Code Please Specify Report Code
42418 Transaction Cancelled Transaction Cancelled
42419 Transaction Accepted Transaction Accepted
42420 Connecting Connecting
42421 Finalising Finalising
42422 Transaction Refered Transaction Refered
42423 Card Tapped Card Tapped
42424 Card Error. Re-insert card Card Error. Re-insert card
42425 Use Mag Swipe Use Mag Swipe
42426 Please Swipe Again Please Swipe Again
42427 Card Swiped Card Swiped
42428 Transaction Declined Transaction Declined
42429 Transaction Approved Transaction Approved
42430 Please Wait Please Wait
42431 Authorisation Code Can't be Empty Authorisation Code may not be blank
42432 Ainult kontaktid, kellel on E-arved aktiveeritud Only Customers with enabled E-Invoices
42440 Reconnecting Reconnecting
42450 I'm listening... I'm listening...
42451 Chat with Anna... Chat with Anna...
42452 Listen Listen
42465 PDV-S PDV-S
42475 ZP ZP
42480 Place of invoicing according to the VAT Regulations Place of invoicing according to the VAT Regulations
42481 Issuer information under the Companies Act Issuer information under the Companies Act
42482 Founder and person authorized to represent the company Founder and person authorized to represent the company
42483 Special tax on motor vehicles Special tax on motor vehicles
42484 Exempt from tax under article of law Exempt from tax under article of law
42485 Exempt from tax under Article 33, paragraph 3 of the Law on VAT Exempt from tax under Article 33, paragraph 3 of the Law on VAT
42486 Payment by invoice Payment by invoice
42487 Payment terms Payment terms
42500 Perioodilised kanded kuni väli ei tohi olla tühi #N/L# Accruals Until field may not be blank
42505 No Leave Application found. Please check Link Manager. No Leave Application found. Please check Link Manager.
42506 GMT Offset needs to be defined. Check Local Machine settings GMT Offset needs to be defined. Check Local Machine settings
42508 Activity Type is missing. Activity Type is missing.
42510 You have entered an invalid date You have entered an invalid date
42511 No date has been specified No date has been specified
42512 No API Key was specified or an invalid API Key was specified No API Key was specified or an invalid API Key was specified
42513 Monthly API request quota has been reached Monthly API request quota has been reached
42514 An invalid base currency has been entered An invalid base currency has been entered
42515 Exchange Rates successfully updated Exchange Rates successfully updated
42521 MTU MTU
42522 RIK aadressi päring RIK address request
42523 Nimi Name
42524 Reg.nr. Reg.num.
42525 KMKR.nr. VAT.nr.
42526 Staatus Status
42527 Aadress Address
42528 Päring ebaõnnestus Request failed
42529 Uuenda kõik andmed Update data
42530 Loo uus kontakt Create new contact
42531 Vaata kohustusi See details
42532 Aruandes kuvatakse maksimaalselt 100 vastet. Täpsusta otsingut! Showing maximum 100 results. Specify search request!
42533 Kokku: Total:
42534 Uuenda nime Update name
42535 Sisesta andmeid Insert data
42536 Loo järgmine uus kontakt Create next new contact
42537 Kontrolli kas teenus on aktiveeritud Check if service is activated in cloud settings
42538 Teenus on aktiveeritud. Palun teosta otsing uuesti. Service have been activated. Please make the search again in order to see the results.
42539 Palun võta ühendust meie tugiliiniga. Please contact our support line.
42540 Extra Cost cannot be added when moving a part of the batch. Full batch quantity = Extra Cost cannot be added when moving a part of the batch. Full batch quantity =
42551 User and Receiving company has to be specified User and Receiving company has to be specified
42555 SAF-T_Cash_Register_ SAF-T_Cash_Register_
42556 Päevaraha ei kuulu samale isikule Daily Allowance does not belong to the same person
42557 Läbisõit ei kuulu samale isikule #Mileage# does not belong to the same person
42560 All Soft Factors must have a rating All Soft Factors must have a rating
42565 Lähetus ei sisalda kõiki tellitud artikleid, Palun võta ühendusat kliendiga Delivery does not have all Ordered Items. Please contact customer
42570 Periood peab olema täisveerand Period must be a full quarter
42575 Record with Payment Method already exists Record with Payment Method already exists
42580 E-mailile ei saa lisada rohkem saatjaid Can't add more senders to mail
42581 E-maili saatjat ei saa muuta Can't change mail sender
42585 Invoice is Split VAT invoice, Split VAT column should be filled in Invoice is Split VAT invoice, Split VAT column should be filled in
42590 Missing Amazon WS Integration details Missing Amazon WS Integration details
42591 Host Host
42592 Seller ID Seller ID
42593 Key Marketplace ID
42594 AWS Access Key ID Failed to initialize
42595 Region Region
42670 Ainult üks deklaratsioon perioodi kohta saab olla defineeritud. Only one declaration can be defined per period
42680 Logimise statistika ajalugu History Logging Statistics
42681 Register Register
42682 Esimene sisenemine First Entry
42683 Viimane sisenemine Last Entry
42684 Loendaja Count
42685 Kokku: Total:
42686 Logimise aktiivsus Logging Active
42687 Jah Yes
42688 Ei No
42700 Missing eBay Integration details Missing eBay Integration details
42701 App ID App ID
42702 Cert ID Cert ID
42703 User Consent Expired. Re-authorise application in eBay Integration settings User Consent Expired. Grant Application Access again in eBay Integration settings
42704 Specify eBay Location Specify eBay Location
42705 Authorization Code request not found, please try again later Authorization Code request not found, please try again later
42706 Ebay Access Token received successfully Ebay Access Token received successfully
42710 Kogus puudu Quantity Missing
42720 Salvestamine... Recording...
42721 Peata Stop
42730 Server(id: Server(s):
42731 Järjekord: Queue(s):
42732 (ei ole ühendatud (not connected)
42733 (ühendamine (connecting)
42734 (ainultsissetulevad kõned (incoming calls only)
42735 Telefoni moodul ei ole sinu kasutaja jaoks seadistatud Telephony is not configured for your user
42736 Company cannot be blank Company cannot be blank
42736 Telefoni mooduli tugi ei ole saadaval, palun installeeri klientprogramm uuesti Company cannot be blank
42737 This client can't use telephony because the server is handling an externally configured Asterisk system This client can't use telephony because the server is handling an externally configured Asterisk system
42738 Telephony support not available because you are connected to a test system Telephony support not available because you are connected to a test system
42751 Koosta reserveeringud (aktsept. pakkumine esimesena Create Reservations (Accept Quotation) first
42752 Koosta reserveeringud (aktsept. pakkumine ja kinnita leping esimesena Create Reservations (Accept Quotation) and OK Agreement first
42753 Siselaomahakandmist ei ole kehtival rendilepingul There are no Items Out on the existing Rental Agreement
42754 Rendipakkumine ei kehti Rental Quotation not Valid
42760 eBay Offers eBay Offers
42761 Offer ID Offer ID
42762 SKU SKU
42763 Marketplace ID Marketplace ID
42764 Listing Status Listing Status
42765 Publish Offer Publish Offer
42766 Delete Offer Delete Offer
42767 Withdraw Offer Withdraw Offer
42780 Registered eBay Locations Registered eBay Locations
42781 Code Code
42782 Name Name
42783 Address Address
42784 Status Status
42785 Disable Location Disable Location
42786 Enable Location Enable Location
42787 Delete Location Delete Location
42788 Token has expired. New token requested, try again in few minutes Token has expired. New token requested, try again in few minutes
42790 Username or/and Password cannot be blank Username or/and Password cannot be blank
42791 Only one full month allowed Only one full month allowed
42792 Bank information missing on Company Info or Contact Card Bank information missing on Company Info or Contact Card
42793 Token cannot be blank Token cannot be blank
42794 Notes on the Additional Info Tile cannot be blank Notes on the Additional Info Tile cannot be blank
42795 Stocked and service type mixed on this record. You cannot have items of both type Stocked and service type mixed on this record. You cannot have items of both type
42796 Only one of those 3 has to be filled on the Contact card: Business Type, CNAE or CNAE SegmentCode One of those 3 has to be filled on the Contact card: Activity Sector, CNAE or CNAE SegmentCode
42797 Only one of those 3 has to be filled in the Company Info Setting: Business Type, CNAE or CNAE SegmentCode Only one of those 3 has to be filled in the Company Info Setting: Business Type, CNAE or CNAE SegmentCode
42798 Only 1 row allowed for invoices which include Service items Only 1 row allowed for invoices which include Service items
42799 Activity Sector, CNAE or CNAE Segmente Code cannot be blank Activity Sector, CNAE or CNAE Segmente Code cannot be blank
42800 KM ekspordi dokumendi tüüp ei ole lubatud VAT Export Document Type Not Allowed
42810 Check Amazon Submission Result Check Amazon Submission Result
42811 Submission ID Submission ID
42812 Status Code Status Code
42813 Processed Processed
42814 Successful Successful
42815 With Error With Error
42816 With Warning With Warning
42820 Vaikimisi klient on kasutuses, palun väli päris klient Defalt customer is in use, please select a real one
42830 Periood peab olema fiskaalaasta Period must be a fiscal year
42840 RIK info päring ei ole aktiveeritud RIK Data Request is not activated
42841 Peab olema aktiveeritud E-arve vastuvõtu staatuse päring. E-Invoice Receiving Status Request must be activated
42850 Specify Accruals Account Specify Accruals Account
42851 Konto: Account:
42852 Saldoaruandest N/L
42853 Amort. aruandest Depreciation report
42854 Erinevus Difference
42855 Määra põhivara konto Specify Assets Account
42856 N/L no simulation N/L no simulation
42857 N/L incl simulation N/L incl simulation
42858 Määra põhivara konto Specify Depreciations Account
42859 Personal Payments report Personnel Payment Statement
42860 Specify Personnel Payments account Specify Personnel Payments account
42861 Accruals Checking Report Accruals Checking Report
42862 Põhivara kontroll Asset Checking Report
42863 Depreciations Checking Report Depreciations Checking Report
42864 Personnel Payments Checking Report Periodic Personnel Checking
42865 Totals for month Totals for month
42866 Võrdlus % Reconcile %
42870 Document successfully stored with No. Document successfully stored with No.
42871 Failed to Authenticate. Check Setting Electronic #VAT# Declaration. Failed to Authenticate. Check Setting Electronic #VAT# Declaration.
42872 Request timed out. Please try again. Request timed out. Please try again.
42873 Check Tax System if your Login Credentials are correct and if the Token is allowed to be used with API Check Tax System if your Login Credentials are correct and if the Token is allowed to be used with API
42880 Payslips from Payspace Report Payslips from Payspace Report
42881 Year Year
42882 Month Month
42883 Specify year Specify year
42884 Specify month Specify month
42885 Employee Number Employee Number
42886 Period Period
42887 Payslip Id Payslip Id
42888 Income Income
42889 Qty Qty
42890 Deductions Deductions
42891 Contributions Contributions
42892 Amount Amount
42893 Total Total
42894 Company's Company's
42895 Net Pay Net Pay
42896 Create N/L Transaction Create N/L Transaction
42900 Close Test Contacts Report Close Test Contacts Report
42901 Classification Classification
42902 Code Code
42903 Name Name
42904 Category Category
42905 Subscription No. Subscription No.
42906 Close the above records Close the above records
42907 Subscription Transaction No. Subscription Transaction No.
42910 Delete Test/Not Removeable Contacts Report Delete Test/Not Removeable Contacts Report
42911 Contacts including: & "TOBEREMOVED" & " and "  & "CANNOT BE REMOVED" Contacts including:  & "TOBEREMOVED" & " and "  & "CANNOT BE REMOVED"
42912 All Subscriptions linked to non-existing Contacts All Subscriptions linked to non-existing Contacts
42913 All Subscriptions Transaction linked to non-existing Contacts All Subscriptions Transaction linked to non-existing Contacts
42914 Delete the above records Delete the above records
42920 Valid Asterisk User Name may only contain letters a-z, underscore (_, numbers 0-9, and must begin with a letter Valid Asterisk User Name may only contain letters a-z, underscore (_), numbers 0-9, and must begin with a letter
42930 #VAT# Report (Malaysia #VAT# Report (Malaysia)
42931 Tax Code Tax Code
42932 No. No.
42933 Item Code Item Code
42934 Description Description
42935 Record No. Record No.
42936 Amount Amount
42937 Tax Amount Tax Amount
42938 Total Total
42939 Tariff Code Tariff Code
42940 Invoice Invoice
42941 Credit Note Credit Note
42950 #Supplier# is not #VAT# registered #Supplier# is not #VAT# registered
42955 Restaurant fully booked Restaurant fully booked
42956 Too many covers for the table Too many covers for the table
42960 Fill in API Id Fill in API Id
42961 Fill in API Key Fill in API Key
42962 Fill in the date Fill in the date
42963 Fill in Bank Provider Fill in Bank Provider
42964 Fill in Bank Password Fill in Bank Password
42965 Fill in Bank Login Fill in Bank Login
42966 Fill in Account number Fill in Account number
42967 Account Number Account Number
42968 Currency Currency
42969 Available Funds Available Funds
42970 Account Balance Account Balance
42971 emSzmal Accounts List Report emSzmal Accounts List Report
42972 Date range can be max. 7 days Date range can be max. 7 days
42973 Account transactions imported to Bank Transaction Register Account transactions imported to Bank Transaction Register
42974 Reply is blank Reply is blank
42975 Authentication failed Authentication failed
42976 Start date cannot be older then 30 days from today Start date cannot be older then 30 days from today
42985 One checkbox has to be specified One checkbox has to be specified
42986 One export at the time One export at the time
43000 Order number may not be blank Order number may not be blank
43001 Error in configuration, check iBrain Secret Error in configuration, check iBrain Secret
43002 Error in configuration, check Apple ShipTo Error in configuration, check Apple ShipTo
43003 iBrain Error iBrain Error
43004 Service Order already exists, skipping Service Order already exists, skipping
43005 while creating Contact while creating Contact
43006 while creating Service Order while creating Service Order
43007 while creating Item while creating Item
43008 iBrain iBrain
43009 All Service Orders were successfully imported All Service Orders were successfully imported
43010 iBrain Apple Service Provider doesn't exist. Check Number Series - iBrain Service Orders iBrain Apple Service Provider doesn't exist. Check Number Series - iBrain Service Orders
43011 Nothing was imported. Either there is no new Service Orders or iBrain is incorrectly configured Nothing was imported. Either there is no new Service Orders or iBrain is incorrectly configured
43020 Perioodi alguse kuupäev ei saa olla hilisem kui lõpu kuupäev Period Start date cannot be later than Period End Date
43030 Subscribe to Data Security Plan level 3 or 4 to enable Database Copy feature. Subscribe to Data Security Plan level 3 or 4 to enable Database Copy feature.
43050 Subscription Changes Subscription Changes
43051 Including All Companies Including All Companies
43052 New Subs. (yearly New Subs. (yearly)
43053 Ending Subs. (yearly Ending Subs. (yearly)
43054 Summary Summary
43055 Company Company
43056 Show Show
43057 Values in EUR Values in EUR
43058 Net Change Net Change
43060 Exclude Companies Exclude Companies
43061 Contract Worth Contract Worth
43070 Payment Urgency for this Payment Channel is not allowed Payment Urgency for this Payment Channel is not allowed
43071 Not allowed to mix Payment Channels on same Payment Not allowed to mix Payment Channels on same Payment
43080 Maximum Contract for this bank is 8 characters Maximum Contract for this bank is 8 characters
43090 Trainer and Shadower cannot be the same Trainer and Shadower cannot be the same
43091 Trainer/Shadower cannot be the same as Employee Trainer/Shadower cannot be the same as Employee
43095 Employee Training Report Employee Training Report
43096 Topic Topic
43097 Status Status
43098 Training Plan Training Plan
43099 Employee Employee
43100 Training Date Training Date
43101 Training Time Start Time
43102 Trainer Trainer
43103 Shadower Shadower
43104 End Time End Time
43105 Comment Comment
43106 Description Description
43110 Rental Quotation No. Rental Quotation No.
43120 #VAT# Report (Norway #VAT# Report (Norway)
43121 Code Code
43122 Description Description
43123 Base Amount Base Amount
43124 #VAT# % #VAT# %
43125 #VAT# Amount #VAT# Amount
43126 #VAT# Receivable #VAT# Receivable
43127 #VAT# Payable #VAT# Payable
43135 Invoice Classifications Report Invoice Classifications Report
43136 Exclude Invoices with Invoice Classifications Exclude Invoices with Invoice Classifications
43137 Invoice No. Invoice No.
43138 Invoice Classifications Invoice Classifications
43139 Invoice Invoice
43150 Room is closed Room is closed
43155 Error during submission, check log for more details Error during submission, check log for more details
43156 Internal Server Error, check log for more details Internal Server Error, check log for more details
43160 Account email missing Account email missing
43161 Account name missing Account name missing
43162 Name doesn't match format Name doesn't match format
43163 Country Code missing in Company Info Setting Country Code missing in Company Info Setting
43164 VAT Reg. No. missing in Company Info Setting VAT Reg. No. missing in Company Info Setting
43165 Request failed Request failed
43166 You need to agree with Terms & Conditions first You need to agree with Terms & Conditions first
43167 ApiId/ApiToken not received - ApiId/ApiToken not received -
43168 Data from CostPocket received succesfully Data from CostPocket received succesfully
43169 ApiId/ApiToken cannot be blank ApiId/ApiToken cannot be blank
43170 No new receipts to be imported from CostPocket No new receipts to be imported from CostPocket
43171 Unsubscribed successfully Unsubscribed successfully
43172 Subscribed successfully Subscribed successfully
43173 Country Code must not be longer then 2 characters. Use ISO Code field for ISO-2 Country Code Country Code must not be longer then 2 characters. Use ISO Code field for ISO-2 Country Code
43175 Uruguayan Purchase #VAT# Uruguayan Purchase #VAT#
43176 Uruguayan Sales #VAT# Uruguayan Sales #VAT#
43180 Default #Supplier# missing in #Purchase Invoice# Settings Default #Supplier# missing in #Purchase Invoice# Settings
43185 Invoice queued for registering with DGI Invoice queued for registering with DGI
43186 This invoice cannot be registered with DGI This invoice cannot be registered with DGI
43187 Taface parameter may not be blank Taface parameter may not be blank
43188 Taface Company Name may not be blank Taface Company Name may not be blank
43200 Production Order was not found, create one first Production Order was not found, create one first
43201 Cost Price updated Cost Price updated
43210 M //Male //!!TRANSLATE M //Male
43211 F //Female //!!TRANSLATE F //Female
43215 Exclude Room Type Exclude Room Type
43216 Only Include Room Type Only Include Room Type
43220 Activity Activity
43221 Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal
43222 Leave Apllication No. Leave Apllication No.
43223 Soft Factor Soft Factor
43224 Employee Status Employee Status
43225 Employee Employee
43226 Date Date
43227 Person Person
43228 Start Date Start Date
43229 End Date End Date
43230 Days Days
43231 Comment Comment
43232 Period Period
43235 created created
43236 Bank Transactions Bank Transactions
43237 Transactions Transactions
43240 Project Activity Listing Project Activity Listing
43241 Supervisor Supervisor
43242 State State
43243 Type Type
43244 Total for Total for
43245 Total for State Total for State
43246 Display Groups Display Groups
43250 Checklist Points Report Checklist Points Report
43251 Checklist Type Checklist Type
43252 Checklist Point Checklist Point
43253 Training Plan Training Plan
43254 Employee//ok //!!TRANSLATE Employee//ok
43255 Status Status
43256 Person Responsible Person Responsible
43257 No. No.
43258 Name Name
43259 Comment Comment
43260 Date Completed Date Completed
43261 Induction Induction
43262 Termination Termination
43263 Other Other
43264 Reminder Reminder
43265 Checklist Checklist
43266 Check Link Manager Check Link Manager
43270 Payroll Setting missing Accounts Payroll Setting missing Accounts
43275 No link to be retrieved No link to be retrieved
43290 Seadistused puuduvad, kontrolli QuickBooks saldo impordi seadistusi Settings missing, check QuickBooks Balance Import Settings
43300 Kontrollimisel kanded Transactions to Investigate
43310 Current Balance Current Balance
43315 Username and Password cannot be blank Username and Password cannot be blank
43320 Integration not enabled Integration not enabled
43321 Host cannot be blank Host cannot be blank
43322 Username cannot be blank Username cannot be blank
43323 Password cannot be blank Password cannot be blank
43324 Default Product Group cannot be blank Default Product Group cannot be blank
43340 Agent rooms update on NightsBridge successfully updated Agent rooms update on NightsBridge successfully updated
43341 Agent rooms update on NightsBridge failed Agent rooms update on NightsBridge failed
43342 Failed, reply is blank Failed, reply is blank
43350 Issue Tracking Changes Report Issue Tracking Changes Report
43351 Project Project
43352 Supervisor Supervisor
43353 Current State Current State
43354 Number of Activities Number of Activities
43355 New Bugs New Bugs
43356 Verified Bugs Verified Bugs
43357 Tested Bugs Tested Bugs
43358 New Wishes New Wishes
43359 Tested Wishes Tested Wishes
43360 Display Groups Display Groups
43365 Integration not enabled Integration not enabled
43366 Client ID cannot be blank Client ID cannot be blank
43367 Client Secret cannot be blank Client Secret cannot be blank
43368 User cannot be blank User cannot be blank
43369 Invoice is not overdue yet Invoice is not overdue yet
43380 Empty response Empty response
43381 Certificate generated and retrieved successfully Certificate generated and retrieved successfully
43390 Kuupäeva formaadis on lubatud kasutada ainult YY, YYYY, MM või DD Date format should be entered only using YY, YYYY, MM and DD
43391 Seerianumbri pikkus on liiga lühike Serial Number Length too short
43400 Tootmise nr. Production No.
43401 Alguskp. Start Date
43402 Lõppkp. End Date
43403 Artikkel Item Code
43404 Nimetus Description
43405 Sisse In-Qty
43406 Välja Out-Qty
43407 Mat.kulu I-Cost
43410 Nr. S/PROD
43411 Kommentaar Comment
43412 Tootm.tell. Prod.Order
43413 Kogus Qty
43414 Tegelik kogus Actual Qty
43415 Hetkeseis Status
43416 Kirjeldus Description
43418 Rea FIFO Row FIFO
43419 Koostatud Created
43420 Alustatud Started
43421 Lõpetatud Finished
43422 Tühistatud Cancelled
43423 Lõpetatud, aga loobutud Finished but Discarded
43424 Tootmise operatsioonide nimekiri Production Operations Journal
43425 Tootmistellimus Production Order
43426 Tootmine Production
43430 Leidub lõpetatud tootmise operatsioon Finished Production Operations exist
43440 Person Type Person Type
43441 #VAT# Reg No. #VAT# Reg No.
43442 Reg. No. Reg. No.
43443 Supplier Supplier
43444 Supplier Inv. No. Supplier Inv. No.
43445 Inv. Date Inv. Date
43446 Classification Classification
43447 Purchases Purchases
43448 Total Amount Total Amount
43449 Total #VAT# Total #VAT#
43450 The period must define either a single month, a calendar quarter or full calendar year. The period must define either a single month, a calendar quarter or full calendar year.
43451 Invoice No. Invoice No.
43452 Invoice Type Invoice Type
43453 Invoice Date Invoice Date
43454 Emission Type Emission Type
43455 Branch Branch
43456 Serie Serie
43457 Document Type Document Type
43458 #VAT Reg. No.# #VAT Reg. No.#
43459 Reg. No. Reg. No.
43460 Company Name Company Name
43461 Customer #VAT# Reg No. Customer #VAT# Reg No.
43462 Customer Name Customer Name
43463 Passport Number Passport Number
43464 Foreign Country Foreign Country
43465 Items Total Items Total
43467 ISC #VAT# ISC #VAT#
43468 Total #VAT# Total #VAT#
43469 Invoice Total Invoice Total
43470 #VAT# Correction #PL# for invoice #VAT# Correction #PL# for invoice
43471 #VAT# Correction #SL# for invoice #VAT# Correction #SL# for invoice
43472 Internal invoice Internal invoice
43480 Bank Code missing Bank Code missing
43481 Unable to revoke access, bank account is not authorised Unable to revoke access, bank account is not authorised
43482 Unable to revoke access, no active consent found Unable to revoke access, no active consent found
43483 Authorisation Consent Revoked Authorisation Consent Revoked  
43484 Payment Mode not found Payment Mode not found  
43485 No authorised accounts found No authorised accounts found  
43486 The institution rejected the call due to insufficient rights. Please re-authorise The institution rejected the call due to insufficient rights. Please re-authorise  
43487 Authorisation not active for selected account Authorisation not active for selected account  
43500 Contract must be accepted before it can be OKed Contract must be accepted before it can be OKed
310001 Language not defined in the Languages on Web setting:   Language not defined in the Languages on Web setting: